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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the, the, this is p w, news and life invited us changes as mine, john calls for immediate sci fi and gaza secretary of state and the planck and the nonsense. a draft un resolution for an immediate cease fire link to the release of hostages as best buy's the u. s. veto a previous such initiatives. also on the program explosions to shake the ukrainian capital, the assess rush of launches that saw just to me silent top, full weeks. and it's kind of retaliation for you. craig, an arrow tax on precious port and usually it is maintained brussels of boosting supplies to ukraine. the warning,
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gaza securing your defenses all on to protect the and from gal. welcome to the program. united states as circulated, a draft un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire linked to the release of hostages in the gaza strip of businesses route for pass for the military action in response to the hamas. tara attacks on october 7th. the draft tags represents that about face for the u. s, which has repeatedly, vito calls the un for an immediate cease 5 announcement by the us. secretary of state came on. who is inside of you right there? that's part of his tour of the region to me think and also emphasize the need to protect goslin civilians and to provide humanitarian aid is an accept from his interview on saturday broadcast to i'll have to ass as well. in fact, we actually have a resolution that we put forward right now that's before the united nations
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security council. that does call for an immediate cease fire tied to the release of hostages. and we hope very much that countries will, will support that. i think that would send a strong message or a strong signal was the blinking now in egypt and asked a journalist coming out, go all right in cairo for his assessments or visit us about face with something in there for everyone. basically like a ceasefire and the release of hostages is so it seems to me like every site is going to say like i wouldn't point fitting my parts if the other side for things, the other part. but the, it's my, who's actually the negotiations that are going on and, and we know that in this negotiations there is already a lot of common ground. say one of them is that they're both agreed to have a 6 week ceasefire. and then the release of about 40 hostages in exchange to the 2013 types of number of august deviance released from is there any presence,
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but they are also a lot of disagreements history. and it's asking for a list of hostages says that it's a wife and to know how much this is denying this list, how much is asking to name to pick the prisoners, the policy and process that are released among them. also about the people, it was life sentence, this is where it is saying that if they do this, they might want to have the possibility to the ports, some of them at to us throughout the country. also, this is of course, not something i must is happy with. and at the end, the hosting where to continue it to a 2nd, drones where we have the release of soldiers maybe and for that. how much is asking for it guarantees that that would be a permanent ceasefire, that the voice ending it is something of course it is on you all will have a hard time to something with this as he's a basically the goal of this war for him is the destruction of,
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let's get most of them at least to unless deshawn here is honest, welcome back. showing me how is the is ready to government likely to view they said basis proposal from the us. well, not the very favorably. this is another signal from the americans that they are not happy with what's happening in gaza at the lack of a prospect and plan for the day after and gauze. and of course the committee turn in crisis. and so far the americans were very strongly supporting israel. also in the you in front of between other resolutions that have come forth about calling for a ceasefire. so the americans initiating that themselves as sort of signaling to as well. we're not necessarily automatically having to go back unless you start showing more progress. having said that, as long as they keep on having the seatbar connected to the release of hostages, we're still playing the same game where we both both sides from us and israel. me to agree in order for anything to move forward and for any change on the ground to really be seen and felt. okay. so this site was from what you're saying, this is more of a signal from the us to israel rather than moving they, um,
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any sort of breakthrough in gaza on it. just like this is really, it's a signal the international community we're seeing. we hear in the criticism we're to into that we're not automatically automatically, always backing is rather it's also a signal to american voters inside their democratic party. there's a lot of going criticism against biden, and there's a need to show that the, there's something being done and the criticism is heard. okay, so let's talk about the negotiations and what are we up to? not, um, it's always, you know, the back and forth. it's always hard to see, but there's still, i mean, blinking themselves. i said there's probably some progress done, but it's still not close enough. the main contention for is i still probably on the table and it's not about the number of hostages. this will be it. this is seen as a minor issue, but the key is what happens to the north of guys on when and how will policy is be allowed to travel or to return basically to their homes, whatever's, whatever's left of them in the north of gaza. this is something that is what was
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very adamantly, objecting. they don't want to see any pulsing is going back to the north of the street for how much this is very important. and the battle on the north of this rape is ongoing, also in different areas. you know, we've been seeing that the battle and she's the hospital, which is going already for 4 days now in gaza. this is part of israel trying to show the minute a, we know step back a little bit how mazda is going back us into north of design, to its old, strong hold. and we need to, you know, keep, keep acting also in the north of the strip. if we ever want to have a chance in eradicating home us, what i'm hearing a more and more of a from i benjamin netanyahu seems to be more about the destruction of a mass than the the rescue of the hostages. i might, i might just not getting my news from enough sources. no, no that's, that's a good sentiment that your, you echoing there. and it's spelled also in the israeli public and there's a lot of going, it's brewing in those as i'm going scrutiny. you know, for a guest and to now for kind of lower downgrading the hostages as, as
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a public issue and as a, as an end. so the, as a topic that he's working in order to achieving. and he's aware of that and politically, i think he's in a place that he is and he doesn't really know how to how to he's in a bind at his, his very extreme right wing a allies in the coalition did not want to see much progress when it comes to release of, of posting and hostages and prisoners in israel. and on the other hand, his more moderate partners, want to see everything done in order to bring forth a deal. and he doesn't really know how to find an elegant way out. this is what we single isn't go. sions going very slowly. i think he's just hoping for a more creative solution, lending from somewhere, but currently not much focused on. okay, thanks for that. clear as image shoshone was, honestly, this released on this in europe for ukraine's capital has been hit overnight by massive russian mis 5 attack as follows. reason data tax by ukraine, across the border and bushes belgrade region. the strike on key was the largest in
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recent weeks, causing casualties on damage to residential buildings. in the early hours of thursday, key of rock by explosions seeking said people in the ukrainian capital haven't seen in weeks spots available falling off. the 1st explosion hedge and i woke up and a 2nd later i was covering my daughter with my arms. there was a 2nd explosion, and at that moment the piece of shop now hit my window. the children were sent to the bomb shelter and i wondered what to do next, but also financial to be done. in the daylight, the aftermath of the attacks becomes visible blasts damage to residential buildings with several people losing their homes. if my son had it or not, he would have been killed. our entire apartment was destroyed.
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the blast waves destroyed furniture, windows doors, every thing. it's a hard time this for the fusion, ukraine's air force as it shut down all 31 russian me sales targets in the capital on thursday. but nearly 20 people were injured by the following parts. ukrainian president, full of demons, the landscape has condemned the attacks as an act of terror. he has been relentless in his appeals to western allies for air defense systems. sees that these nice as they are partners have these defense system data. they need to understand that we need them to protect the lives of the see jeff, step with the strikes on key of full. the threats of retaliation from russia's presidents lie deem it puts in ukraine has been pounding its belgrade both the region for several days. forcing evacuations of thousands of children. the exchange
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of a tax is given the other as collation in russia's war against its neighbour correspondence . roxan. they gave me this update from cave. all right, so, so last night's attack or this morning's attack rather, um was one of the scale that the printing capital hadn't experienced. and in many weeks, i'm the recent days and weeks the russian attacks, or the russians focused on attacking other cities across the country. for example, on wednesday and how to keep, for 5 people were killed or last week in odessa were 21 people were killed in russian strikes. now, the training careful is quite well defended. a lot of the most advanced air defense systems are stationed here. this is the city where the government is where the institutions are. so um that may be the reason why, according to the ukrainian air force. $31.00 is $31.00, launch miss ellsworth, deceptive including the king john. ms. towels were, which are very difficult to intercept. but nevertheless,
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damage has done by folding debris. abilities were set on fire. more than a dozen people were injured, entire streets were covered in the shards of glass from from the windows blow. now it's by the explosion and even for people who were not impacted by us directly by last night's attacks and waking up in the middle of life with due to error, it serves going off to explosions. is a very hard thing to live. and so is the presumption that this is retaliation for yesterday's attacks on brushes belgrade bridge. right, so you crane has been stepping up its attacks across the border into rushes builder at the region. they have been attacking the drones with rockets. and in addition to that, there has been an incursion into russian territory that already started on march 12th, 3 russian voluntary fighting units that are
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fighting on behalf of ukraine crossed into the russian territory and were fighting with uh, refreshing troops there on the ground. this is something that the problem was very quick to downplay quickly they said they had for the atlantic, but it turns out that the, these troops were having quite some impact there on the ground. so these cross border showings industries and incursion is also let you local um, local forties, uh, call for the evacuation of children living in the, in the, in the regions that are close to the border. and this has also led to, in the reaction by the rest of the present himself would say russia would react to these attacks. and this is possibly part of his reaction. what we saw here last night. okay, so do the service light is rep from the tank? does that increase the pressure on allies like the us and germany to send multiple
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more quickly? i mean, the situation on the front line, the situation in ukraine regarding air defense and also what's happening in the southern as well. no. the you print in forces for a long time, but lacking on munition, i have not been able to make gains due to that. they're lacking particular munition for their a tillery, that is a, that's, they are waiting for it to come from, from europe and from the united states. in addition to that, the front line is being pounded with. glad bombs, the russians have adopted a new strategy. there were air defenses needed there, but also they are running out in with, with regarding air defense with protecting the cities. so the, the, the a that is being uh that is being provided does that does help um, certainly the ukrainians are looking forward to the um, the, the a that has been greenlighted by the european union to 5500000000 zeros. but certainly, um, everyone here on the ground is waiting for the $60000000000.00 us dollar
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a package to the store stalls and congress and um, the recent events and you kind of last couple weeks and months hadn't really sped up the situation. so it's unlikely that this attack that happened last night in cuba actually will make a big difference. okay, thank you for that next semester sound in case let's take a look at some of the stories that have making headlines around the world. at least $69.00 range of refugees have been rescued off the coast of indonesia that were found holding onto and standing on the capsize wouldn't boat. they'd been traveling in. it's estimated the dozens of drugs us as advocating more american citizens ounce of haiti as been kind of being country, grapples with crisis punk and gangs, gangs of taking much of the capital force of products and violence is going to spread to the suburbs. despite the countries prime minister already agreeing, so step down. last week the man has one that saddam is suffering. one of them was, was the amount of talent and disasters in recent memory. on the 3rd,
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the population that's more than 18000000 people. and i said to be at risk of problems because of the country. so civil war had of the ones who military and offices criticized in special commuters for its lack of action. latest that the nuclear energy summits in brussels of coal saw your nuclear industry to be rebuilt. following years of decline, nuclear power fell out in favor following japan's permission, the nuclear accidents in 2011 commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions and need to find alternatives to russian gas. have a lot to anything different meeting of european data is also in brussels. we'll discuss ukraine, gaza under plans to develop the blocks defenses. presidents and prime ministers are also considering proposes to buy comments for ukraine using the proceeds of frozen russian assets, domestics, domestic issues such as farmers protested roles of expect to be on the agenda. un secretary general antonio terrace and set joining the meeting on friday and talk to
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encourage more ad relief for people in goss correspondent rosie bush days in brussels for the summit. and i have to abide proposals for providing you try with weapons and ammunition. well, we've just heard from german chancellor, olaf schultz on his way and to throw his weight behind an idea to use the proceeds of some frozen russian assets within the e. u to try and use that to arm you crate to supply you crate with more movie trade . we know that's a balancing act that you leaders have been trying to do ever since this full scale invasion on the one hand support you created militarily. and then the other hand to arm themselves against what they say is that really dramatically shifted security environment. schultz said he thinks there's you, there's likely to be agreement on that in principle of that idea. less agreement on another idea which has to be floated ahead of this meeting, which is to use joint borrowing joints and bones in order to boost the use defense
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. is that something which has been floated, we hear by fonts and it's still here, but it's likely not to go die well with more frugal. countries like vanessa was on the edge of a chance. i also talked about inside increasing possibility of new countries like bosnia herzegovina joining, the e u, and what would be the benefits of this sort of expansion is? yeah, it's looking quite likely that at this meeting we will get a political, green light at least the to move to the next step to open accession talks with calls me and hurts gulf in which i think we certainly go down. well, there know, in the past enlargement of the you was really these leaders favorite kind of proverbial can to kick down the road. it was something which for years was really stalled. since wash is full scale invasion of ukraine. we've seen this picking up momentum. there's been a move to open, accession talk with you create we've seen move and also on molto. but i'm not something which really is a is a shift. however, when i say movement, don't think that we're talking about moving to a speech. even if we do get this green light today, a political, green light for both me, it hurts to go when i don't expect and they'll be joining the block any time soon.
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this tends to be a process which takes years if not decades. now yours, farm is that being causing the problems for leads, is that the issue is based summit likely to address that ongoing demands yeah, we've seen farmers take to the streets right across this. you need their complaints, their list of their demands are long on disparate, not all with the same. so more concerns about cultural inputs from ukraine, solenoid to bite the use green bureaucracy. solomon lloyd, about how farming subsidies are they, they don't know to you has moved to try and show it's listening to farmers particularly ahead of ki elections coming up in june. it's moved to e some green farming rules to curves and macro cultural imports from ukraine. but given the scale of anger, we've seen on the streets and i've been talking to some of these farmers over the past few weeks. i think it's unlikely the vase talks, they sell me, they summit itself, well, souls that ongoing discontent and debates. i think that's it, rosie rosie, bet shop in brussels. and let me show you some pictures of the french presidents
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like even to probably never seen him before. they started as a reminder. well, my cry have been met with a mixture of praise and really to the moody, black and white shots were posted on instagram by his official photographer. some comments on social media suggest a show, mr. macro on getting ready to take on the russian president vladimir pershing. to do this on the law is i political strategist in communications expert. he's well to for us. present america bomb is campaign amongst of us. welcome to the welcome back to the w. i'm what do you think of a so just like, so the french president, i think they portrayed monument con, mostly powerful. look, i think there's one thing in politics and that is, perception is reality. and i think the french president understands that as well. so i think there is one term in political communication which is called poly optics, the optics of politics. and there are several presidents who use, you know,
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photography videos to exactly form the type of image that they want to portray in the public discourse. remember brock obama doing his campaigns? he would always go and play basketball and underscore. that is, he is this useful type of canada that can sort of bring joy, but also the excitement for the campaign trail. i've seen that from many other presents, like lot of the post, you know, who obviously famously has been playing ice hockey and several other sports to always make sure that people understand how down to the. so i think there's just one page of the playbook of probably o x. i'm intrigued by your, by your phrase, perception is reality. so for those people who the same face of folks has to be ridiculous, what good has been done? a look at the next selection that is taking place in france is obviously 2027, and the summer truck can't run anymore. so i think there's one, you know, at least the one thing that he has to be very aware of that is he could be cast
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that as a lame duck. some can't run again. who's sort of just waiting out the turn. i think these pictures are good, certainly signal pay it. i'm ready to fight. i'm ready to take all this fight in europe to make sure that the european elections, which have taken place, of course, in a few weeks. and he's ready to go back over there and that he still got plenty of pipe left, a man to take all the issues they're rolling to the price people. okay, you want me to answer this idea. i'm intrigued of, there's a, there's a but i have somebody so if you're free and lead is going on, as we speak, can you say any other uh, your fee latest perhaps have to go with this. maybe about it or maybe the jim and chancellor of a you commission president sort of on the line. can you see them taking this on but yeah, i could certainly, i mean, we're doing the journal action back in 2021. we saw all of shots who, you know, put on his running shoes and went running around the block. he is certainly not the
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type of politicians who were, who are a type of politician who is right to, you know, invest in optics and make sure that there's some sort of spectacular way of betraying himself or the formula. and i think is very similar situation, but obviously there always has to be one picture that goes with the summit. and i do think that just some, a crime shows the day of the release of those pictures very carefully. first, he didn't post it on his own instagram account. as you mentioned earlier, he's got a breach of 3400000 followers on mr. daniel, this is for talking for the pulse of them. but still, this is probably going to be the picture that is most talked about in the days of the say to do something that we're seeing right now. go along the background. okay, your, your, your, your, you bring your be around to your way of thinking that something, take us behind the scenes, if you would. i'm someone said i need to beats across a bomb. it says, right, i need people to see me in some way. the someone just kind of say, yeah, it's like you shut off and give it a go or is that is quite a run still quite
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a radical step. are you trying doing a campaign or during the link to a session trying to think about, well, how can i enter the new stream? and obviously this is working for me some a problem with what talking about and right now we're not talking about politics. we're not talking about us approval ratings. we're talking about his biceps essentially. right. so i think you have to sort of crack into the new streaming make sure that people to get to see what's your saying important message, i think is very clear. i'm strong. i'm ready to put on find i'm fighting for you, the fresh people. and so every campaign, every politician always need. so think of them. what are the optics? if you can create an image, not chances are read journalist like you and many other outlets will not be able to cover that as easily. and the story, most importantly, is much harder to be told. so create an image is one on one on politics. good talking to you. thank you so much for that. so for this most trusted use of julius,
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found that i think it was a week's problem, is that countries across the order for being processing against what they say is too much red tape, too much governments into feelings threatening them, livelihoods farms. rosa upsets about cheaper ukrainian impulse flooding the market as a block to roads in your pain countries ahead of that today. so some interest i hope will address that consent. the building fires in the middle of the roads. polish farmers are once again blocking traffic in nationwide protests. they brought their tractors and even a coffin, they say symbolizes the death of agriculture. available throughout the all subsequent brittany is coming, the document that will be expensive. so for the lives of fuel and everything else on those like all these things are very expensive. i don't know how long i last month of nearby protesting high cost and low produce prices. it's part of a 3 month action plan by farmers across the u. many of them blame there was on the
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use environmental regulations. they say they add more bureaucracy, leaving farmers with even larger bills. and they're fighting for the evolution of the green, the. that's our top priority protest and the czech republic too. much of the farmers anger is also directed at cheaper ukrainian produce, making its way into the you tax free and without having to conform district your rules maybe cheaper to blame it because of the problem of the ridiculous regulations. importing grading from you, craig would not be a problem with doing the same conditions as we have here, and we've a same taxes that we paid on the market. he bought you many of us, they claim those imports are driving down the prices of their own produce. so far, therapy and commission has denied the imports have a quote, significant impact on prices. while the u has reached the provisional deal,
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that would continue allowing duty free ukrainian products until mid 2025, with new caps on some food in ports like oats and corn. the farmers are now waiting for the outcome from brussels, where the leaders are set to meet for to day summit. and before we go, um, let me uh, give you a look at some for the 4 chairs from chest as in the u. k. y 2 snow that fits, i've just arrived. it's the 1st time to zoom. it has cab for being danger. big cats, the male and female will have room to roam and i'm in most of habitat design to be create the rocky to right off the himalayan mountains. is who described the arrival was a huge milestone for the protection of these iconic cats, a voucher up to date focus on your is next on dw, looking at how many russians on irradiance bankruptcy in northern cyprus,
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to sidestep international sax. good, the
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hudson's euro and see russia as their enemy. many young people in georgia have positioned themselves against the pro russian government. and sense an opportunity in the upcoming parliamentary elections of all by what they want for the country is true. independence. focus on europe. next, on d, w. the big games do next door, dean life and the lyla in revision arrows. are there any truth to this day or types
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about these? make sure it's easy now. and how do residents survive? they're going to discuss exactly that life and we'll be here in 45 minutes on d w the . 7 daniels in june. you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't good, i'm 65. follow us last your stop. and here's one thing. we're here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics i'm much up to you from couple fixed a new culture and in 15 minutes,
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that's part of our community life on the service, the research is now on the this is focus on europe. i'm lar bubble, a welcome. russian president vladimir putin has been handed a 5th term and elections that the u. n. u. s. state were neither free nor fair. despite their efforts to isolate russia, food and is tightening his grip on power with the help of russian oligarchs, they are finding ways to evade you. sanctions by purchasing real estate and mega yachts abroad and buy, funneling cash and overseas investments. the u and other western nations.


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