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tv   No Simple Way Home  Deutsche Welle  March 23, 2024 9:15am-10:01am CET

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vis a beacon for those eager to celebrate springs renewal. that's all the news of this our up next is doc film. no simple wave of. i am 80 michael junior, thanks for watching. staging from own use to be out. the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days. my power is going to be bunch of my family. what killed, how was this age drive to? i'm on a journey to find out about the russo the 19 there to put you on the site, but they switched to the system. rhonda, my name is some way to ship me here. i'm afraid it makes sweet shaming history documentary stuffs. april 6th on dw the
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the, the, the, my family story is inseparable from the story of my country. even though i've never really lived there, they moved around to not and i grew up in x, so because of the war. ready the
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my father founded the sedan people's incorporation movement, the scale and in 1983 with my mother, by his side had an armed struggle against and as i'm extend a mental this government faced in the north of the country for the self determination of the people in the south and democratic transformation of the whole country. it was a civil war characterized by ethnic as well as religious differences, the
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others in the country. oh no, it is not the other say oh no, it is not that way. but if these are not all the ideas that the good, the 500 different annoyed this to a man that was the i, i would say it is against the
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in 2005 the are still in, in the cities, doesn't sign in historic piece agreement. the news, the my father became vice president. it looked as though he was going to deliver on the promise for the liberation.
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people were elated. glucose. but it didn't last long. on the morning of july, 31st 2005, we woke up to the shocking news of the death of doctor john gonna be sworn in as the 1st vice president officer to become the 2nd most popular person in the country . my father spent 21 years at war and died after 21 days in office the we to it, the country as a family, as my father's body. i never forget the sound of despair that started from a distance and rumbled like it was coming from the or the
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my mother became a widow. the years she turned 50 the was 16 to her grease. she didn't only has a family to altogether. people began to call her mother of the nation. the oh, yeah. oh. but the soon after we lost my father, my mother started sharing her dreams and fears with me. always in the early hours of the morning, she stepped into our country's political arena,
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with the fear that my father died in vain and yearning for us her children. to come home. i decided to start filming, or mourning conversations in search of my mother's dreams. in search of home, these photos, 1977. this picture spend this might be a long. yeah. let me see. see do we need to bring it out? i don't know. that's okay. yeah. so this is my the quad. when was that? the 20 now growing old. familiar, what do you spend my time? i don't know when i put the eclipse with us. oh and my mother. mm
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hm. and this picture is 1985 look at the along the icon, x folks. so everything is pretty high. my daughter to see while i miss the nice for us, but nice. that's what i want. that's how i wanted to leave my children. i didn't want to leave them in a country where people are divided into pieces even even to their own call. 6 years after we lost my father, the people of the south voted to separate from sudan in a referendum and a new country was born south sedan. we flooded the streets with renewed help and the new home, the
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nation is full. see themselves to dawn is nothing less than electric. just 2 years after independence. we fell back into another civil war after the struggle no longer for freedom. but these powers shut within our own tonight, so it began with planes of und attempted to insults who done it started with our president self acute accusing his deputy, the mature and others of trying to over through his government as a victim who have lost their blood pressure is really what we thought for one way of being produced here. since i'm going the way we waited and waited, you know what his trouble, i would not be part of. my mother was forced back into exile to neighboring kenya
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for speaking out against leadership that she had spent decades and struggle with another agreement in a piece installed to don vc this time to do that provides for mama, this thing finalized presidents and 550 members of follow up with after a series of failed attempts to restore peace, an agreement was reached in 2018. and now we find ourselves holding our branch, the, the the, not the leaving the
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i don't, i don't know. if i went there by gig, i knew the job, the only got one for the you know that you all know that i need to know that i'm going to be and one of the not you could tell much about the noise. you know, the problem, the amount of which is due, by the way, you bought it, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the done the while, but don't you, they get the,
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the new piece agreement trying to the possibility of my mother joining a government of national unity. ringback for the deadline for it to be formed in november 2019. after years in exile we came home the this is home land my father gave his knife to land to which i feel duty bound. the. c the
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inside so done, my father's image surrounds us. we imagine and remember, different versions of him. transform him into the here we can see the day he died as an armoire thursday. he is our founding father. our departed father of the liberation. struggle is what about our mother who is here the my family's my was i don't accessed the when without them
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having to put to then 1st the concepts can you say mine will be a design for a lot of my family is and some of the ones who left off and i went to my husband for basic we allow people to be mistreated, had to meet i came over to the decision that blood has given me that at 2 people i pick out the 10 m a film in the car with you last time ever been would be okay with it. okay. well i'm gonna be in the okay. yeah. and the back and the
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president do i have to keep quiet about that? no, i don't even dream a lot. it was no good says that we should be content with the what do we have? mm hm. yeah. yeah. it's to me but to continue advising me because my children would come to the politics which you and now i am queen, now queer for the youngest. mm. hm. why don't you arrows? well, they've got a young when you say about it's all of us whether you know, when you are there, because what had been his politics. if i have to vote for a sibling and the vote for young good. yeah. the
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the, the so you know, i'm, i told i told you that i applied to jump and um i applied for peace and development studies. so i said i would rather study peace than confident. right? yeah. and, and how this hills constant trauma off on trauma one trauma can continue to cause instability, politically and can hold peace is like, cuz the leadership is also trauma. not just the people go through the door that says through versa. and if they seek it is even less of the ones that
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are mazda. for these reasons, bye sense. to the curtis. following young quid from behind the camera. she seems so sure footed. when the civil war broke out, she quit her job to help our mother. she's giving our new country her vote of confidence. it says though she's laying down the one bridge she has and hoping that more will follow the i had my when i look around japan capital, i see abandoned construction abandoned hope. there aren't many viable ways to make a living because our economy is so dysfunctional, currency,
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to monetize and inflated. i also see the blue chairs that thought the streets from the small tea shops. most of them set up and run by women. some very young. they're trying to find a way i admire them to the upset areas of delays and even more frustration for the african union. the formation of the units of government is overdue. it is crucial that new government works south emerge from the deadline for government formation has come and gone. making the tenuous piece
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more fragile. and the weight, heavier, the we're all waiting for things to get better. not for a stronger peace and stability. but waiting for me at my mother's house as worlds apart from waiting elsewhere in the capital and beyond, it seems impossible to reconcile our experiences our privilege compared to the overwhelming like that surrounds us. our traditions and modernity. my mother and bodies, this paradox. like my father,
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she grew up poor with few opportunities she also insisted that my sisters and i learned how to cook clean, take care of children. so that sunday we'd make good wives and mothers there never seemed to be a contradiction between these things for her. so now i wanted to ask with all these kids on the table. hm. you select the country heritage which a pass to hold young people's dreams. so probably it was not to the country visually, the latest. good. and i believe is really so a lot of the young people degree in the country i would say for the time being no,
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or do we have to wait until that leadership is gone? no, nothing your signature, nothing easier. usually the, the . ringback the guy. ringback ringback the always maybe going yeah,
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why did that don't have the display properties with that point you made of the 1st dental set of properties that are part of the 20 the president the the thing guys present the the, the vice president, the me you know, i told them now, what is the bank you need? i need a letter from the
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on the 21st of february 2020 president self a keys issued a decree pointing 5 vice presidents from opposing parties including my mother. the i remember just days before my father was sworn in as vice president, gathering the courage to ask my parents if everything was going to be okay. it sounds innocent, but i grew up with a sense of duty that left no room for doubt. that made it difficult to ask such questions the
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i didn't know that i was going to be able in addition to the light that goes for an edition, seems to be last and i don't like life. my facing the government is not only my face, but don't go to them as to be careful. that's what the last thing we have the same thing you should know by and we don't we cannot work alone. we need those ministers to be appointed. but that has been because of the, the selection, i think it is still a sticking point. they're fighting over the, the ministries and i'm far from it. so they just wanted to throw me the women gender, switch them around for everything that they didn't have going that they wanted to see the ministers were on the side flying. let them know that the human human
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resources, the primary resources for the nation. now i'm happy with it, the one that i see then real popular. they went ahead and said that i'm making a core against what brought it about? 2013. why don't we do do the governor? the homecoming, the 2nd accept, the president said there was an advisor to present it was my position was there, but i was against what we're doing is asking them for several impact. so and i thought was president many times and president was not giving an e. s. to this day, instead there with that can me as enemy. so he was against me. why am i saying that there was no clue. he said that i should have said that there was courses and these between those up and then the kids and i will not accept that. so it was against that. and that was against the dad x and we were thinking this has to be a man. but the social and i don't have any good. i just didn't
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see my political. yes i was. he was happy with the way he was taking things. yeah. he's in thera, people still haven't forgiven him. yeah. data, these people i know godly people, they've got can forgive us for another for reason another home can i use what, how know this hurry up is like hey, don't know how this interview going to come. interview me where my head is being caught. so really the goal is this a week?
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notice my after a pub this is how this how i achieve. oh gosh the secrets i hear. the come on then into what ditch. wow, look, so we go. yeah. you look like march sims so when i 1st came to do that, i feel like i would cry almost every time like i was so sensitive is all of these things that i have to come to terms with like moving back. you're not speaking the language trying to kind of fit in trying to i was so conflicted. i didn't even know if i wanted it was, it was tough or the times and i would like, i didn't even want to wake up because i didn't even have a job. so i didn't when i was doing so. and so i'd go to mama crying. i'm i don't know what's wrong with me and like,
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i couldn't even talk to people i communicate. so i've kind of and i know that mama black, everything's in ok interesting writings. but this time, i don't know why i just as i was come to crying like this, what has the required for you like this? and she was like, you know, one time i don't know what happened. i think it was under a lot of pressure and she said that he cried for like 5 minutes describing when they were much younger. older it was during the movement days must have been made or is our last year and it doesn't leave after in the when i left not only to i remember thinking to myself, if anything was happens in, i could say i couldn't manage, i could survive that losing him, but if anything was happened to momma, i couldn't survive that. and then i remember like scolding myself for even thinking
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something like that. sometimes i forget his face. sometimes. i mean the on the paper, right? lemme everywhere. but like how it kinda makes me as oh anyways the . 2 i told myself that if anything takes up again, i'm not going to be away happening. i'm going to be close to month. if there's any kind of insecure, it was 2013. i remember sitting by the tv speaking every day i was like, cuz i'm going to make it home. she didn't make, i was terrified. i think that trauma kind of stayed with me, but i think that's maybe the decision. maybe that was the decision that i took to come to you, but because it, i'm never going to happen that i'm away from mama and this i'm teaching of or wherever that i wouldn't be the
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question as and as why you chose not to, to marry me if there's less than that, i wouldn't think to us, but someone else might say no. let me see why we will find out why many matter what. some people get nobody to behave like my husband, the
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law, the still to the the . 2 2 the,
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the to the the yeah, the the view. yeah. why is that? why want to go do here by so i have my own might be good. and as the vice president,
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that as a vice president with the size of the department, i have the inventor religious. i'm back to that if i'm going to go south. so have me got that i can yeah. they, they come in, come email or whatever or this. thank you. thank you. thank you. so the citizen mind the internet at this place. i am addressing you today for the 1st time as one of the vice president brought in this position by the, by the peace agreement on the most of the conflicts installs with them on this. so good a good country. we must,
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in the spirit of today united together and move forward as one people. the are you feeling when you're sworn in? do you live in now? i'm thinking of what, how to begin? what are we to do? because expectation is immense, is fast. expectation of the people and we actually do this, we should be sitting down and think of that. so what we receive then they,
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it's not a pipe, it's not the prestige. but they tell people that's not so down on what you this the after the swearing and you questions are taking. okay, what is the vision beyond the struggle? ok. the short history of our country a civil war, 2 years after independence and no into the instability. insight my mother's tapping into the role that my father died in will not be history repeating itself. she's not going to be a martyr integration struggle. she will more than likely be remembered for what she
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does in this new position. and then the taxes. the very best hopes of that. so to the, also a new model, she actually for the insecurity the region is, talks about a roof estimate of the lease is in, in new haven line. since the south region, 14 levels has restored to movies into one and a half new to this time, many homes and assessments that united nations office for the quote, the motion of you money to run the fast says i'm estimates of 102 to 7000 sources have already been discussed quite a organize the mission to survey what people are calling the worst slides in our recorded history. the of
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the they've intensified existing problems. over 100000 people have lost their homes and livelihoods. and many more have been affected. the less is still getting what is not the website and even that we need to document it now and then also to, to start to see some areas you can identify small islands of higher ground. but there's some areas like this where it was completely flown high as you can see. and you can see over here, this is rose, this is what would be around the village. united. it won't last i knew. yeah. the sitting in the water selling nothings,
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yet people have to survive. yeah. so people lives we're still going on. yeah. still continuing, but there was a request for me to cover that. there would be the time that this thing can be placed. wow. my have to just the in or the
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opening game with the the, the the what i, what i have oh, wow. the sides. say i you know, the one, you know, i did the
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because i was part of the strongest. i wanted also to be part of the mission, really wanted to do that. so i took it upon myself as a citizen of this country of the i wanted to see how i can contribute to the people themselves. so that kind of the same time on the omen. i'm the mother to the, to the young ladies. so i wanted to to mentor them in this girlfriend to let them know that. and if it is possible,
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the young ladies, a young man, the youth and dana know we met, but we need to give them an opportunity. but now we're not doing that. what do we quoted for? wedding the officer told me that what was being done on to us is waiting until our people are now even worse than what the enemy was doing to us. yes we have for you to come see for the creator has to come with with some advantages to the people the it looks like there is no peace on the other side of freedom and home is not
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a place of rest. i still don't know what it means to be self, sit in these i do know that the promise of liberation and independence. it's not the reality of liberation and independence. the i look to my mother vanelle also to my sister and the young women who support their families by serving tea on the road side of the quiet forest, keeping things from entirely falling apart. we've been 10 years free. most of our compatriots are struggling to survive and we're still holding our friends the
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most makes your in good shape finds out if you every day nice is nothing, nothing with you in a cloak, it can be just for mental health research techniques. so how keeping m. c d w. the
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tips for your packages from madison corners boats affinities, check on some great cultural memorials to boots w, travel, thoughts, the winning fighting the we say. never giving us the most exciting thoughts, stories about people's passions and they drive every weekend on d. w. the
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business, the doesn't use life. i'm barely in several arrest made after issue to not talk. yeah, more school kills more than 90 people. the happened inside the concepts whole yeah. most school which best into themes, out to explosions where had investigators. i want him that, that totally suspect that to rise also in the program. catherine's presence princess of wales has reviewed. she has concept in a video message recorded area this week, princess said to us diagnosed up top domino, surgery has already started keeping therapy.


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