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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 21, 2024 7:00am-7:15am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin less shake, ukraine's capital key. loud explosions. follow one arrow or attempt to rush. it launches missiles and drones at the sitting. there are reports of casualties. also coming up the u. s. calls for an immediate cease fire in gaza. secretary site down to the blake and it says washington is putting forward a un resolution blinking to cease fire to the release of hostages. as israel graham's office preparations to invade russell and confusion that the best mexico border as a court blown ssl allowing the texas state authorities to arrest suspected the
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legal migraines. just hours after judges give it the green light, the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. several explosions have been heard in the center of the ukrainian capital key. it follows an error alert prompted by a series of missiles and drones launched by russia. the largest attack of its kind in recent weeks, cubes may or vitale eclipse co says that 8 people have been injured. and the rocket fragments destroyed several buildings including a kindergarten. he added that a residential building and cars across the city were on fire. riding on the telegram messaging app, please go, said the air defense units are engaged in repelling the assault. meanwhile, ukrainian shells have been pounding rushes belgrade border region for several days
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. that's all it is there, say thousands of children are to be moved to safety as they expand the major evacuation plan, the regions capital city sits just 40 kilometers from the ukranian border. the area has come under increasing attack in recent months, with russia's president vladimir putin. boeing to protect civilians from long range, ukrainian strikes and cross border rates. this kindergarten in belgrade is one of many buildings damaged and showing the kindergarten principal witness the blast firsthand. it was loud, the glass was ringing, all the doors were shaking after the last and the loudest bang. we understood that it was somewhere nearby, but didn't even suspect that it was at our place. we thought it was close, but not at our place. then when everything come down, we saw the aftermath. no children were injured. but in another part of belgrade,
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a man was killed when shrapnel from the showing hit. his car rushes military since the attack is aimed at the stabilizing the country after its recent election. can use the modem, of course we kinda respond to the same way you can buy for guarding civilian infrastructure and all the other objects you know, the and the me a tax on what we have our own views on this matter and our own plans. we will follow what we have outlined. so far, west has plans include restricting entry to nearby cities in the belgrade region and evacuating around $1200.00 children, but with the war and ukraine. now in russia's doorstep, the border region is feeling the effect and the source of enemy fire is getting harder to detect. earlier we spoke about this with feel it bus your left ski. he's a former c, i, a paramilitary case officer. now, director of the center for intelligence and non traditional warfare at the foreign policy research institute in the us. he gave us his assessment of the situation on
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and in and around belgrade, as i would say, that you have to look at these attacks into context. one is a tactical operation of design, probably to really pressure from you. praying force is under attack and the done boss is out 3 areas to the of the south east of the country. but also as a psychological operation, a to discredit pollutant during the elections which have just passed. and also to show that the promise that this war is not going to affect the average russian is not true. it also undermines the crumbling this claim that all russians support this war. because of we have, and these attacks is 3 russians volunteer military units. fighting for on the side of ukraine, against pollutants regime. and there's other people who are undertaking this attacks right now. these 3 groups have been around for a few years, and they're generally made up of either the sectors prisoners of war who come over
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the ukraine side, or also ethnic russians who had emigrated earlier to ukraine and earl, suffice uh for ukraine. they're part of the many national group groups within the, the international fighters were fighting for ukraine. besides this, these rush to groups you also have groups galleries. chechnya, georgians and, and many others of the 3 that we know are taking part of this are known as the freedom of russian legion or the russian volunteer corps. and the side gear in battalion which is one of the newer ones. but it recently been in combat in the of discuss the number maybe a few 1000. they're not large. but again, it's a great psychological impair. shows russians fighting against russians on russian soil, against, against boot, roofing, and against the for here in europe, most leaders continue distressed, their long term commitment to supporting ukraine. but increasingly,
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there are risks over just how far that supports go. some countries have been calling for higher defense spending. the divisions have been especially public since princes present the amount of why my call went out on a limb with an idea she floated earlier this month. i only got his phone on have him to stay on the face of things, the french president and the german tons to that are aligned to both committed pro europeans who also both explicitly support to ukraine. but it started to become clear. they might not be getting on related to how your credit background started talking about sending european grind treatment to ukraine's kind is on top of sholtes said no microns suggested gemini, should be sending long range taurus besides jokes was forced to say, no, i think my home is put shelves in a very difficult position, and in some ways schultz shouldn't have shuts off, but he should have stuck to
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a message and it shouldn't be true and consistent because he have full. but we're getting around the place and changing things. it doesn't look very effective once he's responding to my. com dw his head speculation by some senior you did some of the showcases refusal to send the tourist missiles to ukraine. is personal on his part. that having being pressured into sending to that the tangs, he mounted ones to be seen, to stand firm on something. the president of the chancellor met in berlin last week, commercial smiles and friendship, but no public expression of change in political positions. the reality is the german, he has actually become ukraine's 2nd biggest supplier of military aid, off to the u. s. a mine seem to 17700000000 your ex it's significantly move and not to fronds, which has committed 635000000 years of military age. according to the ukraine
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support track studies, ukrainians would be asking, well uh, you know, they call talks a big game. but is he willing to back that up by a significant increase in military assistance to ukraine, france and germany guessing along with each other is fundamental for the european union. not much happens invest the 2 can agree. and ukraine is just one of the issues you lead is a discussing during that process and the summit sketch up on a few other stories making headlines today. the us is air lifting more american citizens out of haiti as the caribbean country grapples with the crisis spark by arms gangs. they've taken over much of the capital for the prince with violence now spreading to the suburbs. despite haiti's prime minister of the only agreeing to step down last week, the u. n. has warned that sudan is suffering one of the world's worst humanitarian
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disasters in recent memory. it says more than $18000000.00 people are now at risk of famine. more than a 3rd sedans population because of the ongoing civil war there. the head of events, humanitarian office, has slammed the international community for its lack of action. the u. k and australia to have signed a new defense agreement and boosting intelligent sharing and military coordination . the treaty is seen as a response to concerns over china is military expansion in the asia pacific. however, it does not include a mutual defense packed that would commit each nation to respond if the other is attacked. luis montenegro has been appointed as portugal as new prime minister. his central right democratic alliance party nearly won the election earlier this month. fortune goes president,
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has invited montenegro to vote. former minority government, after 8 years of socialist rule. these vowed not to form an agreement with the far right shake of party, which has quadrupled its parliamentary representations. still that states has circulated a draft un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire linked to the release of hostages in the gaza strip. during a visit to saudi arabia, us secretary of state, as a blinking, emphasize the need to protect the guys and civilians and provide humanitarian aid. the draft resolution isn't about face for the us, which last month, vito to call for an immediate cease fire. lincoln is due to the next visit, both egypt and israel used to who the mind is, the middle east and north american north africa expert rather, and program director now at the international crisis group. earlier we asked him what needs to change for
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a c spar and hostage release deal to happen in order for the fire to happen, unique's book has been lacking a long, which is us pressure as well to to accept one. and of course, there are differences between his role and how i'm asked if i was a ceasefire, should be a. but regardless of those differences, the fact that we're facing the imminent threat of spending in gaza and we're close to 2000000 people. roommate. this may suggest that a ceasefire is urgently needed and so united states is the only power that can help bring that about if it's were to use the leverage that have passed to the us state of texas now and the ongoing legal fight over a new immigration law, it brands, state officials, the power to arrest in the port anyone's suspected of crossing the border illegally
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from mexico. up until now enforcing immigration laws was the responsibility of federal not state authorities. the new law was supposed to go into force this month, but an appeals court has put the measure on hold, leading to confusion at the border to the final steps towards the american dream. thousands of migrants try to reach us showing and search for a better life. while on the other side, a legal battle shows confusion over who has the power to police the border for some of those who has made it to texas as new immigration law is only adding to their concern. it's little difficult now. immigration services keep endorsing us to keep trying. but if we face this new law upon arrival, then everything becomes more complicated for us because we can't keep moving forward. i believe that they keep shutting goals and us every day. texas,
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the texas governor assess the us is facing an invasion of our legal migrant and the state has the right to defend itself. but immigration cases here are currently handled by the federal government, not the states. however, under the new law state, sheriffs would have the power to arrest anyone they suspect of entering the us i legally with manufacturing the new legislation which could see my friends facing up to 20 years in prison. we're not going to be targeting minorities or anything like that. we have to have reasonably, somebody is here legal years committed before with less. so our good citizens don't need to be worried about the police wished but neighboring mexico says it's worried about this new law. and even if texas is given the power to enforce it,
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the country has made clear it won't be accepting anyone deported by the state. before we go, let's take a look at some free footage from chester 0 in the u. k. where to snow leopard sup just arrived, it's the 1st time the city was ever cared for the endangered big catch. the male and female will have room to grow in an immersive habitat designed to recreate the rocky terrain of the himalayan mountains. zoo described the arrival as a huge milestone for the protection of these eye clinic cats. if you're watching dw news, just reminder the top story we're following for you. russia has attacked keith overnight with the garage of missiles and drones. the ukrainian capital was rocked by several explosions and the miss on last have resulted in casualties. evacuations, in residential building damage. ukraine said it's defense units had been engaged in
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repelling the sold the 1st large attack in recent weeks. and terry margin for me and all of us here. thanks for watching the trast fashion as an environmental night a clothing graveyard, immature land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded fashion.


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