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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news life in berlin, russia's president and declares a day of morning. that's after more than a 130 people were killed in an attack on a concert venue near moscow. it's russians, worst chair, attack, and decades. and officials won the death toll will rise further. also on the program u. n. chief antonio gutierrez visits ralph and egypt supported with gaza, close to where israel is planning a ground defensive. despite international criticism. and catherine britons, princess of wales, reveals she's being treated for cancer and a video message recorded earlier this week, the princess said she has already started chemotherapy the
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in greetings, throughout viewers around the world on michael low to the death toll from an attack on a concert hall near moscow has risen to a $133.00 and officials a warning it could still increase. investigators have announced a series of arrests for people directly involved in the attack have been detained. the so called as womic state has claimed responsibility. a warning, the following report contains images you could find distressing. the hours of to the tech rescue is to find the able to enter the building inside, debris and devastation. much of the building has been brushing the stores has saved the place. started off to the gunman, dogs,
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the venue in the flammable liquid as fire and smoke in golf. the concert hall, some hiding between the rows, couldn't make it out. even when we crawled out of the concert hall and went into the utility room. although i had talked to some folks, but they were in some kind of large scale explosions with a cubicle there was some kind of pockets just before people were maybe it was some kind of small explosive. and it was also a burning smell rubber good. if i got the impression that they probably wanted to somehow concentrate a lot of people inside and then also have a huge fire. so they couldn't get out. i have a feeling about dash board for the computer, but some brilliant like you should investigate, has seized weapons and ammunition left behind by the attack. us witnesses say the gunman, shot non stop up to boosting into the building. special
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forces continue to work at the scene, starting the evidence and cctv footage. public events have been canceled across russia. as the construct comes to terms with one, if it's douglas, tara tex, indicates russian president vladimir putin has an ant sunday as a day of national morning. let's listen to what he said. lovely, so she has the most important thing now is not to let those behind these bloody buttering can meet new crimes to cheat all 4 of those all directly involved in the attacks. if you go shot and killed, people have been found in the rest it and you put the, they try to hide and move towards ukraine. you where according to a preliminary data you create inside, prepared the window for them to cross the border. the good he was all in all the 11 people had been detained, to the federal security service, and rushes of the responsible law enforcement agencies
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a working on finding the terrorist. accomplices, the bus will be just the by the for more or less spring and military analysts may remember ron from kings college, london, marina. there's so called is womic state military group has claimed responsibility here. in fact, i, as has been implicated in some of the largest recent terror attacks in russia, including a 2017 st. petersburg metro bombing. why russia in general? and why now specifically, to good day, michael? well, that's a good question because it is surprising that this group and it's not which shouldn't confuse it, was a main as why i mix state which is still active in iraq. it's assignment state k, which is a different group. it's case tens for, for a son. these guys were operating in the found his pen. so they were also
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a danger to both the taliban and the us whose they are. and they started in 2014 and allegedly they also have prices in north carcases. and they have a clean the tax, for instance, the one in, in the ran also killing a lot of people just recently. so they, the problem here is that the, they do have grievances and they have been criticizing, put in, and they have been accusing russia off of being implicated in suppressing muslims. but the problem is, is a timing why now? because the russians were fighting the, so i'm a state in 2018, so it would make much more sense. but why didn't they wait until after the election to conduct their attack? and what exactly is their message at the stage, and how credible ozzy they have claimed the tax in the past, which they didn't conduct? so there are a lot of questions about this right now. i'm curious, how much of
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a presence does islamic state have in russia or in the region as well. there is some presence in russia and am as a matter of fact, the f as be claimed stuff. they have prevented the cynical shooting after the in us intelligence had issued the wording to american citizens on march 7th, i believe it was so there is a presence. and there, there was those from russia who, back in the day when the syrian war was raging, were traveling from russia to see re, up to 5 on the side of the sly mc stayed there. so certainly there was a presence, but how big that network is, i cannot say it doesn't seem like it is very advanced. so they would have had to cross the board the possibly from the chicken's done, or maybe from his back to stand to gap to russia. beyond rhetoric,
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how will the kremlin most likely respond to this attack? well, the immediate response was difficult. nobody expected it. i don't know, at what point they f as b knew that something is being planned, as i said they claim to have prevented. and those are possible sure thing by the islamic state just on march 8th. therefore, i think the media responds, they did what they could do. what will happen next is of course offer question. we heard president put in saying that these militants wanted to go to ukraine to cross the ukrainian border. so i suppose there will be investigations and in terms of what links to these militants have, do they have any links to ukraine who is actually backing them because they so i mix, they could be behind the attacks. but is it just the slack state or are there any potential groups involved in this? our thing so, so ways to a military analysts,
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marina muran from king's college. thank you for having me. of course, that you inspector general antonio quoterush has visited the egyptian gossip border to draw attention to the plight of palestinians there on a visit to the border. crossing with the city of ruffled butera. she said that without a surgeon a people in guns or would starve to death any further on slugs will make sinks even worse. worse for the policy and cvb is what? for the hostages and boards for all people of the region. all these demo that i don't think is more than time for an immediate cease fire. i say the game is time for the night on glove commitments by israel for the game and center that says 40 me 30 in gold city walk. got so i mean the spirit is compression
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is also the time for the media. 3 leads of all stitches. earlier i asked dw, correspond to rebecca renters injures one to sum up to terriers remarks as well. my goal is probably not anything very unexpected in what antonio guitars had to say. he's visiting the region also, egypt and jordan, as well as the scholars at border area in on the addiction side during the whole 8 months of ramadan to pay his respects. and you know, he noted at that in his was at the board a sort of noting at the fact that many muslims inside guys are, will not simply be fasting through choice of piety, but simply that they are not able to access any food making it very clear that aid needs to go through. he said that the blocking of these a truck, some 7000 according to egyptian officials,
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as he was told by them there at the border. but that was a moral outrage. and that something needed to be done. now israel says that they are not blocking that it is not them slowing things down, but that is something that needs an official a saying is the problem that they're simply that there's 7000 trucks in the board of waiting to go through. when it's these checks by israel, that is slowing this a delivery down. he also said because we're not alone, that the international community was a pulled and standing by them. and he had, as you heard in, in that the salt in that sound by that you just played there, that he was declined, that a further onslaught was, was bad, both for golf and as well as the hostages. he called for as you just heard in the, in the, in the did sort of because it's ramadan, but that the, you know, people should, that how much should consider releasing the hostages. and again, of course, cooling for a cease by the day off to the web security council failed to vote on a, on
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a recommendation for us eastland dw, corresponding rebecca renters injures one. thanks rebecca, for a brief look now at some of the other stories making news around the world at this hour. 35 alleged somali pirates have arrived in india to face trial on charges of high drafting a ship. the men were taken into custody last week when indian commanders, who did a hijacked vessel off the coast of somalia. the indian navy took control of the ship and rescued several hostages. lava continues to flow from a volcano in south west, iceland ruptures have flared up multiple times since december with mamma, flowing near the town of green, different materials from the site are being used to make barriers to protect the community. the well wishes had been pouring in from around the world for britain's princess of wales after she revealed she has been diagnosed with cancer and has
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started treatment individual message released friday. catherine said the cancer was discovered after she had abdominal surgery. in late january. the news follows weeks of wild speculation about her absence from public life. torres outside london's bucking impalas are still digesting the news of kate middleton's cancer diagnosis. well, i actually got the notification of her diagnosis as i was just standing outside of the pos is quite sharp to see so young and to have such a youth that you are diagnosed with cancer. that must be a real shop to the family. i feel like with all the news about kate like disappearance and her not being here. i feel like that's been juggling how, how to balance telling the public but also privately and making sure they do it in their own terms. so i think it's just a massive challenge, but i think they understand that we want to know the information and people care and want to know. so i think it's just, it's hard, but they're doing a good job. the announcement was front page news across britain and follows weeks
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of speculation about the whereabouts and wellbeing of the 42 year old princess. her video message to the public was meant to lay the rumors to rest. in january, i on the one major dose audrey in london, and at the time it was thought that my condition was known cancerous. the surgery was successful. however, the test to the operation found cancer has been present. my medical team best for advice that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and i am now in the early stages about treatment. she described the diagnosis as a huge shock. thank the public for their support and ask for privacy for her and her family. several world leaders shared messages of support, including us president joe biden, frances in menu, and my call and counted as prime minister just intruder. kate middleton's last public appearance was on christmas day. kensington palace later revealed she'd
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under gone planned abdominal surgery in mid january. the reason was not disclose to the public, and as the days drew in 2 weeks, the rumor mill swirled a photo of a smiling kate and her family released earlier this month to quell concern back fired. when it was revealed, the photo had been doctored in several areas, raising even more questions about her health. i would hope it would put the speculation to arrest it in person. we have very strict proof of zillow's on house matches and so it, as we've seen in previous era, as the queen and the prince, philip didn't give a running commentary about the house. and so it's very unusual. so basic king and the princess wells to very bravely, i think, announced that they've got cancer. in february, king charles announced his own cancer diagnosis, like the king catherine didn't specify what kind of cancer she, how it's, it's not clear when either will return to full public duties. to do stay with us if
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you can of an extra 4 to looks at how the russian opposition is continuing to struggle against vladimir putin. next a michael look, and thanks for watching dw, all be back at the beginning of the next step. the old friends mean friends and nature defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect munich frankfurt. berlin sandwich faced with russia is war against ukraine. the rose grace is military alliance shows weakness can nato offer its members suspicion protection p repeal security basic kinds depends on 90 percent on the us basic were attacked. what the millions really.


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