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tv   Lebanon  Deutsche Welle  March 24, 2024 6:02am-7:00am CET

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and the feeling that is just too much you might see me, how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel, modern man. because if we do too much, we get it all wrong. we mess things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube, v. w documentary, the shuttle and key, more people than ever on the news world volume in such a fashion, life facile, jessica admitted god the castle. josh, the piano, is it a mac on the car? battery or something then? that's okay. that's the nanda foundation. one box to the
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find out about robina story in some language. reliable news for migraines. wherever they may be, the some of the seal come to set by a competitor, really? nissan brought palestinian refugee camp in the bay rooms where periphery exceeds have played out. since the bike is no longer has anything to do with war skills that he wanted to pursue in while you're about to see, is absolutely terrible, very detailed. can. there's no political or schuman explanation. if you were hatred a it's indescribable when it did that, but it has to be told, it has to be shown we for the, for the football team. they do to prepare
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a root occupied by israel last year. chamomile murdered. it was a to most, she was a year to do a photographs a most the kinds 11 on right into the heart of the capital capital and how you like people set things like and will storm the camps and eliminates our residents will turn sabra and shut t let into golf courses about if we had a stand up against the wall and someone said, shoot them. the shots were fired, the screaming stopped, they were dead. the wizard was like something out of dante glance at the city. it was a scene of a floor to be
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able to christian east the route, and the salon just celebrate the election to fetch your chicago to the post, the president in excess of victory for the christians. after 7 years of more left with that, at least at the time, no one could have knew and that their president would be assassinated a few weeks later on the 14th of september 15, they told me that they should be available today. okay, cuz your i met him few days after the election with dealing method doing it and i can still remember how impressed i was by his love and determination for 11 on said they tell me just you, when i moved under your name gomes pool. uh set compared to his brother and father in the past year was assigned to sit this down. cool, but those who would turn out to be implacable. so i made a copy, especially if you're my institution right at the start of the war last year. shit about jo established himself as leader of the christian militias be in the kitchen
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. and then how does she know which christmas was revered by his supporters of a young man who wanted rapid change. he was honest, vicious, and didn't shy away from violence may keen know what created by the system for you or the nation will be a democratic one so that it will re gain in all its sovereignty and independence. successful throughout its constitutionally and internationally recognized territory . t, it took the so total 30 plus the been a cost interest and we want our sovereignty fitness. one of them, no one meddling in our domestic affairs. they're so good. we're old enough to manage on our own helpful defense. well, silly and troops withdrawal the, you know, the was very close to, but she is jim, i think we worked closely together. look on the doc chair and presented himself as the candidate who wanted to give levon on back to the lebanese results. right from
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the outset who made it clear that he rejected the presence of the syrians and the palestinians and all that that entailed. so i don't want to presume anything in april 1975, 11 on a country that had been regarded as a model of religious co existence, was plunged into civil war from 1976 to 2005 serial occupied north and east central 11th on the south of the country was briefly occupied by israel and b routes. the capital that had been split into to the flanders christian militia. the mirror nights, drew's sony, she pro series and forces, and palestinians clashed and set the city of ladies with ashes m i l. commander of this land just melissa was elected president in 1982. it was a prospect that raised both hope and fear. the
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man, it's me, my name is my, i'll sort of for the, i'm palestinian and i come from northern palestine on those, you know, from the city, i'm a small village and this off at region and the former palestinian mandate, the pleasure of info on it. and my family plan is 111-1948 and i was born in the show to a refugee camp with them right still live today available at the after the election of last year. somebody else, strange, suspicious people suddenly appeared in the neighborhood. although probably by, you know, there were rumors that the lebanese army was spying, but hadn't got mission of before by showed jeremiah. and has it, there was never any mention of the military or any kind of terrorist hold on my look around us, go look at them. she and how we can. that's why we were nervous after his election yet, but she was my we were afraid because everyone knew the stories about the full and just so you and other malicious and the shut off on shore mostly trauma. see
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a lot of the after 1948, some of the palestinians, polo fighters pull out on the move to let those what every morning today with reported on the deaths of 2 significant peoples as it is a little bit on very different scales. so the battle is the 1st you'll shamile thomas, you on a fixed, you don't need to be a political expert to understand that after 8 years of civil war and the syrian is ready, occupation in this president could not be the entire solution to a baby. the cdn, those are the only leadership that is had to compromise unable to maintain balance among the religious communities can achieve the impossible for it could be with the
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result it as a leader adventure and above all, as candidate is riley's, is his nomination was fraught with risk of rates, i can get you the tips of it the i don't see that you push out a notice of even though a little was that about this always throughout the whole middle east comes of us were aware of into the system pressure on something you have to sit on, he wasn't in front of much of the home to mazda, he's a new dentist. i just assumed his role on the, on the 6 at the top of the box, set them to september 14th. our world fell apart. i preside, newly elected president, was murdered in such a way for so long as you the headline in the newspaper read like a siege are being filed and that's exactly how it was for us on my side of the board going up by september 5 to to to sit on september 14th, i was in my office when i heard about the attack media group of them, they said the entire command center building collapsed on him to visit beautiful.
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it was a great tragedy view. as i get on the phone from through, it's also the exclusion was heard across the entire city, the lives of the designer, this hours the craziest rumors did the right. the police don't dead the know is just injured toilets or more. he's not even injured. he's on harm their thoughts until the movement was found under the rather adult, inferior sort of because it was devastating to franklin schedule, set all the king on september 14th, the 11 on was riddled with different militias. so there were several christian militias that bus year jeremiah had united through blood shed with his own christian, malicious and quick. you have a look for sleep. i names in the shape our so called i think
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a falsity by the is the i'm not gonna be. so she is had the amount of militia sheet and the crews also have their own militia. i think she's on the lease, the sunni's with the only ones without one of their own. so if you leave will i be doing the fit the they were members of the mode i'd be to another showed in which wasn't just muslims, but also christians payments to modify. another mixed militia was the pro, damascus, siri, and social nationalist party of the, in the for s s n p. when i go and see that's who the dental, of course, damascus, his political leaders took issue with the election of last year's m i o, i think because it had been widely known that he was very close to these really since 1981 you know? so he had to be eliminated at all costs. i was in my, you know, early the said from a 17 day working august 23rd. the date he was elected and september 14th, capital date. he was murdered, as well as he presented himself as a president who wanted to unite as many lebanese as possible uh, christmas, stablish, or were bossy, union neutral, state procedure, people know,
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but perceived a dirty been a boy in his speeches resonate with large numbers of letting people use job, which is why his murder felt so many and a scene as a turning point and living in his history. i don't know if any type of truck a knob on his twice already been in the band that additional i used as part of the mundane daily routine and the lights of a journalist has something happens in the world and you try to get there as fast as possible from there, you know, you're often that turns out to be complicated and if there are no more flights or ships going to a war zone don't law, you have to set all the wheels in motion and out with others to get there. especially when we heard about the attack on by shields in my and my friend the photographer moxy mon. and i want it to go to 11 on immediately a we have a question for, we knew we'd get as far as cyprus by plane. and from there,
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we plan to find a boat to take us to a rule, meet polco pretty as regularly as had already invaded lebanon, but not yet advanced. as far as a route, we knew we'd be putting ourselves in a very delicate position company. kate, these rallies and the land just were extremely angry because their leader had been killed. i don't need the on their, on the while. let's see. we received the devastating news. i'm grace kelly had been killed in a car accident and i filled with cereal. them full new rather than the death of grace kelly itself. we were more shocked at the media competition. is it the, the concrete walls video? in other words, what with all the articles about grace kelly in the newspapers room, there wouldn't be much room for our stories on international politics at the office . and then a, we tried to block that out as much as we could and did our job just as we always did. but sure it was quite a blow to our spirits. we were facing stiff competition. people on there in the morning felt the comfortable the
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this, the crazy hello. you let an extraordinary line of us. she was a gift that address. and then the wife opens rainy. the 3rd of monica, can you see those that were raised because he died of injury sustained in a car accident this with disability? the plan that is you guys won't do anything to alter the face of mankind, anybody to it's just another tragedy to a full on a famous donnelly. i'll do some you said i look into that. they sent me to you, but i guess because of the the seen only on september 15th, so a day after the murder, but she is, and we still didn't know who was responsible for the assassination. if i did
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a book as intelligence agents, we couldn't jump to hasty conclusions above problems. sending one guy was deputy chief of the fall sleep. i nay's intelligent service at the time, men met the school, and i mean, when we later identified the murder sounds good, we had to keep the information to ourselves at all. and they've got a dsl sending them all a we close. the people were very careful to keep it a secret, even at the highest level in a level you're going to come on to most of the even the g m i l family kept quiet. people to find means you may have said that it was only don't or do you know, normal force or the so only we and our soldiers knew the true visual. and only the vague so that the rest of the population assumed the palestinians were to blame the bicycle, replace the better all the palestinians were the biggest loser, as indeed is rarely invasion to you. it's all ready. and because last year was an ally of the israelis,
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everyone blamed the attack on the palestinian 6 the lip. i just send you the, in the wake of the assassination of lebanese presidents select about shares, m i l, is rarely troops advance toward west bay range. their goal was to occupied the entire lebanese capital. the person giving the orders with this rarely defense minister ariel sharon forcing shut on anything he just kept on pushed on to be rude, believing that nothing would stand in his way it's supposed to be. so and that the capital could be reached without sustaining significant loss or they get scheduled . so there was always tied in, i've been to for the full goal of these really invasion was to extinguish that top of the palestinian national liberation movement inside of the 1100. 0 certainly. oh okay. yeah. they uh, she so found them all diminished and they gave me the government,
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the government of him begging and ariel sharon was the logistic interview advocate and extremely violent of a, a uh city dicker. and they were determined to this harmony, forced to get there waiting for an increase, a new level that which followed was really interesting. isn't allied. those really are not the defiantly destroyed. feel do isn't it is kind yeah. make on. but should i fit to you? this is the look is after bush year was murdered, is rarely let us know that things have changed. o g d is good. i think the on the bus to, they said, oh no, no, we're not sure that the newer then we'll pursue the same interest as, as this year. it was pretty t, uh, don't go here and videos. and that's why now need to send your soldiers into the palace damien and candles. why you to monitor the most of the sit on the top of her left forties laser. sonya assist me is riley's demand. and so now you have the feel,
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your side of the bargain, you promise you it's a 2 song. now it's time to prove that you're allies. i get that all the the lid, all that god you through the bank uh, brought me was head of the security agency of the christian militia. obviously, the problem is this. um uh, i can assemble militiaman from all christian regents in tampa. and it's a set amount, not just the members of the foxley, by nancy, vanessa. they opened the job, unfortunately by there is a bore or fast shut that off by the shaw survivors. so long ago we met the salon, just of the night of the 14th to the 15th of september, along with the crew. asked us for help. i'm a, i mean the system meeting and people said things like having a little storm mcadams and eliminate their residential seal. and he'll turn some branch and to lend to golf courses like, uh you some coverage from august and he'll,
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he'll buy it. so i was in charge of the other high ranking officials, such as shut tati and judge on were also president, didn't say a word lloyd show me the hush or if i look on the sheet of the city when, but she here died really is really army mc is rarely intelligence agency, most oliver. this used their connections with particular units of the falsity by landscape based systems in a moment before stephen is give date. but actually most of the israelis turns to the armed forces that had been given military training by most side. and israel yeah, the can quite for so long as you football, shoot issues. so to answer for 1000, sit at the time the is really said, we must take revenge. we must avenge bus year. this is unacceptable amount of courses, and it was all a big show the deals. but that's how they managed to bring some lebanese arm units from southern lebanon under their control. 8 the these armed units trained by most
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on or the ones who later carried out the sabbath. uh, and shut teela massacre. so we can pick a balance of the, the most active, the stuff that i said to them on pushing down south panel, going to the time the philologist subtracted attention with public slogans. if demo, for example, i know we can play on words with these re defense minister ariel sharon, on our own laundry detergent show on the slogan, was already elbow and washed lemon on white. the end of a home or your remote fee bill a you could feel something was about to happen. so they could get a car shows that the, you know, the through the service itself, thursday, september 16th is rarely army is advancing on a route. i mean, the assassination of the shares, m i l. liza temporarily in control of southern love and on will she'd be as rarely, military as imposing occurred to you one christians and muslims to prevent reprisal
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attacks and violence people cuz i love you know, for the phone and they're not preventative. see, is really tang passing by from my office window for a minute. that was crazy emphasis and philip premier frontier and got that the 3rd . it was the 1st time with an arrow capital that'd be occupied by israel. and they were many of certain moments. the mall shuttles, the book taps that same morning to people knocked on the door of my office. do the dump at phone, call me on my part. i'm on mute. oh, they said we, we'd like to place an advertisement in your newspaper. web infinity superior owners were not available to me since 8 o'clock. hi everybody. screen an advertisement for $15.00 visit are they are. they replied for is really to keys and pastor for my family. just imagine i found drunk service came to my office on the very same day
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the is really as marston to be rude and wanted me to publish that and find voters. remember before that i was furious about these really take over. and they wanted me to run that and we have to be, we sent them packing of course the whole and then i'm going to the level said all to the inpatient and they required ready trips. it was a traumatic experience with the entire arab world to luna. omby, minnesota, colorado, the last name in 1992 is randy from a family set on the cleansing leaven on right into the heart of the capital one which is gonna get a hold of the captain. i'm familiar with short fulfilled that she does show at the moment when we arrived at the port a fair route is rarely troops had already begun their advance into the city or so at that point in time, the death of bushy of jeremiah had become a secondary concern because it don't so look that his brother was now going to be
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president, was also unimportant any and on the big event was the is where he leaves invasion of a root. i said, you know, we entered a city of war where things were pretty violent. but how do you get to the front when you're already behind the line of attack photo? i see, of course we didn't want to stay back with the israeli soldiers. that was an interesting, real quick thing to job and we wanted to report from the other side is secure to see if context. we found a taxi though, calling it that is an overstatement quote. a guy drove us in his car straight into an active battle zone. between the is really army and the lebanese defense forces. in this case, as simple citizens militia got hit, definitely wasn't to train the militia, uncle, to move on. and the government has made a home vague and has decided to finish off what it has started for most the. and i elation of all the existence in west state route, they'll be able to control bedroom shuttle
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of the english homes plan from the outset to capture by route rekey the, the mall. so you wanted to go to be rude to completely liquidate the remaining palestinians, living inside and shut the loud separation of the before the start of the invasion . there were very intensive talks with the sheer on the involvement of lebanese armed forces and is really army emissions that the 1st event is ivy clinic is available and particularly during delicate operation recipient set, then fash shut on the cellphone, insisted that the function the button is should be involved in the cleansing of saba and should see a lot. so she has a unique way of separation today and nobody but me name is over the keys. through me. it was one of sharon's primary goals to break palestinian resistance and 11 on the stalls. fairly senior said, what are you going?
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i need a vesta. when we arrived in the sony neighborhood of busta, we found ourselves in the middle of the long day. the road i'd be turning position, particularly were putting up robust resistance and fond as though they were the last bastion against these rid of the army side. that's why we had to take a break and box to the bus and we spent the night in the house of a local man. this is almost noticed the glow that night we should be that night in boston. we saw the flares, but suddenly, without realizing itself, if we were witnessing the mass securities of, of the city sorted go the i
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cannot see him. i've got a feast on as night fell. we saw slayers and heard shots being fired and the weight . and this last last month, it was light for a moment, and we made sure the children were playing safely in their hands and they can do that until i review the at some point i, my sister called out for me coming down over the place. she was looking outside through the doorway instead of the fire. look at that, they're all dead because out of color for me. i don't know if you thought she was trying to scare me and i went over to her in the light of a flare. i was able to recognize my neighbor abo rate a line on the ground coming on by. he was crying out for help. i went over to him. if i were, you will. i know they were dead bodies lying on top of him. from this it was so dark, i could only make out his eyes, and he did that. he said he'd been shot and also the by the
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o. s. his body was lying under a mountain of corpses with only his head poking out too small. yeah. how, how is that were for the piano shot has helped me. he said, jumping to the front of it because they were more dead people behind our house directly beneath our window. well now we didn't hear anything when we were inside the house, although the bodies were line just a 5 meters away. last i was just as still on my way back to the house. i was stepping on horses video, but i didn't realize that until the next morning. a home but less now we lived in permanent fear from that moment on. i should say, i didn't have a clue what was happening. a lot of my father understood the gravity of the situation whereby it was a massacre simple as long as the shooting raged on outside to i smoked and paced the hallway here, but it was, i guess the next morning i was tired and stayed sitting in my chair and my father hadn't slept all night either. my old neighbor came by and want it to go up on our roof. that's how we met. she wanted to see if her house had been destroyed. and the
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father also tells that she went up on the roof audit as i'm an encountered armed men there to the fort shuffle. they wanted to know who she was. i know there's within a matter of seconds, they were in our house a lot. investigate for the bustle. julie janice, 11, friday, september 17th. the media still has no information about the massacres in bay roots, palestinian refugee camps at the assessing c o. s. i seen that the after the assassination of basha, gen mile, there was an imminent danger of total on it. came she to todd was the jump fall said that paul that we were forced to take harsh steps to ensure order and security in the 1st instance. at the delivery and also to prevent a resurgence of terrorist cells on a route that like to reduce it to her least i'll be on this on the morning of
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september 17th when we left, the foster care returned to our hotel. that was the 1st time we heard about the quote unquote ryan's like a known and was calling it a massacre at the time. it just writes in the capsule. buick macro, she receives that one on the phone call call the quit for mosque and i wondered what the relentless shooting was coming from the direction of the camps. they saw the dog. i don't see we took a taxi to the south of the roots of 2015 to the entrance of the sabbath and shut t like camp sacred oak or the l society about the atmosphere. there was one of desolation or a good day started by. i don't side of the time i look for you. we were stopped by militiamen who unnerved the of each post. ok, now, or you could tell that the guys were on edge. come on the later this was the fuel oil, they came pretty basic. are the restaurants or my year like they did, they don't, they were all high on drugs. don't go pretty sure you're good adult. you know,
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they were boiling over with anger or now because their leader about cio jeremiah had been killed. tuba, who the type prepared in the okay. say mean these, these men were from elio big cause militia. the can you baker? men lift off and you by they were notorious for their lawlessness and brutality except for the dump or even among the force, the bananas bus crazy the self. when you are the front on who's to say the land is worth a militia for i don't need an oil. you know, one more. pedo is jean. its founder was p f m i n d i be the father of, but she helps you miles we travel to berlin in 1936 and took a liking to all the young people in uniform. globe 8 orders saying beautiful songs and took up arms. we set out to import this ideology into 11 on and after his
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return from germany, he founded the philanthropist party, which small recruited members and trained to the bottom of it, p as time went on for land, just as became proxies for the israelis prince producer. but in fact, they became as rarely fighter only when you have his car to show them that as all the required as the is really chief of staff said or false. anyone in the salting or attacking of the land is because attacking and is really soldier on sort of the used car. yeah, that's good because the for lenses are our soldiers the we are there's some, you know, he's funny. we belong together. yeah. yeah. of course the full inches were trained in israel and equipped by the israelis. uh, is it, they keep a bodies, fine. the charlie, they never size with the salon, just didn't just begin on the 15th of september. okay, so many years before that. so i'm gonna sign this, for example, they support the college and i think the 1st to advance into western
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b route for language say me will be co r good relationship washer throughout the entire war and hold on. yeah, the hash of what we saw on zillow. when i arrived at headquarters and i was told that the land just, we didn't meet the camps and not certainly sure mission which i was very relieved of a lot for language, much or netflix, the chicago and she much fell. she met the huh. you know, some ethics, jones, the, it was never about carrying out a mastercard up the ticket. it was our duty to ensure that no one in the camp was on. can you have your fluid anymore? and in the bottom of the call, if you have a then if we did find someone with a weapon, is that they will be we would either arrest or kill them. hey, i will see to, uh, reset the my back, the okay, was my job to gather all the information and from the campus way to the bottom of the call news
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chaff of fate. fatherland as well as the soldiers fell the roof. another unit came through the door of the house. they questioned us. problem said battery. they asked my father what he did for a living. while your brother's lines that he repaired telephones show him that he had gone to school in the extra fee district. i don't understand it wasn't the ordinary working man. nothing more fuzzy on somebody to attend on sunday. well, they didn't arrest him off. most of they asked him if he had any money for treasure . why? he said he had something in the bedroom and he went to fetch it o as soldier followed him and called out all well and now and kill them for to know my most of them. i fled from the bedroom to the kitchen into the bathroom and hid
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my morning could be joining us. my was sure they would find and kill me only, but very accurately, they didn't. said they lined it by a fury. a month ago, my brothers and sisters hidden in another corner of the house on the cloth of a fee and that's when the fear really took hold. so we were traveling to live in the smallest. i heard my mother and father crying out as small as the bike, god, leave us in peace. we've done nothing wrong. i'm huge. and then shots were fired and the crying star on they killed them. as for the thought of him that i'm a bit from the bathroom, i watched as my brothers and sisters went down one by one of the light, a bit of the shadow after a while, my sister shot here who's lying between my father and mother, moved on to she touched my father and said pop out of the above, but he was dead. we might have thought i'd shot him in the back of the line. she turned to my mother into the same in vain as she stayed there, lying between them. then on a shared with me, i said it was
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a horrific scene. i said 66. we stayed where we were for a while without saying a word klein, the home can't find them, save also from when we left the house, we discovered more and more dead. people come to edit as at the back of the house, lay our neighbor and friends. site advantage and who we had to step over several corpses to get to him. the guy was lying next to another neighbor whose face was pressed into the ass called the bus. and i didn't recognize all the faces say that i could see the logos of the forest leave on a lot of the land just and other malicious catabolism. any, see my cycle side of the site decal giving you this massacre was carried out by the force of the veneers. so keep an eye under the command of an e or by a dealership i, you'll be gone to school center. so he's the whole said he was head of security that the force of the by nice and driven by desire for event and you know,
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read and is he of the photos or he's on the depth of bushy. it was the trigger. his attitude was nothing new on sooner or later, there would have been a reckoning, cold over going more lovely. this was on says, boss, i shall break out. we called him h k for the heckler and cost. machine gun that he carried was extremely charismatic and represented the military like no other use some x. so it would be in the main reset. the people, the, let's say the media dash p o is the military. illuminate the and i was the intelligent service that the people that i'll send you is hope you saw it on today. so like i said, that is you need the rock 6. what is the unit for this operation consisted of man who didn't fit into our system and prod, push a cool, cool move. and then to also didn't live in our system. apple. all of the system,
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the v va or the spent, the update on many of them had absolved a very good service during the war. and some of them were even true heroes if they're on the water. i know they weren't available and were sent to the candle ones that conduct the operation schuman is kind of a professor provide. and i knew that i made a whole big and not the, i don't know if the cleansing order came from italy of bites out loud under the condition you the sure a lot. i heard him say the following. the on new mercy. yeah, for the prisoners. masala machine for the shut off in the midst of the message. here's a man was clear how many of them show a bunch of looks like now. and able, according to the salon, just read your communication took place. it was simply on the frequency of 3500. what's up with the hub? that was to say, well, how much of a surface was that solution is on think no good,
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thanks to my driver and interpreter. i was able to listen in commodity and then so that's how i discovered that the salon just for killing their prisoners, is with the leading women to the board, children full of cost shelf along with bates and the name of the mom should uh, she might not the insurance lube equipment, the whole not the the massacre took place in the street. the victims while i'm here. i can still remember it very well. they were herded together children and women, even pregnant women to victims like they did, they had to. this was the house of, of who called him. his one here was the house of off in java. they were buddies
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line, he had to diminish them and just went into the houses and killed the residents. the street was full of corpses the instant here. yes, old i lived through the street. i can't remember exactly. this was our house here. they came to us along the sally way. my father was old and disabled and we children was still very young. we heard screams from the neighbors or my brother and the doll, and another neighbor went to the door to see what was going on for the nice salt. and then there was a hammering outdoor and my father us and we thought that were was right. and if they supposed to live in a starlet as they entered, i was very scared and hid behind my father. he said to me, don't be afraid. they'll just ask us
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a few questions to be on the way. they asked my father if he was a member of the militia, and he replied that he wasn't. and that in any case, if you had a paralyzed 10, which means he couldn't even hold a gun little and file one. so they started hurling insults and eventually said, stand up against the will. and as we did so, one of them cried out. shoot, the another one said, give me your gum. i was kind of just showed you that she was one year and 2 months old. can you imagine she really couldn't do anyone any home, and they still shots a to start using for a mazda and i helped her try to calm her down. and they show said to her again and she fell out of my arms. she cried out twice. mama mama and when they shut it for a 3rd time. so his voice fell silent for as well. that is not what i felt next to him pretending to be did not know
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when the men had gone, i still doubt that it was the worst thing in the world. i was surrounded by my did brothers and sisters now are included, protect my dear little sister to me. that's what the most to this day. dear. i should have protected and died with i was using the bottom. the lizzie very. yeah. he's on lucy's really is less it down to their office. they could have prevented the militias from entering the camp or even getting anywhere near the for from our pro stream. i mean, they were, they are on the ground that controlling the entire thing. b is released,
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we must have realized from the outset what they were dealing with here. hey, mike was even if he doesn't know the 4 handles the entire time, they have all the means at their disposal prevention for the, for the mastercard to continue to try again. to proportions is on task. so i thought the hopefully i'll take a shot that was one of the worst experiences of my life. i'm actually a little, i'm giving this interview as a way of processing the matter and feeding myself from it. and because of this event has, has a profound emotional and moral impact on me. the, the, on the, on the morning of september 18th, when we entered the camps with a number of other journalists, the syndicate on june, that is going on eco, each demo. natural thing, and we have the taxi and drove immediately to south russia to law. if it's, you know, what we found there was a totally unimaginable adult day escape the we couldn't believe our eyes quite.
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yeah. we also know quite a bundle was here. i said there is no mosquito or it was a real. there was no one on the streets or the mouth. we enter the camp and took the 1st alley way on the right in the and what was revealed to us there was hell apocalypse and slaughter house all at once. he said, you're gonna shrink. these are the photos of sheer horror. this family above all sit on the phone with the child that's holding onto it. sister, the mother who couldn't protector the father, the baby to have a whole family, leave their family. it's a mass, great. it showing us and saw this woman was raped and killed it. to you and it was hot to the show. corpses were already below to thing. measure it take you did by mom of here pretty senior. now the palestinian mine who was looking for his family dentistry. the com. let's go back to put in like a bookkeeper. i wanted to document and understand the full extent of this. my 2nd video memory is a more diverse to get the invite. you just have mode everything down
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a lucille goodness equal. they'd even shut the pads with the machine guns. she just said, you know, for, i tried to count the corpses, but i stopped up for a few 100 would get good. sometimes it's a pleasure to meet. we went deeper into the cabinets and they were children lying everywhere. women who'd been raped old people since it was har hart. or if i met me to put me in towards mid day, we heard the 1st weeping women. the shuffle proceeded high and every doorway opened. we saw another master cancel that
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goes and that's not good or bad. so for the children shot dead in their beds. that was all so we said they go. yeah, it was up to the house, the united states to the mainland, started making our own inquiries and discovered markings on the walls. you will push. wow, the said the was a cedar assembled together with arrows having the flourish, end of the abbreviation, m. p for military police, i mean more especially notice with all of the arrows in the opposite direction. as on the photos, the markings began to the east. in other words, in the land,
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just zone and, and passed behind the airports on the ground. there were evidently troops who had spent the night in hangers and sheds, and then returned to the camps in the morning he threw a co pay for all that may have put on said only campus security for land just had never been in west of a router i i'd been without the markings, they wouldn't have found the way for months. they all told, oh not a marketing has let us over these hills with a view over the airport. and finally, to these really headquarters for now, eva, a said it's a 6 story building with the roof terrace on the 7th floor. it was guarded around the clock. fine is really tank because we've got a shy side. yeah. 26. the concord to rotate him also in the former is really headquarters. we found detailed plans for the invasion of the sub and shut teela camps. you're probably the zone the u concept. even though it had been agreed that the israelis would never enter the camps. right. and that all provides,
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i'm in on and also called when we discovered drawings on the walls with arrows for the different military units. they decided for that. it was definitely a plan, maybe not for an invasion, but definitely for an attack in the community like, well, i thought we were shot as you know me do that. so part of started uh that was issued for k court. then we went up on the roof of the old un building, i see on from where we had a perfect view of some of the and shut t left for this just for safety ties. we connect their eyes. so the, as rarely as had an unimpeded view of what was happening in the gambles really busy for a minute by minute. he specifically told me that zillow show for us just so we walked around the red cross had in the meantime, begun wrapping the corpses and sheets it though i recognized the body of my younger sister and my neighbour layla. but i could not find my older sister. i looked for a corpse in her size and a red dress, because all i'd have faces of the dead were no longer recognizable,
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even towards half the head off of one victim. they were dead children everywhere. but i couldn't find my sister among them. i said it's going bad at all 0 because the other guy had the opportunity to talk. so one of the militiamen who was involved in the whole thing, a tribute to you, give him a 2nd. he had killed and massacred people. the more he was heavily under the influence of drugs throughout the entire operation or gene it based on the probably probably wasn't the only one. it's like that in all the militias is over onto the car, but he confessed it to me, man named reluctant for see if it goes from see the you. i found a waking up the next day, very hard because it wouldn't make normally you could say you're lucky to be waking up at all. but only if you want to wake up may say or sit there. uh sorry,
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it was the bad level panels. it's harder than the whole morgan to jump almost escape. i wonder what's more difficult for admitting your mistakes to god or admitting them to yourself and worse, admitting the others for this, don't you all got feet off in their credit history. the generally for trade the massacre as a consequence of the murder of last year. she might have been on the ground, his particularly angry supporters and settle you to avenge his dad or, or go ahead and hopefully volunteer. there was a whole series of extreme is literature coming from the lebanese right wing. and israel characterizing palestinians as parasites. and seeing that the camps needed to be clans present period pennies to yeah. come the the, i see the kids for the least christian with that. yeah. we can use these are the words the preceded, the killing call this this on the move to can know we're talking about between the 800 to 3000 victims according to the source of the. so a massacre of
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a huge dimensions. i called a sion lots to look crazy though. uh when is really prime minister and that of him begging was criticized by international media for what had happened and sa products with t rowe price. yeah. somebody came up in terrible formulation. you know, d go, are you kidding? green and said go even kill go human. they come to hang the jews go, i don't get a phone call so most, so basically it's arabs killing other arab how, why are you blaming us as really high? yeah, i have many regrets, not just concerning this incident, but the war as a whole. so you throughout the entire war, i always tried not to kill civilians do, but i still gave this order. is you to donate command lot, you're likely to kill him with full awareness of what i was doing available, so se 5 o x. such soft tardy, confirmed everything to me and realized that he had also committed murder. and when i cannot puzzle, got an outlet is actually went down on his knees in front of me to apologize for
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that. and i respect him for that. the gentleman on the be due for on looks. we're not used to coming to terms with the past as is customary in the west, acknowledging the past admitting responsibility and asking for forgiveness, receiving forgiveness and goals, reconciling, making amends were not used to all that issues or not. but i respect him for apologizing to me. but most of those responsible in senior positions carry on as though nothing happened. yeah, but definitely your so there's no future without forgetting that software, but we'd humans don't know how to forget. we prefer to forget. that's no way to do a small consolation. i mean, sure. the
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