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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 20, 2024 6:00am-6:02am CET

6:00 am
hello, my name is some way to ship me. i'm assuming reshaping history out documentary stops april 6th on dw, the . this is the double juniors and these are our top stories. the u. s. supreme court will allow state of tardies in texas to start arresting. people suspected of crossing the border illegally from mexico, once in cost to the migrants could either agree to a judge has or would have to leave, or will be prosecuted on misdemeanor charges. opponents off the controversial warning of racial profiling and rights violations. are you a secretary of state antony blinking says the whole of gods as population is facing severe hunger is warning comes as israel rejects international,
6:01 am
please to coal off of planned ground assault on the southern city of rasa. the fighting has driven more than one and a half 1000000 people to seek shelter in the city, which is close to the border with egypt. germany has announced if the 500000000 euros of military ad for ukraine, german defense minister bars his story this night. the announcement on the sidelines of talks with the us and all the allies that the rum stein advice in germany's southwest. you're watching dw news from building as more news on our website, www dot com, or the as the us congress continues to hold a to ukraine hostage to the southern us border. germany, today i'm out as an extra 500000000000 euros in funding on top of the 5000000000
6:02 am
a great by e u countries yesterday. so it was ukraine's and military allies meeting germany to discuss the next term shift combined support for ukraine. paper on the table must be wondering how much they can trust american promises of support. i'm feel galion by then, and this is the day. the realize in partners are here because they understand the stage we have difficult sedation on the front line because of lot of possibility mediation. so i leave here today fully determined to keep us security assistance and that munitions flowing. we're making progress for the needs to be continuous supply of i mean issue to is watching the world is watching. history is watching.


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