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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 25, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin, for man, charged over the russia concert hall attack appear in court. they're accused of terrorism offenses and will be held in custody mand pace life in prison. also coming up, germany's foreign minister arrives in egypt for more guns. a crisis told before a trip on the land, a mailbox reiterated her call for an immediate military and cease fire. un security council is set for another vote on that later. the
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hello attorney morrison, thanks for joining us. for man, have appeared in court in russia charged over the attack on a small scale concert hall, the killed at least a $137.00 people. they've been remanded in custody until may 22nd. president vladimir putin has bile to punish those behind what he's called a barbaric terrorist attack. the so called islamic states as it was behind the assault, but the kremlin has linked the attack to crane for suspects are facing terrorism charges for their alleged involvement in the attack. a croak, a city hall outside the russian capital 3 were brought into corps tank. often bent double by police officers, they were seated in a glass front and sell reserved for defendants. a 4th month arrived in a wheelchair. the so called islamic stages set in calgary that'd be attacked last friday and posted video of the assault russian officials have claimed without
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evidence ukrainian involvement. he dismisses the claim is absurd. of russia observed a day of morning as flowers piled up outside the concert hall. investigator said, 62 victims up be an identified with dna testing being used to identify others, recovered from the bar in size from seattle. i was here and miraculously i managed to leave. we were sitting in front of the stage with my husband. so we were right that we wouldn't under the memory of those left behind. but typically the president vladimir putin visited a church in place candles for the victims days before the outrage boots and dismissed a us warning about an imminent terrorist assault barely a week earlier pollutants secured his 5th presidential term. the concert hall terror attack is damaging for leader to portrays himself,
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is able to guarantee order. however, with this authoritarian grip on power and in the absence of any one willing to challenge him, the russian leader is i'd like you to face on the serious set back. earlier i spoke to read a bureau chief, your earshot to about this. he's been reporting from the lap in capital since the russian authorities shut down our moscow bureau. he told us more about the suspects, physical condition or yeah, right. sorry. oh, for accused man did not to look healthy to say the least. you can see a bruce is blue marks on their bodies in small and faces, and one man came to court with his head to bend ditched. and that is probably the man who, according to one of the invocation videos that has been circulating on social media . i had his ear cuts off and the other was on an unconscious and apparently didn't for active. the quote, it's old. and he was carried into court allegedly,
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directly from the hospital for us and telling them channels previously circulated. a video in which one of the fault man uh, was presumably connected to an electrical device. even if you do is true, then it's possible that at least of these 2 men who have been treated not very well, that's cool. cause that way, the official story is that they will enjoy it during the arrest. so aside from the state of their health, what more have we learned about the suspects and their alleged motives erie? uh uh, one of the accused persons is a 32 year old as it is enough to break this down and fall is old for mine, their children. it's sad, he is the oldest over the used i'm. the youngest is 19 years old out all 4 of them have confessed to the crime reportedly. and they will formally charged under the article of on terrorist acts. and the maximum penalty for these crime is life
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improvements in russia. and the men are said to have ex, it's not in their own name, but on behalf of all of those, one of the suspect, the parsons on the video in the internet assets, she was in contact with a breed show via television channels. these min allegedly came from teracon immediately before the attack, and he spoke broken russian in one of the interrogation of us and said that she had been promised to 500000 troops, which is exhibited off 5000 to us. now, president per team vladimir 15 has imply that ukraine was somehow involved yury. how is the attack being reported in russia? um is it asked me, i would say seen, seems to be a bit split between the very obvious evidence or the so called disliking state that could be behind these attack and to the so called ukrainian lead that president putin mentions in he's televised to address the weekends and put in support of
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a certain possibility. office caves that ukraine had allegedly offered to the territories. and she's explanation boss is that the man was caught near the print in boulder. we can clearly see that these alleged ukrainian lead trace is now being used with all is my advisor traveling and the state control media in russia to reinforce the official document doesn't feel efficient. option one, there are teeth, which is all bad things would come from ukraine. erie, thank you very much. the was our rigor bureau chief, uri ruesch, of the now to the middle eastern germany is top diplomat has returned to the region in hopes of bringing about a ceasefire in gaza. foreign minister and about bach. arrived in cairo where she's expected to hold talks with rejection, counter par, she'll fly on to israel later today. and what will be her 6th visit to the country since the mouse led terror attacks on october 7th?
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she is also expected to visit these rarely occupied west bank and meet palestinian authority leader must go to boss as well. joining me now in the student was dw as middle east analyst showing the rules on shondae germany's board. mr. is visiting the region at a time when efforts to secure a cease fire and gaza are intensifying the bed boxes currently in cairo. what to expect? well, the deal of the hostage, the other we're talking about a ceasefire hoss digital, that's very much for the center of attention right now. the whole region is expecting, if they still will go through to have some sort of of, of, of break for a couple of weeks, probably 40 days. that will maybe bring a new momentum because we've seen to dire situation in cause of the humanitarian crisis to famine. we also know that's militarily, israel is not making much progress and need might be recruiting and might use that time to come up with a better plan for what's gonna happen in gaza. and this is probably part of the
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center of the talks for an elective, for a book in egypt. also, we know that egypt in germany has a strong defense ties. so that's also part of that. of course, the needs for more defense for the childrens has very much escalated following what we've been seeing and gaza. each of being, you know, a major partner for the palestinians as the one having a border with cause other than israel. they'll burbock will travel to israel later today. she and many others have voice concerned about israel's plans to launch and defensive on the rough uh, of the city of rough in southern israel, or more than a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering right now is prime minister netanyahu is really prime hasn't been made up. now is he's showing any willingness to reconsider his plans to launch that assault on ruffle. no, not officially, at least he seems very adamant. i'm still going through a very massive ground invasion military operation into golf of that city. those on
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the border between egypt and garza, which was also fixed, very much egypt as a great concern for the addictions. what happens in case that the over 1000000 palestinians that had to flee, that will try to find refuge. it either going to cost a board or what that might mean, what that that could also have a risk for the egyptians. that's one part of that. but there's also the issue of rafa itself, the, these really seem to be pushing forward for more a military operations there. they claim that for battalions of the of mazda, of the tour organization that are still there, the world that the americans also, we've seen the, the chancellor shots there last week. we see that book this week are saying maybe the other means to achieve your goals of eradicating homos, of, of, of building something new for the palestinians. without this operation that might bring many more dead people into garza. we've already seen 32000 passing in that. how are you going to manage in rough now with over a 1000000 people that are their big diplomatic efforts underway?
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does he say germany's chance or was in israel just last week? now we've got the foreign minister heading there from it, from germany as well. how is this increased pressure from germany on is real being seen in israel. we're seeing great concern is rails isolation feels you know, going, growing bigger and bigger. and joe, in germany and the americans up to top allies of israel. they also, the top 8 provides a providers to israel, and that means that there's also leverage, there's possibility for both the americans in germany to decide that they condition supply of weapons or maybe put any sanctions in israel and limitations on the uses of a weapons being provided by these 2 allies, if that happens is where the ability to complete this operation, the weight plans that right now in guys is going to be very limited. and this is a great concern and as we'll definitely okay shortly, we'll leave it there or mentally settle a shiny resolve. it's thank you very much. i. so this is set a goal in west africa where
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a heavy establishment figure bussey ruge on my fine looks on track to win the country's presidential election. opposition supporters are claiming victory in the ballot with several of the contenders already conceding to fees. however, it's not yet clear weather 5 will secure a big enough majority to prevent a 2nd round ronald. so the goal was seen as a model of democracy in west africa, but there has been widespread on rush since the outgoing president. postpone the election. journalist, our colors following the story for us from set of goals. capital dock. uh i asked her how surprising these early results are. is it a surprise? yes. i know because the campaign was very quick and it lasted 2 weeks. but the nomination of uh, uh, the, the some close um, the munitions, sorry, of july fi followed, sunk, was sentenced to prison. and it happened late last year to take the decision to nominate him. yet it's not
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a surprise as well. because as yesterday you could tell around paul's, the eager of change of women and young people. and obviously people have been a party last night, very, very late, and they were really happy about the, the little results that we have for from postables. the results are not expect until at least the end of this week is in a candidate expected to get to secure enough boats are want to avoid a rental a terry this will be a very suspect so week the election committee is due to receive the result of polls from around the country on tomorrow, and once it will receive it, they will just submit it to the constitutional call to will, which will officially the results and the rest of the candidates. and 17 candidates will have 72 hours to appeal the results. but the people would like to see the swearing of the new president before the end of the run, the done,
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which happens in the april, 11th and marcus. all these you 2 and he's mandates on april the 2nd. can you explain why bus route? july fi, did so well in this election. what is his appeal to senegalese voters? well, 1st of all, um uh, best buy is 44 years old, which is very, very young for uh, presidents that you to win an election maybe, maybe not. but uh for a candidate is very um is one of the youngest candidates uh in um, from august 17th. sorry, i need the very favorite one because he symbolizes a bit unfair. and there's some treatment that we use by the police. and by the justice, i remind you that he's been detained in detention without having the sentence. and he was grunted and i'm to see a number steve, just 10 days before the working day yesterday. well,
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the selection is being seen as a test for democracy in senegal. would you say that send a goal was on course to pass that test as well. we can say that for the 1st round, it will have to wait until the 2nd rounds to happen and see how this week also will happen to people want it for sure. to secure that 1st round of the selection and many young partisan have been going from a pool to another phone to see that everything was all right and everything was doing well in terms of the democracy exercise here. instead of all it's, it's very they, they have taken their responsibility and taking, taking the initiative to see that each, everything was right in the room. there has nothing, froze, etc, etc. so the citizens here, we are very like they showed themselves very responsible and they wanted to,
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didn't want this election to be content like they really wanted to secure, to secure the selection and, and the very extremely trump starns are well thank you very much. that was journalist, our book color in dot com. you're watching dw news. thanks for being with us. why don't you know people and what it's in just a 100 days. my power is going to be bunch of my family. what killed? how was this age drive to i'm on a journey to find out about the russo the 19 there to put you on the site, but they expect to see through, under my name is some way to shimmer. i'm afraid it makes sweet shaming history documentary stuffs. april 6th on dw the
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beneath the scorching sun to pest.


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