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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 23, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the business dw, use live from breland, scores of people killed and issued an attack near moscow. the happened inside of concepts, holes which best into flames. up to exclusions with smoke is still arising from the building, the so called atlantic states has claimed responsibility. also in the programs category and veterans, princess of wales, has revealed. she has the concept in a video message recorded area this week, the princess that she was diagnosed after abdominal surgery has already started getting there on the un security council works on
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a new resolution call in for a c spy in gaza. that's up to russia in china between us, the ones that proposal the i i'm eddie michael junior and you are welcome to the program authorities in ross you, i'll say more than 60 people have been killed up to shoot as open fire in a concept whole. and yeah, and moscow is the worst i've talked. raska has faith since the best land school siege 20 years ago. the so called is let me state has claimed responsibility. one in the following report contains graphic images which you could find the stress and of the this is a moment. goodman open fire in a must go. comes that whole the crowd scream
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and take cover shots echo through the auditorium. the insight could also be heard here in the building, slowly. those who we skate and hummed, describe what happened. the zillow was sitting in the hall upstairs where the balconies were. we heard gunshots at 1st . we didn't understand what had happened. then i personally saw how the terrace came and started shooting everyone in the end. they threw him on the top cocktail. everything was set on fire because there was panic. all the people was screaming shots were hood, there was panic, everyone was screaming. someone was shouting, someone was trying to get out. someone was screaming shots, while it was terrifying. fire in goes to the complex
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and caused parts of the roof to collapse. helicopters, doubts the flames from above. as k, us on, folded on the ground below the firefighters are at work here at crooked city hall. the area affected by the fire is very significant. all the rest will be clear. once the firefighters are done with their work, russian, all pharmacies say they have launched an initial investigation after the so called islamic state claim responsibility for the a talk with the perpetrators of fridays, my shooting, understood to be still at large. from on this let spring and rush analyst comes don't seem to i get he's joining us now from the 20th capital danielle's. little
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cause something nice to see you. the so called islamic states has claimed responsibility for the attack. how could a rush? i respond well, it's very difficult to respond to such an attack for russia because it seems that the government was completely unprepared for that. just disliked there was an announcement that but putting is going to speak to the nation and then the, the official government agent's a said both. there's a mistake. he's not going to speak is just setup, pick a glitch. so it seems like there is quite a bit of pain in there and i don't think they can respond in anyway. and this is something that you have to know the time to the markets over the last 8 months shows the significance challenges like it was during the uprising of you've got any pre
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gardens mercenaries last june. is pretty much talking about technical glitches we had if you, when you started talking. but it's interesting what you say that seems to be a lot of uncertainty about the way forward has. what's also interesting, even though i s s claimed responsibility in the us confirms this some loyal to the kremlin, say the tax may have been inspired by keith. why would they think that and what impact could this have when you create as well? because the war against the great dominates, the russian political discourse is the main thing that happens in russia into russia. and that's the main action bar. so it takes these days. so of course, the state propaganda automatically went into blame keel mode. whether this will be used by the crockett. it is a different question because frankly speaking in the bizarre world of
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a russian propaganda, the russian government, p r. a 15 can be traced to key. evan, anything can be pinned on blood, humans that ask is government. so we still have to wait, what kind of conclusions they are going to to make out of it for the sake of continuing the war against the crime which is going to continue anyway. so let's wait and see, but i will not exclude it. you know, although there's one called education here and the, uh, the uh, the united states are saying that they won't rush about it and we're pretty problem of it. okay. we're facing the still some technical challenges that sorry about this a rush out on this that come something they're good. thank you very much. we'll try to get him back on the show at the top at bulletins when we can as not go to the u . k. where the princess of wales has review that she's being diagnosed with cancer . catherine says that comes,
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i was discovered doing abdominal surgery and generally she says she's going to came with therapy as possible. that'd be the message. i wants to take this opportunity to say thank you past me for all the wonderful messages of support and feel understanding last night being recovering from surgery. it is been an incredibly tough couple of months from tough on me. but i've had a fantastic medical team who's taking great care of me for which i'm so grateful. in january i, on the one major told me no surgery in london. and at the time, it was thought that my condition was going kind of service. the surgery was successful, however, the test over to the operation found cancer has been present my medical team that for advice that i should undergo cost. preventative came to therapy. and i'm now in the early stages about treatment of use charlotte's chosen appeal as more from london. it's best informed last what the princess of wales highlighted herself in
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her video. is it their family? she said a young family, 3 young children. she said that she's how to take the time to explain to them how she's doing, she said, and this adults give us a little bit of insight into her condition. she said that she's reassured her children. she's going to be okay. she's well and she's getting stronger every day, but that is clearly going to be in the forefront of her mind when he then consider the impact on the royal family. is an institution will this has been an incredibly difficult period. the room is swelling, online have been on the president at a huge amount of pressure to take a given. the fact that came cho is also ongoing treatment for counselor at the moment. extraordinary and very, very sad situation to major members of the royal family undergoing cancer treatment . that of course means that they will say absent from public engagements, putting the pressure on other senior members like william who will be holding force at home and also holding the force in public to a very,
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very difficult period for the world family. so let's look at some more stories making headlines around the world level continues to flow from the vocational in south west iceland directions. i've split up multiple times since december with magma flowing near the town of green. the vic, materials from the sides are being used to make barriers to protect the community. u. s. military says it's wall plains, i've struck the rebel targets and you have in the media that the rates took place in the capital. so not us central command called the strikes on underground storage, a response to these fire in for and to ship this house to water red sea shipping lanes. these are the government announced its season 800 hacked as of land in the occupied westbrook by rights. finance. minister best but alas, smotts, which declared the area to be state land in the northern jordan valley activist,
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calling at the largest caesar in decades. do you integrate? the console is working on an alternative resolution. calling for a truce in gaza comes out to the us led resolution. if we see spike have failed the council. this settled to meet monday to vote on revised measure, set to exclude references to ongoing, choose talks involving these violent. i'm us. these have today you and chief on to unable to areas is expected to visit egypt, sport. i would gather plots on the heels of a visit to the region by america's top diplomat for us secretary of state on to the blinking beads, farm and the use of his rarely hostages. during his visit to tel aviv the us has consistently supported israel and its disuse of hamas militants and gauze, responsible for the october 7th attacks. and then trying to free the hostages held captive the which is the conflicting gauze. it continues on the humanitarian crisis,
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for palestinian civilians becomes critical. the us, israel's closest ally, is voicing concern of to his meeting with these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. lincoln explained that the 2 countries do not see eye to eye on israel's planned ground. defensive in the southern city of rough or a major military ground operation. and robin is not the way to do it at risk killing more civilians. it was a freaking greater habit. with the version of the manager and assistance, further isolating israel around the world and jeopardize his long term security and standing next to neil who remained under tut from his plans for rough. uh gotcha, only mosquito, i'm good. i think i told lincoln, i'd greatly appreciate that for over 5 months. we've been standing together in the
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war against him, us. and we recognize the need to evacuate civilians from the war zones and meet humanitarian needs. a couple of them to go to the moment, but they also said we can't beat him us without going into rough uh and eliminating the rest of the battalions. there must be the goodness littlefield. really concerned that you because i told them, i hope we'll do it with the support of the usa. but if we have to, we'll do it alone. as of swell. blinking was intel of eve. the us faces another step back in its diplomacy. the un security council failed to pause to us sponsored resolution calling for an immediate and sustained ceasefire in gym. her mazda has terrorist attacks on october 7th tension. it was vetoed by russia and china. now the annual festival of lights. as on in zagreb pro ratio, the 5 the street festival celebrates the beginning of spring with bright lights and
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performances throughout the city. of this yes event has the special focus. that group is returning to the streets. after a cold winter, a spring arrives. the yearly festival of lights illuminates the way the city is put up installations and 29 locations. even the towns historic buildings are bays and l e d lights. the event has won over many fans and so that was the lake was outside. so man, i really like it. and i'm here every year and every year there's something new. i always have a lot of fun. only the kind of installations they made it kind of show it was genius. this is the grabs 6 lights show. the work this year place is a special focus on the environment. officials say that the light
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festival has become one of the country's most popular events of a beacon for those eager to celebrate springs renewal. as a reminder about top stories authorities in the process, the more than 60 people were killed off. a gunman opened fire and stopped to the massive blaze of the concepts, whole, and most so called the stomach states as claims possibilities for the attack academy threatens princess of wales has reviewed that she's been diagnosed with concept princess as it was discovered, doing surgery in january and she has already stats and people therapy the that's all the news we have. so you have an excess travers looking at why americans out assessed with big cods. i am 80 michael junior. thanks for watching the, the, these, the tune from own use. at the top of the,
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these places in europe smashing stepped into a bold adventure. the treasure map for modern flow discovers some of us wrinkled, bragging sites on youtube. and also you can draw the line between the spacings because i don't believe that space is, is a morally relevant criterion anymore than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier in. 2 should. 2 we humans are closer to.


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