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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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the the, this is the news via from ballot and the us secretary of state arrives in tennessee for tops. we have israel pine medicine, its down to the blinking 6th trip to the region. a positive and diplomatic push the safe spot and gaza as washington increases the pressure on interest. also in the program, russia attacks ukraine's energy supplies to the massive wave of ms files and drugs . strikes target infrastructure and residential buildings in the largest barrel hush for weeks. steve says they've shut down many of the 151. incoming nissan.
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jumping into an opposition figures arrested on corruption charges just weeks before knoxville elections. up and k through 12 support is accused the mode, the governments of trying to be my correspondence. tanya kramer introduce the welcome. tanya, what's expected from these talks between on to me blinking then these ran the officials? it was a very, very sort of, uh, trip uh by the secretary real estate engineer, blinking with a meeting a one and one meeting with 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu and other members of the war cabinet. and as you said, they were expected to talk about a more 8 that needs to get into gauze a, a more protection for the civilian population. and also a tentative tons to the time does vary the military ground, a sense of being expended into voc software, an estimated $1500000.00 people are showed it to ring by the board is of course going on and all these points have been points of contention and greater attentions
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between the 2 allies with the united states criticizing those plans. and that's why they also want to talk with d is where the government about is no. but of course they're always in defined. this still is what is closest ally and the recognize is what is right to defend itself, but they say is what needs to change course and do more to protect civilians. now another major topic here is also or are the talks in a, doha, about a potential ceasefire and the a push for the release of those hostages that the student being has in a garza, we understand that antennae blinking is meeting some of the relatives of those hostages, and that's very much focus in israel, that the head of the most sad death it's on the a is on his way to do ha, we're just seeing that there might be some progress, but of course it's still too early to tell. okay, the us, of course,
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the increasing the diplomatic pressure on israel by sponsoring this resolution in the un calling for an immediate cease fire linked to the release of hostages. what are you hearing from israel about that? as well as the moment we don't hear that much about and this just acknowledgement that there's more and more international pressure. and i think it is being very closely watched as the united states have in the, in the past month. somehow it was seen as shielding. israel a from a, there's a un security council resolutions by between some of them. and now of course it's a u, as draft as circulating that could be adopted later today, which is basically emphasizing an immediate and sustained a ceasefire. and also talking about the need to protect the civilians and more age going in. so i mean,
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critics is say that might still not be enough to change the situation on the ground, but it sends a strong, a sick note to as well. you have to wait on how they will respond because in the past, isabel has not a large noted head to you and security council resolutions. what i'm to be thinking is also have been speaking with the arab nations as part of this trip about what happens in gaza. asked the girl, what have you had that as well, it is a very important topic for the americans. and it's in mainly around who will govern the gaza strip on, in the postwar scenario and also the longer term. and that's really in the future. talking about a 2 state solution that has been very important for the united states to put this out there. but this is also whether to others as well and the united states and not really seeing eye to eye on united states. they want to see do as
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a consideration wants to see the posting authority of back in gaza, which is currently governing parts of the occupied westbank. and of course, talking about a 2 state solution. and this is not worth 5 minutes, 10 to 10 young with the mind. he has was rejected that together with his power, right? religious cabinet. so these are the points of contention between the 2. and it's unclear how this will play out in the near future in the coming months. ok, thanks for that time. yeah. date of this tanya kramer in jerusalem that's done to ukraine, though at least 2 people have been forcibly being killed and several wounded and another round of russian mississauga and droned. a tax keeps as a 1000000 people in our power following strikes against the countries energy facilities. trains launch is down as also being hit. the crane, you know, i'm forced to say they broke down more than 19 russian missed 1000 drones tri, state run pile. youtube is use of your tax with
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a bunch of strength on record against the countries energy infrastructure. at the same time, the, the you, the, this, i just finished the 1st day of best summaries in brussels, where i've already gotten. notice that they would provide more age to ukraine by using, you know, homes, revenues from russian assets in europe, which the you had frozen after the russian to tack on your price in 2022. here's that you're paying commission, present us uniform, divide. we must continue to support ukraine's efforts to fight back on the battlefield. so i'm glad that lead us endorsed our proposal to use the extraordinary revenues from immobilized washing assets. this will provide funding for military equipment to ukraine. we can expect to collect around 3000000000 euros for 2024 and similar amounts in the future. yes. well, at the summit, you are paying latest, issued a joint statement, calling for an immediate humanitarian pause and gaza. previously assigned
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a you countries including germany and resisted language coating on israel to hold fits operations. they called it a strong and unified statement on the crises in the middle east. booked the call for a humanitarian paused by you. leaders is likely to change late. so despite the hard and approach the head of the council, charles michelle also pleaded with these rail not to go into rough or in southern gaza. we paying on the government of these was next to launch their drug operations. you know how far? because we can't imagine what would be the trusty press if you search for the operation would be low. the baldwin, ukraine was also high on the agenda. president, lot of me is a landscape address to summit by video to make his case of further help.
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unfortunately, the use of half tillery at the front line by our soldiers, is accumulating for europe in the sense that europe can provide more, and it is crucial to prove it. now, leaders backed in principal, a proposal by the blog to use frozen version assets to bind the weapons, the nazis, despite the attendance of hunger, as prime minister, big to all bomb, to congratulate to vladimir putin on his recent election. some e u. lead has made time for us stop at the nuclear energy summit, pledging to put energy production of the hots of future plans. however, one notable absence was chancellor luff sholtes. after gemini phased out is less than nuclear plants. and there was welcome news of bosnia and herzegovina as the block announced that would officially open accession talks with the bulk of the
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country a certain year where a k o position a figure has appeared in court suffices arrests for alleged corruption just weeks before national elections. of in k, drew out is daily's, chief minister and part of a political alliance pulled to challenge the prime minister. the render monday coach got cage revolves support this quote, his arrest politically motivated and have turned acts to protest anger, but not disbelief. who would that is of good lead to one of the prime minister and none of the movies fee assessed? critics moody can't defeat arvin cajun about. that's why he was arrested blow from the data you what i'd be sending. this is the motor of democracy. it's been going on for a while and nowadays arrested our leader and look at the timing because i do not have very inconvenient timing for daily chief minister of in case we bought,
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taken into custody just for weeks ahead of india's national elections. gives you bought and spot the had been accused of a correction scheme involving liquor license approved was of the chief minister and his allies insist he has not done anything wrong. okay. one thing i think i got a key point that i see that seems ministers house was searched and this right here, only 70000 engine rupees were found in casual, which the enforcement director right returned by they've taken the chief minister small by us and half a rest attempt the day after the kids you well goes to office with an antique that option age and nearly a decade ago, his body t a p, is now a member of a broad opposition, a lines aiming to challenge the b, g, b and upcoming elections. many critics say the routing party is targeting your position leaders ahead of the vote. the media is with the phone to ensure that
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there is no live in the ground. describe the beach if you let the government denies political into affections and cause these accusations desperation of the position most doping inputs, bidick comfortable, then put bright. mr. moody, who is seeking to come to get um lets get more on this from dw correspondent. i know back in debbie, welcome. i do. let's start with those questions around the timing of mr. katy wells . arrest or so. yes. feel, you know, the rest of this prominent opposition leader is way significant. firstly, it's unprecedented, and it's for the 1st time that it sitting cheap ministry that he has been arrested . and secondly, we have seen this in the light of the upcoming elections that are big to begin in a few weeks from now an export to see this arrest as a part of logic backbone,
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which is silencing any kind of opposition or political defending the country. so organ casey, while it is not only popular pollution, but also comfortable opposition leader who was part of a kindly vi lines, fighting bgp and general elections. so his body's face and they see it a rest as a way of deal. it's demising a leader by lending charges of what option, but fill the bucket doesn't stop here. the financial crime agency last week is also pros and cons up. it doesn't mean office and funding. they did national congress just few weeks before the 1st round, the election. the congress say is it has been economically crippled and this kind of crack don't you see that's good enough democracy in india. okay, so tell us more about the charges off in decades for a while is facing so really easy was arrested and accused of charge of corruption mediately to, to daddy's states policy or alcohol sales,
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which pretty or private dealers or government suppliers. so the be a big calling most of the most to wind up look good option, but his funding causes arrest as political been the top and back to the leader. okay, now late leading publication. so a one of a popular revolution against the prime minister in their end drip mode, a of these warnings being taken seriously. or we have to understand that this arrest has to good widespread condemnation and reaction from other officer political bought these. but there is anger frustration, and i'm gonna go on when can you see what the body member members? so we how to see these protests taking place. like today we, we saw protesting based on the scripts of the lead by his body, members of the morning. but i don't think this is dangerous for movie or she is taking these protests or test serious v 8. uh, because will these uh,
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push is already consolidated. exports thing that using accord didn't mean to me just is to view massy to the opportunity to us that and what do you use invincible and he can do anything which he's doing. and most of what's interesting is that kind gomez tactics. the point who lived with the largest political sentiment and this has asked for the reason, so we've done by few research which states that, you know, 35 percent of indian support product data, newsome. so i don't see this much for more. the news here is just political signaling and flexing muscle just before elections. okay, thanks a lot. i don't, i didn't bass in debbie but take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. gym and servicing rebels have told china and russia that vast ships will be allowed to pass through the gulf of a and the red sea. safely who these have been attacking vessels off the how many coast since november,
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the last germany and others have deployed and deployed naval forces to protect shipping and important trade like a divorce and hates a sam. h a category that has been killed in the capital port of products so, so sorry if against the known as t. greg who escaped from prison this month was killed and a police operation. political groups are working to set up a translational council to restore order until the elections can be house. shared with us department of justice assumed tact john apple, alleging that the company is maintaining an illegal monopoly on the smartphone market. hello sir, it's a q is, is apple of using anti competitive behavior to squeeze more money out to consumers, to heritage rivals. i feel 3 minus the charges and says it will defend itself. as the world monks international war today, we look at have countries in africa on dealing with water sagacity. maybe lies between 2 major desperate has pioneered
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a way to produce clean drinking water. the dump leaves down, hol, can ripples communal tax like these are a lifeline in informal settlements like this one invented uh, total amount of the water that comes out is cheap and for those on the receiving end, the process seemed simple. in truth is the product of a high take process, which many know little about as soon as i was to deal with this, i have been living here for the last 20 years, but i don't know where the water comes from. it changes color, sometimes it is brownish, but i don't know if the water is recycled or not having that much of what she drinks comes from the hoodie on hub water. we could imagine plant process is domestic sewage to take the water out and make it to do this, the plant seems treated waste water 2 full ration and chemical treatment processes
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. regular teeth are conducted in the bar g to ensure the water needs global send and the t take samples on a daily basis from different areas in one book and test the water for compliance. they will immediately alert us when this one or 2 samples out of speak, and then we will react and see what, how serious it these and to take action. the project was the 1st of its kind in the world. and 1st started decades ago. in the sixty's bundle of resources, what the resources was about to, to around dry and to the municipality of the time. decided there's only one solution to that. and that is to reclaim your domestic
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suicide. treat it to a potable senate entity uses the car and plant has been in operation since 2002 and supplies between 15 and 25 percent of the tons overall water. it has also served as a model for other countries of attempt to apply and to learn more about the process . we're very proud of what we're doing here. just take a look at this with a henry roman who represents the international roles and management institutes in southern africa. it joins us from an event in sherlock welcome to dw, so we have this, this process turning sewage was into drinking water, but sometimes brown. it sounds like a great recycling screen,
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but how did you get people past but your fact i'm good afternoon and thank you for having me. i'm yes, the fact is a very critical one. not all single for address disease they, they do a similar price is slightly different key, but some of this thing and they call it new water. it's a marketing spill basically to get past the fact to but they many ways to do this. one of them and, and then, and the same happens in brunswick, i believe is you put the water back into the system. the treatment trained at the, at the beginning of the treatment trying to go back to potable, even though the water is not the right quality. so they blended in with other potable water sources. it's, it is a cultural issue that has to be overcome unfortunately. and the, and the city of because of it to clean the inside africa. i've tasted a water, we use system and they option was like,
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put it back into the damn from which the water is then going to be treatment. even though the water, they put you into the dams already at the right, quality, high, safe. so i guess the more desperate you, uh, uh, for drinkable water. the more you, you, you will tend to, um, uh, qual, any particular fees that you, that you have if, if the reassurance is a back i have to put, makes a point to is that when the water comes, the instrument that comes from a waste water treatment plant, the treatment is subject to to, that's what is of a very high quality, a lot of the time that which is of a higher, quite a higher quality then the river that receives it. so that the treatment cost to potable is not as much in some instances, i wouldn't say more, but in some. right. and that's an important point that people don't always understand. and you just think because it's derived from sewage and sturdy. understood, i mean, you're giving us a examples from a single pool,
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as well as the african example that we have that. and this, this technology is widely used. this is not really, it's using limited cases in south africa. it's used in 2 of the cities, both with waste and a my, this lenny and email it might embellish lashley. shane is an interesting one. they use mine water and they can they recycle mind wanted to portable they, they are places in the us. and that will also using it and places in australia that also implemented. but they, you have directory reuse in directory use and directory uses where you take the effort and put it through a whole lot of treatment processes and ensure the quality is thinking more to stand it before you put it back in the pipe from direct it goes back in the rebel with the stream, and it comes back through a treatment train back to the pipe back to the top. okay, i'm just moving away from that slightly just and just uh,
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looking at what's going on in south africa. now, john is supposed to have your massive problem delivering both to the thousands of a residence at 4 and rich. i'm just run a story, what's happening there and why? so it's a, it's a combination of factions as so i'm sure you aware. so the freak has been having in energy problems for the last decade. now, energy and we'll try to intimately relay to and in the case of dr. dry had tried dry handles, but the, the water is pump 50 kilometers appeal from randall to, to drive of itself. that requires pumps when there's no power, there's no pumping. that's one aspect. the other aspect is deteriorate, deteriorating an agent infrastructure, which is not unique to south africa. it's, it's globally, i problem right now is aging infrastructure,
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which results in and out. and i see the image in pipe puts in leaking pipes. so you have a, what it is for what to do mon problem, but you also have a problem of the delivery officer off. that's what you through the system that you have which is false, which is all side faulty sites. it's not a single problem. it's a, it's a multiple of problems that have come to choose a full at the same time at the so thanks for talking and so that henry, roman from the international was that management interest. you. thank you so much. thank you. does that for hinge refugees? have been rescued off the coast of indonesia, local fishermen told them to safety after that boat capsized the day before the group reciting from bangladesh with more than half a 1000000. but henry had been b settled that are mostly the minority, mostly ethnic group for it has been heavily prosecuted in man 0 india refugees had been stuck at sea for more than a day until
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a search and rescue team found them under the beating sun. they had been travelling in a wooden boat capsized after weeks at sea. there were 69 survivors, and no number of people were unaccounted for the dose. the car was one of the people found on the boat last night, simon was passing by and i asked if we could get into his boat. he said he would call the police my thoughts hope we can soon. but he never came back. some of the ro hinge on board, see their boat held around a 150 people before it think. the group was sailing from bangladesh. in bangladesh. we lived with them as a camp for a hinges. it's way with lots of
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a hinge live. my whole family is that, but we didn't have enough money. we didn't have enough food. and i couldn't work that more than half a 1000000 ro hinge, i have blood targeted violence in myanmar for bangladesh. they lived there and some of the world's largest refugee camps. some board boats and sale to indonesia for better conditions. indonesia has welcomed some ro hinge and the past. but some of these tests really be there because of the spike of arrivals, of people trapped and one of history's largest refugee crises. i just want to remind you of our top story is this uh us secretary of state items we blink and has arrived in israel. adults with these right, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as washington pushes for an immediate cease fire in guns. and at least 2 people are reported to have been killed in crank,
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several wounded in another run of depression results and drones tax caves. as a 1000000 people are not without power for them and strikes against the countries convention facility of next panelists on to the point, discuss how the west should respond to russian advances. you'd think that's right here on the w. i'll be back to the top of the, the,
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to the point, strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective. the situation in ukraine is going dire as soldiers struggling to maintain that defense. meanwhile, germany is discussing the possibility of seizing the water. so on to the point we also wanted to skin ground. how would tell me on the west response to the point the next on d w. the big games through next door teen
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life in the in revision there. was there any truth to the stereotypes about these make sure it's easy to help. and how do residents survive there? meet them to discuss exactly that life and we'll be here in 45 minutes on d, w. the trends, news trends and nature defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect meaning frankfurt, berlin can't do it. faced with russia's war against due to grace's military alliance spaces, new threats, would it really close ranks?
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if it were a top european security basically depends to 90 percent on the us. how to pound document thoughts april full on d w the, the situation of ukraine is growing increasingly dire as ukrainian soldiers struggling to mentor him. the defense lines against russian aggression. so does that mean that the russian president is edging closer to his goal of seizing lodge ball? so if you frame is pulled and believes he can simply without the consulate, he has miscalculated strong woods, some gentleman john smelt bluff. charles in support of few great, however they come out of time when his own body has emphasized the need to freeze the walk. the question remains of costs, whose interest would the sweet.


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