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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin, poland demand's, and explanation. after russian missile briefly violates its air space that happened in the early hours of the morning as explosions, walking, ukraine's capital keys and other western cities, including the beef close to the fullest. ford, also on the program, russia holds a national day of morning after the concert hall, mastercard. present improved in vows to punish those responsible for the desk of more than a 130 people. the claims that the attackers tried to flee to ukraine. keith denies any involved the
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and welcome to of yours around the world. i'm michael. local nato member. poland says a russian cruise missile briefly violated it's aerospace on sunday morning, warsaw summoned officials from the russian embassy to demand an explanation. poland chad, the missile entered its territory as it was firing at targets in western ukraine. the city of leave close to the polish border came under heavy attack. explosions also rocked the ukrainian capital official, say air defenses, shot down roughly a dozen missiles in and around. keith residents were told to remain in shelters. poland says it would have shot down the russian missile that reached its air space . if there had been any indication that it was heading towards a target and poland, here's what the defense minister had to say about the dates that at least you throw at full $43.00 am. there was a violation of colin's air space by one of the russian missiles. i'll be glad to
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alter the object, flew into poland as base near the town of sarah in the blue blood province. but if i insist data now, territory for 39 seconds to just you giving 2nd glitch out. it flew about 1000 to 2000 meters into a territory dish on so adult book to show at all times. the object was monitoring, bipolar and radio tracking system on the 1st part of the system. and i'll go ahead and as i said on strategic security measures, when we're taking a risk, you still have to get some the jo on y'alls move on to this afternoon. i'm just good trying stop. earlier i asked uh marina moran from king's college london. if it is reasonable to believe this was simply an accident. a good day, michael. well, what would have to understand um there is a significant difference between cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. cruise missiles fly of low altitudes. they are essentially if you wish,
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like an unmanned aircraft. and so they have different guidance systems on board. such is train mapping, satellite navigation, and they have a degree of maneuverability in order to remain on the tack that so to fly beneath the radar. so here is a possibility, while violation of fear space is a violation, regardless of whether it was 39 seconds or 3 minutes or whatever it might have been on the scene here with which would have to understand the missile. might have tried to evade certain the air defenses located in ukraine and therefore ventured briefly into the polish territory. so you can often say is that you can completely determine the course of some missile understood. so let me ask you this. according to the polish army, the russian missile violated polish air space for just under 40 seconds and flew to
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kilometers into polish territory. how serious a violation is that, you know, that's dependent on, on, on the polish side, to determine, of course. and we have seen as a polish defense minister saying the news that the missile wasn't targeting anything on the polish territory. they were monitoring several missiles. i think up to 10, missiles are going to leave. they are, for the news that dismissal wasn't an attack on poland per se, and that's a side of the missiles. have a small room of them in the room ability and where the to read the air defenses there for it is to assume that it wasn't an intentional incursion into polish air space and was not presenting any direct strep to poland, being a needle member, which is why pulling didn't shoot it down? you write me bring up the fact that they were monitoring several missiles multiple, and this was briefly walk us through what might have happened,
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the general procedure, if you will, on the polish side, if the radar suddenly reveal a russian missile approach, right? well, if such a missile approaches, obviously is a police forces i put on high alert. um the air force gets activated. the missile will be monitored very closely because there can also be a failure. we're missile falls on the polish territory, for instance, or whatever it can be. for instance, you bring in the area defense is trying to shut down that missile while it is in the polish air space. so that can be multiple scenarios. therefore, it's understandable that once you detect such a missile flying, it's a whole cell missile. you put your forces on high alert and, and get to your aviation up in order to monitor where the situation and prevent potential escalation. a very nice, here's the big question. i'm sure everybody is wondering. russian missiles, i've crossed into polish, aerospace before this is raise the alarm for nato,
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of which of course, poland is a member. what mechanisms are in place to prevent poland and with it, nato, from being drawn into a war world, in terms of the mechanisms. and we have seen it at work right now. the statements of the polish defense minister acknowledging the fact that dismissal was targeting anything in poland. therefore no active action or proactive action has been taken in order to shoot down the missile. if poland had shot down the missile that might have caused a chain reaction and of course, a response from the russian side. in this case, i do not saying that there can be any response except for demanding an explanation from the russian side. so you would likely use diplomatic mechanisms in order to clarify that situation rather than using any sort of kinetic force. and i think the russian side to an end and they decide they're both very careful here. rena mirand
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from king's college london. thanks so much for your time and as always, your perspective. thank you for having me. people across russia are observing a national day of morning after friday's deadly terror attack on the outskirts of moscow. the concert hall weird gunman opened fire on the crowd is turned into an impromptu memorial site for the $133.00 victims. the attack is the deadliest in russia in 2 decades. the so called is womic state is claimed responsibility. but let me prove, made no mention of the group in a televised address. after the sold, the russian president says the 4 gunmen suspected of carrying out the attack were heading toward ukraine when they were captured. ukrainian president, the lot of his zalinski responded saying moscow is simply trying to divert blame for the attack. this just thought was what happened on friday and months ago. it's obvious that russian president vladimir putin and his gang of trying to shift
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responsibility on to someone else for they always use the same method which instead of dealing with his russian citizens and addressing that concerns. who was silent for the whole day. thinking about how to link events to ukraine. everything he does is so predictable, the by trauma. now cons, yup. schindler is a senior director at the counter extremism project. earlier, i asked him why prudent is pointing the finger at ukraine? why don't you know, surprise that the russian authorities and president fulton, i'm trying to, you know, lay this on ukraine. what happened in most, kyle, was an object in catastrophic failure to internal security systems. in russia. it took the russian security forces about an hour to even get to the scene. and i'm afraid this russian narrative is increasing a dashing with reality. and it is really questionable how it takes them an hour to get to the scene. but a couple of hours latest, 400 kilometers from most validate,
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just happened to stumble upon, the perpetrators who are very billing the. i'm phone camera, me to anything. and they had done a couple of hours earlier. a really weird, i wonder, do you expect us still ro, investigation from russia as well as is always the problem when you're having a fairly ideal advised security services. that should be sorry, investigations because as that there were object said yes. yeah. objects and yes, there was no warrant publicly by the yours several weeks ahead of time and dismissed all of this. um, but since now everything has to point to your grade. and any argument in the narrative is good to go. for example. um president put in a claim that was a window prepared for them to enter your grade. last time i checked between ukraine and russian territory, there is the russian army in an active combat situation with the agreement. i mean, not quite sure what window could have been provided or get insinuate the russian army was providing, even though for these womic state affiliate,
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they claimed responsibility is mainly based in afghanistan. what can you tell us briefly about the group and their objectives? yeah, 1st of all, they get the responsibility not once, but twice. once at the time that the night of the attack with details that were not yet well known at the time when this statement goes out. second time to identify the fighters and a set time to actually release video from by the fight as will conducted the attacks. so every time the russian narrative was points to what's ukraine, i exclaimed, responsibly. i s k b i as order some provence is a very special affiliate of these lab states that is fully set up by this is not make state center from iraq and syria, this an emissaries into of carlos. it's partially manned by external bomb, partially meant by foreign cars fighters, including touching, charged flights. and it has been the most active affiliate to trying to conduct
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oversee attacks. several rescue in germany, in from, in the netherlands. several of us in russia, in the last couple of years. yeah, you make it very clear that they were trying to own this attack on the i s has been implicated in attacks and russia before. why are they targeting russia? russia was part of the forces that oppose the slot, make state in syria. they supported 1000, i presume. but as i presume, in turn also falls. the stomach state. russia is also extremely close to the ton of bonds in afghanistan, and my organization. one is just the public on the output of iced jp on a daily basis for a couple of years already. and the last couple of months that's been a very marked uptake in mentions of russia and the needs to adopt restaurant in that highest ip block on that. so they actually make clear that the next target is going to be rough. i s is often quick to claim responsibility for attack,
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sometimes falsely, we should say, how can we believe with reasonable confidence that they really are in fact, behind this attack? well, 1st of all, it's unusual for them to claim responsibility 3 times in a role. each time, more detail than the time before that was american intelligence that brush up was a target. we have seen, i escaped the propaganda saying, russia is a target that has been erased by the russian security services. all biased could be fighters in the last couple of weeks preventing an attack, according to russia at bremond and attack against a synagogue preventing an attack on the event in russia. so we've seen that this happened. you seemed intent to seem to intelligence before these attacks happened. so i have no doubt in my mind who was responsible. hon eoc up schindler, senior director counter extremism project. there's so much more i'd like to chat with you about that. we're gonna have to end there. my thanks to you. thank you so
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much. i or let's walk you through some other stories making news around the world at the shower. un secretary general, antonio gutierrez says the only effective way to increase a to gotcha is by road speaking during a visit to egypt. he called on israel to remove quote, obstacles preventing aid from reaching the gaza strip to the secretary general visited the board with gaza on saturday, and reiterated his call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire to express voters in senegal, or going to the polls in the presidential election following months of turmoil, there's a record number of candidates on the valid paper to have emerged as favorites. it's not clear if any of them will manage to win more than 50 percent of the vote. to avoid arono. officials in nigeria say more than $200.00 students and staff kidnapped earlier this month, have been released. they were taken from a school in kaduna state on march 7th, around 280 pupils and members of staff were abducted more than 600
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migrants have arrived on the town in island of land, producer survivors rescued from one ship rec said they paid a 1000 euros each for the crossing, but their boat capsized more than a dozen other vessels landed nearby. a 15 month old girl is missing us. and here's a reminder of our top story. natal member of poland is demanding an explanation after a russian cruise missile briefly violated its air space on sunday morning. it happened in the early hours as explosions walked, ukraine's capital, keith and other western citizens, including levine, close to the polish border. russia is holding a day of mourning for the victims of the terror attack. on a concert hall near moscow, a 137 people are now confirmed to have been killed. president vladimir putin claims that the suspected gun were detained while trying to flee. the ukraine keys denies
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any involve blended. they're up next. our technology show shift takes a look at smart farming and the tech that can help out from the become more sustained speak with the conflicts, crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world now on youtube, this shadows of general color. these pop costs and video shed light on the donkey street. devastating colonial har is infested by germany across. and she, if.


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