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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news live and from berlin tonight, massive air strikes. russia begins evacuations from a region bordering ukraine. authorities release these images that show the aftermath of attacks in belgrade on anti kremlin forces and carried out in several strides in that region. also coming up, americans top diplomat holding talks, and saudi arabia is part of washington's latest efforts to secure a ceasefire and gossip. but it is real insisting that it is moving ahead with its plans for an invasion of off the
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bridge off. it's good to have you with this a we begin near the ukrainian or russian border with reports of a massive air attack in the russian region of belgrade or the governor. they are saying that 2 people were killed today. belgrade has increasingly been targeted by showing with anti criminal russian fighters believed to be operating in the border zone. russian authorities now say that they will move forward with plans to evacuate children and plans to scale up security there. this kindergarten in belgrade is one of many buildings damaged and showing. as the kindergarten principal witnessed the blast firsthand, it was loud. the glass was ringing. all the doors were shaking after the last and the loudest bang. we understood that it was somewhere nearby. we didn't even suspect that it was at our place. we thought it was close, but not at our place. then when everything come down,
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we saw the aftermath. no children were injured. but in another part of belgrade, a man was killed when shrapnel from the showing hid his car, rushes military since the attack is aimed at the stabilizing the country after its recent election. can use the modem, of course we kinda respond to the same way you can buy for guarding civilian infrastructure and or the other objects you know, the and the me a tax on what we have our own views on this matter and our own plans. we will follow what we have outlined. so far, west has plans include restricting entry to nearby cities in the belgrade region and evacuating around $1200.00 children, but with the war and ukraine. now, in russia's doorstep, the border region is feeling the effect and the source of enemy fire is getting harder to detect or rush or shut down. the w as must be all bureau 2 years ago. and since then, our team has been based in the left, the and capital re got corresponded. they're part of a mercy, told me more about the situation invoke so,
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belgrade is feeling the impact of the war 1st. and the situation seems to be very things that this is a region which as you mentioned, is near the ocr in border and it is facing near daily attacks. mosque alternatives are blaming these on q, basically. the baltic told, take long with us are about like 20 miles from the border with the green. it is be a good time for cleaning fire, which has reported to be increase in the past weeks. you know, we have heard from the governor of belgrade that i don't 9000 children to be evacuated from the city. he said these children will be moved from belgrade, father, east, away from the cleaning mode. now we don't know any information about this. what would happen to the items, but for now, children can be back, waited on the 1st group of them can be back away to as early as on friday, which is march 22nd. so, so far, 16 people have been killed a 98 injury or just in the past week. this comes in or does announce when to for
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recreation comes j's. after a strikes force closures students i to not to attend to school from monday from this monday and the even shopping cent doesn't causative places have been closed. gosh, as defense ministry said it's a defense systems drawn down 13 ms and so far as the president boat. and it says that brush will respond to these attacks and they'll, russian strikes are already hitting ukrainian cities and civilian infrastructure. what more do we know about that? compared with the destruction across much of a crane gras. yes. which you which debit street surgery has been lost and you still and that's the, that's the main exception. now this situation has forced president voting to speak about that. so now we're using to the wife engine fulton on his recent victory speech door, but he wants to create a bottle fee zone to help in product the board of regents from cross bar didax, he promised to restore russia safety as i should like safety and joshua as modern
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regions, and on the other hand, the grand has increasingly taken to fight behind russian lines and always just attacking washer. it's really reason as fans and it's obvious didn't seem to diminish most cause many to operations. most recently, that's even a backbone on infrastructure. so it humans on clear what impact the attachment have on to, for i think it's amy, but still russia has the advantage on the, on the battlefield and has been passing along the fence line in recent weeks. and we will see that continuing more intensely in the near future. and it seems that she has really like it is to increase its attacking ami, especially now after pressuring 43 election use upon it. remember joining us tonight from reagan with the latest on the situation there. one of the border between ukraine in russia, or an to think was it a german chance or luck sold, spoke before parliament, reaffirming his commitment to ukraine. it comes head of
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a 2 day. your opinion summit and brussels. we're leaders will also discuss support for ukraine as well as other topics up to date. here in berlin. shoulds said that germany support for ukraine is on a bathing saying that time is not on russia's saw a been debt. what's the zip crazy dentist? oh, russian president believes that he just has to set out this war and we will, we can in our support that he has miscalculated. all stuff is russia is not strong . it cannot speculate that we will let to support. we will continue for as long as necessary, fucked up some products. well, it's been 2 years since russian's full scale invasion of the crate began since then . many ukrainian soldiers have given their lives defending their country. this means that many thousands of families have been effective. they've lost children, siblings to parents, and often their only source of income dw news met. some of the women whose husbands have been killed in action. little mat fee is $2.00 and
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a half months old. fall too young to understand what his mother was going through. on december 28th, the day his son was born, anastasio learned about the death of his father, sasha, who'd been defending the don't yet screech in from russian forces the new since his pregnant wife into premature labor. at the cause of distress, i could not give birth on my own. so i had to have this is very infection. she was born in such a state that he was not even breathing. it was the result of the stress, god uninstalled. you know, so now live in the city of judd telling me a was sasha once dreamed of buying a home priest. finally, i think just and he said when the were in or during the war, we will take out a mortgage and buy an apartment and live in between near suite already settled onto to him here. that's why we worried sasha here. not somewhere else, but here because he wanted to live here. so i'm going to move this down. my son, the total shooting for 2 dash digit anastasio was currently collecting signatures
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on the president's website to have a husband post. he mostly awarded the title of hero of ukraine. soon she will have to return to work in order to provide for her son, a kind of styles. the situation is far from unique. 17, his husband, alexander was killed last november. then you born daughter, the youngest of 5, was just full months old at the time. these adults coping without team has been a daily struggle program. we use always been my support theater. i always knew he would take care of me that everything would be fine with that the in any scenario who don't even after the invasion, i didn't panic because i had a car. oh, the fuel, your provisions plan. he took care of everything. it's made arrangements with everyone, hulu live, so no, yes, knowledge shows in new orleans means is that all would say
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a problem. 17 and was commonly reliance on the assistance of friends and family. despite the struggles she paid. she's a millions of ukrainian women who've had to put their own dreams of starting a family on hold. yeah, but hot toys, you know, there are many women who did not have time to give birth, did not have time to get pregnant, neutral, and they are very sorry that they didn't level who for many like me, this is an incentive to live the mostly an incentive to do something with this, with no end of the war in sites, there's no telling how many more families will be destroyed, full fighting stops in the middle east. israel's problem is the bridge been yahoo says that preparations are still under way for the invasion of rafa in southern garza, but he says it will take some time. us secretary of state antony, blinking to day met with his counterpart in saudi arabia for further talks ended securing a ceasefire between unless it is real us officials say this is for travel to israel on friday. i'll speak to you earlier this week. blinking said that 100 percent that
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everyone in gaza is now in need of humanitarian assistance. seals, hilton, among is a middle east and north africa expertise program director at the international crisis group. i asked him, what needs to change for a cease fire and a hostage release deal to have in order for us to fire a to happen, unique's book has been lacking a long, which is us pressure as well to add to except one. of course there are differences between israel and i'm asked if i thought ceasefire should be a but regardless of those differences, the fact that we're facing the imminent threat of feminine in gaza and we're close to 2000000 people who may this may suggest that a ceasefire is urgently needed and so united states is the only power that can help bring that about if it's were to use the leverage that
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a test that was used to into monday or speaking with me earlier. let's take a look down some of the other stories that i'm making headlines this hour. indonesia is electoral commission confirming probable to be on till has become the winner of the presidential election is expected to take power in october. following a transitional period is due rival say that they are filing a legal complaints over alleged irregularities during last months, but they, brazilian football, or donnie l. this has been granted release on the bill for a 1000000 euro. you have to serve you just a quarter of his prison sentence. the former partial on a star was found guilty of raping a woman and a spanish knight club. 2 years ago. the victims lawyer says that this is justice for the rich to ireland. the prime minister layover a lot of cost as it now is that he's resigning, saying that he's leaving for both personal and political reasons for arca says that he will also no longer be party leader to his departure follows the failure of duel
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a constitutional referendums earlier in march that he and his government had champions while they are among the advocates, most majestic animals, not long ago, southern white rhinos were on the brink of extinction. but this year, nearly 2000 of them will begin making their way back into the wild. and they were once part of a private selection, but a conservation agency is now releasing them to protected areas across the continent . the w corresponded diane hawker reports tonight from south africa. this reino, cough doesn't know it, but it's part of one of the most significant, reino relocation projects ever undertaken. it's one of $89.00 southern whites, reino, called being kept on a protected farm in south africa's north waste providence. over the next few years, these animals could find themselves in angola, dwanda,
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the democratic republic of congo, malawi, or ted. why did, why did some vicious it's, it's definitely exciting to think that the opportunity that it, that it presents not any 4 runner as a species to di, risk or on it. but for the benefit of biodiversity, it, it definitely does motivate us to, to keep doing what we do. moving the babies will be lied to look. the real heavy lifting comes when the majority of the heard over 1900 rhinos must be transported southern wide, reino can weigh between 2 and 3 tons. and transporting one across the board is, can costs over $50000.00 us dollars per reino. so i'm sort of, i'll take on it is that these are on it has a have a mess of value. um, not necessarily talking about a financial value, but an ecological value that they need to play in open areas, you know,
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contributing to by diversity shaping shipping landscapes. herano often seen a sentinel specie, say, generally a clear indication if you've got an how could, how c eco system that's well managed and well protected, ron, and flourish. the rhinos will be relocated over a 10 year period with some, $200.00 ryan. those being moved each year. the 7 wide ride know population is one of the best recorded examples of successful conservation. 100 years ago, they were less than a 100 of these rhino in the wild. today they are an estimate, it's $16000.00 in protected areas across africa. so yeah, good news for a change. you're watching dw, nearest. we'll see you here tomorrow. it's a good one. everybody. the
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one you're interested in today's my power is going to be bunch of my family. what cute. how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the rest of the 19 there to put you on the site, but they expect to see them rhonda, my name is some way to ship me here. i'm afraid it makes me shaming history out documentary stuffs, april 6th on dw, the .


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