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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  March 23, 2024 5:30am-6:01am CET

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dillman to you one you have, you have a one, dodge, so do you need this on the porch and unexpected side to side. enjoy the survival of the fittest. how female rowers on the federal islands make it to the top. weird or wonderful. why is sour flowers soup? so people are in poland the best of build the home for look at the highlights of this northern spanish city. all this in more coming up on jerome max . the diverse, multicultural. these are just some of the characteristics that aptly described. the
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mug does hotel in vienna. it's a model social project, which provides word for people in need. the hotel mocked us in vienna has been built as austria's 1st social hotel. i'm on there and it sort of gave me a 2nd chance issue. i'm for reba and i feel at home here service. hm. awesome. hello my name is abdulla on this job has changed my life over there. i'm here at the mag this hotel in vienna. now this may look like an ordinary place to stay, but if you take a closer look inside, you will see that this hotel has a very unique story behind. it operates like any other hotel, but this particular establishment is supported by the catholic carried tests, relief, organization, hotel monitors. his goal is to give people with disadvantage backgrounds who had to leave their countries another chance and says to the job market,
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over on the logo from ukraine is one of the employees here. the single mother came to vienna in 2022 when war broke out in her country place for me, it's like the 2nd one shelter, baltimore, q 4 looks like a new crew. she feels protected here and says if it works for this job, she may have had to go back to you frame the attention to detail in the individual rooms is noteworthy. these hangers, for example, were hand woven and these glasses were cut from wine bottles. many of the other items were also up site gold. so what many people don't realize is that this place house catholic priests for more than 50 years. and one indication of that is that on the 6th floor, there is a small chapel, right? this way about 50 people can fit in here comfortably and it's used today for
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weddings, funerals and baptisms. come back down at the hotel bar. abdullah is finding his way around the coffee machine up don't also flight his home country of somalia because their personal stories are often too traumatizing. we weren't permitted to speak to the employees about why they flip their countries. but of dollar is willing to tell us how this job has helped him, the it tells me financially and there's like a lot of people here who like to help in different places. like if you need to make a passport. yeah, they help a lot. i need to tell me a lot, i don't know exactly where, but it's going to help me because i'm still new and i didn't use these possibilities yet. so there's 2 open for me. 16 nationalities are represented here . a i've just been here for
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a short while. but already just walking around every town or people from mexico, afghanistan, syria, it's a real property of languages and cultures. gabrielle is own lighting. there is a hotels managing director. her background is in both the business and social sector. and our the guess aware of the mission of the hotel when they come here on the 1st side, not because they book via booking or website. and we look just as a normal hotel, we want to look like a normal hotel. and what is behind a very of experience when you talk to people, when they read or stories and know approaches and then to discover or we have a 2nd reason why we are here. gabriella also explains that they wanted to have a space for greenery, so they turn the former parking lot behind the hotel into a garden with joe thermal proves that heat and cold, the restaurant and rooms many of the 40 employees here have some sort of
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refugee background and various levels of training for an office manager z ad rep is from syria. he came to the montes hotel in 2016, after which he completed an apprenticeship as a hotel specialist. his colleague, funny buck allow me from afghanistan started as an apprentice in 2022. she's expected to complete her training in the summer of 2024. the. everybody sees their difficulties. if they don't speak the language to, don't know the catch up, but we want to kind of focus on the contention and the deputy for travelers who are mindful of the challenges facing the world today, including the displacement of people. say this hotel is a small way to make a contribution for this is a great opportunity for cultural exchange in our new series on german values. we've already taken
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a look at how honest and punctual most germans are. in this episode, you're a max reporter josefina. going to wants to find out if the germans are also really keen on keeping everything in order. hi, mom, what's up? oh, you're visiting tomorrow out of the blue. how lovely looking forward to it. bye bye . i guess your mom the anything about tiny? no. so what do you want? i'm you later, jerome and conscious and while a sense of orders obvious, he not one of us train. it is one of the german virtues and you must be german. i am, but is definitely not untidy here. well, that's a table. and that brings us to the topic of this epi, so it's the german for 2 of order. let's take a look at how tight in each room is really are in every day live. and how strongly that in the order of says, german prevails. that schedule. i'm 3 of the rubbish 1st,
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the wait a minute, what are you doing? i'm throwing away the cream cheese bolt, but not like that. have to separate the cup from the red bays from nobody really cares of how bad this belongs in the plastic rubbish. yes. but only the cops, not the rabbit, has to go to the paper bed. okay, okay, i will do it. now with just couldn't take the bottles away, the great majority of glass bottles i recycle and they are collected in about 300000 containers through out jeremy this is only for white gloves. you have to separate glass by color. but isn't it eventually or thrown together any way? no, we germans have very serious about separating our ways and you have to take it seriously to know you have to bring those back to the store.
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it even stands it on the bottle, but i don't have time for that right now when it's too late. anyway, i take them back home and bring them next time i go shopping. in germany, around 98 percent of oil refundable bottles, i give them back to the deposit system only about a quarter for countries worldwide. even have a deposit system. this is definitely not the right place to put the refundable bottles. there isn't really that much to remember about separating waste and germany. after all, we only have plastic paper garden was complex. electronic waste refundable. okay. okay, i get it. so as you can see, there are many different types of waste and germans are very precise about the proper way to separate the cottage they oh, i guess you could say very tidy. what is it like in your country? do you separate your way? oh, i need below the
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good lord, we're not in america. are you conscious branch off your toilet paper? it has to be voted. remember, everything must be in order. it's not just that german needs a full that toilet paper. a recent study also found out that german man i'm most likely to sit down to p. 62 percent said they do this all the time on most of the time. you've got lots to do the. i've always said, oh no, it's test 5 and the order is how the live saying you don't seem to have your life on the controller. well, mostest k is you don't want to back fuel. now do you focus? why not chose? it's too late. it's already quarter past 10. when else i'm supposed to do it
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the, do you know what's to be done in a minute? my mother's coming tomorrow morning and told you, according to the house rules, vatcher, mazda 10 pm, is probate at 1015. so please stop. now, or i will call the public or the 30th time, but then i would like to point out that according to a court judgement, you don't may not bother over in 30 minutes per day and not more than 10 minutes without interruption. it doesn't seem like it dorcas comp time order must be maintained as a saying so deeply rooted in the german side that it's become a cultural appreciate around the world. this even in antonio authority, dedicated to maintaining the been off order. but the reality definitely completely confirmed because she's sometimes already in this as seen as the narrow minded and tied you trying to stay m dot, you know,
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just very need the officially belong to denmark, but our and autonomy group of islands. the pharaoh islands in the middle of the north atlantic the vikings once the road from one i went to another. to this day rowing is one of the most popular sports. and women are at the forefront the, the pharaoh islands and the north atlantic. like the vikings before them, the old 513 rose hod. for centuries, the fairways have taken to the sea and rode by today. it's a national sport. the women have a few days to get ready for the annual national regatta. the crew is made up of 6 women and cox, wayne young e dot gibson they makes in the capsule 12 town, 3 times a week to practice. if any of today will be practicing the things were still not
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good at like the start and a few stroke techniques that we didn't quite manage last time. we'll have to correct them today. so that's good. they even practice in the evening. in some of the sun, hardly ever since the pharaoh's training is tough. the traditional wooden boats, not the comforts. the team has to grin and bear it. and coxswain, your needs is most of us need took up rowing at age 15. soon she realized that she had the right stuff to be a coxswain. she stands and directs the team with authority. quite a look of my role show up this when i get a kick out of seeing the girls exert themselves and gain confidence home at home, even when we get this feeling, the boat is moving at optimum speed off and that can go even faster. and that's great of what i tell them to do is law. they look,
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we all agree on that. you belong to us on the same open to say don't agree and will they tell me about it later? luckily, they rarely take a different view of it. the official, something, all the ro is have jobs. some families will studies. they do this purely for the love of the sports. growing is part of the fairways identity, the 18 items, right? several 100 kilometers from iceland, scotland and norway. temperatures really exceed 12 degrees celsius. the climate to this house and wendy, the traditional votes still function as a principal means of transportation. jenny and his son dropped into the boat builder. he makes final preparations for the competition and optimize is the old plates of that. i wanted to see if the inside of your blades could be corrected there on even so. otherwise the just fine
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a narrow bound. send it to the end, 6 wooden seats, a typical for fire. we suppose this ceasar, we couldn't find enough truth. what they had to import would from know what the 1st women's regatta was killed in 19181 last time, driving into training session before the competition. they buddies into a brief but intense boost of energy and quickly reached the point of types of things. the listing rolling is a tough sport and gives basically every muscle a work house agent. then they give the boat a thorough cleaning and check to make sure everything's in order, give themselves one more hockey meal, with lots of carbohydrates they will be needing them to go to team is ready to go by set out for the national competition to be sold lessons up since we have a 100 percent confidence in geneva, so we'll see if we do what she says. so we know we can count on winning the great
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race takes place some typical fairways with the wind and driving rain in july. many of the fairways, 2000 traditional cost you for the next a holiday or less. okay. thousands of comes to the capital to watch the regatta, the, the stuff and shows the opportunities blue boat gradually takes the leads. all the tough practice is paying off. the ro is get into a good rhythm and take the lead. this far out in front when they cross the finish line, the time to celebrate by tradition needs held a loss as the here. the
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great, we got off to an awful start. we drifted totally, of course, but after that it went really well in the age. well, that ends well, sweet victory. so the roles of team you've got to they couldn't have hope. so based on the thorough items the, you may be familiar with these specialties from poland, parole gaze, bagels and polish sausages. what have you ever heard of the sour flour soup zurich? it doesn't sound that tasty at 1st, but it's very popular among the polish zurich, or simply sure is it's hours to made with right flower. and it's a favorite dish with a polish, not only at easter, we'll show you how to make it and why it can be enjoyed, both during lunch and the holidays. plus, we'll let you in on
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a secret of how the suit turns sour at the end of the cooking. good day, my name's sega sink. i work at a csi rodney restaurant, i make 0 every day. now i'll show you how to do it from start to finish showing stuff and drop it off on saturday. we'll need soup vegetables, onions, garlic, potatoes, bacon, and sausage, and for seasoning, all spice marcher, rum and bay leaves and very important the contents of this jar. but more on that later, he starts out with a dry, it's bass is baking vegetables, and onions and brown, the onions, so broth tastes and smells based off of auto. uh, the fresh snow tim and bacon takes care of that. on a boat. it's such a nice aroma. that's why we do this sort of all the we like the stove and it's similar for about an hour and a half until
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a breath has done. so southward flour soup is found all throughout poland and most neighboring countries. the people have kept a visa, are very proud of their version. is your strong ski. it was originally a dish for minors providing a nourishing meal with or without meet the most popular dish inside is. yeah. for like all the families and it has lots of uh like history quote and culture like the ground and clothes like doing then the time before easter when people are and we're not eating meat and like eating less. there's always like very, very coming dish to is like every single day, even like 4 times a day for a breakfast, for dinner, for supper. the version with need is a traditional easter dish and the large leak catholic, poland. if the names your comes from, the german words that was because sour dough made with right flower is the main
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ingredient. this one is like a on 78 years old because he, my family's like the 3rd generation which you are doing like professionally. even like years years ago, it was a special portion every say, laser house. the name of it is jewel. so that's the special thoughts to prepared to showing that we're putting that that's the leaving we are putting to the is what up these are on like $24.00 up 32 hours. when you have to do it again and put some extra water which and then leave it for another day. and then you can put it to the jars, sour don't act as a loving agent. legend has if that had gotten to the suit because of a bet, and innkeeper was challenged to serve his very worst soup. but it was a big hit. and as you and i was born, shut up and kept the skin of the bacon and added to our bras. either them and nothing is thrown away. we use every thing of
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a fire. cisco is of all my then saturday sling co strains to finish bras. next the chef dice has the bacon and white onions and so taste them in a frying pan. these are rough. yeah. restaurants version has to have dice potatoes, set the potatoes, have to go into full the salad. well, they weren't cooked properly possible unless i got the what and what that now for the most important and thanks to several days of fermentation, extremely healthy ingredients, the sour del plus, the seasoning pulse spice and bailey's large. familiar. and don't forget to season the soup to taste. it will be flavorful. somewhat strong. of
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the see a bunch of other sites. i'll put a little more so do it because it doesn't quite taste the way it should. yeah. yes . but questionnaire come up. it's always just, but i have to go over to my bottom and then kind of monitor him. my add on the slips, almost done. so i at the monitor room and a minute later, just before i turn off the stove, i put in the garlic, mitchell's neck, a bunch of ice, grace or magic smells nice and delicious. on my fishing, i've, i've known cyprus, not. he served the soup with hard boiled legs and polish sausage type purpose such as this is of the b. that's why it is. we has pizza and we've got 0 houses and it's not just for eastern the sour your to pose you and i can warm polish hearts on any day of the spanish port city a bid,
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tao electronics travelers from all over the world with its extraordinary architecture. but the city also has a lot of fun activities on offer. we talk to local residents for the best tips. and allow is the largest city of the bass, the country in northern spain. it attracts visitors with arch culture and calling the retreat some 350000 people live here. but what do we get to see if we leave things to chance? and as the locals for recommendations which you can miss and be about is a visit to the guggenheim museum. the architecture is spectacular, and very different from other museums here. what's your name? the permanent ann temporarily expeditions on magnificent import. i live because of my music. i 1st stopped in the guggenheim museum in the city center. the building was designed by the world famous architect, frank gehry, in 1993. visitors are greeted by
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a 12 meter high dogs sculpture poppy by jeff koons. the waiting at the back of the museum is a spider called mama was captured by artist louise bush was the guggenheim museum with its collection of contemporary art is certainly a good place to start and build about. what else is there to do near the museum? it would, this would, this would be suited bridge is a lovely place to take a walk. it gives you some marvelous views of the center of the ball when we walk across it. you have the feeling that it's moving with the wind, but it's quite pleasant. and a very nice walk us with bill bowers located on the navy on river 9 bridges connect the city districts. there's always every pedestrian bridge is one of them. for many it's the most beautiful. it's name is basque and means white bridge. it was built in the mid 19 ninety's, according to
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a design by spanish architect santiago, calatrava. so we're to next the, the, one of the best things about the bio is the old town with the pain shows and its special atmosphere. but i key, there are lots of musicians and dancers and bask folklore and culture. we'll find out about pintos in a moment, but 1st we're going to enjoy the hustle and bustle of the historic district on bill bows. west side, it's court is this yet? they call us the 7th street, which date back to the 14th century, the, there are lots of shops, restaurants, and campaigns here. but what should you order? the interest in the you have to try the pinch. it was what you'll find at the counter and all the bars. they're always a good way to test a slice,
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a bit about the people who love the pictures are to build by what top as are to other areas of spain. they're stable of countless bars and restaurants that offer them onto the next location, recommended to us by a local expert and who knows a city better than a cab driver. what types of about does he have for us? if we're going notice we don't want the, i would recommend that you visit the turn the mountain top. you get a great view of the city on its way out to me to be got the building. these tell us you that you can get to the top of the mountain by car cable car or on foot. the cable car takes just under 3 minutes to reach the top. the lookout is perched at an altitude of 250 meters. it's the best panoramic view of the city and yet another angle from which to appreciate filled out and was odd. we were up another edition
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of duramax. be sure to follow us on social media for more reports from the world of lifestyle and culture in europe. thanks for joining in and until next time it's our feet. as in the
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