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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 21, 2024 11:00am-11:30am CET

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the, the, this is dw news coming to live from berlin. us changes its position and calls for an immediate cease fire and gaza. us secretary state has any blinking announce is a draft un resolution for an immediate cease fire linked to the release of hostage in the us and b to the previous initiative. also coming up, blast, shake, the ukrainian capital key, the loud explosion to shake the city after russian launch is this largest attack of missiles and drones and weeks in apparent retaliation for ukraine's air attacks on the rushes and the nuclear come back. you leaders are poised to call for more atomic energy to promote energy security
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and reduced carbon emissions. the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. the united states has circulated the draft, un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire link to the release of hostages in the gaza strip this, as israel prepares for their military action in response to the most terror attacks of october, 7th us secretary of state anthony blank and his landed in cairo now for a ceasefire talks, while in saudi arabia he was episode he upsize the need to protect guys and civilians and provide humanitarian aid. the draft resolution isn't about face for the us, which last month be though to call at the u. n. for exactly such a truce. here is what blinking had to say about the draft seized by resolution.
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well, in saudi arabia, us, we actually have a resolution that we put forward right now that does call for an immediate cease fire tied to the release of hostages. he said, and we hope very much that countries will support the war this week and talked out to journalists by like sliding entail a beef and carry a war in cairo cream to you 1st, this shift in the us position on a ceasefire and gaza. how is that likely to be seen in the region, particularly in egypt, where anthony blinking his holding thoughts today? so what i think is the hope is that this we give some input, this is we boost the she's probably negotiations that are going on because in the background. and we know that there's a basic agreement of a 6 week ceasefire in exchange for using hostages. 40 hostages,
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and then in exchange releasing at the 20 to start the fault of for understanding prison. this is from, is there a presence, but they have cost a lot of disagreements then. and this is the help that this new you and us, the initiative really push this, that is the difference. the difference. one of them is like how much as they mounting on this to was hostages, that the spend a lifetime license refusing it. how much on the other side is asking for him to pick the names for the policy? that's where he's from. the prison said they ask for at least a 100 then and was nice sent this. this is where it is refusing. that is, and it's, the other hand is asking the cost of the, to the port some of the release for this, the business to search the countries. and finally, there is, of course, the hope that that would be further ceasefire and further reviews, as well as how mazda is connecting this to like in a permanent ceasefire to an end of the void that this, of course, something nathan,
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y'all, is refusing because of his objective to destroy how much so despite of this is change of view positions this to know the work of disagreement in this negotiations . now polish in tel aviv uh, what about is real? how is, is real likely to react to this push by the us is making a huge deal of this statement by playing israel. i do understand why. well, we have, for now is a statement by blinking in an interview with the saudi media saying that the u. s issue to propose of us to go to the state on the basis of an immediate these 5 target to the release of the hostages within the thing of the details of the proposal. yes, the issue is less about misuse by being immediate or not. but whether it's a permanency as far as something that wouldn't be acceptable in israel, and i honestly don't think that the u. s. would ever quote for such a thing. secondly, when blake and saying it's tied to the release of the hostages,
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does he mean that a ceasefire would be an a conditional release of the hostages? because if that's the case, it isn't oh, they'll be a 100 percent for somebody that i don't imagine from us accepting, even if the us to go to call the proposal passes. and leslie link is saying that this is a, you have a resolution proposal will say the strong matcher. i see 3 options here getting this message, the 1st 2 or 4. how often is all that you use right now the totes in dover, and such a proposal would put pressure on them to accept the terms of the negotiations. but thirdly, and maybe i'm not here to talk about the us office, but it's definitely a message also to be democratic voters ahead of the election. say, here we are. we are pushing for sees far as your demanding in a nga kareen. tell us more about the situation in gaza right now. it sounds like the need for food assistance. there has become absolutely
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critical. it was, i mean, let's not stay was uninterrupted evidence. i mean, we have a key is statement by wsp that works with organization that to simon, this payment and so between now and me and they don't say this like you this can, you indicate this wednesday, you maybe just announcing the money to simon or a famine and to some of it is the insecurity of it's for dissertations. basically we do a full in gaza. the other one is the management solution of children. so wsp decided that it's the time now to announce that the in the mean it's, it's, it's an assignment in people in gaza starting to test right now. the wsp, which is the director cindy mccain is saying, meant by a man made hung on my leg, sushi crisis. she is saying that there's a very small window left to prevent and i'll try to come in and do that. we need
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immediately and for the excess to the north. that means what is right. and if you wait until this payment has been declared, it's too late. sounds more would it be that this the heads of the wsp kareem. thank you very much. that was kareem, l, g, y, and cairo, and intel a, b we were speaking with bali sliding. thank you very much. the bus now to ukraine's capital key, where several explosions have been heard in the city center. this follows an error alert prompted by a series of missiles and groans launched by russia. the largest attack of its kind in recent weeks keeps mer patel eclipse co says that 8 people have been injured in that rocket fragments damage several buildings including a kindergarten residence or sheltering in the subway as air defense unit work to repel just yourself. earlier i spoke with our correspond max turned in key. he told us more about last night of tax. right, terry?
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so the city right now is recovering from a large scale attack, one of the kind that it has an experience for many weeks. now. last night at about 3 o'clock in the morning air raid sirens were, could be heard here and across the capitol. an error rate alert that was last for about 3 hours. and in that time, residents in the city could hear air defense going to work. air defense rockets being launched into the air, flashes in the sky and explosions. that being sounded all across the city. um, from what the you printed air processing, 31. this house were launched at the crating capital, all of which were intercepted according to them. these miss houses are different types of miss house. i'm cruise this house but also the listing this house, including the the decor misheard of change on me. so which is very difficult to
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intercept that according to the training several taken out of the years now. um, there were no direct tips in the city, but um, falling debris came down, hit the residential buildings. kindergarten was impacted, businesses were impacted as well as powered infrastructure. and the numbers you just mentioned um, regarding people injured have been corrected. as of now, it seems that 13 people were injured. at least 2 of them being children. and this attack is us that are ready at this, at this scale, hasn't happens in quite a number of weeks. now, the ukranian authorities say that this was the 1st time and more than a month that the russian strategic pharmacy was deployed and 11 aircraft are said to have been taking parts in this attack on, on the training capital. so it sounds like a multi pronged attack on t of is, is this being seen there max as retaliation for yesterday's attacks on russia's
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belgrade region? one that is very difficult to say um, because usually uh, the russians by the rest of the trainings would, would comment on the, on the reason behind their military actions. russia, ford wouldn't comment on these kinds of attacks usually. but what we know is that there has been fighting happening in the north of ukraine in the border regions with, with russia and the size of the southern of provinces in, in, russian developed a red region for example. and of course region as well as in the senior region and you creating there has these regions have experience from apartment ad showing. and in addition to that, as you mentioned, there has been russia has experience, boots on the ground. already on march 12th, pro, key of russian militias carried out an incursion into russian territory and have
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been fighting there. the russians were quickly to come in to listen to down, play the events to say that the tech has been ported, but more than a week later. so, from what we know, this fighting was still going on. and it's not exactly clear what the, what the status is right now. but what from, from what we're hearing in belgrade region in the russian or for example, the children are being evacuated and the long term effects or the defects of this distance fighting are not clear. it's certainly not gonna change the course of the war, but it might disrupt things on the ground and certainly um anger and to an extent i'm embarrassed the rest of the leadership max, thank you very much for bring us up to date there. that was the w, as much time to in key, is during europe. most leaders continue to stressed or long term commitment to supporting ukraine. but increasingly there are risks over just how far that
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supports go. that's likely to be an issue in european leaders made in brussels. today to discuss plans to use frozen russian assets to help farm key, the divisions have become even more pronounced since francis president manuel my call went out on a limb with an idea. he floated earlier this month. so he got his phones on have him to stay on the face of things, the french president and the german tons to that are aligned to both committed pro europeans who also both explicitly support to crate. but it started to become clear . they might not be guessing all related to how your credit background started talking about sending european grind treatment to ukraine is kind the top sholtes said no. my crumbs suggested gemini, should be sending long range taurus besides jokes was forced to say no i my home is put shelves in a very difficult position. and in some ways, schultz shouldn't have shot. but he should have stuck to
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a message and it should have been true and consistent. and because he has full wiggling around the place and changing things, it doesn't look very effective once he's responding to my. com dw his head speculation by some senior you did some of the showcases refusal to send the tourist missiles to ukraine. is personal on his part. that having being pressured into sending to that the tongues he mounted ones to be seen to stand firm on something. the president of the town, so the nothing but in last week, commercial smiles and friendship, but no public expression of change in political positions. the reality is the germany has actually become ukraine's 2nd biggest supplier of military aid, off to the u. s. a. mine seem to 17700000000 your ex it's significantly more of the knots of fronts, which is committed to 635000000 years of military aid, according to the ukraine support track studies ukrainians with the austin. well,
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uh, you know, they call talks a big game. but is he willing to back that up by a significant increase in military assistance to ukraine fronts in germany guessing along with each other is fundamental for the european union. no much happens in less that you can agree and ukraine is just one of the issues you leaders are discussing. during that brussel summit, a lovely dom alarm from the european council on foreign relations spoke to me earlier about why francis procedures trailing germany and its contributions for military aid to ukraine. the 1st thing is that the french government is contesting the figures that you quoted and contesting the figures provided by the q institute and has provided differentiators. and is also emphasizing the fact that it's
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not communicating about everything it is doing. and that certain things like intelligence or training cannot be expressed in figures. the 2nd thing is probably the model that falls has failed over the past 30 years, which was very much focused on projecting it's ministry in all the theaters, especially in africa. and not so much on the defense of its directory, which was dealt with with nuclear deterrence. so that are sort of them weapons, that troll basically doesn't have and it's thoughts because it didn't need them. the last element is the budgetary constraints um falls has much more public that than germany, obviously. um and us much less fiscal margins then germany
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which is also why falls has been pushing on the you in advancing what it calls in order to ways of financing the support to your trade. because it obviously doesn't have so much a fiscal margin to do that. um and divide by the way and that was mary dom alarm from the european council on foreign relations in paris. for weeks farmers across europe have been protesting against what they say is too much red tape and too much government interference in their sector. farmers are also upset about cheaper ukrainian imports flooding the market. their protests again blocked roads in several countries. the head of thursday's e u summit, which they hope will address their concerns. building fires in the middle of the roads. polish farmers are once again blocking traffic in nationwide protests.
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they brought their tractors, and even a coffin, they say symbolizes the death of agriculture. available that ought to be all subsequent breeding is coming, the document that will be expensive. so for the lives of people and everything else . so some of those that goes by these things are very expensive. i don't know how, you know my last year protesting high cost and low produce prices. it's part of a 3 month action plan by farmers across the u. many of them blame there was on the use environmental regulations. they say they add more bureaucracy, leaving farmers with even larger bills. and they're fighting for the pollution of the green. the. that's a top priority lot protests and the czech republic too. much of the farmers anger is also directed at cheaper ukrainian produce, making its way into the you tax free and without having to conform district you
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rules that can maybe to problem is because of the problem of the ridiculous regulations. important grading from you crate would not be a problem. you know, after we're done under the same conditions as we have here, and we have a same taxes that we pay it on the market. many of the claim, those in ports are driving down the prices of their own produce. so far, the european commission has denied the imports have a quote, significant impact on prices. while the u has reached a provisional deal, that would continue allowing duty free ukrainian products until mid 2025, with new caps on some food in ports like outs and corn. farmers are now waiting for the outcome from brussels, where the leaders are set to meet for to day summit. take a look at a few other stories making headlines today. at least 69 rose ginger refugees have
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been rescued off the coast of indonesia. the survivors were found holding onto and standing on the wooden boat they were traveling in which had capsized. it's estimated the dozens around the us is, are lifting more american citizens out of haiti as the caribbean country grapples with a crisis sparked by armed gangs. they've taken over much of the capital port prints, which with violence now spreading to the suburbs, despite eighty's prime minister ariel only agreeing to step down last week. the un has warned that sue the suffering one of the world's worst humanitarian disasters in recent memory. now it says more than 18000000 people are now at risk of famine. there more than a 3rd sedan population because of the ongoing civil war. the head of the un humanitarian office has slammed the international community for its lack of act.
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luis montenegro has been appointed as portugal, as new prime minister is such a right democratic alliance party naturally won the election earlier this month. supports those presidents has invited voted negro to form the minority government upgrade years of socialist rule is about not to form an agreement with the far right jacob party, which is called root. well, the parliamentary representation now come back for nuclear power in europe and elsewhere tops the agenda as other hoops high profile talks taking place in brussels on thursday. leaders at the nuclear energy summit are set to call for europe's nuclear industry. to be rebuilt, after years of decline, nuclear fell out of favor in europe following japan's fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, but commitments to cut greenhouse emissions and the need to find alternatives to russian gas have led to a re think in how europe should produce energy from
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all of this crossover to dw is christine would want, who's at the summit, christine is nuclear power or something that you're a pain leaders now feel their countries need more of as well. certainly some of them ad series this, some of this is a follow up to an announcement that a group of 20 countries made at cops when the aides in divide. last year they said they were committing to tripling new to energy capacity by the good 2015. they're making the case that you cannot gibson it's 0 without new to your industry. so they've invited a number of stakeholders. uh, to the summit, opening the summit, the village apartment is to ultimate hosting. the summit talks about how they are in this country has taken the decision to extend the lifespan of some of it. so you have that new see of how science. he says that the will be to embrace all energy sources that didn't include comp and the head of the un. cynthia watched off was
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also here giving a keynote address. and he said, we have to take into account that around 25 percent of the world's teen energy right now is, is nuclear energy about how when you look at here. and so they're making the case that more investment needs to be put into developing. and as well as extending a new to energy project. so you've got, you know, representations from it. i advise you in special finance institutions, regional developing fence stakeholders, about $300.00 ceos have been invited to the summit to increase funding in this direction. so for years, christine, there was strong opposition to nuclear power in a number of european countries. they argue that nuclear is really not as clean as a says, people say on the say it's dangerous. and those countries included germany which decided to phase out nuclear completely. given that what our critics saying about this summit, christy turn
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a lot of created. it's just coming into the summit activist and use the staging sort of many protests outside um around $500.00. in fact, more than 500, i'm told sort of like club and organizations signed the letter where they were basically calling on, on the government's not to waste time and money on new tier energy. they're making the case that it's simply is a sustainable. so let's talk about that admission to triple new to energy capacity by 2050. these organizations, let's say right now about 5 minutes here we access, i'll be added to global electricity grids every year to, to achieve that tripling by 2050. you're gonna have to scale up to about $24.00, new to react to is coming on line onto electricity grids every single year. they say this is a waste of time and money. it's nothing to address immediate energy poverty. and that it's diverse and public resources away from renewable energy, which they say is much cheaper. so you have a lot of the position to this. the number of countries talked about germany
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wouldn't be represented here today because they've taken the decision to simply phase out new to energy because of questions around what do you do with the new ways, but also is it a safe and sustainable alternative right now where there was a huge case for renewables. christine, thank you very much. that was the w as christine mcguire in brussels. well, one of the initiatives being discussed to the summit is whether to create a joint you funding mechanism for nuclear power construction, dw d, w. as christine with what asked the director general of the un atomic energy agency . rafael grossey for his view on the initiative, or each one of the elements which are going to be needed. we have clearly a new international consensus on the need to have also new care energy as part of the tools against the global warming and also for energy security. very important. the in particular in your opinion, central in eastern europe. so when we look at more nuclear,
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we have to look at what is needed, what is lacking ad and quite clearly, as you say, the sure finance is one of the most salient ones. some countries are less and in need of that. but for many in, in europe, it is still a necessary to have elements that will facilitate adding more new care to their great gemini, europe's biggest economy is on the part of shutting down. or if it's new to them, how problems is that a mistake from where you stand and also is it too late for the germans to reverse that decision? now, when a schedule for an international organization of which germany is an important partner, i would not characterize decisions taken freely by a democratically elected government as a mistake or as, or, or as, as something. but i would say it's a fact we are dealing with with the fact actually germany has been the only country
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that has proceeded with a complete face out and respect to respect that i'm talking about too late or, or not. i think you will before the german people to the site, but late. no, it's never too late. that was roughly a grocery director general of the international atomic energy agency talking to these other units. and before we go, let's take a look at some for a 4th, each from chester 0 in the u. k. where to snow leopard suggest arrived. it's the 1st time this has ever cared for the endangered big cats. the mail and emails will have room to room in an immersive habitat designed to recreate the rocky terrain of the himalayan mountains. the zoo describe the arrival as a huge milestone for the prod, protection of these eye clinic. are you
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watching the w news up next? eco indeed look said the options for opening up with hybrid wind and solar power. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching. the
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combining wind episode of how a come for a new office. you know, certainly it's a form of the source and that's also something that was up to every one to imagine how many people will be employed in full. so we have really a king change eco india. next on d,
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w, they tell their hudson's europe and see russia as their enemy. many young people in georgia have positioned themselves against the pro russian government. and since an opportunity in the upcoming parliamentary elections, what they want for their country is true. independence. focus on europe. in 60 minutes on d, w, the if you speak to some language, should always discrete one unity for but it's interesting, i'm good days. my parents and the big parts of my family were killed. i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 1994 genocide games for to see rhonda
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. my name is some way to ship me here. i'm a friend maker shaming history. our documentary stops april 6th on dw the vm. so my friend is blowing in the wind or maybe doesn't the sunshine, but what is the question? it is keen energy. hello and welcome. i'm sorry to go through body annual watching equal in depth ad. in today's episode, we try to understand what are the opportunities and challenges that come with the new over the energy. southern states across india are trying to expand their renewable energy capacity to come down and forces.


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