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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news lies from ballad. another stop warning about galls is still being civilians. 100 percent population gossip is that severe levels of fluid and security is, randy faust is telling the territory and plan a new offensive both washington on the u. n. psych osborne's all already facing a hunger catastrophe. also coming up on the program facing and administering shortage ukraine's forces for pass a new russian assaults along the front lines, we visit the town of cook in which could soon be retaken the
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menu. please mckinnon. welcome to the program. the u. s. has won the all of garza is facing salvation secretary of state and the blinking made the remarks as he prepared to head back to the middle east. he'll meet top officials in saudi arabia and egypt in the hope of brokering a ceasefire and ramping up a to deliveries to garza. that's been growing on ease among israel's allies about the human cost of its will. a games come off which began of to the radical islamist groups terror attack. on october, the 7th. these children are waiting to receive a portion of food being prepared by volunteers in rafa the. this could be the only mean for some dozens in days.
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we have no option but to come here with some guys, especially we have no money and we're living in tents. the charities providing us with food because food shortages are becoming more acute every day. the world health organization has accused israel of provoking an imminent fireman. this is completely man made and it's, it's affordable. we need more for to come simply on one hand because of the facilities. there is no a way of reducing food inside gaza. secondly, there is a restricted access simply what is getting game is, is not you know, a game of getting things wrong. garza is complicated because of the level of destruction of infrastructure along with the accusations that is real is blocking humanitarian relief into gaza. is really nice, the claim, blaming agencies for the distribution, only a trickle was allowed to enter gaza city on monday night. famine is particularly
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looming in the northern parts of district. people there are surviving in mid shift bands with barely any food. a new un report saves the acute nutrition is accelerating here. best secretary of state antony blinking, expressed concern about the food shortages 100 percent of the population in gaza is at severe levels of acute food and security. that's the 1st time an entire population has been so classified. so we also see again, according to this case, the united nations, a 100 percent. the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance . in the midst of mounting goals for an increase and aid fears of widespread malnutrition, across the strip rising. as israel sees it is still preparing to launch a ground assault and rough uh, in the south. i spoke to the germany director of the u. n's world food program
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about the humanitarian situation in gaza. and i asked him to describe what fireman actually means for the people who experience it. know that report issue, the warning and the talking about family and being a minute. that means that people have tried everything to so life and everything they try is knowing source. people are eating fee for people are eating crashes, every thing that is somewhere available, then even that is the source that by now, this is what family means. and he is not immediately remediated, we will see more particularly children dying from getting us as a consequence of simon is long term growth problems. you mentioned, particularly how this is hissing children, so that in effect means those and that, that this crisis and goals are now will be negatively affecting people's health,
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especially children's health, the decades to come. that is indeed the case we had already in december. well, auto 5 children being acutely mine or is this is now going up to law in 3, and that is not a temporary situation. a child that is not receiving emails from nutritious food in the critical time of growing a risk to be disabled for a nice time to to then average for the can also affect the cognitive abilities of treatment. what is the world food program focusing on at the moment in terms of guessing age? to garza, we are fully prepared to bring massive amounts of food into guys holding onto more than a 1000 trucks. so, standing ready outside casa feet urgently need access to the area to the northern
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part of casa, in order to bring the most quantity of food that are necessary now, and we also need access to the portal i saw, which is about 30 miles small, sofa, gaza strip is really territory in order to bring these phones to, to use of food. and most importantly, more access points will be kind of bring in the trucks to transport the fluid that is so urgently need as knowing goes up can to west still be of us is absolutely, absolutely. but we need to act immediately. and we need to make sure that the food that sounds right is that the trucks that are ready to roll and actually can cross the border check points, much fast a much bigger quantity. and also at border crossing points in the rules that are still unavailable for humanitarian transports. boston, france, germany,
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director of the you and well, the food program. thank you so much for your time today. or use ukraine is preparing for renewed russian assaults along its front line. that is, according to a report from the u. k. 's defense ministry fortifications likely include anti tank obstacles, trenches and mine fills. the report says ukraine's stalled count for offensive last year as full states military onto a more defensive 1st thing. coupons in the saki region was occupied in the 1st days of the full scale invasion. but it was recaptured by ukrainian forces off to almost 6 months. the w visits of the town to see how residents of preparing for the threats of a renewed russian invasion air, raid sirens, are part of everyday life. for the 3 and a half 1000 people, remaining and beyond. before russia's invasion were 10 times as many people here.
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this hospital is the only intact medical facility in the town. but much of it has been destroyed on the face of the doctors remain and are forced to work and provide the conditions. most personally, we have relief through the occupation. we have flipped through the delta patient for people with lifting basement inquiry doors on the floor when there were shutting with most we didn't leave, we could use sweet lit well. and as long as there were rockets, a more tar so, but when the booming started, we weren't a friend to. tatiana believes that the ukrainian armed forces will hold could be on which he's ready to leave. the fighting intensifies. she's afraid to lift through another occupation though i think members of the search and rescue group roses on the hand to evacuate people from the front. there are more than 60
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volunteers and the roses on the hand team. they do not receive a salary for their work and most hold down full time jobs, as they say they're motivated by the desire to help despite the risk to their lives . also before we came up with say we had a big inflection, summer, and early autumn, a d. my niece its going to come on the bank, then each team would take $150.00 to $200.00 people per month for 10. we get the spot vendor with some kind of decline, which always sort c o now is showing has started again the day that a lot of people know every day. someone nice or even several people when years continue to do more of an attack, has started to spread your thoughts april. so that's why people are leading more often just yourself, which in that for each other on the outskirts of could be on. alexander sees off nadia in autumn, she moved to the city from the village of pet deposit which was almost completely destroyed. now she's afraid to stay and could be understood on those who was but
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this was the reason for my son said ma'am li feet is going to be held here. oh my god, he said there will be a 2nd enough discussing the dealership. i didn't think so. i was thinking, okay, maybe god will take us away. you bring everything for nadia and others like her life from the front line has become too dangerous. the travelling further from the russian border in a desperate search for safety as the war drags on frank lead, which is a full military officer and a senior elect trend will studies at portsmouth university in the u. k. i asked him what it would mean if coupons is re taken guns, case a link, and essentially what isn't to be exactly apparent on the report on the date, on the map. if you look at it 1st is that could bounce fits on on a river, just quite a considerable obstacle, but it also acts as a cross roads for road way lex. or in terms of logistics. it's a, it's
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a hub. obviously it's a very important like a sites across drugs, but it's also about 2 hours to not a fast tank drive it to can put it like not from the caucus includes all blasted, sits. so it's, it's a little respect to the south is let be honest. become a task to the north, the russian border. uh, but it's not. yeah, it's very, yeah, it's a very important this potential fortress could be a credit so you can take some take it. so how has you friends on me being preparing to send off this russian advance? okay, hold on, let me pull the, the cc was taken before, right? totally on me. and then basically, but it was betrayed by uh, some prices. uh, despite its will, i think, to fight for a bit. and then we take, you know, not great coffee, its contra offensive in late 22. so there's no doubt on the cost of a look at health throughout the 7 years with the full that. so there's no doctor till the payments that they could be prepared physically to, to, to,
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to defend it on a on it so, so it's $45.00. it's also going to be very well not. and i think, and as you can see from the report, the paintings, a product to this, the missing this coming off for his election. victor, 8 rushes president, let him get food and talks about creating a buffer zone on ukrainian terrace for 18. can you tell us more about that, what, what would that potentially look like? or? yeah, media key dots connected with these in person's by, uh, depending on how you look at it, renegade or face was russian forces or liberation, a bus and the price investing dissidence. but that's a pretty text really tell us the idea is that would be what you might call a quote on sent it to with a new credit tire deductible. susan says, not would mean that they would have to take a great deal more territory. i'm not use in front of coding, but it's very close to call. it's not talking itself. so it's a total for them to be doing it for a long time. it's
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a tool. but the idea is to create essentially a code on the front of to tunnel. so it used, by the way, of course, in, in casa week, so much we saw. mm hm. okay. and movie moving forward. what is ukraine's likely strategy looking like as well on your diag? i just had to do the report dial building unhappy building since november, defensive lines that taking a slightly different approach. and the russians that this was a very old fashioned sort of linear approach. but the ukranian seemed to be doing that building several lines like the, like the russian state and this aerobic and lines. but they're focusing much want strong points on control points. a lot more like uh, well let me know if we want to get into the history of it late 1st. well, we'll defense that you'd like to be highly effective. the trouble is, of course, i've only started a few months ago and they don't necessarily have the manpower in terms of military bond powell, the setup as the, as the russian state intensive on the level engineering to do it pops as
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comprehensively as the russ instead of note of doubt, however, that they will be effective and the likely approach will probably paid well not good. this. what happens is that the credit is beholding off the russians as they are now. even though the russians are making commit to advances, and eventually they will withdraw to the 1st lines and then rely on the the additional power that it's inherent and not to keep the russians off. that would be in the medium to the real challenge that the credit is so apart from equipment is my impulse and that's going to be a problem for the rest of this year. i think crank will have to me to leave it that, that thing so much is evidence military analyst, frank language. this is a quick reminder of our top story for you. the us x ray of states ab snape, lincoln says the entire population of gaza is placing severe hunger as it steps up its attacks. israel is on the pressure from washington and all the allies to allow in more aid to prevent salvation. and that is a we have fun coming up next,
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close up meets 1000000. as i'm building as cooling for high a wealth taxes to address the growing gap between rich and poor. that's coming up. next, i'm and you can significant and thank you for watching the learn shannon balls thing in the decide things this award winning offer is available world wide for every language that has never been sent to to go a fresh wind is blowing as i meet julia enrolled one.


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