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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 24, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from berlin, russia, alex, as the national day of mourning athletic concepts, all my 2nd president fulton vows to punish those responsible for the events of more than 130 people. he claims that the attack is tried to feed to ukraine. keith denies any involvement. after weeks off on the rest and uncertainty center, go ahead, spotted opposed to pick a new precedence. it's inside key contested race with a record. 19 candidates on develop the
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eddie michael junior as my name and you are welcome to the program. let's start with some breaking news. nathan member, poland says the russian crew is miss out briefly. violates edits space on sunday morning was, or some of the officials from the russian embassy to demand an explanation for lands sadie. miss, i'll find it at targets in western new cream and said police asked baseball 39 seconds. the city of the came on heavy attack, explosions, also rocks, the ukrainian capital official, c at defense as shut down around the 1000. miss house in and around keith residents were told to remain in shelters. we've been you more on this in late sessions at least 133 people and alcohol to fam, to, to have him killed. in friday nights, tara attack on a concert hall near moscow and today rationalize holden, the national day of mourning for the victims, for us to have a lot of inputs and claim that the full suspect the gunman had been detained while
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trying to escape to ukraine. keith has rejected accusations of involvement saying if some attempt by putting to shift blame you are looking at life pictures from outside that croakers city hall, where the attack took place on friday evening, mona's half in place, and she viewed sat the mason memorial. the attack is the deadliest in russia for 2 decades. the so called his stomach states, us claims responsibility, use uv reset, spoke to us anyhow, from the lobby on top of the vi. he's been reporting it from bass, and the rest of the stuff down must go through. he told us, how russians morning, the victims of the attack was this focus is still strong in russia area and the all mass events has been cancelled. as you see, it was in moscow, i close to the bowl, so it has canceled all performances. and of course,
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this is also a number one in the topic in the media people. morning is russian, but also outside dr. so he has read guy. so lots of flowers and candles in front of the russian embassy yesterday in russia. is that people who are still missing friends and relatives um, is it walk bent, pique, sneak, which was supposed to play the concert the in the concert hall is a vet to around no fresh and rock music people from all of the see this came to moscow for this specific concept, and some of them are still missing and in, in, in, russian. yeah. we know that for suspects have been arrested. what do we know about them? according to some media or thoughts as a form in russian citizens who are set to have a foreign bed round um on the report suggested that at least some of them come from
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central asia. and the youngest 19 years old is attached to come from lucian bed. the capital of tag is done. there is a photo of him at also a video of an alleged arrest and it has been published on it. a man says in broken russian, that he shot for money for half a 1000000 roubles, which is about 5000 heroes she had been in contact, has had with the preacher via social media and allegedly came from target. we don't, no idea if, as of you do, it is credible but the, some experts in production media points to all the elements of the close of the arrest, the demand match. the close of the 4 persons is a previous video over the so called islamic stage of the claim to us with a possibility. that means that they could actually be their own terrorist. me. i mean, as you say, we know that the slanting state has claimed responsibility fulton claims that the
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attack could be linked to ukraine. how is the supports in that claim? well, putting uh hasn't provided any evidence. she didn't use the credit directly, but she has clearly stated that they aren't in the ukraine. he said the opportunity for escape was given for the territories, and his argument is, as the perpetrators will caught near the crating and bowed brushing media, they did go. busy much further ukraine is directly i could used of being the center of the terrorist activities. one of the arguments put forward is of a terrorist, but heavy during the shooting, as they say they have what to self confident, of course, is these all sort of rational propaganda. and to the idea that there's the russians have to defend themselves. evil comes from the great it's set and ultimately that is all the just the collation both a new way for hospitalization. irrational, are you ever santo? indeed? yes. thank you. let's look i'm on use making headlines around the world.
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thousands of people have rallied in tel aviv calling for the return of the remaining hostages, kidnapped by him ass, doing the october 7th terror attacks. they also demanded eddie elections and full equally prime minister benjamin netanyahu to step down more than $600.00 migraines have arrived on the tiny island of long to do so. survive is rescued from one ship rex said the paid a 1000 use each for the crossing. but they are both capsized more than a 1000 other vessels landed there by a 15 month to a go s method. officials in nigeria, i see more than $200.00 students and staff could not any of this month happen to be least the way i taken from the school in college and i stayed on march 7th around 218 pupils and members of stuff were updated photos of opened in senegal, where both as well. you liked the new president after weeks of time,
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while senegalese casting the ballots in a very competitive race with a record 19 candidates, not on the presidential hopefuls. i expect that to win more than 50 percent of the votes, which would mean a run of a 2 candidates have the match as favorites. election comes after months of on the rest for the leading. preston, microsoft that tends to postpone the vote until the end of the yet. so the goal is considered one of west africa as most stable democracies. it's been a typo, charged presidential election campaign of 2 weeks of confusion. most cafe to is want only one thing. and that's to move forward. the country needs change. we are going to change this country on pulling di by choosing the best candidate as the mazda above with the 2 boats, because we want change in our country. it's hot in synagogue. there are
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a lot of texas and i buy the conflict and was the want change when people and someone who would takes integrated part of the law. that means moving on from outgoing president mackey south. he was elected 12 years ago on the promise of widespread reforms including reducing the power of his own office. but the unrest has grown along with government disapproval, sent a goal and normally stable democracy, suddenly finding itself in turmoil. then came self decision to delay the election, racing fears he tried to hold on to power and legally, the opposition cooling it to constitutional. the result, more protests, many of the demonstrate is the same young people who broke solved to power. now disillusioned and angry, thousands were killed and hundreds more rested, including high profile of position need is they, along with hundreds of prisoners,
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were released off to seneca was constitutional quotes intervened and put the elections back on track with the about a, with the departure of mackie cell and the release of the detainees feel this has been helping to reduce tensions between you. so i'm going to be and that means that we can move towards a peaceful election. i've been made. i be unique, seal, busy, many hoping center goals headlines will soon spell out political change while living up to the country's image as a beacon of stability into hit west africa. from long this i spoke to gentlest hour by kyla in the car, asked her about the items via the us vote and continues so so far is extremely calm. people have come seem to commonly become very early because it
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gets ramadan and people would like to do their duty as soon as possible. it's from a done. and it's also a, that's a christian communities, all the social fussing. so people would like to do their duty in the morning. uh very uh, you know, a very quickly and uh there is lots of people i have to say. so. um and, and, and people are really released and very happy to, to go to so far as they, as soon as they vote, they call their family and they are very happy about about doing their duty. ok, well it's good to know sofa. it seems so good. so model is expected to be tied to the contest that presidential election. but with the highest of a number of candidates, we're talking about 19 in total. how strong is the position? so it's 19 officially budget. 2 of them has abundance. the presidential race for
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whether a personal issues or to bring their supports to another candidate in this case it's especially old. you are my, if i see is the position candidates. so indeed there is in the record and um, but the pools are like it's, it's, it's extremely difficult for me today to say because uh, to say that there is a call today to that will, that is a permit permanent, but the pool are forbidden. incentive go to a analyst this, but everybody is talking about the 2 main cause the dates, which is the presidential really in parts because it's candidates on the back end. but she told you my father who is actually not in the position leader, but he represents. there's a position leader who could not submit. she's going to see an application for the kind of presidential race earlier in january. right. as i expected, that to top guy staff, i'm when can send a go expect to see it's new president?
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well, it's a little bit hard to see and to projects one's self in the 2nd round. so what will happen is that the votes will occur today, and then the results will be known around 6 later today. and then the next week, uh, by wednesday or thursday that comes to the course conditional courts. i will, bunny, they are not those 2 of those who, those 2 1st kind of dates who came and who had the vote, the most votes, and then what will happen is, and what would happen is that, so there is, i'm sorry, the, the closest we constitutional for should i fix the the 2nd round us for a 2 or 3 weeks. we'll see. ok. stimulus ottawa mcculla in the car. thank you.
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storms and heavy rain have killed at least 12 people in brazil. the down pause caused houses to collapse in the city of patropolis, just 70 kilometers from real diginero forecast, as one dot maureen is expected in the next few days. rescue teams out searching for survivors. in the mountains of real estate, land slides caused by powerful storms destroyed everything in the past. rescue has helped residents to safe day. climbing through the debris, warehouses used to stand. well not spoke of a shock. we saw quite a piece. it's very difficult for us to take in the pit, but, but because we're prepared to die of old age or from other things, but nobody is prepared for this. it's a shock that's happening in people's lives. and i've used this the source that
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was the moments of celebration as the 4 year old i lo was pulled a life from the rural and carry to safe day. and to express both relation and worry about those still trapped. it's a relief, but unfortunately there's still people there. the rescue was cheated by the whole town. know that problem that we have. we thought it was i was everyone was down. the michigan would add to the god surprised us this morning by the father who wrote clear protect to the go with his body and she was alive. heavy rains that followed . a suffocating heat wave. also swept away tombs in a municipal cemetery mall down paul's fall cast across the re of states in the coming days. but it's hoped that the west has passed or and you'll have to date up next in
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a report to protest against puts in after his re election. how do russians and next up continue the struggle. i have 80 my country in. yeah, thanks for watching. staging from one use at the top of the out, the people in trucks engine trying to see the city center the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 150000000 people us we of mine because.


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