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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news life from the land. russia begins evacuations from the region bordering ukraine. will socrates have released images that show the off them off of conflict and build the road? pro ukrainian or russian forces have carried out several raids in the region. russian president vladimir putin says he is stepping up defenses that also coming up whoever is in charge of immigration policy in this country has to step aside maybe to have a snack cleaner room. and let the mon students as us quotes and baffle over the immigration enforcement, our 4th a visit to see struggling with trying to cope with an influx of undocumented,
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my friends, and an african success story. the south and the white rhino is back from the brink of extinction. all reports of finds out how thousands of animals are about to find new homes in the wild. the i'm any troopers mckinnon. welcome to the program. russian officials say that they are evacuating families from some areas along the ukrainian border of to what local officials called shelling attacks by keeps forces footage released by the government of belle grove. road through social media shows destroyed vehicles and damage buildings. in addition to the evacuation official, se schools will close, at least for the holidays, while universities will hold classes remotely. they also said a buffer zone would be created to protect civilians against strikes and across the
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border rates. in the area of this map shows, bells a road close to the border with ukraine, which has hosted on c kremlin. russian sizes is launched across the border rates. president brought him at post and said russia must ensure the safety of its residence in the regions affected by the war. veteran is that they should just be, should the primary task is to ensure security. there are different ways they are not easy, but we will do it or can use no more than what we did. of course, we can respond to the list of the same with the exact same thing. you my 0 striking civilian infrastructure and all the similar targets that the enemy is throwing us used and they don't use eastern europe as a roman. it going to unco is with me in this to get some more on the story. hi, roman, now it's very difficult to obtain independent and verified information from this border region. so tell us, what are you hearing about the situation that?
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well, mostly we're hearing from russian states media, russian officials, as before, i just said. and the situation is not quite clear, but on the other hand, there is a lot of footage. and um, 1st let me, um, let me give you some details about why i were talking about this. um, the tax uh from the finance side on the russian origin of belgrade started a few days before the presidential election in russia. and present pushing charlton ties to downplayed a saying that they are trying to disrupt elections. but they are continuing. and there is no end in sight at the moment and it looks like it's the biggest wave of such attacks. seems the russian invasion in february 22. what is actually happening? we're seeing that no just drawing a tax we've seen in the past months some years. um, but also reports about artillery attacks multiple being a rocket launchers which is not very precise targeting um the
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plans some of some of the critical infrastructure like power stations and the russian and aircraft systems are trying to shut down those muscles. and of course, the debrief falling on cars on people's homes. so the pictures that we are not seeing from the origin of bells, or i'd very much remind the pictures that you brain to see every day for over 2 years. and this is the 1st time, and this is probably, i think, which is, which is very, very important. the 1st time that a russian read in a fresh up profile, not the occupied territories, but russia papa is leaving. wants as ukraine has it has been leading through for over 22 years, once again, 2 years with much more casualties. okay. so just the fact the russian authorities on now evacuating people from belgrade mean that they, you know, consider these, these attacks to be more dangerous, more serious then before. yes, of course, it looks like it is, um, the president boynton is irritated. and he,
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he showed that he actually didn't even want to speak about it on an occasion when he was meeting his supporters in the kremlin, thanking them for the simple, what do you are? so it was supposed to be an official ceremony, or they were supposed to be celebrating the most was supposed to be a very jolly, but he had to talk about balder, because at a very points we are having from the we are hearing from their a very dramatic people killed nearly every day russians, and this is something that he had to address. so he looks like he's kind of helpless. he's waging this war for over 2 years, but he's not able to protect his own citizens. and we also have to keep in mind that at the same time, the russian army is continuing its advance on the ukrainian forces in the east on the occupied territories. the direction of a trying have, have accumulated a very large force in the targeting for region just over the border,
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trying to retake territories or russia has lost in the over to him of 22. okay. and the person is saying that he will respond to these attacks on on belgrade. how is he likely to respond? well, he has a few options if equal to try and hate the ukranian civilian targets or intensified because he's doing that every day. we have to remember that it would try and intensify attacks on civilian infrastructure in other regions of ukraine, teakwood intensive for a tax on the ukrainian cisco park. if the 2nd largest cd, which is just across the board, about 40 kilometers from the boulder. but it is already on the right tech every day, so there's not much you can do there. in the medium term, haygood assemble logic for us station it in the builder region and maybe go in. this is what you hated at. when he said that you would be probably trying to establish kind of a cold on sunday to in ukraine. so going in, nobody knows for how deep into you can territory. just
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a quick last question. roman is this slicing around belle grove, impacting other parts of the war. this is actually the hope of ukraine and the forces that are fighting on the okay inside the russian citizens who joined the opinion on a hen who are now fighting into belgrade region. so the hope is that they ukraine and them, they could force russia to um, to pull back some of its resources that don't know attacking easton ukraine. so this will probably, this is probably the idea behind those attacks on the key of side just door to weaken the russian army. that is trying to gain momentum and to continue moving westwards and an endanger your pregnancy just along the border. first of all, the city of hockey, w as raymond on tour and k. thank you so much for that. meanwhile, german trump slow la phillips has been speaking to the german parliament in berlin,
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a head of a to date you summit and brussels. what you need is will be discussing support. so ukraine as well as a range of other topics. so it's reiterated germany's support. so you crying today thing time was no soon rushed aside. then that was the zip codes, the dentist oh, russian president believes that he just has to set out this war. and we will, we can in our support that he has miscalculated or stuck is russia is not strong. it cannot speculate that we will let talk support we will continue for as long as necessary, fucked up some products. my chief political edison because he looked his name was the in the parliament and told us more about what the chancellor said today as well in terms of what i saw it was really speaking ahead of the upcoming e u summit. but bother giving us a look ahead. it was more of a summary of where he stands politically internationally,
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but also on domestic issues like pension reform, for instance. but over aussie was his message. that's europe, that germany would stick with ukraine for as long as it takes. that's a notable difference to the latest comments we saw from the us present to buy it and himself under pressure to secure a longer term funding. who said that the us would do that as long as they can. so there is a growing awareness here amongst the german governments. that if the u. s. were to be weakened, europe, germany would have to at least try and fill the gap. also a strong message towards and feed him into 10. yahoo! but he wasn't mentioned by name off the chance of salt this trip to the region who also met the is ready prime minister once again, a pledge for a longer break in the fighting. he once again stressed the need to get age into gaza and also once again re is ready so that somebody stands by israel side and
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respect on sounds in israel's right to defend itself. okay, so a mix of topics from the german trump slip, if we can just come back to russia and ukraine, give us some more detail about what ship, what foot said about ukraine in particular. that is, that's where it gets a teaser to be more interesting of what he is planning to take to that you summit is a plan for europe as to action. the expand its capacity to produce military goods. he said it needs to be an ability to scale that up pretty swiftly. so please that is gaining momentum and that will be an interesting point. when e u d, does it sit down together at the same time? this is a chance that who is seeing significant in fighting on key issues like which weapons to deliver to ukraine amongst his own coalition of that drew
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a very harsh comment from the opposition leader of the lease match. who basically said that as chancellor, who's um, or far as he is, is being quested within his own coalition. how so to be able to lead the way in europe. so we don't have an imminent election national election coming up, but this clearly is election speak ahead of you elections in june of key regional elections here in 3 eastern states in germany today. as mckayla kirsten. i thanks so much. mckayla is now in the us state of texas, a controversial immigration law has been put back on hold by a federal appeals court. now this comes just a few hours off to the supreme court. had listed a temporary stay that would allow the state and local police to begin arresting. anyone suspected legally entering the country, legal challenges to the law or continuing opponents once it's say that it would
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lead to racial profiling, and rights violations. republicans in texas and beyond have accused the binding administration of not taking action on immigration l o. c of the governor of texas began sending new arrivals to other cities around the u. s. on buses, tens of thousands headed to then the in the central state of colorado, the w's benjamin alvarez group. i met people that doing what they come to accommodate. the new arrivals located far from the us selves and bowed to denver was not directly impacted by a regular migration until a political decision changed. that in may of 2023, the governor of texas correct abbot announced that he would start busing migrants to denver. the 5th city that he's been targeted to raise awareness about the immigration problem to texas a spacing as a result, tens of thousands of migrants arrives in colorado is capital city official said
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that in the policy of denver received low migrants per capita than any other major city outside texas, many migrants ended up in and compliments on the street. seeing the desperate situation. andrea got involved. the mother of 3 started a facebook group called highland moms and neighbors that are attracted more than 7000 volunteers to help migrants. like here in a denver church that houses migrants, andrea would like to see governments and non profits with better resources and more experience doing the job they are expected to do. the problem is that because our immigration system doesn't work and there's no plan, so they're opening the door to thousands and thousands and thousands of people who genuinely need help and who want to work and just not be dependent on anyone. they're not looking for handouts, i have to like force coats and she was on people, they won't work, they don't want, they want to be able to pay for their own stuff. i say this a lot, and i mean it not disrespectfully,
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but on honestly like whoever is in charge of immigration policy in this country needs to step aside. maybe we'll have a snack, cleaner room and let the moms do it. like we 48 hours and this could be fixed. denver has spent more than $36000000.00 helping migrants. residents, a neighboring lake would say that's too much. recently, hundreds of them gathered for a townhome meeting to raise concerns about over whelmed hospitals and infrastructure. the concern is that all of the neighboring municipalities were approached to help with the situation in denver. they want us all of us to take a role in housing and feeding and services. and the people are reluctant to get engaged here, particularly when the city and when, when the government really is not asking how you feel about this, this needs to have public discussion and that had not happened. denver may have
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mike johnston's office did not respond to interview requests. in february, the may announced temporary cards to some city services to funds the immigration response, a decision that increased the already existing tensions. now that conversation, i'm not dynamic, has created us versus them in denver, where prior to that i didn't hear that. prior to that i had tons of people wanting to help and stepping into that space of feeling the gap were government couldn't. now that some of our wrecks recreation centers are closing, have limited hours, and our motor vehicle centers have limited hours. yes, now i'm hearing like, well, what about us many fee of that? this increasingly politicized conversation with an upcoming presidential election, and a radicalized disclose of migration in the united states will only get more heated, pushing a fat, so many tube in solution the route of reach. let's get more on the story
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from correspondent in washington dc. janelle do malone hydra. now we know that there's a presidential election looming in the us. how is that going to affect this conversation about immigration? well, it's fair to say that immigration has always been a hard button topic here in the west. but with this looming presidential election, you can only expect for this discourse to become even more heated. you have the likes of former president, donald trump, using increasingly dehumanizing rhetoric around migrants. he says that he thinks some of them aren't human. he says that they're poisoning the blood of the country . if elected the problem is has to put forward the biggest mass deportation efforts that the country has ever seen. he brings a bite in for what he calls an invasion, no bite and for his part has been trying to distinguish himself from trump on this
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migrant issue, saying that he doesn't want to demonize migrants. instead, what he's trying to do is highlight the stalled up by part is and border security bill. that bill that would have allocated $20000000000.00 towards tighter border controls. but this of course was a bill that was blocked by house republicans, apparently at the behest of trump, who wants to campaign on the border issue. so why didn't, has been using this as evidence that the republicans aren't really interested in solving this problem, that they're only interested in playing political games. and so you have this back and forth and you can expect that back and forth to only become more inflamed. the closer we get to the presidential election, if we could just talk about this controversial emigration little that's just being put back on hold by a federal appeals court. as i was saying earlier, this happened just as off to the supreme court, have given it the green light, oldest back and full seems incredibly confusing uh, confusing. can you explain how this will came of ours or
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indeed. so we're talking about s before this is a law that texas past last year that would allow the state to, to detain, migrants that they think are staying in the us illegally. and that would also allow local judges to depart migrants to mexico, even if their countries of origin or mexico is not mexico. so in any case, so this was a law that was meant to take effect earlier this month, but the bite and administration soon to block its enforcement, saying that it infringed upon the federal government's responsibility to enforce immigration policy. so this went to the supreme court. the supreme court yesterday tuesday allowed for the enforcement of s b 4 on the hours later, as you said, for this decision to be overturned by an appeals court that voted to keep the block in place. no later that appeals court will be hearing oral arguments as to whether that block should continue to stay in a place so and next month are going to be hearing arguments again as to whether
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that law is unconstitutional and whether this law should be blocked and definitely so there have been a lot of twists and turns, and with every twist and turn the confusion and started to grow was for migrants in texas, whether or not they are a new arrivals. janelle will have to leave at the but thanks so much for trying to clarify all of that for us. that's to now do milan, we're forcing from washington dc now islands, prime minister lee of radco has announced his resignation as head of government. he said he was leaving his a position as a to shop for both personal and political reasons. for odd cost said he was also questing as the leader of the ruling senior guy will policy. his departure follows the failure of fuel constitutional referendums. earlier in march, the broadcast on his government had championed, let's take a listen to what he said and his surprised resignation announcement that i've
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learned so much about so many things met so many people who i never got to base beats taste, i would never say with home and abroad, and i am deeply grateful for us. and despite the challenges with wholeheartedly recommend a career in politics to anyone who is considering us. however, politicians are human beings, however, limitations. we give it every time until we count anymore, and then we have to move on. that was islands. prime minister ot chef leo rod car announcing his resignation that we're going to take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines today in the us x ray of states asked me blink, and has arrived in saudi arabia. the saw the pulse aimed at securing a ceasefire between from us and israel. us officials say he will travel to israel on friday speaking earlier this week, lincoln said 100 percent of gauze was population in need of humanitarian assistance . and protests have been taking place outside the jerusalem head forces of the u. n
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. release agency. the palestinian refugees or unreal is ready demonstrates is demanded the return of hostages and accused on right of involvement in the home of flood terror attacks on october. the 7th. an independent review into those allegations is set to be released soon. now they are among africa's most majestic animals. not long ago, southern white rhinos were on the brink of extinction. but this year and nearly 2000 of them will begin making their way back into the wild. now they will once part of a private collection, a conservation agency is now releasing them to protected areas across the continent . dw correspondent diane, who reports now from south africa, of this reino costs. it doesn't know it, but it's part of one of the most significant, reino relocation projects ever undertaken. it's one of $89.00
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southern whites, reino clubs being kept on a protected farm in south africa's northwest province. over the next few years, these animals could find themselves in angola, dwanda, the democratic republic of congo, malawi, or ted. why did, why did some vicious it's, it's definitely exciting that i think that the opportunity that it, that it presents not any 4 runner as a species to di, risk or on it. but for the benefit of biodiversity, it, it definitely does motivate us to, to keep doing what we do. moving the babies will be light work. the real heavy lifting comes when the majority of the heard over 1900 rhinos must be transported southern wide, reino can weigh between 2 and 3 tons. and transporting one across the board is, can costs over $50000.00 us dollars per reino. so i'm sort of,
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i'll take on it is that these are on it has a, has a massive value. um, not necessarily talking about a financial value, but an ecological value that they need to play in open areas, you know, contributing to by diversity shaping shipping landscapes. romano often seen a sentinel spc. so generally a clear indication if you've got an how could, how c eco system that's well managed and well protected, ron, and flourish. the rhinos will be relocated over a 10 year period with some, $200.00 ryan those being moved each year. the 7 wide ride know population is one of the best recorded examples of successful conservation. 100 years ago, they were less than a 100 of these rhino in the wild. today, there an estimated $16000.00 in protected areas across africa. and i
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am joined now by marcus health. myers is the director of the rhino recovery fun. thanks so much for joining us. marcus. welcome to dw, i hope you can hear me. i'm re introducing 2000 white runners into the while. tell us how significant this will be in securing the future of the species. thank you for allowing me to speak. and uh yes, it's a very significant event to take place. we've been very successful in, in recovering watch on south africa and, and kenya, namibia and to some degree ins. and bob way just gives an opportunity not to want document. all those numbers of run is a to the last it's approaching and the last decade. and then hopefully a new new populations can be established in a former range. and this is a wonderful opportunity to actually be able to do that. uh it is the best outcome for these runners, and we will be able to catapult around
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a recovery into the future more because i presume this isn't the easiest of things to, to, to, to, to implement. i mean, what challenges are you expecting in this whole process? and i mean, you have to contain a very wild animal in a small container and then move the long distance to so you've got all those trinity logical physical restraints that you have to do is you've got the logistics of getting them safely, given your area that can be thousands of kilometers away. so the planning to do this is actually critical to make sure that they're on is get to the nearest, safely. we are expecting some risk in this all operation, but if we look that continuous tom, i think we'll, we'll be grateful that this was an opportunity to just present it now. thank you. if we look back, i mean a century ago that was a less than a 100 of these rhinos in the while today, an estimated 16000 across africa. i mean, it's a really fantastic success story. does it set an example for protecting other endangered
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species? a yeah, 100 percent and i run is a very vulnerable spaces. this is off coupon for the natural predators, so humans with their weapons are able to kill every last one of them like this. so in many of the arrange countryside being able to recover the species that serve under both very good law enforcement, good protected airlines to not being able to put them back into all of their former range actually is a very good example of good protection of ever been done just this isn't as was mentioned before, the, the, the success of runners to protect them. you have to be able to have safe landscape . so not any iran is will benefit, but all other spaces that live in that landscape as well. so that's a very good proxy for successful conservation outcomes. so i'm very excited and very hopeful for the future. for, for on the recovery microsoft, my director, is the rhino recovery fund. thank you so much for speaking to us and all the very best with everything that you're planning center
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that you are up to date. i'm. i need to mckenna, thanks so much for watching the w news. i will see the
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russians economy is growing. just play so costly, war and sanctions against the country. there's a 2 percent growth, even though natural gas exports have fallen drastically. so what's driving this is what role does china play? we're taking a closer look, made in germany next on d w. no simple way to substitute
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it's direct to excite him of their travels along with him as a fact to a young country that has known almost her family's history as inseparably things to the struggles of freedom and the desire for peace. in 45 minutes on d, w, the old friends, new friends, can nature defend itself in case of an emergency? we cannot guarantee that we could protect munich, franklin, berlin, santa, faced with rushes war against duke graces, military alliance spaces, new threats. would it really close ranks if it were
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a top european security basically depends to 90 percent from the us out to the hotel commentary dots april 4th on dw, the when you want expensive tough, you high price jewelry or simply new brand names to me cuz you pay for the rice. some people in the us have a different take, however, they don't use guns and knives for that robberies. thanks. if you come in huge groups. individual retailers are now sounding the alarm. this type of gain crime is costing them more every year in 2022 for example, retailers last a good $112000000000.00 us dollars. as a result. what's the solution? we take a look in this.


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