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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CET

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the, the, this, the dw news live appropriately and a call for an immediate cease fire in gaza, shot down at the un security council. russia is showing the block the us back resolution, which also demanded release of all hostages, held by him off. plus gail, accusing washington and staging a hypocritical spectacle, also coming up israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that his military will launch in operation in rough up with or without us support. the shocking comment was made during a meeting between that and yahoo and us secretary of state, anthony lincoln, and a 151. russian missiles and drones attract ukraine's energy supplied air strikes. targeted the infrastructure and apartment buildings and the largest attack we've
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seen in weeks keeps as it was able to shoot down many of the missiles and a top indeed opposition say here is arrested on corruption charges just weeks before national elections. and his supporters say that this was a political hit, the job, the board golf is good to have you with this on this friday, we begin at the you when, where a us back the resolution calling for an immediate cease fire and gaza went nowhere today the un security council failing to pass the resolution, which also called for the release of all hostages, held by a moss. russia and china vetoed the resolution, which called for an immediate and sustained ceasefire. that's tied to the release of hostages, held by a moss. this is the 4th time that the council has failed to pass a resolution of a calling for a ceasefire of extension. so here's what the us ambassador to the un said after
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that vote less beyond us for all the fiery rhetoric. we all know that russian china are not doing anything diplomatically to advance the lasting piece or to and everybody understands at this point, is necessary because of the humanitarian catastrophe. guys of russia and china and of course, have their own interest in detailing or abstaining. we're going against the us resolution politically so, but either way, the resolution itself did not call for a ceasefire without condition, which is i believe what many of the members were looking for. and, and the fact that this us back resolutions failed to pass in the un security council can, is real now claimed this as a sort of victory. while israel claims plenty of victories when it can be, i see j south africa here in the fact that it didn't actually re call for a ceasefire or decide israel was actually committing genocide only the potential was claimed as a victory by it as well. you know, so he's real,
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could certainly claim this is a victory. israel still has full us back in for this war and it continues with it's offensive and continues to make stress as about rough as well. i want you to take a listen to what we heard from the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. what he said to day after meeting with the us secretary of state, take a listen. custody. only mosquito. i'm do not think i told lincoln. i greatly appreciate that for over 5 months we've been standing together in the war against him, us and we recognize the need to evacuate civilians from the war zones and meet humanitarian needs. a couple of them to go to the moment, but they also said we can't beat him us without going into rough uh and eliminating the rest of the battalions. there must be cut his littlefield with a facility that i told him. i hope we'll do it with the support of the usa. but if we have to, we'll do it alone. as of that's quite a statement isn't it's, we've got the prime minister saying we are going into offer whether or not the us, our most important ally,
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likes it. what is this going to do to is really us relations? well 1st of all, i think we need to take into account that is relevant to me. i was specifically are purposely using the threat for our stuff, which we've been hearing about for weeks now as an imminent threat when, when people understand i understand that for various reasons, including military recruitment on these really side and the need to move the population out of 1400000 people who are, you know, the internally displaced in rafa. these things would need to happen before they could go in. so that the threat of going in is really a way to distract from the humanitarian disaster and the eminence family that, that is happening in north guys and could also reach south causes us. i think this is employee might assume yahoo, i think it's very clear that he, he is using this to, to take away his attention from the fact that he understands. but he can't do those things without us approval. israel is completely dependent on weapons shipments
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from the us. it's not something that is real can do without the diplomatic and military support of us. so you say this is a boy by that in yahoo. then what do you make of these is really officials. i understand it's the defense minister, the war cabinet ministry that are traveling next week to washington. they're going to be talking about as i understand about a possible ground operation in ralph, is this where the real decision is going to be made a do you see the us convincing is real not to move forward on this? as i think the us has leverage to try to, to make this uh, to, to create a ceasefire. and god that it has chosen not to do so. whether or not real decisions will be made. i'm not sure a part of it to me seems to be performative on both sides that did you all tries to appear tough. he's trying to drag out the war for his own political survival and the u. s. gets to show that is doing everything it can to stop or to minimize a rough operation. so i see this is largely performative, obviously, i don't know what's going on behind closed doors. but i think this is just
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a way for israel to show that it's cooperating with. it's a ally with his largest benefactor when in reality, you know, uh, neither side if it really wanted to was taking the action that it says it wants to take. my rob is on the line to the international crisis group. joining us from tell of the we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you very much. we're now to ukraine, where people are reported to have been killed and injured in russia's latest overnight ear attack. president bonum is zalinski, says that ukraine down with a 90 russian. this was in drawings and said that was the largest strike against the countries energy infrastructure since the war began sniffing out survivors a familiar site for so many ukrainians, and one scene across numerous cities on friday, in the aftermath of fresh overnight attacks from russia. as many people across
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the ukraine are still missing, including here is that felicia, one of the hardest hit titans to do is if we don't load more explosions after the 1st one, there was so much debris flying around us. had only one goal to ensure that my child was alive. i rescued him from the rubble. so many residential areas were affected. the primary target of rushes. miss island roland attacks was ukraine's energy facilities. president, the load of music lensky college at the largest strike on their energy infrastructure of the entire war. ukraine's largest hydro electric down was hit in the early hours of friday morning, causing black had sort of left more than a 1000000 ukrainians with power because
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there was no no boss signal. and we need to get in touch with the elderly people to find out if there are tang and what they need in the back seat. the escalation of russian strikes has forced many elderly residents of this border time to evacuate and move deeper into ukraine for safety. they leave their homes with little hope for peace anytime soon. as keith calls on europe for additional air defense systems in my wake of this latest barge of rush and strikes of i'm or i'm joined by samuel vermani. he's a fellow with the royal united services institute. he's also the author of the book pollutants more on ukraine. you joins me now from london. samuels, could they have you with this? what impact do these massive russian attacks have on ukraine's energy infrastructure as well?
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i mean, they're pretty significant then, far reaching. you sent me the, the, the biggest concern i think in the early in the day was that these are present to their power plants. a few essentially jeopardize because our live leading to that was reported to the not knocked offline. we haven't seen the new year now down there. there's also concerns about the pro, hydro electric damn, which is important that energy infrastructure have for the broader part of his genius. right. and yeah, it comes the time where russia is massing large numbers of conventional forces, 500000 forces, maybe 300000 in the direction of grandkids. so it's heading off power in energy and the printer. while preparing for the kremlin is now doing something that it has not done in the past 2 years is using the word war to describe what's going on with ukraine, and it's blaming that on increased the western involvement on tvs. but half of these comments came today from the spokesman, the criminal spokesman, dimitri pest golf, to a pro crim with these paper, i want to read just part of what he said. he was quoted as saying we are in the state of more. yes, it started out as a special military operation,
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but when the collective west became the participant in this on the side of ukraine, it became a more for us now we know that words matter, but is this going to change anything on the ground in your opinion? as well, no, i mean obviously versus engage and then the legal scale oregon's ukraine for more than 2 years. there's not really going to change very much in the ground. why he did this might be a groundwork for, though, is to alleviate or prevent any kind of unrest against the larger constriction buses are likely to announce a more official draft. they're probably going to carry a more style globalization. i sent an invitation and draft orders to people in various regions in various cities, but this will allow the russian to probably both lives more people around the idea of it actually by the award instead of somebody, there's a more limited campaign funding movie on demand power side, will there be a big in that do what about on the front lines in the actual battle?
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do you think we're going to see a new packed? well, probably not, because you really is obviously the, this is a word from the very beginning and the russians also have it binding this very much in a we're heading. i think that it will also probably lead to the world, right? actually we're seeing that person right now like attacks and energy infrastructure at the assets of lee and interest larger when the ukrainians were attacking our russian oil refineries. and he really is, we're allegedly carrying out some issues inside belgrade and trying to respond to that. the elections by saying that that'd be more civilian, knew for sure. sure. jackson ukraine probably already seen, you know, some of those. so i the front line and they're not going to find a mentally change in terms of who wins or loses territory. but russia were putting unofficially or where they might be more brazen is a tax, and civilian targets is already back. russia says it's no more the fact that a spokesman said that the fact that we did not hear from vladimir putin. what do you make of that slavish god basically does the for his needs that seem to be
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around ones that there's just about the rest of the invoice on this. so innovation see whether to know picks up on these rhetoric himself. i suspect that he probably will know that the prescott was added, but it really fits what also russian propagandist, have been talking about for a long time. initially, it was only those who router, national and so you are guardian or u. j. per goshen. we use the word war by the recently we seen on russians, they gave a discussions about how the west has dry brush into world war 3. how the warranty brand is gone. actually, russian evasion of the brand, but a hybrid war between russia and the west of the waste, any territory. and now the word war is entering kremlin discourse. so it does kind of saying it, if it's a problem, i can't really be hearing for a long time, particularly on the nationalist, right. i think that was involved with it, but we will certainly be listening and watching samuel ramada. we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you very much. in brussels, european union leaders have wrapped up a 2 day summit denouncing
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a proposal to be imposed parents on russian grade. they also agreed to work out a plan to use interest from frozen russian assets to help t buy more weapons of that. despite threats from russia, which called the move assessed, and banditry are coming into this summit, e, you need his head to deliver additional support for ukraine and more painful russia several key. they agreed to buy more weapons using interest and from russian central bank assets are frozen in europe. but the kremlin has been sending threats of at this decision. the commission of counsel presidents were aust, if they feed rushes retaliation we are looking to do to, to buy reassuring. that's why we are making decisions to some thoughts recreating into it, to, to the account. uh, a rush trying to sanction rush out. and we can do this for the to the, the revenue. so this wasn't no dose with this. it would be used for you, created for the creative. it was the victim of the role of aggression noticed by
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and large by russia. we did the move because we're convinced that it's the right way to call russia has to pay for what it is doing in ukraine. and it's a fully aligned with the development of our g 7 practice. so increase pressure on most of the, the commission proposed terrace on it's green. it said russia exported agree products with 1300000000 years to the last year. that's about one percent of the blocks market. we do not want to flush out to have any kind of revenues from the you of a food market, for example, the green market. so putting terrace on by the russian and russian grain is taking away the competitiveness. this moves makes clear that we do not want russian grey noble, russian green on the eel market. but trends it is still possible. the corporate
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trade to say this is mostly symbolic because of russian and bill of russian exports to the u. on the, especially compared to those from ukraine, which farm is in europe, have been protesting against 4 months. this is causing tensions and member states fonts and poland once the you to stop involving ukrainian green into the block in order to appease and reform is. the ws brussels bureau chief alexander phenomena has been monitoring this summit force. today i asked her for reaction from russia and european countries to what came out of this some as well. the restaurant is, of course, excuse me, the warning alpha, catastrophic consequences when it comes to the profits from frozen russian assets. there are saying that when it comes to the green issue, european consumers will be suffering. but i think most of the leaders are totally unimpressed. but there are some leaders, 1st and foremost, of course,
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the hon. gillion prime is to victoria old bond, who has repeatedly expressed the doubts, who has questions ukraine's ability to win this war in an interview that was conducted to tea in brussels, a viewing organ stay here in brussels. he said that what she's proceeding here in brussels is a war atmosphere, a war logic. and he stressed that this is not a hungry war. so he has to become a big problem for the u. a. p and a union as a whole. and of course, for the unity of the blog that was always under phenomena they're reporting from brussels. let's take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines this, our russia has added what he calls the international l g b t. movement to a list of extreme, this and terrorist organizations, individuals or groups on the list could have their bank accounts for. the russian government has intensified a crackdown on eligibility rights and activism since the board in ukraine. humans
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who the rebels have told china and russia their ships will be allowed to pass safely through the gulf of aidan and the red sea. these have been attacking vessels off the coast and since november, the us germany and other countries have deployed naval forces to protect shipping. in the important trade lane, a rewards from hades. a major gang leader has been killed in the capital for the prince. sources say the gangster, known as t gregg escaped from prison earlier this year, was killed in a police operation. political groups are working to set up a transitional council to restore order until elections can be held in hate. or one of the d, as in t opposition figures appeared in court to find his arrest on corruption charges. and this just weeks before national elections, arvin changed the wall, is billy's chief minister and part of a political alliance form to challenge prime minister. the ranger modi. mr. kate hurry, also supporters say that the arrest was politically motivated. anger,
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but not disbelieved over the rest of their lead to one of the prime minister and none of the movies feel says the critics movie kind of defeat arvin catching about . that's why he was arrested the dw abuse and this is the murder of democracy. it's been going on for a while and nowadays arrested alida. and look at the timing because i do not have very inconvenient timing for daily chief minister of in case we was taken into custody just for weeks ahead of india's national elections gives you bought and spot the had been accused of hookups in the scheme involving liquor license up rules, the chief minister and his allies insist he has not done anything wrong to look upon soon as you get got to keep the sheet. that seems to be honest. this house was
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searched and this right here, only 70000 engine rupees were found in cash, which the enforcement director right returned to move item. they've taken the chief minutes to small buyers and half a rest attempt to put on it because you out of drew's to office with an antique auction age. and nearly a decade ago, his body, t a p, is now a member of a broad opposition alliance. aiming to challenge the be to be an upcoming elections . many critics say the routing party is targeting your position leaders ahead of the vote. the media piece, but the point being showed that there is no living being ground. descript bgp let. the government denies political interference and cause these accusations, desperation of the opposition. most the opinion boards predict completed better than foot brian, mr. moody, who is seeking to connecticut. um, where are the are we spoke with dw corresponded to audio bought in delhi and asked
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is the rest of opposition? politicians? is that affecting support for prime minister? the rent from a, as we have to understand that this arrest has to good widespread condemnation and reaction from other office and political bought these. but there is anger frustration and i'm going to run k 2 of body members members. so we how to see these protests taking place like today we, we saw protesting based on the streets of the lead by his body members since the morning. but i don't think this is dangerous for movie, or she is taking these protests or test csv. because will these a push is already consolidated? exports thing that using accord didn't meet with me just is to view massy to the opportunity to us that and what do you use invincible as he can do anything which he's doing and most of what's interesting is that kind gomez tactics the point in life with the largest political sentiment, and this has asked for the reasons,
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so we've done by few research which states that, you know, 35 percent of indian support accommodated. newsom. so i don't see this much for more. the news here is just political signaling and flexing muscle. just before elections or if you're more headlines now from around the world at germany's upper house of parliament is passed. a bill that will partially legalize candidates for personal use, beginning of april adults, will be allowed to possess unlimited amounts of marijuana from july, so called canada as floods will be allowed to grow. the substance for members, germany is the 3rd e u country to legalize the recreational use of can the former carillon shepherdess leader of carlos, which the mall has announced that he will stand in catalonia, as regional elections, inmate which tomorrow has been living in exile since leaving spain following a field break away attempts to shift back in 2017. he is hoping to return to the country when an amnesty deal put forward by spain center at les government becomes
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law us as the world of marks international water day dw news has been looking at how countries in africa are dealing with water scarcity, maybe lies between 2 major deserts, but his pioneer a way to produce clean drinking water dw is diane hawker reports tonight. communal tax like these are lifeline in informal settlements like this one in vento . oh, i don't remember. the war to that comes out is cheap. and for those on the receiving end, the process seemed simple. in truth, it's the product of a high take process, which many know little about 3000 people have been living here for the last 20 years, but i don't know where the water comes from. it changes color, sometimes it is brownish, but i don't know if the water is recycled or not having that much of what she
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drinks comes from the hoodie on hub water. we can imagine plant processes, domestic sewage to take the water out and make it drinkable. to do this, the plant seems treated waste water 2 full tracing and chemical treatment processes . regular teeth are conducted in the bar g to ensure the water needs global send and the boat to take samples on a daily basis from different areas in windows and test the water for compliance. they will immediate a. let us when this one or 2 samples out of spec, and then we will have the act and see what, how serious with these and to take action. the project was the 1st of its kind in the world. and 1st started decades ago. in the sixty's,
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when took the resources, what are the sources was about to to run dry and to the municipality of the time decided there's only one uh, solution to that. and that is to reclaim your domestic suicide. treat it to a portable senate entity uses the current plant has been in operation since 2002 and supplies between 15 and 25 percent of the tons overall water. it is also served as a model for other countries of attempt to apply and to learn more about the process . therefore, i say yes. all
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right, that's good. what is reminded me of our top story. the web security council has failed to pass the resolution calling for a ceasefire, gaza of russia and china vito. the resolution which was put forward by the united states the measure would have called her in the media and sustained ceasefire tied to the release of hostages held by tomas and israel's prime minister. has told us secretary of state is we blinking, that israel will launch its ground attack wafaa in the south of gaza with or without us support. blinking was intel of leave on the last stop. if it's the middle east where to push for a ceasefire in guns, you want your dw news line from berlin up. next is fremont. i'm for golf felt so you can get to the top of the hour with mobile booth the
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