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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news line from the un security council would be jack, so us fonts and resolution calling for a casa c spots. russia and china block moved with moscow accusing washington. i'll take the critical spectacle, us back to the draft resolution, also quoted the release of hostages being held by also on the program, the us secretary of state pulse told us where it is around 5 minutes to into kind of a sense of the thinking. 6 trips, the reason since september 7th, russia attacks ukraine's energy supplies the massive weight of me science and drug
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strikes. target infrastructure and residential buildings. and the launch is the fire. osh for weeks, cave said to shut down many of the $150.00 want incoming this song, india opposition the that is a respite on corruption in charge of just weeks before national elections. ave cajun k through wells supports is accused of the body governments trying to exhibit action from the ciocca. welcome to the program. we'll start with breaking news from the un security council which has failed to pass a resolution calling for a cease fire in gaza. russia and china, vito, the resolution which was set forth by the united states and measured it was, have called for as an immediate and sustained seas. 5 types of release of hostages
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sounds by him us. it's a full time to cancel his file deposits of quoting for a cx 5. let's be honest for all the fiery rhetoric we all know that russian china are not doing anything diplomatically to advance the lasting piece or to meaningfully contribute to the humanitarian response. separate. colleagues, there's obviously another resolution that some of you would like to be considered, but in its current form that text feels to support sensitive diplomacy in the region. worsley, this is, it is you could actually give him us an excuse to walk away from the deal on the table. so let's look at best way as i'm released on the list. ashanti, to design this welcome shawnee. so we have russia and china vito in this us sponsor resolution was this expected. anyway? it wasn't sure if they're going to epstein or going to veto as they did, but it was clear that they're not going to give the americans a clear victory here. it's another example of the deadlock that we're seeing in the
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united states do you. and so a security council for, for, for a long time and the, the case of gauze on the ceasefire and the back and forth on it is another example of the for paralysis of one of the most leading, you know, international bodies of can maybe do something for guys and just doesn't manage to find any way forward together in the consensus. and do you think each row can claim this has any sort of victory really? um it's really officially doesn't care too much. what the when say on that. however, in a way this was actually paying israel's hands, they don't want any pressure that forces them to go into a ceasefire. this one would have been also conditioned with the release of the hostages. but this brings us again to where we are now. we're on the other end of the world in doha, where the talks are being held for trying to get a deal with how much about the release of the hostages. so this is already something that, that's in the going, and the americans were hoping to give it more momentum and more support with this a resolution. but um, quite expectedly, the russians, uh, the,
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to that respected as you say. so it's why do you think that from an american perspective, different just is this a blow or is that just something to back and say, well, we tried, let's move on. well, somebody is what you say, you know, it's virtuous and signaling to the world is national community due to the base to the american democratic based the fight and tools, a lot of pressure to show that he's doing actions in gaza for them. um, so this is part of that, but i think so really we're, we're hoping that this resolution cuz it's been in the going and then we've seen draft event coming back and forth for quite some time that we're hoping some sort of the momentum will be created here to help move things forward because what we're seeing and does that, what we're seeing in that front is that some weeks and weeks and months and months, we're going in circles, there's no way out. it seems, and the americans are desperate to try and get things out. you know, to get to pull this, this, this more into its end to bring it to the other end desperate now,
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but let's not forget that. so i have a, have a history of blocking these resolutions for you. and at the moment it seems to be very much at a 2 pronged approach. and the, the us, this, these calls and the building we meant to meet, you say, for a cease fire. and the other is pressuring israel, about not attacking gauze in the sauce. and they do seem to be having more success on the end. the things give them that israel was originally talking about, um, a, a ramadan deadline for attacking. right, correct. but let's just take a look back at what we're seeing here at americas and a real bind on the one hand. they're really are not happy with where that and it's in the out government is going, they want to see things going faster and they want to see some sort of a solution is vision for the end for garza. but then the same time, they are very much aware of who composites and part of what they're attacking the, the, the russians and, and the chinese for is that they have failed so far to conduct from us for the attack, october 7th. and they're very much afraid of giving home us any rewards and supporting it. so how do you make it all work together?
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you know, that's the problem. roof is still on the table for these really is they want to keep the world. it's these things that they're willing to go in. it's going to take some time. if at all it's going to happen. nothing is going to move before we see what happens with the talks in the heart that are being held right now regarding a possible hopefully. finally, a deal that will bring hostages and release and some at least a short term 40 days ceasefire to gaza. ok, so now uh deductibility some restriction on hers on this. thank you so much welcome sir. this is a good reaction, not from china. low who's from the norwegian refugee council in jerusalem? welcome to d, w. a kind of start with your initial thoughts on that hearing based news of the failure of s u. s. resolution. well, we've seen that multiple un resolutions calling versus expired. so my understanding is that this one did not explicitly call for a cease fire,
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have now failed in the security council, but we need world leaders to keep pushing. we need there to be these fire. that's the only way to put an end to the tremendous devastation, death and destruction that we've seen over almost 6 months in gaza. and the only way for too many tearing agencies, such as the norwegian refugee council and our partners to be able to scale up aid to the, to the people who got a desperately needed as bad and is, is on the bridge. we're on the brink of fan the paper because i do seem very much to be stuck in the middle of a great power politics in this. i absolutely. these are the people who are losing the most. they've been suffering for 6 months of possibilities. there's been 32000 house demands, has been killed over the last 6 months. more than 60 percent of housing in garwood damaged or destroyed 1100000 people facing acute starvation levels. at this
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point we, it's the situation. we could not be any more dire. we've been warning for months that this was what is, what would happen so long as facilities continued. and so long as, as not enough, he was reaching the people in god. and now we're at this point of, of serious desperation. and we need the world community to come together to push for these fire ones. and bro, that's the only way that we can even attempt to try and address the, the tremendous needs quickly rising on the ground in gaza. give us an idea. would you please of how much a family is actually guessing through whether i buy overland by air or indeed bye see, is nowhere near enough to eat is getting in to gaza by any of those means. i just checked the numbers a few minutes ago and it looked like only a fewer than $200.00 trucks per day continued to enter. god that there. uh, over the last few days, we need a massive scale and a minimum of $500.00 trucks per day to enter. we know that there's been these
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alternative routes that have been attempted, the, the air drops that we've seen, which really are very expensive, not very efficient, have landed in the sea and he's rail have landed and killed people in paris who have failed to deploy these simply are not an efficient or as effective way to, to reach people in need to have the ground crossings are in terms of the core doors . there certainly is potential for that to, to scale up and, and to have it have a broader impact. but in terms of the pop up port, the united states has committed to building that would take us 30 to 60 days to construct and the people of god that just simply do not have enough time. we need there to be continued pressure on israel. not only to operate the courage crossings at their capacity, which, which is which they are falling far short of, but also to open additional crossings regularly to allow for more need to get in particularly to northern guy the, where a sam and is,
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is really moving. thank you so much for joining us in outlining that so planning for us to shine and learn from the norwegian refugee council. and that's what you try and, and number of people have been killed that before. so the many wounded in rushes of, and i to advertise on ukraine. i, president landscape said that that she's country down to both 90 russian miss 1000 drugs and describes is the largest strike. how many countries energy infrastructure since the stops of the world? sniffing out survivors. a familiar site for so many ukrainians, and one scene across numerous cities on friday, in the aftermath of fresh overnight attacks from russia. many people across the ukraine are still missing, including here in jeopardy shall. one of the hardest hit times to do
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is if we don't load more explosions after the 1st one. there was so much debris flying around us, had only one goal to ensure that my child was alive. i rescued him from the rubble . so many residential areas were affected. the primary target of rushes miss island drilling attacks was ukraine's energy facilities. president reloaded music lensky college at the largest strike on their energy infrastructure of the entire war. ukraine's largest hydro electric down was hit in the early hours of friday morning, causing black had sort of left more than a 1000000 ukrainians with power because there is no move of signal. and we need to get in touch with the elderly people to
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find out if there are tang and what they need to see. the escalation of russian strikes has forced many elderly residents of this border time to evacuate and move deeper into ukraine for safety. they leave their homes with little hope for peace anytime soon as keith calls on europe for additional air defense systems, in my wake of this latest barge of russian strikes to me, you may be you lead as me thing in brussels yesterday. agree to look at applying to years, interests from frozen a rush of assets to help keep buy more arms is you are paying commission president a sort of funds on why we must continue to support your credit efforts to fight back on the battlefield. so i'm glad that lead us endorsed our proposal to use the
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extraordinary revenues from immobilized washing assets. this will provide funding for military equipment to ukraine. we can expect to collect around 3000000000 euros for 2024 and similar amounts in the future. yes. well that process bureau chief alexandra found nominate, has been monitoring about summit, which continues today. i asked her what leaders hoping the money would be useful or a big chunk of and that's money is spent to be spent to, to help ukraine by equipment. and i'm a nation and weapons, and that is, of course, what the country urgently needs right now to send out the rest of the techs to protect its people. it will be about 90 percent of the amount of sweet 1000000000 euros. and it sounds like a lot of money, but we have to consider that germany alone, according to the
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a chancellor. all of the shows has already spend or promised to spend around 28000000000 of euros, and u. s. was planning to spend $60000000000.00 you as dollars on military age for ukraine. however, this big package is still being sold in congress. so you can understand that any amount of money is very important and urgency needed by ukraine. okay, so just the money you lead is also how russian grady and the sides. yes, and the european commission has now and said that they will impose tariffs on russian green imports to the european union. and there are saying it is important. and the goal is to prevent russia from using these revenues to fund its war on ukraine. they also want to tackle the issue of russian imports of exports of stolen ukrainian rain. and they're also saying that the ones to prevent
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as testable ization of the u markets, because we have to understand that russia over the last 2 years has been producing unprecedented amounts of a weed in particular particular. and that has driven core prices down and said that you are p and farmers are hurting. so that is a watch. it's also proposed here in brussels. and the old member states on board with these moves despite rushes warning to brussels and not to do this. while the restaurant is of course, see me there warning alpha, catastrophic consequences when it comes to the profits from froze in russian assets . there are saying that the, when it comes to the green issue, european consumers will be suffering. but i think most of the leaders are totally unimpressed, but there are some leaders, 1st and foremost, of course,
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the hon. gillion prime is too big to an old man who has repeatedly expressed to the doubts, who has questions ukraine's ability to win this war. in an interview that was conducted to tea in brussels, a viewing organ stay here in brussels. he said that what she's proceeding here in brussels is a war atmosphere, a war logic. and he's stressed that this is not a hungry war. so he has become a big problem for the u. a. p and a union as a whole. and of course, for the unity of the blog. okay, sounds good. all right, sounds good. have a 100 phone number in process. some more news from around the world will start soon, hazy. whatever reports are saying that the magic can lead, it has been killed in the capital for the problems. so as to say, the gang started during the us t greg who escaped from prison early this month was killed in
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a police operation. political groups of work into assessment for translational council to restore order until elections can be house or capital and separate capital on separate taste. the lead a kind of food dable as an onset to spend in comfortable with these regional elections in may. he's been living in exile since leaving spain following the items that break away attempts in the 2017, talking to return to the country as an august is deal put forward by spines sent them back to government becomes no humans through the levels of toll china and russia, the ships will be allowed to pass through the gulf of a and the red sea safely. it's the who's this i've been attacking vessels of the many coast since november, the us germany and other stuff deployed. dave forces to protect shipping in this important train, like the us department of justice assumed detect drive awful electric with the company's maintaining an illegal monopoly on the smartphone market. hello,
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cert accuses athletic using anti competitive behavior to squeeze more money. asked consumers and half each, one of the nice a charge of success will defend itself as wendy. it where a key of position figure has appeared in court societies arrest on corruption charges just weeks before national elections. oven cadre, well is debbie's, chief managed to, i'm part of a political alliance form to challenge private as to a new venture. moody, the decatur well supports us. it describes his arrest as being politically motivated and have turned out to him, protest anger, but not disbelief. who would that is of good lead to one of the prime minister and none of the movies fee assessed critics moody kind of defeat arvin catching about. that's why he was arrested blow from the data you what i'd be sending. this is the motor of democracy. it's been going on for a while and nowadays arrested our leader and look at the timing because i do not
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have very inconvenient timing for daily chief minister of in case we bought, taken into custody just for weeks ahead of india national elections. can you do that and spot the had been accused with a correction scheme involving liquor license up rules. the chief minister and his allies insist he has not done anything wrong to look upon soon as you get got to keep the sheet. that seems to be honest, this house was searched and this right here, only $70000.00 engine rupees were found in casual, which the enforcement director right returned to move item. they've taken the chief minutes to small buyers and have a rest of him. you know, if the kids you well goes to office with an antique auction age and nearly a decade ago, his body t a p, is now a member of a broad opposition alliance. aiming to children's to be to be in upcoming elections
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. many critics say the routing parties targeting opposition leaders ahead of the vote the media piece, but the point being showed that there is no living being on the beach. it be let the government denies political interference and cause these accusations, desperation of the opposition. most opinion boards predict click on particular than foot, brian. mr. moody, who is seeking to consecutive was the world marks international awards today dw, and has been looking at how countries in africa a dealing with water scarcity, namibia, lies between 2 major deserts. but his pioneers are way to produce clean drinking water, dw is don, hol, can report communal tax like these are lifeline in informal settlements like this one invented uh, total amount of the water that comes out is cheap. and for those on the receiving
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end, the process seemed simple. in truth, it's the product of a high take process, which many know little about the same as i was to do with this. i have been living here for the last 20 years, but i don't know where the water comes from. it changes color, sometimes it is brownish, but i don't know if the water is recycled or not. i mean that much of what she drinks comes from the hoodie on cub water. we can imagine plant process is domestic sewage to take the water out and make it thinkable to do this. the plant seems treated wastewater, sioux falls ration, and chemical treatment processes. regular teeth are conducted in the bar g to ensure the water needs global stand and the, the take samples on a daily basis from different areas in. when do i test the water for
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compliance, they will immediately let us when this one or 2 samples out of spec and then we will react and see what, how serious these and to take action. the project was the 1st of its kind in the world and 1st started decades ago in the sixty's when took resources, what the resources was about to, to run dry and to the municipality of the time decided there's only one uh, solution to that. and that is to reclaim your domestic suicide. a treat it to a portable senate entity uses. the current plant has been in operation since 2002 and supplies between 15 and 25 percent of the tons,
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overall water. it has also served as a model for other countries and come to a plant to learn more about the process. therefore, i say, jesus, dozens of a hinge, a refugee slip and rescued off the coast of indonesia. uncle fisherman pulled them to safety after that boat capsized the previous day. a group of signing from bangladesh were more than half a 1000000 by hinge. it happened to be settled. the red jack, i'm my nor do you mostly ask me credit for been heavily prosecuted in the row hinge of refugees had been stuck at sea for more than a day until a search and rescue team found them under the beating sun. they had been travelling
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in a wooden boat capsized after weeks at sea. there were 69 survivors, and no number of people were unaccounted for. just the car was one of the people found on the boat last night someone was passing by. and i asked if we could get into his boat. he said he would call the police. my thoughts help were consumed, but he never came back. some of the ro hinge on board, see their boat held around a 150 people before it think. the group was sailing from bangladesh in bangladesh. we lived with them as a camp for hinges is we have a lot of the hinges live. my whole family is that. but we didn't have enough money . we didn't have enough food. and i couldn't work that more than half
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a 1000000 ro hinge a have blood targeted violence in myanmar for bangladesh. they lived there and some of the world's largest refugee camps. some board boats and sale to indonesia for better conditions. indonesia has welcomed some ro hinge in the past, but some of these tests really be there because of the spike of arrivals, of people trapped and one of history's largest refugee crises are about to arrange it with thousands of people have been gathering on the banks of the ganges to celebrate the head of the countries most colorful. diversities have been dancing is moving to each other with ash from funeral pyres and vibrant color. how it is, and the country sacred city of the nice the festival has roots and months. the beginning of spring only falls on this coming monday and celebrate seems to be very
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traditions across india and the full on other south asia. the is reminded that top story of this out, us secretary of things and to be thinking that's been holding tulsa is right in 5 minutes, have passed. even. that's when young installation has stopped office to office to be faced. un security council has failed to pass a resolution calling for a sci fi in gaza, russia, and china. i've read some of the resolution which was put forth united states, measured calls for immediate and sustained c spot tied to the release of cost of goods. you can always get dw news on the go, just download that file from google file from the apple app store, gives you access to like, excuse around the world, as well as push notifications for any breaking sport, business and statements,
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