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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from ballot russian president vladimir foods and says the government behind friday's attack, the constant holds arrested as they tried to escape to ukraine. fastest by the basic plans, by the so called islamic space, that they count about the attack on crocuses. if you hold the killed more than $100.00 and assess and also on the program. un chief antonio gutierrez, present to rafa on egypt. border with gaza, close to where israel is putting a ground defensive despite into the national credits. as of the secretary general repainted, his call for a truce between israel and thomas britons catherine princess of wales, reveals she's being treated for cancer in the video of message recording this,
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frankly, princess says she's already stuff 15 right there. the, i'm feel welcome to the program, especially the president vladimir putin says the government behind friday's deb issues are going to council told them moscow were arrested as they tried to escape to crime. the russian president made this think this by repeating times of responsibility by the so called islamic states before alleged government, old, the force of the foreign nationals among 11 arrests made in connection with the shooting at least one $133.00 people were killed in the attack on the croakers city hall of the stream of moon is gather at a make shift memorial. placing tributes at the quote and surrounding the croakers city, who inside officials call him the
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charge. building still smoldering off the gunman seated a light following the shooting rampage. the attack, one of the deadliest in russia for many years, has shown the country huge crowds to, in dallas and moscow to the night blood to those injured strokes. you have some good the someone from the course i was shocked and felt fear and horrible. i've been to a concert at crocus myself, and when i saw those horrible videos, i was shocked and then t s. even now when i speak about it, this just was very scary to see it all was easy to get this. so people paid their speaks at cities across russia. on saturday, president pollution addressed the nation,
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linking the attack to ukraine. suits you to the city of old, full perpetrators of the terrorist act. it was shot and killed. people have been detained and the police, they were traveling towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data in a window, had been prepared for them on the ukrainian side, across the state to go to the city where this was less than the games. a russian state t v. this voltage of the area, it's c is the gunman. what apprehended in ukraine has denied any involvement and the so called is law. mac state has repeatedly claimed responsibility. the united states sees that had tried to warn russia about potential attacks and recent weeks . peyton dismissed those claims several days ago. and i put them, you know, when i would also like to recall the recent provocative statements by a number of official west instructors regarding potential terrorist attacks in
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russia. all these actions resembled outright select mail and the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society or system. with ours, the seed risk it was would continue to scale with the shooting site for several days. sunday has been declared a day of national morning is mining state madison group was behind this attack us. they've claimed, why might they be targeting russia? we asked military unless the marine to meet on from king's college and it is surprising that. ready this group, and it's not, we shouldn't confuse it was a main fly mc state which is still active in the rack. it's slamming state k, which is a different group. it's case times for us on these guys were operating enough down to stand. so they were also a danger to both the taliban and the us forces they are and they started in 2014
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and allegedly they also have ties to the north carcases and they have a clean the tax. for instance, the one in, in the ran also killing a lot of people just recently. so the big, the problem here is that the, yes they do have grievances and they have been criticizing, put in, and they have been accusing russia of being implicated in suppressing muslims. but the problem is, is a timing why now? because the russians were fighting the assignment state in 2018. so it would make much more sense. but why didn't they wait until after the election to conduct their attack? and what exactly is their message at the stage, and how credible as a they have claimed the tax in the past, which they didn't conduct. so there are a lot of questions about this right now. or in the middle, i'm from kings correspondence. now to the middle east and israel's foreign minister has accused the united nations of being anti semitic. and israel on the day that
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the un secretary general issued, i renewed plea for sci fi in gaza. i'm turning a guitar. so speaking on egypt, inside of the rafa border crossing into gaza, the un secretary general traveled to egypt border with gaza to demand a truce between israel and thomas before is real launch is a new phase and its invasion of the territory. as i say again, nothing just defies your receipt effects by miles on october the 7th and not seeing just besides the electric punishments of the public speaking people no more than that of us. it is time for the immediate you many betty and cease fires if this time to silence the guns is really forces are preparing an invasion of rough uh, causes only major city that has not been devastated. israel says it's the last
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bastion of hum us more than a 1000000 displaced palestinians are sheltering there. and tony, oh, good cherish, warned. there was consensus that an invasion of rough uh would cause a humanitarian catastrophe. any further on slugs. we'll make sinks even worse. worse for the policy than cvb is worse for the hostages, and worse for all people of the region is real, responded to the secretary general speech defiantly for administer. israel kept seeing here at the united nations earlier this month, posted on ex, formerly twitter, that under good terrorist, the u. n. has become an anti semitic, and anti is really body that shelters. and then bolton's terror little sign then of a reprieve. any time soon for the beleaguered and hungry people of gaza,
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we'll take a look at some of the stores making news around the world. a negative sent friends of people came out by him, asked you in the october 7, 10 to attack have rallied in central tel aviv again quoting, for the every to speak is of the body. also cosa, of the election is to move prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government, and they plane full fadia surrounding the mastercard. under the aftermath chinese coast guard just released the video of a confrontation between its vessels and the small for the panes boat. it said was trying to reach a distributed reef. the skirmish took place in an area of a south china sea, climbed by china and several other countries in the region. we have the rest of the space agency successfully knows the saw use craft from bits of space center and catholic stuff. it's heading for the international space station with 3 s and or some border russian american and the better routes you will become a countries 1st woman in space. momentarily it set to go as about to elect the
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president, the following weeks of chaos and uncertainty. the country has traditionally been seen as one of west africa's most stable democracies, but outgoing president, mike, yourselves, decision to delay the vote, caused widespread unrest. his name is not now on the ballot making based the countries 1st presidential vote without unencumbered in the race. observe us hope the election will bring that over the change, but also return to stability. it's been a typo, charged presidential election campaign of 2 weeks of confusion. most incentives want only one thing, and that's to move forward. the century needs change. we are going to change this country on pulling di by choosing our best candidate. you might as well love with it, but the good thing to vote because we want change in our country. it's hot in synagogue
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. there are a lot of texas and i by the contract and was the want change when people on someone who would takes integrated part of what i know that means moving on from outgoing president mackey south. he was elected 12 years ago on the promise of widespread reforms, including reducing the power of his own office. the unrest has grown along with government disapproval, sent a goal and normally stable democracy, suddenly finding itself in turmoil. then came self decision to delay the election, racing fears he tried to hold on to power and legally, the opposition cooling into constitutional cool. the result, more protests, many of the demonstrate is the same young people who wrote solved to power. now, to solutions and angry. dozens were killed and hundreds more rested, including high profile of position need is they, along with hundreds of prisoners,
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were released off to senegal was constitutional quotes intervened and put the elections back on track with the about a, with the departure of mackie cell and the release of the detainees feel this has been helping to reduce tensions, to new. so i'm going to be, and that means that we can move towards a peaceful election. i've been, i mean, i be, you know, they feel busy. many hoping center goals headlines will soon spell out political change while living up to the countries image as a beacon of stability into hit west africa. messages of support up in flooding into britain is princess of wales. after she revealed she's been diagnosed with cancer and has thoughts of treatment the video method release. on friday, katherine said the counselor had been discovered after her abdominal surgery,
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late january news follows weeks of wild speculation about her absence from public life. torres outside london's buckingham palace are still digesting the news of kate middleton's cancer diagnosis, as well. i actually got the notification outside diagnosis as i was just standing outside of the pos is quite shocked to see so young and to have such a youth that you are diagnosed with cancer. that must be a real shock to the family. i feel like with all the news about kate like disappearance and her not being here. i feel like that's been juggling how, how to balance telling the public but also privately and making sure they do it in their own terms. so i think it's just a massive challenge, but i think they understand that we want to know the information and people care and want to know. so i think it's just, it's hard, but they're doing it gets all the announcement was front page news across britain and follows weeks of speculation about the whereabouts and wellbeing of the 42 year old princess. her video message to the public was meant to lay the rumors to rest.
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in january, i on the one major oral surgery in london, and at the time, it was thought that my condition was known cancerous. the surgery was successful. however, the test to the operation found cancer has been present my medical team best for advice that i should undergo costs of preventative chemotherapy. and i'm now in the early stages about treatment. she described the diagnosis as a huge shock. thank the public for their support and ask for privacy for her and her family. several world leaders shared messages of support, including us president joe biden, frances emmanuel, and my co, and canada as prime minister justin true though. kate middleton's last public appearance was on christmas day. kensington palace later revealed she'd under gone planned abdominal surgery in mid january. the reason was not disclose to the public, and as the days drew in 2 weeks, the rumor mill swirled a photo of
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a smiling kate and her family released earlier this month to quell concern back fired. when it was revealed, the photo had been doctored in several areas, raising even more questions about her health. i would hope it would put the speculation to arrest it in person. we have very strict proof of the laws on house matters. and so it, as we've seen in previous era, as the queen and the prince, philip didn't give a running commentary about the house. and so it's very unusual. so basic king and the princess wells to very bravely, i think, announced that they've got cancer. in february, king charles announced his own cancer diagnosis, like the king catherine didn't specify what kind of cancer she, how it's, it's not clear when either will return to full public duties. so i'll set you up today. i'll have more world news and the top of the out of next on the w report of
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how the russian opposition is continuing to struggle against vladimir pushing from x. the old friends mean friends and may so defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect meaning frankfurt. berlin can do it. face with russia is more against ukraine. grace's ministry line shows we can nato offer its members suspicion protection p. repeal security. basic kinds depends on 90 percent on the us basic were attacked. what the alliance really.


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