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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw use line from valid. the un security council demands an immediate c spot in guns and for the 1st time, after blocking previous resolutions. but us abstained from the vote, paving the way to the measure it to be adjusted for men charged over the rush of considerable attack appear in court. they're accused of terrorism and remaining custody. the men faced flanked in present as a warning of islam is terrorism. in germany, interior municipal flags, what she calls the greatest strength of public safety. after reason harassed intelligence services were made on high on the
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the bank visible and welcome the un security council as approve new draft resolutions demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and gaza. for the remainder of the muslim holy month of ramadan, the united states abstained from voting fine votes comes off their browser and china veto to us. as far as the decencies find resolution. friday, the council has been divided over the is round. how much more since the type of 7 attacks 7 simons joins us now from washington with the latest, the un se demanding an immediate cease fire and gaza. this is the 1st time that the un security council is called for this intelligible, so the other in total of 4 resolution attempts
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which all failed. and now this is number 5 and it went through with the us abstaining about the probably most elegant solution for the united states in this predicament. it is in kind of a, remember, friday, last friday, russia and china vetoed against a us draft of a resolution for an immediate and sustainable ceasefire. now this resolution which was voted upon now, and the us of stains for board was brought forward by russia and china and the block of 22 countries in the u. n. represented 10 of them in the us in the un security council right now. um, but of course they have no vote anyhow. uh that was probably the best solution for the us to abstain from a vote because and here is what the us and best that are to the you and linda thompson, green, thomas greenfield said because of the u. s degrees with the fundamentals,
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immediate ceasefire is warranted, is needed in gaza. and of course the u. s. hopes that this is sustainability. what the u. s. is missing there and what this resolution is missing and that is a reason given why the abstain from the vote, is that it doesn't come them home us. what do you think about the timing of all of this with the as well as defense, but as the heading to washington today its yeah, very interesting. uh, timing. uh and potentially protell years. i mean very bad timing. why is that? because report suggests that prime minister benjamin netanyahu, israel's prime minister, has threatened that if this vote goes to this resolution is adopted, that he will cancel the visit of his delegation. national security is early national security officials and the defense minister is very defensive as to in washington. that would be unfortunate. why?
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because those official from israel are, were supposed to be sent here and arrived here in washington. i'm in the house behind me in the white house to have talks to minutes the let's face strain, the little strains, relationships between the us or the by the ministration and a prime minister and that then you know, and israel. and we'll see where this ends. now if they really arrive or not, where does this leave is rails plan? defensive ground, defensive in, in ralph. and now the us had be talking about consequences for it's relevant when it had with it. it's yeah, a very good question. uh, that's everybody's best guess the us has been adamant a president bite and it has said himself that all options for him are on the table to stop or to curtail the support for israel. the us support israel, and the prime minister netanyahu decides to, to go into rav 4,
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that he has said as much a while and in front of the secretary of state, blink. and who was last friday in israel ins, or, russo, lemme to fort tax. and it was prime minister and it's on the out a and he was planning, he told like we can do this with your support or without your support or we're going into russell. now the u. s. has reacted to this. not in kind, and still diplomatically, but not in kind by saying, look, israel, you don't, don't do this, or our support is not a given anymore. per say. there will be restrictions. what restrictions these are nobody knows are have a guess that it won't include any, any curtailing of any ammunition for israel's are in dome a system and security system which is able to shoot down incoming missiles and
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rockets from anywhere. so the u. s. will not stop any support there, but in any other way, weaponry, ammunition, other support for the idea of these really defense forces. that's absolutely thankful. and this is a significant, absolute significant change dw report 11. so as a policy towards israel in washington. sorry about that. thank you for keeping us up today. a quick look now at some of the other stories making news from around the world. russia has launched more besides against keith, badly damaging a 3 story. building mass is at least 5 people for heard. for us, ambassador to you guys as hypersonic me size was huge. coupons for administer as cold and allies to supply more air defenses. singles, governing coalition. candid i would boss as congratulated opposition, candidates, pennsylvania to my fight for winning the 1st round presidential elections according
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to present and results not yet see away the fine will secure a big enough majority to prevent the 2nd round run a more plea going ceo, dave calhoun, is to step down by the end of the the plane manufacturer. it says these resignation is part of why did management shake up. boeing has faced increased scrutiny after a series of safety incidents close by mechanical issues for man charged over fridays concert whole attack. they most of being held in cost of a waiting trial on terrorism charges, at least $137.00 people were killed in fridays, a sold the deadliest on russian soil for 2 decades. france has joined the united states and saying it's intelligent suggests the attack was carried down by a branch of the circle is by mistake based in afghanistan, known as ices. k. the kremlin has so far, refused to comment on the lakes one after another. the suspect said dragged into a court in the russian capital investigator say,
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all of them have confessed to carrie. now it's friday's attack. inside a most cool concert, whole fi do is have emerged in social media is suggesting some of the group were tortured, well in custody. one of them brought in directly from hospital in a wheel chair. all 4 suspects now facing terrorism charges, any possible sentence of 15 years to life in prison. of the outside, the croakers, seated whole with the attack and folded people continue to lay flowers on sunday. russia held a nationwide day of morning for the dozens of victims. people came to a concepts. some people came to relax with their families to any one of those could have been in that situation. i want to express my condolences to all the families that were affected here soon, soon, and i want to pay tribute to these people. i'm on those here. 2 more and
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a survivors of the concert massacre. some of the 5000 people evacuated from the vein you during the attack. many of them with the help of its workers. i am so grateful to all of those people here were there that anything they showed us where to go with directed us. i would like to thank each of them. they did a great job with the countries tied click control media has so far, no 2 raised questions about how the security service has dealt with the attack taking place. just days after president vladimir putin dismissed a us warning about an event in a sold, and despite an affiliate of the so called islamic state, claiming each was responsible. the cramming has chosen to instead point the finger rate to crane without providing any proof. a claim that keeps says is absurd. it's
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john interior minister, nancy phase as once that is this k pauses, the greatest is the most trans in germany. just last week's german police arrested 2 suspected members of the group that includes the planning an attack around this with this province in retaliation for cobra. and by next, the group emerged in 2015 and has committed terror attacks in afghanistan and pakistan. in august 2021, they carried down to an attack on couples airport. the code more than 160 people for the state. secretary of the interior ministry going to kings joins us. he's legal policy spokesman for the city uses you. paula mentioned we're welcome to dw, what makes is this k in a cute terror threat in germany to use the interior ministers? words? obviously this part of isis is the one part that is still the most comfortable. the
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most effective, and it's a very frightening tool, all of the world. and i think the effects, that's not only germany, but also other european countries have increased their tara, the level that also shows how observed in the, the, the gauge and rushes that make it to the some, some kind of like a 5 by a 2 grades which proves that actually that the rest of the world, the whole of the world, believes that this group of sizes, it's a really critical press to all of us and what they could do in a rush, or they could also at least try to do in other countries. including germany and we see, or you just mentioned uh, the santa tech suite and we had to send a tech in cologne and germany. so this is a part of i just, we have to look up under chelsea. how do terrorist groups use germany to law until plan attacks as you put it in a contract? i don't think that will use germany. but sim and since my time, and in my service in the, in the homeless ministry,
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and i was very concerned by the lack of, of abilities that we have nothing to technical sense. we have great people in the security agencies is one of the best in the world, but also by strict when it comes to also do a signal intelligence for example. and that we have much dependence on the, in spite of other speech, which agencies from other countries. i think this has to be mended. so we've got this problem in our pollution when we had a pollution part, the social democrats that would not allow us to do. but we have to do that to protect or people who become better than we were able to do. and the problems go back really far. i mean the 911 attacks that was the the handbook cell, for example, of students from our countries who became key operatives in the attacks. and the width is again, we have to take this very seriously. germany has very good to signal the story goes a security agency, so it also cooperates um very well with other countries. also,
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government agencies have a given important information to other agencies, but also with intelligence is not in the shape that it's, it should be according also to, to the, to the legal restrictions that we have here. so what needs to change in your opinion, as we have some and all else we have to low, at least these kind of, of signals, intelligence, metros and other countries have to look into and digital communication more closely . it can be done, the country sets it has these legal rights, it's legal. the competences are also law states, so we should not be afraid to meant all those to be better prepared for such a texas. it's certainly only one reason a we have also be a public that has to be a mom to look out when it comes for a possible terrorist press. but i think and tony has great agencies,
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has great security agencies. and so i'm not quite optimistic that we can do it, but we have really to make an update, although of a legal framework politician good to kind of thank you very much. so joining us here on the w and use are reminded now of our top story in the united nations security council has approve the resolution calling for an immediate cease fire and gaza for the month of ramadan. the measure of possibly 14 votes in say that the waste of stained vote johnstone vito in previous resolution and 4 men have appeared and called him russia johnstone for the attack, the most good concert hold of killed at least a 137 people. circled islamic states has claimed responsibility depend, one has links to killings to ukraine, but keep the nice indian bolt updates on dw and documented tray. looking at how climate change is exacerbating social employment to get around the
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above events is a little have mobile use headlines for the next hour. here with the don't news i sorry, so one on 6 times to please come and see more people than ever on the move worldwide in section one. great timing is very hard to say very difficult to find out about time on storing info migrants the
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beneath the scorching sun to pest.


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