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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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the, the, this expediently news live from by that the us changes its mind and calls for immediate sci fi and gaza secretary of state anthony, blank and add ons is a draft you and the resolution for immediate sci fi link to the release of hostages . fixed by state, the us of being during previous such initiatives. also on the program loud explosions, shape the ukranian capital, the russia launches its largest ms. child and the drum, the tax of weeks in a 100 and retaliation for ukraine's advert. taxed on russia's board,
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lead us from europe, it elsewhere points to call for more atomic power to promote to energy security. i'm to reduce carbon emission, the phil guy of welcome to the program. the united states has circulated a draft un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire linked to the release of hostages in the gaza strip of this as israel per pass for the military action in response to the homeless tara attacks of october 7th. the draft to text represents on about face for the us, which over the last month, vito nicole, the un for such a trans announcement by the us secretary of state on to me blinking k while he was in saudi arabia as part of his tour of the region in an interview with saudi broadcast that i'll head back to emphasize the need to protect costs and civilians
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and to provide humanitarian a. he is talking about those us 65 proposals as well. in fact, we actually have a resolution that we put forward right now that's before the united nations security council. that does call for an immediate cease fire tied to the release of hostages. and we hope very much that countries will uh, will support that. i think that would send a strong message or a strong signal or under the blanco, is now in cairo for the latest round of seats. find the ghost ations. as you understand, cream alga, why is there a welcome korean? so let's start with this. the us about face on this immediate seas find link to the return of hostages. how is that being received that with something in there for everyone, basically like a ceasefire and the release of hostages is so it seems to me like every site is going to say like i wouldn't point fitting my parts if the other side for things,
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the other part, but then it's mike who's actually the negotiations that a going on and, and we know that in this negotiations this is already a lot of common ground. say one of them is that they're both agreed to have a 6 week ceasefire. and then the release of about 40 hostages in exchange to the 2013 types of number of how does deviance released from is really presence. but they also a lot of disagreements this way. it is asking for a list of hostages says that it's a wife and to know how much this is denying this list, how much is asking to name to pick the prisoners, the policy, the presence that are released among them also about the people it was life sentence, this is where it is saying that if they do this uh, they might want to have the possibility to the ports, some of them at to us throughout the country. also,
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this of course is not something i must is happy with. and at the end, the whole thing where to continue it to a 2nd, drones where we have the release of soldiers maybe and for that. how much is asking for it guarantees that that would be a permanent ceasefire. that that was ending. it is something, of course is on y'all, we'll have a hard time to something with this as he's a basically, the goal of this war for him is the destruction of thomas. okay, so i'm gonna bring him in egypt today at what's on his agenda or where the interesting thing is that he's not only meeting the injunction for news, but we have a hole in our actual in our appointment is this coming here? are here present in the press being present here in cairo among them the, the 40 minutes they'll sell you a review form is the of the cost of the form is the of the interests. the fordham itself, georgia, and the high ranking operation from the policy, you know,
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sorry to you in the end of the month. so all that indicates that the talk here is not only about the ceasefire agreement, but what happens of that was probably they are talking already about some kind of posts for an order. we don't know the details of all these, but what would be the role of the p e? what would be the role of neighboring egypt to jordan who is present as i mean they, but some of the westbank registrations escalating and saudi arabia and the, the everett's as basically the atm machines in this region. so appropriate is sitting together talking about the postwar post a group post for orders and kind of thank you for that. so cream journalist, a cream algo already in egypt, ukraine's capital i. keith has been hit overnight by borrowers of mistletoe. i'm droned, attacks, and strikes follow recent, advertised by ukraine across the board in russia's belgrade regents overnight. heads on campus, the largest in recent weeks,
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causing residential damage and casualties. despite its ukraine's resilient defense, hazel in the early hours of thursday, g of rooked, by explosions seeking said people in the ukraine in capital, haven't seen in weeks spots available. falling off, the 1st explosion hedge and i woke up and a 2nd later i was covering my daughter with my arms. there was a 2nd explosion. and at that moment the piece of shop now hit my window. the children were sent to the bomb shelter and i wondered what to do next, but also financial to be done. in the daylight, the aftermath of the attacks becomes visible blasts damage to residential buildings with several people losing their homes. if my son had it or not, he would have been killed. our entire apartment was destroyed.
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the blast waves destroyed furniture, windows doors, every thing. it's a hard time this for the fusion, ukraine's air force as it shut down all 31 russian me sales targets in the capital on thursday. but nearly 22 people were injured by the following parts. ukrainian president, full of demons, the landscape has condemned the attacks as an act of terror. he has been relentless in his appeals to western allies for air defense systems. sees that these nice as they are partners, have these defense systems that them, they need to understand that we need them to protect the lives of the see job the strikes on key of full, the threats of retaliation from russian president vladimir putin. ukraine has been pounding its belgrade both the region for several days,
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forcing evacuations of thousands of children. the exchange of a tax is given the other as collation in russia's war against its neighbor straight to the ukrainian capital that corresponding to max on that is that welcome max and tell us more about that, the slightest russian. right. all right, so so last night's attacker this morning's attack rather, um was one of the scale that the printing capital hadn't experienced in and many weeks. i'm the recent days and weeks the russian attack. so or the russians focused attacking other cities across the country. for example, on wednesday and how to keep, for 5 people were killed or last week in odessa were 21 people were killed in russian strikes. now, the training careful is quite well defended. a lot of the most advanced air defense systems are stationed here. this is the city where the government is where the institutions are. so, um, that may be the reason why, according to the ukrainian air force, 31 of 31 launched missiles worth deceptive,
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including the controlling missiles wherever, which are very difficult to intercept. but nevertheless, damage has done by folding debris. abilities were set on fire, more than a dozen people were injured, entire streets were covered in the shards of glass from, from the windows blow. now it's by the explosion. and even for people who were not impacted by us directly by last night's attacks of waking up in the middle of life with due to eric servers going off to explosions is a very hard thing to live. and so is the presumption that this is retaliation for yesterday's attacks on russia's belgrade range. right, so you crane has been stepping up its attacks across the border into rushes builder with region they have been attacking the drones with rockets. and in addition to that, there has been an incursion into russian territory that already started on march
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12th 3 russian voluntary fighting units that are fighting on behalf of ukraine crossed into the russian territory and were fighting with uh, refreshing troops there on the ground. this was something that the problem was very quick to downplay quickly they said they had for the attack, but it turns out that the, these troops were having quite some impact there on the ground. so these cross border showings and this reason incursion is also let you local the local for tease a call for the evacuation of children living in the, in the, in the regions that are close to the border. and this has also led to, in the reaction by the rest of the present himself would say russia would react to these attacks. and this is possibly part of his reaction where we saw here last
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night. okay, so do the service light is referenced that does not increase the pressure on allies like the us in germany to send multiple more quickly. i mean, the situation on the front line, the situation in ukraine regarding air defense and also what's happening in the southern as well. no. the ukrainian forces for a long time kind of lacking on munition, i have not been able to make gains due to that their lack in particular munition for there are tillery, that is a, that's, they are waiting for it to come from, from europe and from the united states, in addition to that, the front line is being pounded with glad bombs. the russians have adopted a new strategy. there were air defenses needed there, but also they are running out in with regarding air defense with protecting the cities. so the, the a that is being that is being provided does it does help. um, certainly the ukrainians are looking forward to the, the, the
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a that has been greenlighted by the european union to 5500000000 zeros. but certainly, um, everyone here on the ground is waiting for the $60000000000.00 us dollar a package to the store stalls. and congress and the recent events and you kind of last couple weeks and months, hadn't really sped up the situation. so it's not likely that this attack that happened last night in cuba actually will make a big difference. okay, thank you for that next semester sound. in case most of us need is a continuing to stress that long term commitments to ukraine. but there are differences about the extent of that support. this is likely to be an issue when they meet in brussels today to discuss plans to use frozen russian assets to help keep the divisions from half about divisions have become even more pronounced since francis presidents emanuel macro. when i was on and then with the proposal earlier this month, i only got his phone on have him to stay on the face of things, the french president and the german town,
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so that our line goes committed pro europeans who also both explicitly support to ukraine but it's starting to become clear, they might not be getting on. related to how your credit background started talking about sending european grind frequency ukraine's kind. the top schoultz said no, my crumbs suggested gemini, should be sending long range taurus besides jokes was forced to say no, i think my home is put shelton, a very difficult position. and in some ways, schultz shouldn't have shot. but he should have stuck to a message and it shouldn't be true and consistent because he have full but we're getting around the place and changing things. it doesn't look very effective once he's responding to my. com dw his head speculation by some senior you did some of the showcases refusal to send the tourist missiles to ukraine. is personal on his part. that having being pressured into sending to that the tangs,
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he mounted ones to be seen, to stand firm on something. the president of the chancellor met in berlin last week, commercial smiles and friendship, but no public expression of change in political positions. the reality is the german, he has actually become ukraine's 2nd biggest supplier of military aid. off to the u . s. a mine seemed to 17700000000. yours is significantly moved and not to fronds, which has committed 635000000 years of military age. according to the ukraine support track studies. ukrainians will be asking, well, uh, you know, they call talks a big game. but is he willing to back that up by a significant increase in military assistance to ukraine. funds in germany guessing along with each other is fundamentals of the european union. not much happens,
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invest the 2 can agree and ukraine is just one of the issues you lead is a discussing during that process and the summit and the rosie buckshot is back in brussels. welcome, rosie rushes full. it's going to be evasion of your trans from to the a lot of, but talk about the boosting your lips. defensive is that agreement on how this might happen? yeah, well ever since not so scale invasion really, you leaders have been trying to balance on the one hand supports and ukraine militarily, army ukraine, but on the other hand, listing their own defense and meet what they say really is a fundamentally shifted change security environment and there being all sorts of discussion and debate and disagreement really on exactly how to get there. no one idea which is being slow to the height of this meeting is to take on joint debt to try and find out more defense for europe. so that would be a joint bones, for example. now that's something we've heard supported 5 front spice stony,
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at least. that's reports heading into these talks, but it's likely to go down much less well with countries traditionally considered more frugal when it comes to anything. it's jointly across the u, for example, the netherlands, and traditionally, germany would also be in that comp. what we heard from a german government official ahead of these talks was something a little bit more unclear. they said, well look, let's take this one step at a time. this discussion don't joint boring is something which is a kind of interesting philosophical issue, but it's not something that's going to deliver straight away. in the meantime, they're also looking at ways of using the proceeds of frozen russian assets as in the you try use that to get, i mean, it shouldn't an arm. so you create a not something which you create. it says in general that these arms are desperately needed, particularly when you haven't been able to deliver on a promise to deliver of really i a 1000000 ryans of i munition within a year that something which to you so far as not being able to close up a new crazy saying look, we're trying to fight the war to defend our territory. here,
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we'll take anything as quickly as quickly as possible. we created soldiers say, well basically, so far, not enough, not quickly enough. right away from the war. europe's farm is being causing problems for lee. this is a some, it's likely to address that many demands. yeah. will you stay away from the war? but actually it's all kind of part of the same story. because when russia launched at full scale invasion of ukraine, in the aftermath of that, the you opened up 8 markets to ukraine. cultural gauge to try and as of a really an arm of support to ukraine. because you, great news in agricultural powerhouse. however, part of the fall, it if not new speed, a lot of discontent among farmers across the european union, particularly in countries reporting ukraine like poland because they're repeat accusations that an influx of agricultural products, like grain from ukraine, has caused prices to plummet for domestic farmers. and that's where we seen some of these farmers across the street to your, with their tractors are protesting very loudly. and i talked about
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a balancing act. the leaders have another balancing act to do here, which is to show support to ukraine with this trade liberalization. but also to try and play kate and so they're delivering on the demands of farmers particularly had of a big election. no, there has been a provisional deal struck under which you play will still enjoy some of these trades benefits. but there will be some curves to try and limit the amount of, for example, of rain, which comes in, in order to address some of those concerns raised by farmers. however, across this book, farmers i've spoken do have very different amounts. they're not all concerned about you creating products, some are concerned, but the use green rules, some are concerned about the way the subsidies are distributed and all that means that i think they debate this discontent that we've seen them on farmers is unlikely to be a result at this meeting. so the white house is not suggesting a face 5 foot gaza, or were you likely to see new york p and proposals from this meeting?
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well, it's been months since we had any sort of a joints you statement when it comes to the situation a gaza. so probably at least to day talk, there's likely to be some new language agreed with there. i just know is a call for a immediate humanitarian pause, leading to what they call a sustainable ceasefire a cost these months since the october 7th tim us terror attacks. the us being pretty to light is on how to approach space. there's some countries which would be a quick to call for an immediate cease fire. others which would be much more stressing comes to israel's right to self defense. so it's looking like there might be some attempts that convergence of these talks. but i think these leaders are under no illusion that especially made this division, that the real diplomatic weight here, when it comes to actually influencing that conflict on the grounds. and what we know is a very dire humanitarian situation in gaza. will that diplomatic weight doesn't really lie in europe? it's much more so with washington. okay, excellent. rosie rosie, but you out in brussels. okay, let's take
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a look at that simple stories making headlines around, well, at least $69.00 for a hinge or refugees have been rescued off the coast of indonesia that were found holding onto and standing on the capsize to boat. they've been traveling it's, it's estimated that doesn't subtract the u. s. exam as being more americans citizens, as of haiti, that's the kind of being country grapples with a crisis, bought by the gangs, the gangs of taking over much of the capital for the products and violence and are spread to the suburbs. despite the country's prime minister, i only agreeing to step down last week for you and who's willing to sit down is suffering. one of the wells was to monetary disasters in recent memory, holding a 3rd of the population that's more than 18000000 people, an asset to be at risk of famine because of the countries on going civil war. ahead of the ones who, momentarily in the office has criticize the international community for its lack of action to the u. k and australia have signed
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a new defense agreement and boosting intelligent sharon and ministry coordination seen as a response to concerns about china's ministry expansion. in the ancient pacific, but it doesn't include a mutual defense pass that would commit to explanation to respond if it were attacked. come back for nuclear power in your vin elsewhere is top of the agenda at another high profile conference taking policy. brussels today elite is the nuclear energy summits, and i expected to call for your ups nuclear industry to be brief bills after decades of decline, nuclear fell out of favor and you're following japan's. she met nuclear accident in 2011 commitments to cut greenhouse emissions. and the need to find alternatives to rush and gas like to have re thing on how you would have ship continuously to energy. one of the initiatives being discussed is whether to create a joint
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e u funding mechanism for nuclear power construction. christine were asked the director general of to you in the atomic energy agency, rafael grossey. so here's the news. it's one of the elements which are going to be needed. we have clearly a new international consensus on the need to have also new care energy as part of the tools against the global warming and also for energy security. very important in particular, in your, of any central and eastern europe. so when we look at more nuclear, we have to look at what is needed, what is lacking ad and quite clearly, as you say, the sure finance is one of the most salient ones. some countries are less and in need of that. but for many in, in europe, it is still a necessary to have elements that was by senior date adding more new care to their
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great gemini, europe's biggest economy is on the part of shutting down only if it's new to him. how problems is that a mistake from where you stand and also is it too late for the germans to reverse that decision? now, when a schedule for an international organization of which germany is an important partner, i would not characterize decisions taken freely by a democratic evicted government as a mistake or as, or, or as, as something. but i would say it's a fact we are dealing with with that fact actually, germany has been the only country that has proceeded with a complete face out and respect to respect that i'm talking about too late or not. i think you would it before the german people to the site but late? no, it's never too late. a static, a general of the international atomic energy agency, raphael across the talking to dw correspondent christine $12.00. i will definitely
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phase that nuclear power earlier this year. but besides that hasn't been followed by the energy transformation towards renewables that many had hopeful you've had $22.00 countries. now i'm to triple the amount of an electricity generated by nuclear energy sources in germany used to have lots of nuclear power. but that came to an end in april 2023. when the country's last 3 nuclear power plants were taken offline. germany is now bidding on renewable energies, which account for about half the power supply. but it's not enough, especially during cold winters when the temperature drops. germany has to import electricity, france as a different approach. you know, it's holly because we don't agree with that german friends on this issue today. and it's a real concern. i think would be a historical mistake to deprive ourselves of nuclear power. also slowed down investments in nuclear power, a nuclear innovation in europe. many other countries in europe also rely on nuclear
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power. in addition to france, their spain, finland, sweden, and hungry, and some and you countries are building new nuclear plants. that's because experts say energy consumption will skyrocket in the coming years. not least due to the rise of artificial intelligence into all areas of life. a i, applications need a lot of electricity in for germany. this poses problems for climate protection. in addition to wind and solar energy, germany relies mainly on dirty coal and gas. these fossil fuels accounted for almost 40 percent of germany's power generation last year. if power consumption rises, emissions would soar. in december 22 countries, including 12 use states, announced that they were planning a huge expansion of nuclear power by 2050 and triple the supply of energy from new
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to what we go. let me um, take a look at some 31st inch from chest to zoo and the u. k. went to snow. lack of suggest arrived. it's the 1st time is there's a cab for the endangered big cats. the male and female will have room to roam and on a bus if have you taught. designed to recreate the rocky to the right i'm thinking of buying nonsense. as you describe the arrival is a huge milestone for the protection of these. i comic caps. this is reminded that top story of this of the us is called for an immediate cease finding . the release of hostages regarding strip washington secondary to the draft un security council. resolution has to veto a previous set, comes secretary of state antony blinking and, and as in the past, as the efforts to have broken success russia is attacked kiva of an item of the banners, just me,
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science and drugs. training capital was run by several explosions on the glass surface out to the cash into the vacuum ations damage to residential building, transfer this defense units for the case and were coming the assault to us bond spectacular police. we are both the
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they to the hudson's euro and see russia, the enemy. many young people in georgia have positioned themselves against the pro russian government. and since an opportunity in the upcoming parliamentary elections of all by what they want for their country is true. independence focus on europe next on d. w. no simple way to substitute
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direct to oxford. and my dear travels along with him as a back to a young country that has known almost her family's history as inseparably linked to the struggles this freedom and the desire for peace. in 45 minutes on d, w, the like someone else to see the highlights of selected for you. you every week in your inbox, subscribe. now this is shadows object. these costs and video shed lights on. the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed to score farms and destroy nights. what is the legacy of his wide
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spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the . this is focus on europe. i'm lara. bubble. a welcome russian president vladimir putin has been handed a 5th term and election that the u. n. usa were neither free nor fair. despite their efforts to isolate russia, booting is tightening his grip on power with the help of russian oligarchs. they are finding ways to evade the sanctions by purchasing real estate and mega yachts abroad.


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