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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 23, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CET

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the, the business details in use live from berlin score, so people killed an issue to not talk the most of the happened inside of the concepts whole which best into planes after explosions, right? those are still rising from the building. so about a stomach state has came responsibility. also in the program, katherine britons, princess of wales, has revealed. she has concept in a video message record at any of this meeting, the princess said suicide knows that the abdominal surgery has already started
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chemo therapy. on the do and security council works on a new resolution called invoice seized by, in gaza. that's up to russia in china between us once that proposed the i am eddie mike of junior and you are welcome to the program authorities in russia . i say more than 60 people have been killed up to shoot as open fire in a concept whole. and yeah, moscow is the worst. i talked ross that has spaced in 20 is the so called islamic status claims responsibility. the one in the following report contains graphic images which you could find at the 7 the. this is the moment. goodman open fire in a must go,
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comes that whole the crowd scream and take cover shots echo through the auditorium. the site could also be heard here in the building. slowly those are we skate and hummed. describe what happened. the zillow was sitting in the hall upstairs, where the balconies were. we heard gunshots at 1st. we didn't understand what had happened. then i personally saw how the terrace came and started shooting everyone in the end. they threw them on the top cocktail. everything was set on fire because there was panic. all the people was screaming shots whitehead, there was panic. everyone was screaming, someone was shouting, someone was shot to get out. someone was streaming shots while it was terrifying.
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fire and goes to the complex and caused parts of the roof to collapse. helicopters down the flames from above. as k, us on, folded on the ground below the firefighters are at work here at crooked city hall. the area affected by the fire is very significant. all the rest will be clear, once the firefighters are done with their work. rushing all forward to say they have launched an initial investigation after the so called islamic state claim responsibility for the top. with the perpetrators of fridays, my shooting. understood to be still at large from on this let's bring in russia, analyst constantine get. he's joining us now for me to in the us capital bill. news
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hello on sunday, and thanks for your time. again. the so called is let me state has claimed responsibility for the tax household arrest. i respond well, and if it is indeed an islamic state, then russia can do very little about it because it seems like the government was completely unprepared for such and the tech that is again, if it is in this long expense, a loss in the last hour i've seen on the russian media of those who are friendly to the kremlin test teams from the russian secret police, the f as b, that it may be actually a full flag attack, which was in fact, as the russian security side is to say, pivots rises by the and so i put in rebels in ukraine, groceries flight, you know, the training side. so basically we have to wait and see whether the government's
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the coaching regime wilkes a bit. that is indeed, and it's so i'm excited then i don't think they can do much about that or they're going to spend the store this. in fact, it was an attack that was organized, let's say, from ukraine. so let's wait, is indeed the, the, the communication is going back and forth and that's still not much sets into because that i is gain responsibility. the us confirms this, but as you say, so i'm loyal to the company and say the tax may have been inspired by keith. so my question would be, why would they think that and what impacts could this have on ukraine or? well, the war against the grain is the main thing that happens in the restaurant today. and this is the main, the main uh, the main um, thing with which should the content is preoccupied for the last 2 years. at least probably 10 actually. so i think that if i think government propaganda outlets
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continued to push, this idea that this was in fact an operation organized in some way by kim, there we should expect massive attacks on the ground and more of, of the apps as independence. russian social media report just now actually could be a predicts for massive new abilities ation in rush up to 300000 people to be mobilized in order to crush you grain and basically coke mol, territory. so again, it remains to be seen whether the criminal will continue with this lights, but if they didn't do that, then it seems that people who have perpetrated the act this will be used as an, as a pretext to basically and lease more gifts to correct. what's also interesting is the tax comes just over a week out the rest of the elections. is that something to note about a timing
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o is a me a co incidence that uh well, who knows, of course we should call it so cold election was there, but there was no, no real choice there. but i think that's what it comes strangely at the time when a puts in is supposed to present an image of total national unity, 89 percent voting for point know, $8.00 to $7.00 or whatever. and some of these happens, so we'll see. but if the kremlin spends it as and the tech and russian unity them, this will pretend trouble, and i'm sure it will pretend trouble 1st and foremost of all for you. great, sorry to say that right rash alice confronting. i got thank you. so thank you. let's now go to the u. k, where the princess of wales has revealed that she's been diagnosed with cancer. katherine says that comes, i was discovered to do an upcoming all surgery in january. just as she's going through chemo therapy. there is path i've had video message i want to take this
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opportunity to say thank you past me for all the wonderful messages of support and feel understanding. last night being recovering from surgery. it has been an incredibly tough couple of months. find tough on me. but i've had a fantastic medical team who's taking great care of me for which i'm so grateful. in january i on the one major, i don't know, surgery and london on at the time, it was thought that my condition was known cancerous. the surgery was successful. however, the test of to the operation found cancer has been present my medical team best for advice that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy. and i am now in the early stages about treatment that's getting more of the story from dw correspondence shiloh to tell some tell who joins us now from london. hello charlotte. there was a lot of speculation in recent weeks surrounding the public absence of the princess
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of wales. why do we hear from her now? it is is something that very she was expected harris, who had not the message. we know that she owns once and major almost surgery in january, but it's all just due to the time that his condition is not sensors was hearing now that a whole ations laser revealed the counselor has been present g as in united states, as a defense to see my therapies of the shop to people here. now of course in the wind to context smooth, this is i have been an enormous amount of speculation about the well being defense it. it's has taken some time for the students to come for his relapses, not seen full of precedents to the amounts of speculation online. kate still receive it. same point the, the room and mail has been spinning. not something that has been quite challenging
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for the world family. but she is in her, in a voice message to the fact that the timing was dictated or was it the children with what in the school wants to come on. but it came to the time of making this announcement public. it seemed to see that she wanted to speak to them, thus makes it clear to them, as she said in her visits the message that she's going to be ok. the full making this announcement public and the questions that come with us. right? what? that's the diagnosis now, mean for the royal family, such as illness, i need to see this is a family so they will have the thoughts as a one of the 3 young children in the full funds has the minds when dealing with this. but as a a, as an institution, this is no significance. keep in mind that since house itself is currently
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ongoing treatments for cancer, as well as such, that announcement was made public from the same day. it was announced that they paid it on the, on this a don't know surgery as they have is 2 major members of the world family who all the assets and probably some day since we don't know how long for what we expect to see that for is is we in playing a much, much bigger role holding for life at home as well? so is case and heavy a message, a tremendously difficult period. right. have you ever pull into challenge chosen, i'm feeling in london. thank you. let's take a look. got some more stories making headlines around the world. the us we need to be says it's wall plains. i've struck who the rebel targets in yemen, who the media that the rates took place in the capital sign, the us central command called the strikes on underground storage. responds to who these fire in for. i'm to ship this house to water,
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etc. shipping means these are the governments announced that it sees in a time that excess of land in the occupied westbank for our rights by announcement is the best allow smotts rich declared the area to be state land in the northern jordan body activist calling it's the largest caesar in decades. so now do you integrate the accounts that is working on an old tentative resolution call in for a choose and gaza? it comes up to a us led resolution. so we ceased by i failed. the council is shuttle to meet monday to vote on the revised semester, so that to exclude references to ongoing choose talks involving these route. and i'm us late. that's a day you and chief on. sonya gutierrez is expected to visit egypt. bulldog, with gaza. that's taught to him that he was of a visit to the region. america's top diplomats, us secretary of state and the blinking beads find the needs of his bailey hostages
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. during his visit to tel aviv the u. s. has consistently supported israel in its pursuit of hamas militants and gauze, responsible for the october 7th attacks, and then trying to free the hostages. held captive the which is the conflicting gauze. a continues and the humanitarian crisis for palestinian civilians becomes critical. the us, israel's closest ally, is voicing concern of to his meeting with these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu blinking explained that the 2 countries do not see eye to eye on israel's planned ground. defensive in the southern city of rough or a major military ground operation in rasa is not the way to do it at risk killing more civilians. it was a freaking greater habit, with the version of the manager and assistance, further isolating israel around the world and jeopardize is long term security and
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standing next to neil who remained on the tut from his plans. so rough, uh because that's the only mosquito. i'm good, i think i told lincoln, i'd greatly appreciate that for over 5 months. we've been standing together in the war against him, us and we recognize the need to evacuate civilians from the war zones and meet humanitarian needs. a couple of them, you told them at the moment, but they also said we can't beat him us without going into rough uh and eliminating the rest of the battalions. there must be cut his littlefield medical center to the i told them, i hope we'll do it with the support of the usa. but if we have to, we'll do it alone as well. blinking was intel of eve. the us faced another set back in its diplomacy. the un security council failed to policy us sponsored resolution calling for an immediate and sustained ceasefire. them from us as
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terrorist attacks on october 7th pension. it was vetoed by russia and china. next sport life takes a look at exercise addiction, a disease that has not even been officially recognized and i am at the microphone. yeah, thanks for watching. we have more news and a top of yeah, the prices category issues with a lot say what the world in progress a top close to everyone who wants to know more about the topics that concern us
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about the stories the on the headline with the fact.


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