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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  March 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm CET

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much cost things trace amounts, but it's still actually about mills join us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. no need to talk about justice subscriber id, listen to paul. gosh, that will take you along to the right. the no, no, my name is oliver home and i'm a gymnast. and unfortunately, i've broken my heart. that's hard to understand. he did a real good job. he break those bones in the middle of his floor on the parking lot . today on dw, his health show how the doctors treat a complex fracture. so oliver can go right back to school, plus y exercises key to healthy bones, but can also damage tendons and joints. and we'll join oliver when the metal nails are removed from his arm pouch. welcome in good shape. i'm sure it won't
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hurt the from the tip about toes to the top of the head. phones give us structure and stability and help protect the organ, such as the whole, lungs and drain. an adult skeleton is usually made up of $206.00 bones and up to $52.00 t's. the longest bone is the fema all side, but it's also one of the strongest able to base 30 times our own body ways. it's a tough of steel, joins particularly the bones, so we can move bull and suck at joints to allow movement in many directions. this subject to enormous women. still, they often serve us well far into old age,
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and usually work phone longer than artificial replacements. some bones upon is about sensory organs. the 3 smallest bones are in the middle and they transmit vibrations caused by sound waves from the edge. i'm to the in it. yeah. phones are living organs and made up the various pods they covered in the membrane called the perio stem. it contains blood vessels and the 5 is so insensitive to pain the next day it is the compact bone off to that comes to cancel this by. ready it's lights and chorus, a bit like a honeycomb and provide structural suppose the space is often filled with myra. most region omero. the red kind is may need to be found in the menu, the re cavity. the cavity well equipped with blood vessels is where red marrow creates new blood cells. we need billions each day. and young children overtime arrow is rate because they need for new blood is high. and adults,
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red marrow is only found in a few bones, mainly the vertebra rips, breastbone and po. this calcium is the main components about bones, so we need to get enough of it. otherwise they become weak and personal. we also need magnesium and vitamin d. c. good calcium circulating in the blood into bones. both exercise and impact are important for maintaining bone density and health. every step you take and o $63.00. 64 are needed. disrupt your shoulders, but we don't notice any of that in everyday life. unless we break about in an accident or doing intense physical activity, this can often happen with contact sports as well as skiing, riding, or aerobics. plaster or a support bandages use to set the bone to ensure that grows back together, properly, screws name. those or plates might also be necessary while healing can take months
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. and adults, fractures and children often feel very quickly. all a who we met earlier broke his arm when he fell from the far end gymnastics to stabilize that he had nails inserted into the phone. now it's time to have them remove the metal splints and all these 4 arms run right to the center of the broken bones medium. find it. in this case the child is a bit older and has to go to school. so he needs to be able to move his own company to that's why we using incremental re splintering, get this. this involves titanium nails, that we search the i'm for the patient, and then lose the live again, right? the next day or the day after, initially with slight pain, but you can already use it as long as he doesn't put too much weight on 800, you know, just from the, to the notes in the he's finished the last today ali is going to have the titanium splints removed, it's a minor procedure and he won't even have to stay overnight in hospital all quite
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different from when he 1st had his accident or asthma. that day i came to hospital by ambulance. we were allowed to overtake everyone that not by my mom was with me, but dad had to wait. bob, going through red traffic lights with cool. it's really cool. patient is who is today the doctors prepare a special anesthetic for all the for the occlusal. we have a flavored on acetic. do you want vanilla chocolate? oh, store break. yeah. bad. yeah. strawberry ali even gets to apply the flavor himself with a strawberry pen. he just passed a draw on the inside of his breathing mask. an extra portion. one keeps the thinkin now breathing the aroma of strawberries
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only drifts off to sleep. dreaming of strawberry fields, the shooting noise. pulling out the titanium nails is no walk in the park for the surgeon the, there's some movement, productive, dry, soft air now needs it to with more leverage and still she needs plenty of muscle power. it's, we means way, st. fully. the 2nd rod comes out more easily no need to go to the gym today. the 2 wounds just need to be stitched up.
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6 the vin for ali, it's off to the recovery room. the, the well i'll use left just slowly come around. dr. draw soft air has already moved on. she's now operating on a little girl with a hernia. a short while later, there's a wake up, treat for avi. dr . glass, what day i dropped, spiked to see her young patient. what did i promise to bring in? bring the now. yes to the look how big they are, of course and oh, they are green. my nails the la, creepy track,
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but they are not sleepy allison to you all. i made the following day ali returns for a checkup dad for straightens his hair for the big occasion today . i'm going to show grand dad my niels and take them to school. okay. i'm going to, i can show my friends, i try and kind of sort of cook, you know, to nails come into, sounded like christmas. that's why they've been shows into the box and on my own looks a bit funny. this, your commercials. why funny? because oh it's orange. hey, we gave it a nice color. that's true. questions. me know. requests. not really awesome you did well. thank you. i'm sure that's our little secret. your dentist will be happy and but since you want to see the x ray,
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your yes. ali will now be able to tell his schoolmates all about the nails that were in his arm. what should you do if you think someone's broken up? don't move the patient or try to put the broken lim back into position to the pain is severe coolant with wet cloth cover and open fracture with a wound dressing and call an ambulance and the elderly phone sometimes break easily after a slight fall or not. that's what happened to monkwood. so you know, you might be thinking, i don't need to know this. i'm not that old yet, but that's precisely why you need to hear margaret story now and not wait till it's too late. margaret, so i could take special care when she's out walking. she consciously focuses on every step. that's not only because of the visual impairment that she's had since
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this. it's mainly because 6 months ago, the 63 year old had a bus full. she landed on her shoulder know be didn't. uh huh. i self boards and onto my side. it was excruciating. my husband wanted to help me up, but i said, i can't we sent me home. do you have to call an ambulance? there's no other way. in the hospital it's soon image that she had a complex fracture. her upper right arm wasn't just dislocated. the entire bone structure was smashed. this was no ordinary break. trauma surgeons funds you over to and stuff and same as you often see. cases like this. when bones break this easily and this badly, the question arises whether it's because they've become weak and brittle. the condition is known as osteoporosis and results from a loss of bone mass and bone density. actions and patients are completely unaware of that because of the o promotions. he doesn't display any symptoms and it doesn't hurt to until the
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fracture occurs in over 50 percent of our patients here are still processing is responsible for the fracture and canal symbol to but not didn't question even when there's a fracture like this. doctors don't look for the cause for us to process the. they operate help the patient and then send them home cured. so just the key in the sense, but nobody looks at the cause of the fracture. why not? it was up at the school school kind of margaret, so it can underwent surgery of the food. it wasn't possible to save the joint. so she was given a prosthesis. 3 months after the operation, she was able to move um, well again, she was also lucky because the doctors immediately informed to that i'll see a process of likely cause the break. my bones have also been damaged by medication that she has to take because of an early a lung transplant. when she understood the clear difference between healthy bones and bones with osteoporosis, she was shocked. obviously, definitely, i thought,
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surely my phones don't look like that already. i still can't get my head around it to condone my bones haven't held out, like i thought they would be smith folks that don't sizes. the primary cause of osteoporosis is aging, especially in women hormone no changes. both the environmental polls caused the bones to lose density. and become more fragile. this also effects by metabolism. bone is low, slow, quickly, then it can be replaced. the bones become porous and brittle in the spine and try it there to break and simply collapse this complaint. but it was to pull the problem with osteoporosis, is that patients are not aware of the consequences. people need to be informed that after the 1st fracture, there's a high risk they'll break more bones to for, for patients with osteoporosis also died earlier than patients without it. studies
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have proven that was, and osteoporosis along with the associated bone fractures, has a dramatic impact on patients' lives and schools of despite the partition. especially because many patients are not properly informed. they don't realize what risks that are associated with bone loss. and sometimes the problem is simply ignored this, this attempting team, the whole subject is definitely tempt to osteoporosis, is often associated with old age. and there aren't many people who are keen on getting old. and so, of course, and so that means they couldn't possibly have osteoporosis because that would involve admitting they're no longer so young, so they consume cannot so good at the 100 and of university medical center phones specialist i've all home deals with complex cases almost every day. often nothing has been done to combat bone loss. he hopes that will change a gift store during the biscuits side. studies show that it will cost you a promotion as can be diagnosed in hospital. it's immediately accepted into
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treatment follows kimball. and we know that if we treat osteoporosis, patients, we can prevent more than half of the fractures that would otherwise occur when, when you're buying a fracture, liaison surveys and shoes. and you patients with a broken bone or examined solstio, bruce as well. still in hospital, a study has highlighted how often older patients who suffer fools are affected by the condition you study on it. again, the studies show that around 80 percent of the patients tested heads of milder severe osteoporosis. we advise them to change their lifestyle. we prescribe a calcium which diet and medication were necessary to fall in love it. so it gets case tests confirmed osteoporosis. she now has to change a diet and will receive medication for wine. i'll treat my bones with care. no more falls margaret. so it is determined to strengthen and protect type things,
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to keep osteoporosis at bay and remain fits for as long as possible. we imagined about fines. technology that's like dw signs is now on take talk. what do? why do gravitational ways that that is when did people begin getting high and laughing gas out? the drums boogie to the beads and what's the pass that the kids football find? find the on says gets most c w science. oh, new tick, tock channel. ringback if you want to have strong bones right into old age and avoid osteoporosis, 2 things are important. why you're still young care to guess? yep. exercise and nutrition. sodas ready made meals, potato chips,
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fast food sausages. they might taste good, but they're back. they all contain phosphate, too much phosphate can leech, kelsey, amount of your bones, text us phosphate also prevents the intestine from drawing calcium from your food. it was long thought that coffee also reduces calcium levels, but 3 or 4 cups a day are no problem. and of course, not everything we arms are both. on the contrary. here in the city of mag to berg, doctor and nutrition expert co meisner is on the lookout for foods that helped promote healthy bones. thankfully, that can be found most anywhere. eating well is not complicated, that's the case. i recommend a very diet of things you enjoy, but it's worth knowing which foods origin, calcium, and therefore improve of bone metabolism in strength. calcium is the ultimate bone building material. it's not contained in all vegetables,
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but broccoli and leafy greens like kill, are especially rich in counts. this is another good source, dairy products, like milk and cheese. hard cheeses are especially good i. they're real calcium bonds, highly recommended of in my book. but as we get older, maybe we can no longer tolerate black toast. an alternative here is calcium rich mineral water. that's why you just have to check the label of the water with at least $150.00 milligrams of calcium per liter is what you're looking for. so finding calcium rich foods shouldn't be difficult. but is there such a thing as too much calcium? because it's always cool on the outs, if you have a balance, die it with natural products. you won't overdose on calcium up. but if you take calcium supplements, you should be careful. you don't take more than 2000 milligrams a day,
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but they come on talk me suppose to buy them. the 2nd important building block for our bones is vitamin d, which we get from exposure to the sun. but oil efficient like salmon herring or it will also contain the vitamin. so there, especially good in the darker months of the year. and the one about me or the carnivores amongst us doing our bones of fever or not as a bicycle to know yes, meet once or twice a week is a part of a balanced diet. if it's rich in protein and we need protein to increase calcium absorption. okay? so it's also important for our bone metabolism and that show to prevent osteoporosis and strengthen your bones opt for a varied and balanced diet. as we heard our bones need vitamin d, the sunshine, vitamin, how much sun you need depends on your skin type and where do you live exercises?
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also keep our bones are pushed and polls which stimulates the growth of bones. so that's especially true of sports that involve jumping and running, but that's also where you need to take special care handles as one of the highest injury rates of 4 boys. sports. the injuries are especially comments. humble is a context, bolts, balls, paste, and play is a constantly changing direction. stuff on huffman has been a coach the to use our and also has many years of experience as a play it himself, it's awfully, it's caught a country and just typical situation where injury can occur is when the player throws the ball. because while jumping at the same time, she might complete the throw, but the opponent marking her is in physical contact with her. and so she loses her balance in the air. and the landing is then relatively uncontrolled when j
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t like those things done a lot seen when coordinates start in the worst case scenario. this can lead to a tool increase shape ligament. that's a nightmare for any athlete, because it involves a lot of time out. often and operation on grooming pain at the gym and spoil university cologne like testing and kevin bill or researching how to prevent injuries, to the cruciate ligament in order to understand exactly how and when this injury it cuz they examine the movements of 51 female handle players, they attach market to the names and then created a 3 d pass and have them movements. special platforms in the floor provided the data on the force of impact. the 3 d analysis was designed to measure the impact on the after the nice. how much did we looked at the stress on the need joining in particular the external in the abduction moment. this is the force that acts
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laterally on the outside of the knee and can potentially cause the new joint to collapse in words which can lead to cruciate, ligament injuries and come come. this volt scientist found the need joint stress increases when players receive the bowl. i know attached by an opponent, but that doesn't have to be the case. the reset show that she has minimal changes to the way the play and moves. for example, when placing the foot on the ground, when landing can reduce the strain on the d. c. yes, dr. beasen, in addition to moving in a way that reduces the impact within the appropriate training, can also reduce the risk of injury. on today the team is demonstrating exercises that can help prevent injury and can also be done at home to help strengthen your needs. and they begin with a simple mobility exercise may be thought about to important that you keep your
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head on the floor and keep both shoulder blades flat on the floor. important guns lock open. and the next exercise starts with a big lunch fluid. and it's important that they need remains about $5.00 to $10.00 centimeters above the floor to me, or send me and for a trip form a line. and then we take both hands and place them flat next to the front leg nibble these aspire. this exercise, not only requires strength, but also balance throughout the body. the lunch should be repeated 5 times on each side. this is what this enabled these are exercises that are not specific to one sports and 5, they're good for anyone who's moving around a lot, especially where you keep changing direction. just like even say it doesn't have to be for someone who does a lot of support. but anyone with difficulties with their legs in any way or like strength and their legs, anything they can benefit from this kind of a gentle exercise. i still do
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a bullying and deem device. you're always always the same for like a shift. okay ma'am. okay, that's it for today. thank you. if hand ball isn't your thing, you could go jogging. instead it could be really good for strengthening bones. and if you're careful not to overdo it, you won't damage your joints. running is as old as humanity, but it's important to increase your pace and distance bit by bit so that your bones, cartilage and ligaments have a chance to adapt. if you're a beginner, we recommend slow jogging sport easily. von neumann burger's passion. she specializes in trap line, but she also gives coaching in a very different kind of sport. slow jogging the slow choking habits. i fine with slow jogging. i can just focus on myself while reading this is it's not this constant focused on high a foster the so it's simply being able to enjoy the run. and so con yvonne during
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burger shows a group of beginners, how slow jogging works. it's different from conventional jogging and is easy on the joints. the key is how you place your foot on the ground with each step. and my client would take small steps of land on the middle of the set and then touch the ground with the hill on and off in florida. that's the main thing we slow jogging, is all about, is that it now the right fit and blindly the front and then down to the bottom. very nice. now they've got the technique. the next thing is the right frequency. with slow jogging, you take lots of small steps around a $180.00 per minute. and i told each be just one step. have a listen. i'll see if you can keep up. i'll be the soft. i'm. that's it. they're ready to go. speaker, head, shoulders and hips should be aligned with an upright pastor and the back as straight as possible. slow jogging is suitable for everyone,
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but it's especially recommended for people with hip coordinate problems. slow talking is so alum and slow jogging is good, but anyone who wants to get locked into exercising again, who would like to start exercising a whole lot and wants something they can enjoy and have a bit of fun with way to provide. so it's boyish of the same spots, have parents with simone heads up the sports medicine department at the hottest gutenberg university in mines. he spent years working in this field and studying how movement effects the human body. piece of slow jogging has a positive effect. slow joking, low jogging, includes a phase where you leave the ground to this means you know there's impact on the bones, fix, and our bones need that to stay healthy and prevent osteoporosis. for example, the approval is that so for those who wants to protect their joints, still do something for their cardiovascular system. phones in general, well,
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being slow jogging offers a gentler alternative to regular run it no matter how much you enjoy your slow jogging. don't overdo it. and make sure you're back in time to catch the next step is owed in good shape to you that the, the, the
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this is the w news live from the land and of a saw warning about gauze of starving and civilians. 100 percent of the population in gaza is at severe levels of acute food and security. as is ready, forces power on the 3rd tree and find a new offensive both washington as the un say, gardens are already facing a hunger catastrophe. also coming up on the program, a saw the blows of freedom in hong kong, solomon to prove a staging back national security little that gives the government even more pallets of cost to cents in the territory. previous attempts to policy it will match with
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mass price.


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