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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 21, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, you're watching dw news live from those in thousands of children not to be evacuated from the russian border region as ukrainian shilling intensifies authorities release the images of the license attack on bill garad. her region now being swept off in roches, or with you, cries and america's top people not hold talks in saudi arabia as part of washington, slightest efforts to secure a ceasefire in gaza. but he's riley and see you deeds moving ahead with this preparation for an invasion of rafa. the
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i'm jared raid, welcome to the show it off to days, have been pounded by ukrainian shilling authorities into roches built around the border region. say thousands of children not to be moved to safety. must i expand the major evacuation plan? the regents capital city states jost 40 kilometers from the ukranian buddha. the area has come under increasing attack in recent months with roches president vladimir persian bowing to protect civilians from the long range ukrainian strikes and cross border rights. this kindergarten in belgrade is one of many buildings damaged and showing. as the kindergarten principal witnessed the blast firsthand, it was loud, the glass was ringing. all the doors were shaking after the last and the loudest bang. we understood that it was somewhere nearby. we didn't even suspect that it
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was at our place. we thought it was close, but not at our place. then when everything come down, we saw the aftermath. no children were injured. but in another part of belgrade, a man was killed when shrapnel from the showing hid his car rushes military since the attack is aimed at the stabilizing the country after its recent election. can use the modem. of course we kind of respond to the same way you can buy for guarding civilian infrastructure and or the other objects. you know, the and the, me a tax on what we have our own views on this matter. and our own plans. we will follow what we have outlined. so far, west has plans include restricting entry to nearby cities in the belgrade region and evacuating around $1200.00 children, but with the war and ukraine. now, in russia's doorstep, the border region is feeling the effect and the source of any fire is getting harder to detect. i will say the advice you litski is a full, i'm a c,
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i a power military case officer. he's now director of the center for intelligence and non traditional warfare at the foreign policy research institute in the united states earlier, he gave us his assessment on the situation e man around bill garad. i would say that you have to look at these attacks into context. one is a tactical operation. design probably to relieve pressure from ukraine forces under attack. and the done boss is out 3 areas to the of the south east of the country. but also as a psychological operation to discredit, to me during the elections which have just passed. and also to show that the promise that this war is not going to affect the average russian is not true. it also undermines the kremlin is claimed that all russians support this war because of we have at least the tax is 3 russian volunteer military units fighting for on the side of the brain, against pollutants regime. and these are the people who are undertaking this
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attacks right now. i want to pick up on that because as you say, aside from the strikes by you crime, the pain rights are being carried on by these pro ukrainian power military. some of the same russian tell us what do you know about them. as these 3 groups have been around for a few years, and they are generally made up of either the sectors prisoners of war who come over the ukrainians side or also ethnic russians who had emigrated earlier to ukraine and are also fine. uh for ukraine. they're part of the many national group groups within the, the international fighters were fighting for ukraine. besides this, these rush groups, you also have groups and galleries. chechnya, georgians and, and many others of the 3 that we know are taking part of this are known as the freedom of russia. legion of the russian volunteer corps and the siberian battalion, which is one of the newer ones. but have recently been in combat in the of discuss
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the number maybe a few 1000. they're not large. but again, it's a great psychological impair. shows russians fighting against russians on russian soil, against, against roofing and against this. for now, i want to talk to a little bit about flooding the patients response he and the kremlin do seem to be taking this quite seriously. putting has responded personally, saying russia will respond, giving, given everything that you've just told us how big of a challenge these raids and cross border strikes for him as we shouldn't exaggerate their military impair. is there a few 1000 men there not being supported? the regular ukrainian forces are not coming across the border. they are coming across the border of only a few kilometers. this is not a drive on belgrade, which is only about 4 kilometers from the border with ukraine. but it said, are dispersed along the border with the curse and build the rateable glass. in
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other words, it makes it harder for the russians to respond and it makes it harder for them to consecrate their forces against these units. again, they're just over the border from ukraine, but they're having an effect because the marshall the forces he's either boot is going to attend the show. boy are going to either have to use reserves. they have in rush of themselves, or they're going to have to move fluids from the don't boss about 3 should care some battlefields around uh, to build the rod and in personal glass in order to take care of this. i mean, right now both sides are limited in manpower. so every little bit of that is used here is the man power that cannot be used down the don't boss. that was phillip fashioned epsky from the foreign policy research institute. we really appreciate your insights today. thank you very much for your time. you're welcome. thank you.
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i've got some breaking news to tell you several explosions had been heard in the center of the ukrainian capital keys. now this follows an error that was prompted by a series of mist 1000 drawings launched by russia. keeps men vitale. cuz each coast is the city is under attack and that a defense units are engaged in repelling this assault. rising on the telegram messaging at the eclipse court also said that debris from the down to russian miss sile, he's a residential building early this morning and that debris has also landed in all the non residential areas. will bring you more on this breaking news story as it comes here on w. let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines today. the un has one that sudan is suffering. one of the world's worst humanitarian disasters in recent memory. it say is more than 18000000 people are at risk of simon. that's of molding
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a 3rd as to don's population because of the ongoing civil war. the, the head of the u. n. c. monetary and office is slammed the international community for its lack of action. the u. k and australia have signed a new defense agreement i entered boosting, intelligence, sharing and military coordination. the treaty is seen as a response to concerns of a china is military expansion in the asia pacific. however, it does not include on mutual defense packs, that would commit a nation to respond if the author is attacked. luis montenegro has been appointed. portugal is new prime minister paced into rice, democratic alliance, potties, great and narrow election victory. earlier this month, fortune goes president, has invited montenegro to form a minority government off the ideas of socialist rule. he's vowed not to form an agreement with the far right shake of potty, which has quadrupled. it's complimentary representation of brazil code has rules
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dot full mess focused on. it'll be in your most so if he's 9 year prison sentence for right. he was convicted in recently in 2017 for his party in a group sexual assault when he applied for i've seen milan, brazil, 1000 extradited nationals which laid easily to seek his imprisonment in his harm nation. well, for weeks now, farm is in countries across europe. have been protesting against what they say is too much red type and too much of government interference that's threatening de livelihoods. they're also upset about shape a ukrainian inputs flooding the market. farm is again, blocked rides in european countries ahead of today's e u summit, which they call it. we'll address, they can sense building fires in the middle of the roads. polish farmers are once again blocking traffic in nationwide protests. they brought their tractors of law and even a coughing,
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they say symbolizes the death of agriculture. available throughout the all subsequent ring is coming, the document that will be expensive, so for the lives of people and everything else. so some of those, like, all these things are very expensive. i don't know how long i lost that doesn't give you protesting high cost and low produce prices. it's part of a 3 month action plan by farmers across the u. many of them blame there was on the use environmental regulations. they say they add more bureaucracy, leaving farmers with even larger bills. and they're fighting for the evolution of the green, the. that's our top priority. lot protests and the czech republic too much of the farmers anger is also directed at cheaper ukrainian produce making its way into the you tax free and without having to conform district. your rules maybe to problem is because of the problem of the ridiculous regulations. important
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grading from you, craig would not be a problem with doing the same conditions as we have here, and we have a same taxes that we paid on the market. he bought you. many of the they claim those imports are driving down the prices of their own produce. so far therapy and commission has denied the imports have a quote, significant impact on prices. while the u has reached the provisional deal, that would continue allowing duty free ukrainian products until mid 2025, with new caps on some food in ports of like oats and corn. the farmers are now waiting for the outcome from brussels, where the leaders are set to meet for to day summit. now the news use rouse prime minister benjamin netanyahu was these preparations all still underway for the invasion of rough, fine stuff and gone. so bump that it will take some time is comments. com is
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diplomatic. if it's intensified, just stop that from happening. you as a secretary of state and to me blinking has been meeting with his counterpart in saudi arabia. for more talks, i ended securing a ceasefire between homeless and these royal us officials say he'll travel to israel on friday. speaking earlier this week, lincoln said, the entirety of goss this population is in need of humanitarian assistance. yost, hilton. mine is the middle east and north africa expert. i'm program director at the international crisis group earlier. we asked him, what needs to change for a cease fire and hostage release deal to happen in order for it to fire to happen? unique's book has been lacking all along, which is us pressure as well to, to accept one. and of course there are differences between israel and how i'm asked if i thought the ceasefire should be a. but regardless of those differences, the fact that we're facing the imminent threat of feminine in gaza and we're
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close to 2000000 people who may this may suggest that a ceasefire is a urgency needed. and so united states is the only power that can help bring that about if it's were to use the leverage that a test as to the us now where a bashful linda courts over a new migration doors closing confusion at the us mexico border. now delete the log is the style tardies in texas, the power to arrest and to pull people. the supreme court cleared the way for the load to take effect on choose day thought. just hours later appeals court judges decided to block it as they consider whether it into fees with the federal government's immigration powers. well, mexico has already said it will not accept anyone or to, to leave texas on to the so called s be full. he's what makes the car is president,
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had to say someone seemed going to, we are against this draconian louisiana which is completely contrary to human rights waste on somebody. and we will not accept the potations from the government in texas. and i am telling you that as well and we will not stand idly by finally. now hockey ologist in turkey have on earth evidence that people were wearing body piercings as long as 11000 years ago. now the dig in the country se found beads and the skeletons that experts now belief were once worn by those very day. it's the 1st time that objects, like these have been found close to the lips and use of the bodies, leading archaeologists to conclude that they were in fact all the p. a 6 tennessee . with that you're up to date is more on d,
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w dot com. of course we'll be following the story. this breaking news from ukraine of explosions, heard in the capital, keith here on d w, and also on dw, i'm jared radian berlin. thank you so much for watching. have a great day, the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carriers subscribe to the subscribe to plan, it's a the.


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