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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the that we use life from valid form and charged over the rupture concept. whole, the tax appear in court. they're accused of terrorism and will be held in custody. and then thanks life, in prison. a warning or the is the most terrorism in germany. interior minister says so cold isis, kate poses the greatest strength of to ring central based intelligence services remain on high alert. germany's foreign minister holds guns and prices tolts in egypt. and lena, payable for pizza, code for an immediate suv, meant attorney, and seems find the un security council to send for another vote till not today. and as power scouts down. so the 2024 olympics,
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the city's blankets put through the paces table service from the finest cafe is compete to be 1st across the line, the bench is all and welcome russia. it says it needs more international support to combat terrorism of to friday's concert whole attack. at least 137 people were killed. the so called islamic states has claimed responsibility the kremlin is refusing to comment on that while investigations continue, full men have appeared in court one after another the suspect said dragged into the court in the russian capital. investigators say all of them have confessed to kerry now it's friday's attack. inside a mall school concert, whole fee do is have immersion. social media is suggesting some of the group were
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tortured, well in custody. one of them brought in directly from hospital in a wheel chair. all 4 suspects now facing terrorism charges, any possible sentence of 15 years to life in prison. outside the crook receded hole where the attack and folded people continued to lay flowers. on sunday, russia held a nationwide day of mourning for the dozens of victims. people came to a concepts. some people came to relax with their families to any one of those could have been in that situation. i want to express my condolences to all the families that were affected to test him. and i want to pay tribute to these people the i'm on those here to more in a survivors of the concert massacres. some of the 5000 people evacuated from the
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vein you during the attack, manuel dam with the help of its workers. so i am so grateful to all of those people here were there that evening. they showed us where to go with directed us. we'd like to thank each of them. they did a great job with the countries tightly controlled media has so far notes raised questions about how the security service has dealt with the attack taking place. just days after president vladimir putin dismissed a us warning about an eminent a sold, and despite an affiliate of the so called a slot mac state, claiming 8 was responsible. the cramming has chosen to instead point the finger rate to crane without providing any prove. a claim that keeps says is absurd. german interior minister, nancy phase a, has born that the islamic state affiliate,
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known as ice as k poses the greatest is let us threats in germany. she says the threat of islamist terrorism and germany remains acute one. just last week's german police arrested 2 members, thoughts to be linked to the group as suspected of planning an attack around the swedish pilot in metalli ation for korean. but it's a political correspondent, julia said delegates following this story. she told me why germany's interior minister has chosen to single out eyes this k. so, we know from terrorism experts, but also from intelligent services in western countries that isis k is ready and capable of attacking western interest not only in the region, but also outside. we've seen the attack happening any ron, we see now the attack in moscow that seems to be linked to isis k. and we also know that isis k has a network that is capable of acting quickly and also wants to expand and projects its power outside of its own turf. and we've seen also
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a few attacks being foiled in europe, some of them in germany, for example, the 2 arrest that we've seen happened last week of to f scan. citizens being arrested for a planned attack against the swedish parliament. but they were also arrest carried out between december and january in germany for a plan to attack against the cologne cathedral in the west of germany. so we see that german authorities, including the intelligence services, are looking into the threat posed by isis case. specifically, they are also being able to foil a few of these attack up to for last year is looking into the threats and what else are officials actually doing to? well, we have seen, for example, in france that the threat terrorism threat level has been raised to the maximum level that has not happened in germany. but that also has to do with the fact that the system to measure the threat level is different here. what we know is that also
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where it is in germany had been on high alert already since october 7th, as we have seen that islam is networks, had been mobilizing a lot since the hamas terror attack against israel and the conflict in gaza. we also know that now the isis k threats has come on top of this and the ice has k is bringing forward a new threat, which means that militants aren't looking at individuals carrying out attacks and planning attacks. but they have a bigger network that is able to coordinate a more broadly. so definitely german authorities intelligent services. looking into this threats with quite a lot of attention, j as identity. thanks for the update. now the developments russia has launched resolves against key for the 3rd time in 5 days. that be damaging a 3 story building. the city's mass is at least 5 people would be hard. the us ambassador to ukraine says,
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hypotonic missiles for use didn't attack your brains. foreign minister has cold on allies to supply more. a defensive supporters of anti establishment candidates, fussy vote to my 5 have been celebrating se, heads for a winning set of goals. presidential election several content as have conceded defeat. the governing coalition says it expects the 2nd round a voting set a goal. i've seen a series of curves in recent years. 5 the un security council is set to vote on a resolution demanding and immediate humanitarian ceasefire and gaza, doing the most, most of the holy month of ramadan, russia and china veto, to waste sponsored ceasefire resolution on friday. you when chief antonio gutierrez says people will starve to death if more 8 is not allowed to enter gaza. so this is germany, stop diplomat has returned to the middle east in hopes of bringing about a ceasefire and gaza foreign minister. and the band bulk is in cairo, where she's held talks with a gibson counter punching cairo shall later fly onto israel. and what will be her 6
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visit to the country since the how much lead time or attacks on october 7th? she's also expected to visit the as by the occupied westbank and meet palestinian authority lead. i'm one of us. i spoke to journalists, katarina. oh, go hoary. in cairo, he told us more about that box visit. why what we hear from the different sites the there we're meeting and there were 3 main topics. the 1st topic concerning the field, the education field often is raining incursion into tough, which is right. that gives you 4 to 5 minutes to set. that would be a situation that would be a catastrophe. and this will be think stream the destination to, to control something i think the sample is also a green was the, is the also the chips, the frustration of both it is coming into the gaza strip. also from the egyptian side, everything has to be approved by these re decided that is very slow. that needs to
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be more a coming in also something they junction in the german sites and basically agreed on this stuff on as of questionnaire. did you just brief the it but then for mrs. jo informed me to start on this whether it's negotiations outstanding with egypt. she's at the companies are and mediate us between the home us is ready and the, the last thing they just may think i can very clear to call behalf of that the they want to have on thing needs to be an unconditional ceasefire. you know, covering the un security council votes on a ceasefire today, the us ones that, that could hurt hostage negotiations. what's real time? the weather us put the resolution in the late fee and this was trying to link the ceasefire with the hostage release. the other states was saying that this kind of a pick and choose situation where,
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which would not end to walk immediately. and this is why we have no a 60 to attempt today and brought in by other states asking for an immediate ceasefire for the rest of the month. so what i'm of dawn and that should enter into like a more sustainable luminous ceasefire. and there's no connection to the reading or the use of hostages, this message. and then when describes the situation in gauze, and yet again is catastrophic. dozens of a trunk. so way you can get the gyptian border with little access, especially to the north. what are you hearing from the people that so yeah, i mean, just yesterday i got a message, a voice message from the lewis. how much time in the is this a lawyer is living in god? the city with uh, it says 3 kids at the age between 4 and 11. his pregnant wife is taken care of his 2 elderly parents and he is describing it was 26 minutes. a voice message of colton,
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missouri, he explained, and dissertation for as catastrophic. the said that the beginning date 8 their stalk, then they started to do less means then there was less 4 during the means. and notice we need know, he says that they anything greenery their fines which they call kids and put it on the plates. they are looking through other destroyed houses by policy is from left to northern causes to be the hope that they find some food there. and it also excesses that walter situation is also difficult, takes he walks every day for about 5 kito meters to get the some kind of water, which is actually not really drinkable because it's kind of mixed which switched. busy and it's very salty, anything he describes that there's all kinds of living beings swimming in this water. so very difficult. and to the last of the issue you've already explained. plus the 2nd orchard dissertation of his children. he said, take care all his children right now. course kids to go to the toilet on their own
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and say he describes the particular situation of his 4 year old shit. and basically he says he's sitting all night on my lap and he makes all kinds of stops talking. he made or makes all kinds of strange noise in the sense that he's afraid that his kids basically losing their mind. so that's a very, very miserable situation when it comes to food when it comes to water, when it comes to the mental situation of the people who are right now. and because it doesn't look like on the student that is on the dining, i think the needs and that is also discussed today. the un security council of all the immediate ceasefire for humanitarian reasons, especially in northern causes screen. thank you very much for putting yourself to date on the situation. does in gaza and from the talk. stay in kyra. as paris counts down to the 2024 olympics, the city is putting its talents on show to the world. average capital is reviving and much love tradition. the wages rates table service from the finest cafe and b
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strows of put for the paces while carrying a full tray to see just how fast they are getting 2 end tables. the power lympics is still months away, but this is a race the city takes just to seriously dressed in the traditional uniform and holding metro a study. these way to is a competing to be the fastest in town. i am psychologically prepared also where on a fee to walk every day. so we're used to it. i've been doing this job since i was 16. i don't necessarily expect to be the 1st because i'm not that fit, but i hope to reach the finish line with my train good condition. but there are a few rules way to any allow to carry the tray with one hand. they enough
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to know to run a name is not spill any drink. 6 the race has a long tradition. it started in 1914, and natalie stopped in 2011 due to lack of funding. with new sponsors. the event is now back on track. and the next generation of table service, a keen to show the crowds with them made of me . it's wonderful that the reviving this race which highlights a great profession one which is hard to do every day. so congratulations to them and made the best win off to a nail biting final stretch to the finish line. the when is the reward? it's the metals by the mayor of paris and the on the being best and be strong.
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