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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  March 24, 2024 2:15am-2:31am CET

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w needs live from the land coming up next is reports up looking at how russia's exiled opposition is keeping up its struggle against presents that to me, a poor. i'm leaving them a homage that's the watching. i'll see simplifying the old friends mean friends and nature defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect meaning frankfurt. berlin can do it. faced with russia is more against ukraine. graces ministry line shows we can nato offer its members suspicion protection and security basically depends on 90 percent on the us if it were attacked. what the alliance really close rang
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out to pot document nation starts april fools on dw. the of this group is funding for some of the wells, rarest eggs. they're searching for the endangered tv bugs of a tail roland. you ceiling to steal their eggs and save them from predators. almost 95 percent of teachers are killed in the wilds. if nothing is done, they will likely disappear. in new zealand record sales, kaylee would be pretty bad if we need to. thousands of people have joined
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a massive program to defend the kiwi and kill their predators. they are showing what it takes for a country to protect its natural trojans. the deluxe hills of the car mandel peninsula in new zealand. north island, a remarkable rescue mission is underway, giving signs of hope for an endangered national symbol. the key we few people ever see tv in the wild rony kennedy has the encounter, motivated her to help save them from extinction. i have actually seen kiwi on a visit to the ceiling some years ago. it was amazing to see that tiny little the way that it says eligible and the group of keywords as a new zealand is that i was with. they themselves have never seen that q while. so
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it's a pretty amazing experience. opportunity. the retired schoolteacher is part of the project to stop the decline of the key we population. new zealand was once home to some 12000000 t we. now there are less than $70000.00. at least 20 are killed every week by invasive animals like states thirds and rats. beautiful. a yes to save the key we. these rescue as must become like the predators. they are going hunting for keeping us to steal their eggs and raise the checks in safety. diane princes trained to find the elusive but she calls this authoration an egg with 6 k ways and decline the new feelings because of introduced proof to finally start to start with introduced to me doing to control the ribbon
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introduced a new feeling that the 2nd stage of feeding straight into l. beautiful bush instead of killing. so it's kind of say color $94.00 single to who can recheck the pinch before the like 6 months old and new ceiling. we cool ourselves keywords, so you wouldn't be we would be pretty bad to swing these. now national story diane uses a radio antenna to pick up signals from a tag on a while he was getting closer to the nice winter place that was like the day to be a sleep. i mean, does it say to him and i want some not to like help me so we have to be really
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quiet in quite she's found the key bar deep in the hillside. the father incubate while the mother or just for food. diane doesn't want to disturb the father in case he sleeves. but he doesn't even stir. the plastic nature make some vulnerable predators. diane, finding it hard to reach deep into the bar. he was teresa. the next was too long and to let me try this for me to make sure you ration and attach them quite a few times. trying to like some guy. oh, i can talk to him, but like i actually have to be off put my hand right onto nathan to co exist. and um, you could finally, she manages to retrieve a rare natural treasure,
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the help of dishonest so that it would be 60 days. it should be quite a developed check in the with the peoples and everything. so when you sign the torch, you should see through the age absolutely one account. so it is a chicken the this one has yielded to it. and you see how big those ink says 2 weeks like that. you're looking at $900.00 grand exclusive effects. the females go to push them to, to, to grade isaac society. and she, she's probably only like 2 and a half most. so it's, it's a mix of imagery to mom, so, and if she does to clutches of those. yeah. so she's fine for aids. yes it's, it's, it's really enough. how many eggs with you over the years?
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hundreds. i, i, i haven't keep count. yeah, i've been doing this for awhile, but tomorrow we going have and we're going to try and do 6 egoist. one morning. oh, how i co fee diane here. how you doing with god to go to explore your mind? yeah, yeah, it's really good. brody's job is to drive the precious cargo a several hours south to the new home space and this is where the eggs will be hatched. behind defense, the kinks out starts and red headed mccormick is, does he want logistics in charge of the hatchery?
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here's our cheeks and here in various stages of innovation and those started him to leverage. this is one of 2 main key. we have seen facilities in new zealand. the exit maturing and special purpose incubators. helen checks the progress by whistling and whistling um to try and stimulate them to watch how much to eat is made and as an indication of helpful to check, i can see how much and to do the trick has to say great. what is on the beach? one bankruptcy, the whole week moving is fantastic. best executable. what's next? she uses a flashlight to see through the shell for signs that the chip has broken into its internal air. so, so he's power through hatch now and i'll move in through to the heck for now. we
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may spend another couple of days before a fully breaks out of the shop. so that whole purchased hitching purposes for me to, to hate you. you can take $3.00 to $5.00 days, so it's a really long process and by the end of it, the pretty time on the current mantle peninsula. tony is on another mission, hunting the hunters each month she hikes 3 bush lands to check trunk key. we won't be safe in the wilds as long as credit is room for a truck. where you can see, we don't have any to this one. the amount of pounds per square inch that these trucks have is quite incredible and they're really difficult to reset. the government has set the goal of making zealand credits of free by the year 2015 . the track reduced states such as fishing,
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liquid and eggs. most of runny trucks are empty. but finally, she has some success. we have was a small rep. let's see if he's been here while pointless rent from car mandel refilled that man. hope that another rep tossing this way with the same site the program is working in some areas. the key population decline is slowly as even reversing the at the hatchery. there's one less keeping eggs and one new key we checked. this one almost didn't survives this guy is he is the top and they stop somebody not pushing the show. and he was interested. so i had to
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system and around for me to push mast just out in the show a chick read here has a 65 percent chance of surviving to adult good. compared to just 5 percent in the wild. each year around $250.00 chicks, a boy in hatcheries, helen mccormick has helped raise many of them. so i have had to load the store and take it for granted that it is still very, very special. especially we met hatch and a very young like that. it is a very special thing to be able to handle off to several weeks. the chicks are taken to one of several credit defense centuries and released to rome and breed in safety. and they are released
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on to that now to sign um, but then there's ongoing work because we want to then take the checks from the side and move them back out into the wall. can we use a unique animal? um, so there is one part of the size, the key ready to make sure that we have them for future generations and that people will fail to see them in the wall. but of course, the small, just about the key we that are like an indicator spaces for the help of the forest as well. so if we're able to use the q we surviving well out from the forest, been awesome, lots of other spaces, a surviving lot. and that's why i want to say a nice, healthy, 1st, healthy, healthy forest. unhealthy animals in that 1st a new zealand key re population program costs tens of millions of dollars annually . and takes an army of helpers like brawny. and it's expanding with credit to controlled area is set to double in size in the coming years. because
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a disagreement to you to lovely 6 for us. if we can get a card or an insurance provided of course, we can keep them start some rack off of that area. living is such a beautiful country as new zealand likes to really grateful for the nature that this country has. and i suppose is one school way of getting back, but the key we defend is con to for, to read any pause, could let the creditors return you zealand is showing what it takes for a country to preserve its unique native one. this the we love us,
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we love to does us anything unusual? no mountain is too high. the road is too long and such a faith, ordinary we all this specialist of lifestyle, 009. next on d, w. the soul of america. and so much more than just a river. this is where a real cowboy is me and people are in touch with mary lou being the american dream. the mississippi river. surprising, legendary. in 45 minutes on d, w gets ready for an exciting out until you look surprised. hi,
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irish. and i am ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a window to delete it from port please go to the spot on the on expected side to side. survival of the fittest. how female rowers on the federal islands make it to the top. weird or wonderful. why is sour flowers soup? so people are in poland the best of good the home for look at the highlights of this northern spanish city. all this and more coming up on jerome max the .


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