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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 23, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the business, the, the use of life, i'm barely in several arrest. i made an observation to not talk. yeah. more skilled kills, more than 90 people. the content inside the concepts. whole. yeah. most cool. which best into blame stuff to explosions, way ahead. investigate us. i warn him that that tool is expected to rise. also in the program kathrine prisons, princess of wales, has reviewed she has concept in a video message recorded earlier this week. princess this to us diagnose up top domino surgery, has already started chemo therapy. the
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i, i'm eddie michael junior and you are welcome to the program. we started with breaking news, at least $93.00 people on now known to have been killed in an attack on a concert hall. yet most school officials are wanting that, that, that tool could rise fab in the last, our best gates has have announced the series of iris for people directly involved in the attack have been detained. the so called is lennox. the touch screen responsibility is wanting to follow in a report. contains images you could find the 7 the. this is the moment, goodman open fire in a must go comes that whole the crowd scream and take cover shots echo through the auditorium.
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the insight could also be heard here in the building slowly. those are we skate and hummed. describe what happened to jill was sitting in the hall upstairs where the balconies were. we heard gunshots at 1st. we didn't understand what had happened. then i personally saw how the terrace came and started shooting everyone in the end. they threw them on the top cocktail. everything was set on fire because there was panic. all the people was screaming shots whitehead, there was panic. everyone was screaming. someone was shouting, someone was shot to get out. someone was screaming shots while it was terrifying. fire and goes to the complex and caused parts of the roof to collapse.
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helicopters down the flames from above. as chaos on folded on the ground below the firefighters are at work here at crooked city hall. the area affected by the fire is very significant. all the rest will be clear. once the firefighters are done with their work, russian, all pharmacies say they have launched an initial investigation. after the so called islamic state claim responsibility for the a talk. and they asked hands yackel chandler senior director of accounts extremism project. why this will go this? let me state what i've talked most cool. of course, russia is part of the target package of the biggest lot makes state my organization and us government assume that the most likely affiliate of is let me say this is
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what makes they'd caught us on the project of this attack that's been noticed. but i've taken prop, i've done that all set to go against restaurants in the last couple of months. us government has said that a given intelligence to the russian government 2 weeks ago on the 7th of march. that concept, we're a target of the islamic stage for us on, in russia, in the next couple of weeks. so everything points towards that group being the most likely caught bridge off this attack as you say. and rightly so, the us officials say they had one must go off the possibility of such an attack. so where the warnings heated or taken seriously. unfortunately, there was an official statement. all 5, president, fulton, and russia. that's basically, and i'm pointing televisions and called it executive blackmail that the americans wanted to show that russia is not safe. i guess that this didn't age when it
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doesn't seem like it did to the i as a state group. how much of a preston's does it actually have inside rash, alcohol, in the region for them to be much of a consent as well? i mean, i'll try it out and there's not much they've always had to present in russia. i remind you there were several dot let attacks in the ninety's in early 2000, including an attack, one of the attack and most count um, these seem to be touchy perpetrators of last night. i'm touching perpetrators long and dryers, k p have been arrested several times in europe, including in germany, things 2020. so i s k is really i s a b is really d opinion of the slot mix, the global network. that is not the primarily focused on conquering territory focused on external attacks. that'd be numerous attempts. so what do we expect now?
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how will the kremlin respond to the attack? well, that's the other side out of the story, of course. um, most cow and the russian government is highly propagandized at this moment and they will make out of this attack, whatever they want to make out of this attack is of course, it's an environment for the security services in russia. and in the past, when that's not important, have let me pull the intelligence. i pointed to exactly this type of attack already the, the russian narrative is cause drawing a 2nd reality, the spokes person off the foreign ministry in russia. as that if the american top intelligence they should give it to russia, which they have done prior to the attack. so we are already leaving an alternate reality where the official statement released by the official propaganda outlets of the is lumnick states saying that they've been responsible for this attack as seen as possibly fig, possibly not true. and they everything supposed to be pointing direction. you're
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crating, so unfortunately, what comes out of russia has violated credibility at this point. yeah, and i have to say thing is that being somehow pointed out to ukraine, what could as mean for the ongoing war that to what i mean, this is a autocratic regime. it is happening, taking a distinct turn to a more autocratic, oppressive regime in the last couple of years. and particularly since the reading raising of your brain in 2020 and the machine will use these for us for that turn to the author. because it could be for that, you know, i tax in ukraine, definitely more mobilization of by its own soldiers in russia. so the regime go use this attack, it will not, or, you know, objectively investigate this attack at least not publicly, but really use it for its own propaganda purposes. and unfortunately, this will mean fact, most likely the pressure on ukraine is going to increase right?
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hands yak. option law senior director counted stream isn't project. thank you. let's now go to the u. k, where the prince of wales has reviewed that. she's been diagnosed with cancer. catherine says the cons i was discovered to you in abdominal surgery in january, she says she's going through chemo therapy. they're responsive, have to do a message. i wants to take this opportunity to say thank you past me for all the wonderful messages of support and feel understanding last night being recovering from surgery. it is been an incredibly tough couple of months from tough on me. but i've had a fantastic medical team who's taking great care of me for which i'm so grateful. in january i on the one major told me no surgery and one done on at the time, it was thought that my condition was going kind of service. the surgery was successful, however, the test over to the operation found cancer has been present my medical team that
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for advice that i should undergo course of preventative came to therapy. and i'm now in the early stages about treatment. now that has been a lot of speculation in recent weeks surrounding princess. catherine's of sense from public life correspondence. charlotte's chosen field in london has more about the timing of this announcement. it is something that very c y expect to hear is you had enough the message. we know that she and was a major almost surgery passengers is understood at the time. it's uh, her condition is not sensors was hearing now that a whole ations laser revealed the counselor has been present since using the other stages, just defense to see my therapy. so be sure to people here. now of course, in the wind to context smooth, this is i have been an enormous amount of speculation, a bounce the well being. the fact that it's has taken some time for the students to
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come for his left, his not seen for the presidency. the amounts of speculation online kate still receive it. same point the, the room and mail has been spinning. not something that has been quite challenging for the world family, but she is in her, in a voice message to the fact that the timing was dictated or was it the children with what in the school wants to come on. but it came to the time of making this announcement public it from the city. she wanted to speak to them, thus makes it clear to them as she says in the, in her visit the message that she's going to be ok. the full making this announcement public and the questions that right what, that's the diagnosis now mean for the royal family such
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as illness. i need to see this is a family so they will have the thoughts as a one of the 3 young children, the in the full funds has the minds when dealing with this. but as a a, as an institution, this is mostly significant. keep in mind that since house itself is currently undergoing the treatments for cancer as well as such, that announcement was made public on the same day, it was announced that they paid it on the on this i don't know surgery as we have is 2 major members it will, family who all the absence and probably some patients who don't know how long for what we can expect to see the for is, is we in playing a much, much bigger role for the full size of this as well. so is case and heavy and message a tremendously difficult to right. have you ever fall into child's child? some failing in london? thank you. let's look at some more stories making headlines around the world. the
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governor of russia's belgrade regions, as one person has been killed into one dead in drone strikes by ukraine. you said 2 districts in the region which bore dizzy green laptop the un security council is working on all tentative resolution call in for easy sy in gaza. it comes up to a rash or in china v to a us let resolution the council a shuttle to meet monday to vote on a revised measure set to exclude references to ongoing choose talks, even involving these route. and how about seen just these are the government has announced that it's season $800.00 hacked as of land in the occupied westbank for our rights by announcement is the best allow smoked rich declared the area which is close to these very supplements. yes, it to be states land activists calling it's the largest caesar in decades. the
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u. s. military says it's war planes. abstract clue, the rebel tide. yes. in yemen with the media said that raids took place in the capital sign of us central command called the strikes on underground storage, a response to who these fire in full on to shipments house to water, etc. shipping lanes, the animal festival of lights is on in zagreb, croatia. the 5 day street festival celebrates the beginning of spring with bright lights and performances throughout the city. and this he has, events has the special focus that group is returning to the streets. after a cold winter, a spring arrives. the yearly festival of lights illuminates the way the city has put up installations and 29 locations. even the towns historic buildings are bays and l e d lights. the event has won
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over many fans. the lake was outside. oh man, i really like it and i'm here every year and every year there's something new. i always have a lot of fun fully. the kind of installations they made it kind of show it was genius. this is the grads. 6 light show. the work this year place is a special focus on the environment. officials say that the late festival has become one of the country's most popular events of a beacon for those eager to celebrate spring's renewal. as a reminder of our top story, at least 93 people are now known to have been killed. off the gunmen opened fire and stopped at each mass of ladies at a concert hall. and yeah, most officials wanted that to rise. fab 11 people have interest in including for
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directly involved in the and that's old and use that as i've next. both life takes a look of exercise addiction and disease that has not even been officially recognized. statement from one use top of the out, the people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center. the straight pieces the around the world more than 150000000 people us we of mine because.


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