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tv   Choices - Dare to dream  Deutsche Welle  March 20, 2024 4:15am-4:31am CET

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the, the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days. my power is going to be bunch of my family. what cute. how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the russo the 19 there to put you on the site. but they expect to see the rhonda. my name is some way to ship me here. i'm assuming we shaving history. our documentary stuffs, april 6th on dw. they say everything is of it and date, but that doesn't mean you're just sitting on the lease and everything just happens . you need to put in it for i wouldn't be in the very base families,
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but you'll have to b as in 247. the injection you face to be 5 more than any other job, but at the same time, the kind of a piece using disease will be 5. data is disputed and missing or divide it as for the name and it doesn't pass code. we're going to go to the magic magic chooses you and saw the take and then work as a social media need for no, i didn't do this deal. but even though i'm just waiting for that one great. and then you know, leave my job. i'm doing pretty well. no, no. but magic is something which i loved more than that.
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the every week and cycle farms, shores and stuff. i practice every day. i read books every day and look at the same time. i'm not confident enough data is this small. i few a missing lodge. if i take it as for the day man, no, it doesn't work because i wouldn't be a very big families perform well. i want to be a headline. it act, las vegas wanted him to do is because before he goes, i'm ready to seize and i think there's a what can i do in las vegas in one day? and in one of the adults dentist, i was waiting for the i always just wanted to do this. i didn't know how i'm going to do it. and i didn't know what my thoughts stuart is going to be. but i knew that this is what i want. the i am buttons. imagine i'm
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a psychologically using slash 90 to slash data guy who can leave your mind. i've been doing up towards a 100 shows a year for the last 6 or 7 years. they will have been on stage in front of the some of the fortune 500 companies from africa. i'm gonna have no clue what's gonna happen. i mean, i know i went to meet somebody established magician and you know, i'm very excited for the insights which seems that i'm gonna give the hey, hello, how are you? good. how are you? i'm doing great. there's the seo the see you do with the yeah. which is very, very different from, by little, very different gods, really, very different people. they have a very different reaction to magic. so my 1st adage to you is that we're going to
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take you to a coffee shop. ok, makes us move and you're going to perform to random people that i want to see what you perform. i want to see how you do it. i want to see how you conduct yourselves . i want to see how you react to problem. you very different audience that will tell you that subject to silence. number one, we need to think about your favorite drink rate. and i want you to type out your favorite thing. i want you to look at it. i want you to visualize the words, actually changing into an image of the dream. ok. i want you to imagine the word. so it's actually an image right now. yeah. you have it now. when you just click on the green spot and let me know once you're done so you can keep it back. so. so there's no way i know what dreams you're thinking about. so why did i actually made to, you know, a and all that stuff, you know, have done so. so i've spoken to you
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a bit about it. no, you would have been using your phone test here to. so can you take the glass? i want you to take a sip of the notes or they just keep this, you know, or you slide it. yeah. second. now sorted. yeah, yes. but this time you're going to do a little different. now keeping them all i want you to imagine. imagine what it actually changing and you're not doing it. so when you feel like it keeps loading it, imagine dispatched to a to engines. imagine, you know, getting that room offered. ok. i want you to imagine in this new already start you know, coca cola. yes. yes, so you can see it now it is more through today just to have
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it just in your imagination. thank you so so i have feedback is good. anybody introduction so good party to i think you very, very much. i think you're very comfortable performing for people. you didn't care that you wouldn't defend setting different thoughts or of background. you wouldn't get it without any of that. you had to say meetings with your haynes in the 1st couple of minutes, which was incredible. all right, but we need to be human being developed as well. okay. we need to show to your stories of what breaks you or makes you feel unsafe, what has an impact on you? all of that is very important because, you know, and i know that anybody can lunatics performing them is a completely different ball game. war differs you from any other which. so for your 2nd task, you're going to be performing in front of people who has been seeing magic every
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single day. for the last 7 years. these are people whose feedback die for this is people who manage me. they are one of the most of whom could agencies in the country and is your level to perform for them. that's your 2nd task . and it's very important that you let yourself, the human being come every time you a story, a story which is very bush and alison 8th grade. i want to know no one's mean in school. seeing that. so in this school competition, it was a dining tongue, and i go to my beach, i was nice. i'm going to perform magic. i'm going to compete in this. i go to the already told him that accommodation was headed and they told me to do you have 2 minutes to perform? i go on stage, that's a huge crowd of students. and i started performing. and in between i
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got scanned because it was the 1st time i performed a huge group of strange and i think there's always new faces. and that's when i stopped performing a disease. i know it is such a bad moving for me because it didn't go away. and i said, can you know, obviously all those things might though i felt really bad and my teacher came to me and she was like, leaving magic. don't do it at that point. of time magic was my new fashion made and i felt hopeless. i felt really bad at that point of time and i went back home and back all my magic stuff and kept it so i felt really bad community motivated. right. and i go back home and i was like, ok, i'm not going to do magic anymore a couple of years later, a friend called me and he's like,
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does this often each would you mind performing to the kids. so that was like a i didn't order to perform because my last experience with magic didn't go that great. but somebody, i was like, ok, let me give it a shot. again, i go to the alternate i started performing get started uploading, you know, in the smiling that looking at me with all. and i could see of joy in that ice. i could see the happiness. i was delighted. i was so happy and that the, there was this go to the game domino until unless you do not believe in magic, meet it goes don't happen. and that be, i think i believed in magic and i'd be a medical happened to that. i started continuing to do magic and everything came back to be so yesterday i love how you added
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a person story. i would love to the story to have a more sort of nice kind max out of the story. it's of the take had an incredible find mike's on you. oh, story the oh are you? i'm gonna just you, i'm not assume you can go magician. which means what would you like me to be warned by you know, story. audio magic match. monday. the advice good is given you as a, as a person who's been doing this for so long. and one of the reasons why i absolutely most understand that i'm working with him is because he has the advantage of being the natural, the story. and you're trying to invite that because you had the story telling aspect at the forefront of your mind, your take kind of naturally to go back to them. that's one of that happened that i think you like to find the the, the right balance in the nice bench i saw and
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very beautiful good. just so beautiful. i didn't dig my eyes off up. i wanted to go talk to her. so i'm not a far as any adults, not one way to be guys with me is new magic. i go to that and i show and magic check to a. she smiled she gave a, she was very impressed. these go away, we became friends. and i'd be the 1st one guard when i was friends or something more than a year as i'm pretty sure somebody all killed as being phase one or i didn't that zone. right? no, yeah. i mean, i really yeah. so there was supposed to be, she came to me and she was like, all the officially boss and then goes and now i cited blushing. i was like so
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i didn't know what the see today. okay. i'll give you 5 minutes to make a decision. i didn't want to take it further because i've seen a lot of relationships which has not ended up then. but some, but you know, that gut feeling the inducing. i said yes, we are a fish in a boyfriend and girlfriend. and well, it happened in his own magically. it was amazing. what things went on and so it became toxic. it became emotionally abusive. this cube that presents my life. it's got me mixed up. it doesn't make sense, right? a q is only makes sense when it's so it. okay, so i and every day is that thing. what if
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i could go back in pain and change my destination? what if that 5 minutes i had to completely different talk? no, let's try something. okay. if i just snap you see the time, go back and then if you don't even back in the cube, there must be if i could change that, moving back then not 5 minutes. my life without being completely different. now i have the power to so as i now have the power to go back in time and now the date. now we did go back 5 minutes in time when i joined in the queue was completed. so all of that started and mixing up, right, 5 minutes back in time. the key was size. so would
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mind standing up the color type the so you know, before this thing they was all you ways, you know, a fishing for reactions. i was fishing for the effects. was fishing for the moment . you know, i don't moving very people go mind. no, i'm not refreshing for any of that. i know i can do that. i thing know i'm going to fish for the attention. i'm gonna get you in without magic and i'm going to work on that and know, i love story telling you can down the stories. that means i'm going to you whether it will be to silence. whether it be to the spoken word, i think in the fact that you found the fact that you can tell the stories. i love it. i love the fact that you can do this. choices. what was act,
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steel hasn't made a big impact on me. so that was so, you know, one of the, i can say a life changing the incentive in my life for shot. the clean energy and cutting with a 2 big challenges facing us today. luckily, we don't need to look far to find some pretty smart solutions. so welcome to go off, we go, i and sandra at the home. so tween of you joining do from complex right here in uganda. thank to sandra. yes. sometimes it, since the difficult to fix all the problems facing i environments what we want to show you how every little bits of progress helps. i am.


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