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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 19, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the land and now the salt warning about gauze solving and civilians. 100 percent of the population in gaza is at severe levels of acute food and security. as is rating forces, power in the territory and plant a new offensive. both washington as the un say, gardens are already facing a hunger catastrophe. also coming up on the program of the blows of freedom in hong kong, parliament approves a staging back national security little. but gives the government even more pallets of cost to cents in the territory previous attempts to pull up that match with mass
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protest, the menu hips mccain and thank you for being with us. the us has won the but all of gaza is facing starvation. secretary of state and sleep, lincoln made the remarks as he prepared to head back to the middle east. he'll be missing top officials and saudi arabia and egypt, and the hope of brokering a ceasefire and ramping up a deliveries to gauze. a 100 percent of the population and gaza is that severe levels of acute food and security. that's the 1st time an entire population has been so classified. we also see again, according to this case, the united nations, a 100 percent. the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance
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. a blank who was referring that to a new un back suit security assessments. that one's hoff of gauze is a now experiencing catastrophic hunger. and the famine could hit the new soon. it's a deliveries on north immediately increased has been growing on these among israel's allies about the human cost of its war against from us, which began off to the radical islamist groups terror attack on october, the 7th. huge crowds of guys and gather to receive aid at the shelter run by the united nations agency for palestinian refugees amid in increasing hunger crisis and the gaza strip, where aid has only been trickling in since the beginning of the war. the people are dying. we are asking the era people to press for a ceasefire, and so we are exhausted and dying. the united nations has published and the latest
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report warning that causes on the brink of famine, the you in humanitarian coordinator and gaza says that he's working with israel to open up more land routes for 8 shipments. as soon as the goods come in, the 200 drops a day or whatever the case may be, is not enough to satisfy the, the, the numbers that we have to address. and so as soon as goods come in, they don't get stored anywhere very for very long unless we can, to significant supply increases into those areas. those people who can shop catastrophic levels of the amount nutrition or food insecurity will add face. we will see these problems the use top diplomat, joseph bro. believe israel is using famine as a weapon of war in gaza. we on no long down on the being of, i mean, we are in a state or funding affecting was enough people as we can not stand by and watch for this, do you need to stop what that will be going to do because
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this is this for me and is not a natural disaster. it's not a flaw. there's not that his wake is entirely mine made my home mess. they have to say it. my home. well, in each shipment arrived in garza from cypress and some countries have sponsored air drops. agencies say that this is nowhere near enough and cannot replace the aid delivered via land crossings for dozens of humanitarian aid trucks, a weight permission to reach people in gaza. i spoke earlier with has an blue shirt drawn list who was based in gauze or in the 1st months of the war he's now in amman . and i asked him if palestinians believe that the pressure on israel will lead to the opening of moorland crossings. a very disparate and disappointed from old
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authorities, palestinians, international arabs, and every day that and all reports, you'd see that people are blaming everybody for the crises that they are living. and they don't think that any pressure would make any change on the energy sports. it's important i would say that the, the international pressure made to made some food to continue entering garza and, and there's a limitation of tides and the quantities. there is a level of prices, the crisis with the on oh uh the price is about the crossings and inspecting and scanning the trucks. and these were 80 signs. and there was a exponent of allowing some food from a gates between as well and goes us to wrap and, and then the last and last week, but with the am drops and it's still, the crisis is there, but it helps. but people in goals believe that it's not enough. mm hm. that's being
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reports of loosing of people being killed while trying to reach a deliveries. can you describe how difficult have dangerous it is? the goal is to, to try and get that hands on the 8 that does make it into gaza. as long as there is no, no one on the in, in garza then as well is, um, is this, it destroyed all the entities that them belong to? the new one or the lake police and the other is, uh there was no me can, is in uh to distribute the fluid mainly in the north for that to be people were very and in the brink of starvation and famine, and they were gathering at a certain point in the cool way to round about and that will see roundabouts in the, the, the, the western side of the city waiting for the trucks to come in. and it's very risky and very dangerous where the paint is where easy things are. so they,
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they jump on the tanks which was very limited number of flour and to get some of them are killed according to the reports by, by shooting some with the, with the round being. and i'm sitting up or by uh, you know, uh, the pushing and, and so people don't, didn't know that recently. and the reason 2 days that there was more organized trucks loads like a right to some certain areas. but some reports that you know from y'all's like coming that the police police officers were in charge of organizing and accused, or the trucks where we have targeted and killed me, has them to what extent has the a that has reached garza via ad drops by sea to what extent has that brought any relief to the people the well, it's a it's, it's a, it's a bullying. does a believe it's a gift? sure. we are talking about a very limited number off of air drops 200
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a day in a place that in open mouth is and there is a deep starvation there. and the people in need of, of food for a long time. and it's not easy for, for, for everybody it dropped in certain areas, not the whole. people can go and jump. then people rush to the area who will be there fast to can get the others wouldn't. as long as there was no low in order in the area, so who stronger can get so what about that the, you know women, children sick people. they can't get anything. so in drops, wasn't distribution for, for the, for the crisis, specially in the north. uh, because because of the, the ad, the quantities, the qualities and the way off people and getting it to unless housing talisha
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reporting from a mine husband. thanks so much for your insights. the us president joe biden has repeated his concerns to the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu of israel's plans for ground offensive and rough. uh, it was the 1st phone call in a month, around one and a half 1000000 people are sheltering and rough up, which is the main entry point for aid. nothing you know who approved plans for ground operation the last week. meanwhile, and goal is to see israel has again attacked the oci. so hospital complex, it says it killed a top. come off, come on to the house, the w correspondent, tanya, excitement who's in jerusalem, whether it's ro is likely to. but given these significant pressure coming and now from the us, i was think it's too early to tell. i mean we've been hearing a prime minister benjamin netanyahu or repeated to you. and the last time was on sunday to start as the coming the meeting saying that is where needs to go into
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rafa. they need to destroy those remaining homeless battalions as the prime minister has set it now for several weeks in order to achieve that goal. to remove from us from power and you also said whoever tries to prevented would not, you know, allow israel a to achieve this goal. so this has become a bit of a public back and forth between the us administration and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, especially also know that more these tensions between us presidential biden and an attorney on how to go forward. now, we're expecting now a delegation of and is really delegation going to discuss as a, to bind to a tentative approaches to an operation in russell. so you know here is specular. that could mean that the americans might ask for more targeted operations instead of a full ground invasion as the right to reset the over 1000000 people up to 1500000
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people showing in rough of that have been displaced multiple times. it's not going into the 6 months of this war. and although israel has set a, there is a creation plans. nobody really knows how all these people would be evacuated to this talk about protected zones. but it's not quite clear how this will actually happen and how this will play out. tanya came over pushing from jerusalem point to tanya. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines today. an e u foreign ministers have agreed on sanctioning violent as rarely settlers in the occupied westbank. the supplements all considered illegal on the international law has been a massive increase in special violence against palestinians since the homeless terrorist attacks on october. the 7th. donald trump's lawyers say, say he comp post the bones to cover a $454000000.00 fine. for fortunately in slicing his wealth,
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the former president is trying to challenge his conviction in a new york civil course. the fuss needs to put up the money for an appeal bond. if he doesn't, the quotes could begin seizing his assets by next week. to hong kong now will make his have approved the controversial new national security. little the legislation is an extension of an existing law that was passed in 2020. it gives the government grace of powers to suppress defense mirroring laws in mainland china . it was the demand of china is coming, this government invasion, which has been increasing it so far. see of the home home. the w c become was the for the vote in hong kong and i asked why the new security legislation was false trucks. well, um the bill was just passed in this chamber of hong kong back to state sure that we can still hear that she is of the not up to 89 probation law,
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make us any official tour now celebrating the passage of the law. it took only its health days for to have the bill table. it's for the final round of spring to me in this very time chain but, and get it paused and since it was fast released earlier this month, um that was the time when the public had to be the 1st chance to really to look into the details of the weddings and the penalties of the over 200 pages of legal losses. so the chief executive jolie has just delivered a speech in the chamber and toes, lawmakers, and the popular that the law will come into effect on the 23rd. to much that is the coming sunday of the coming saturday, sorry. and on that this is he described as the historic moment of a home calling to finally accomplish is constitutional due to you, which is stipulated in august which has many constitution article 23. but on the
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other hand, puts, the analysts also say, this could be a tech take off the floor to use to get it packed so quickly that it's catch almost like all of the press scripts open season on up and, and many upset is off guard that is harder for them to live rates do respond in a short period of time. all right, dw, corresponding in home, come see be comb. thanks so much. cb is a quick reminder about top stories for you in the us x ray of state homes. me blinking says the entire population of gaza is facing savannah, hung up the steps of the tax. israel is on the prussia from washington and other allies to allow in more aid to prevent salvation. and homecoming will make us have improved a controversial new national security. and will, the legislation is an extension of an existing law passed in 2020, against the government, grace of powers to suppress defense meringue laws in mainland china. so we
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have time for coming up next on close up the 1000000 as around the world. we want to pay higher taxes to help close the growing gap between rich and i. money keeps mckinnon back to the top of the allot with more international headlines. thanks for watching the 1000000 people in just a 100 days. my parents because of my family. what killed, how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the side produce for to see through under. my name is some way to shimmer. i'm afraid it makes sleep shaming his dream out documents rain stops april 6th on dw.


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