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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  March 26, 2024 1:30am-2:01am CET

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it would it really close ranks if it were a town hall to europe and security basically depends to 90 percent from the us out to the hotel commentary dogs april 4th on dw, the as the global population grows, we all need to get back to on monday june where it's results is whether it's water and the g of food. how can we maximize what we have without the great in the planets for the future? welcome to equal africa. i am chris lambs in lagos, nigeria, to kick grace, and once again with gold solutions for you, with every day of people just getting on with the child. i am sandra holmes,
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that we, nobody will ride to in comp, hello, you've done to. here is what we have come, you know, the popular opinion tv show that he's inspiring a new wave of young, a big culture entropy, new is. and helping maureen lies give the mediterranean by cleaning up a heavy my tools bond indicating the complex and helpless like in bob tree's prevents a host of toxic metals entering the environment. but we begin in no been done with rise in temperatures on changing rainfalls, pots and main conditions, no dryer than ever before. it is a cause, a problem, offical wide, but in rural parts of gun as up the east region, many a forced to spend all was each day collecting drinking water. it is a task that allows you to force to the women in boxing their lives on livelihoods bought one community as found
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a way to better manage these precious results. bringing multiple benefits whenever walter comes to the surface. i mean them or how much scoop see, come, slowly, king speaking, she and the other women of enough to be seen, collect what become active as of what, that's what i'm trying to restore its capacity. it would need to be dug deeper. but there's no money for that matter. when the dry season starts october for what to begin to supplement, we spend many hours looking forward everything to predict someone and help us dredge done. if you spend less time searching for which i would probably have more time to doing work that could improve my life. this part of gunner has been hard hit by climate change. droughts has come on when the dry season finally ends. the readings are usually so intense that flooding and seems as the water runs of the
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hard, dry soil, rather than replenishing the ground water. about 4000 people leaving the village of underfoot. near the border, looking across the shed, the water from the wheels and to boil just how much kind of be pumped else available throughout the day. and at least say drilling more will, who's will do little to alleviate the water sca 16. some have even being kept because they run dry because the water had too much fluoride, which kind of harm t send boons. and so we need to go a step further to find out how we can help them. it is secure the water. the result is that in i'm a for b. c. volunteer. let's see. i do cool. now, monday to is close to how much water actually available. many residents came 2 days
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before the dorm to fetch water, by about 8 feet and the level had dropped from 12 weeks of about 50 centimeters as too often in the dry season. now to come in. so you have to decide how to get to the with what's remains, renewing this one to help out for me it's at the for when uh there is no what we'd like to do for i will wake bates there is time. that's a pre roll of time that the what that we do and this is yeah, yeah, lot for what that yeah, no, get some work done. so this was it's we, i use the need to do both at once. jasmine, old way. i like the things the what the notes rich, the time you want to be using. so sucky rain full amounts, also helps the community to become more resilient. here, another volunteer from the village works to local farmers. about how long will ring
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persons affect the ground water level? it's crucial information that we help the form of the site which corrupts to plants, the see it when to be enforced. we not look back in detail as they explained to us . and then the last to do to understand. so when the vin force a v a, the year that is forcing the time, we can also follow the read it to apply or so for looking at the device we worked as best. meanwhile, missy do quarries about to brief is people, villages, or weeks in to see about 2 days, water level and that sort of thing. now, so then there's not much lecturing. yeah. me all one. yeah, told was that means construction work in the village has to stay on hold. they cannot afford to use the water to make concrete the group decides how to russians the remaining little quiet, who can use what the marketing of what purpose in the for this coming up,
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which helps reduce the salt of conflicts about water, which used to be come on again thought a lot of right now people would take whatever the price. so might come good for drums. even though we were supposed to take less to make a go round. it always lead to arguments. to date a paula, i am a gas household has been allocated just a few little from the village will still the plan to help. so manage your time more effectively. if the well had run dry for the day, she would have had to walk many kilometers to fetch the water she needs. but now she has time to make her want that was spice blend, which is sales for extra income. sending all of the how much, what terry says they need to, helps us know when, so federal says offline. when i work on businesses, we can plan helps. we used to work on it and to get all the work done. the people
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of, i'm a full b, c, a coping with the what's the scarcity especially become digging out the dried offers of what could help. but so far it hasn't been a political priority. that's part of why the community here feels abandoned by the government measuring ground work. i went to 6 and a full bc's walter says city, but it does help the community share what it has more freely. i live more peacefully and gives them a better chance of coping with climate adversity to what the shortage is one problem. another is what's the pollution? whether it is fresh, water bodies, all the ocean. our next story takes us to the mediterranean. that's right, sun dried the sea of the coast of north africa and southern europe is a watch with plastic and heavy metals. it's spot for marine life and for people in spain. painstaking cleanup efforts are underway. shorts mounted sea horses,
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soft corals, net tuned grass roper's and a wide variety of sea. we didn't have it. the mediterranean waters of more, seattle and south eastern spain with 73 kilometers of coast and the biggest salt water lagoon in europe. it's a paradise for recreational fishing, but many fishermen use lit sinkers. they can end up on the sea where they pose a threat to marine nice fung, i'm afraid castle them based. let's take the case of a fish and reading on algae growing on a piece of them later on when that fish approaches and begins eating the algae. it also ingesting so that means that it becomes part of the marine food chain. the small fish being eaten by the bigger fish and so on. i think that that is passed from one to the other more control. finally we as sea food consumers could wind up
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with that rule that on our plate unless purple that the some fishers are starting to use alternative thinkers made of ceramic or think. but the un estimate some $640000.00 tons of fishing gear, including hazardous metals, still ends up in our oceans each year of the to combat the problem. volunteers from hipaa campus, an organization focused on the conservation of shorts, noted seahorses, have launched the plume boom project. google is when i there. boom is a project born after so many dive stillness, where we saw so much rubbish made from metal with pacific from lead. that means that used in sport fishing and professional fishing. they bought the way because nets loaded with leg sinkers, for example, just hadn't kind of got the seem of the, the problem to remove the metals from the see. the project relies on a vast network of volunteer divers, like fedex out
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a us head out. today he's joining a cleaning expedition. a couple of the pot goes a seaside village in one of the most bio diverse areas. in the mediterranean basin, we're going to collect lead from the sea floor into the marine waves and hooks from fishing. here, even when i put a small pieces that settle on the bottom in it and get half buried, let's see if we get lucky. with the help of the metal detectors, divers can collect between $4.45 kilos of land at each cleaning. the results are registered on a website that monitors their efforts since 2017, more than 14000 middle thinkers equivalent to one ton of lead had been removed from the mediterranean. but plum boom doesn't just remove the metal. it also contributes
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to the circular economy by giving it a 2nd life, thanks to public funds and private contributions. 200 containers have been distributed at diving centers and yacht club along the coast. here, all divers can deposit pieces. they've salvaged the, the, i guess, the global, we put the lead here government that have been the association collected and takes it to the companies. we have an agreement with thinking recycled the metal so it can be used again in batteries. for example, the once the containers are full, the project coordinators bring them back to the heavy metals recovery center. to date, they've delivered more than 900 kilos for recycling. in addition to encouraging the use of sustainable thinkers, google is working with governments to implement eco friendly marine policies. and it's appealing to all people to stop throwing trash into the see
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the stain in europe, we had to poland. now wait, an activist on the network a bullet is a trying to tackle another source of pollution from lead and other toxic metals, batteries, dead factories right now. far too many are ended up in lun fields. this weeks doing your bits they might look homeless, but they're very toxic. just one can contaminate a cubic meter of soil. for 15 years dominic's or bro boesky has been trying to stop by the trees ending up in the ground here in poland starting to so they can terminate water. soil and the batteries contain mercury cut me am lithium and let o. ringback 2500 communities,
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taking part in the recycling drive this spring in 1000 organizations, schools and universities are also joining in the weeks long initiative, setting up collecting boxes. so people can bring in their own batteries in poland, less than hospital batteries, phones always cycles. that means more than a 150000000 of them tend up in the environment. you supplemented the difference between private and gemini, for example, is the battery manufacturer is in gemini to a lot more to support the recycling system. and the same manufacturer has on factory retailers in poland. so that's about 31st. until the government does something about this. dominic pulse key and a network of organizations doing what they can to provide funding, transport the connection boxes on carry out the recycling. last year they collected 1000000 bought chains, but the activist wants to go much further,
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which is fine with a bunch of it. but then we have to ensure that batteries and other trash is separated from the outset of that home. a method that way they might contaminate other materials and come to assaulted and recycled more easily. but we'll talk about, talk, use a 1000000 batteries that didn't end up in lanfield. that's already a big achievement. find it alternative sources of power is a challenge, the world over a pair ops nowhere most. so then the opera goes real communities, which often like access to electricity and zimbabwe, one young engineer as students come up with a bright idea, and it's a win win solution. even after nightfall. these young people in the rural community of mine who sec, with some 70 kilometers south east of them by police capital, hold right to not have to put the books away. that's thanks to the solar power line
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. that's a made from recycled materials. ends in badly, roughly 70 percent of the rural population have no access to electricity. the only lots that used to be available here came from kerosene lamps, a 25 year old l. away. my younger is an electrical engineering graduates, an inventor of what she calls, but she google lanton in google roughly translates as a plastic container. told me we had a lot of uh, sorted out selected lead the lights that we no longer functioning in the tim, i think it was doing some busy itself electronics. it's cool. so i figured out that i could be able to fix these lights to tell him that a face that tim with the challenge of the kissing. so the best way, and i thought maybe i could just put this delay that 8 feet in the plastic waste portal using discarded plastic puzzles. my younger has now made more than
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$500.00 lanterns, which he's mainly distributed in rural communities. they not only help young people this study that contributes to a secular economy. we are using class to with and see already using the amount of waste that is preaching. oh and done says then it'd be sometime the lunch in the tide. choosing solar power we, she's a green source of energy. ready then babylon generates about 1900000 tons of waste, annually, nearly 20 percent of that is splashed, fixed to maximize the impacts of his invention. on the wayne, my young that is teaching young people how to build their own nonsense. and the elementary school is visits in today is completely of grades and learn to enjoy. as i believe in educating these young people because they have the same address. if
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they are more knowledgeable on how they're speaking, so the company and most trusted with, i think i'll soon which of the most us enabled the young inventor has also installed a solar system at the school, which allows the students to charge the nonsense during the day i'm excited about making sure glanton is it, is this an as well how to keep the environment clean according to the school authorities? the students grades have improved now that they can keep studying after adopt and this is actually what defeated our tubes into, to the i started to swell course. be that able to do the home we could sit along and also to the side. these are things using lights that going to use the light, it's nights and tomorrow morning when they come back to school, they bring the lights with them and it is charged. and then me in the evening when they came home, they call it the headlights. so yeah, same time because having
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a sustainable mind searching then said that when they go out, they know what straight to do for the environment westgate to do for the payment uh for the tenants. and that's what we owe policy. and i'll say duncan is clement change. on the way my young, this is to bring large jamal communities without access to electricity in the long run, he hopes to setup a factory to manufacturer of the affordable lots and solution on. and i'll just do now it's not often here on eco offer because we promote another tv show box and can you apply the are in series on farming is bring in real change to the country. change is what we all are all about. see it. yeah, guys, you're going to love these every week, millions of canyons to need to some bus ship. it is funny, it's lively and it helps almost in cheese they use and take care of the plan. it's
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most of us how big is glad to take a farming themselves. take a look a this is julian from lee murray and this is george chiron, a qualified accountant, tons. although he grew up here in rural en route, the switch was challenging, initially is to dairy cows didn't produce much milk. but then he paid on television. why come to share file this week? we need to, his participation in the canyon tv show, shambler shape pump changed. every thing was getting help from me before the sound pressure pump gave me my phone. i had less than actually, or between 15 stand with us. but the forms have separate on the most, but when they sound bruship up came,
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being able to even commit smoke profits and not from actually up to 100 retail sunday. thanks to advice from a dairy farm exposure to change the animal feed, he was able to boost the productivity of his cows. today he has a symptom. george cairo also cultivates maze and grows t both a highly voter intensive and that's a considerable expense. the tv shows the quotes, the form is here to, it's partnered with various companies which provide the farm is with materials and supplies, such as animal feed, fertilizer, and even equipment in response of product placement in the tv show that he helped me late in starting or what upon fitness all upon their details that are you helped me to? lot of their punishment costs some of the funds us and i'm so grateful for lots for the told me to show most of the fish when it comes to shun the shape. uh,
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we have trouble all by yourself because it's fine to hard watching. wanted to put them, giving them like they need so they can adopt and make fuel from small production even why the climate change. chemba is this way. he works the gotten no farm. the point of the show is edutainment. farm is good advice on practices and methods. it's been running on tv and can you since 2012, one of the host says act, so tony to go now. he's been on board since the very beginning. and we don't go out, it only goes like spots for you started save your planting mays. we go with the next class who uses means which spring to the from about the importance of load seed. how to planted to the ground a how to take care of it all the way up is it how this day? uh and uh, sometimes we've been marketing with the show is financed by various and g o's,
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an international scientific institute in kenya. the such a minute show is a weekly format. it's always filmed on a different form and focuses on a specific set of problems and solutions. one important aspect of showing farm is how they can best protect against climate change. because of asian agriculture is important and fighting climate change. because for mazda i able to get a good harvest because without using cause, i'm vision aggregate jelly regardless of cause a visual that'd be got ya gain helps him to the blemishes of environment. cuz when he tell from us to plant trees, no, we tell 5 miles to medium or teach, well they don't how the environment and does that and you good use of water. so farm was able to have this to watch. are they able to use a mini mall of water so that we stayed the same watery?
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today the team is in that you suman in wisdom, kenya that visiting eric geas who has been a farmer all his life. the 1st thing that i notice that they work with professionals like me have done this project for a long time. like i have a lot that lot by them coming with professionally different friends like you study became with the on x, putting trees a lot about clean. he needs some advice about these chicks, which on growing as well as they could. an employee with an animal feed company explains that eric needs to add enzymes to his chicken feet. the show wants to reach as many farmers as possible around 70 percent of kenya's population live in rural areas and work in agriculture. but rural exit is, is a serious problem. young people in particular,
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a king to move to the city and get office jobs which paid better than jobs in agriculture. it's a problem. the pharma area code g o knows all too well. wholesale doesn't, don't want to do this job because they see it as a small thing from somebody was going to school should not be doing beef. that is why they're not doing the program aims to show that farming is financially attractive and meaningful left. it reaches up to $12000000.00 view is in kenya, uganda, tanzania, and zambia. some shows also produced in these countries. 2 studies have shown that off to 2 years of airing, several $100000.00 households were regularly tuning into watch and altering the farming practices. as a result, the biggest achievement is changing livelihoods. because when we look back on the farm, as we have adopted to the methods,
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you've shown them using our exports of the box up to date of accepted to change and use more than less or more than finding methods to be able to keep those of success how long the team checkup on judge cairo 2, a year after that 1st visit is the same franco. yeah. the other one. are you sure? sure. we to view as can see how helpful the expos advice has been. one more reason why the shows is so popular tv, because really at that say the full list edition of equal africa. thank you for watching. i am sandra holmes, that nobody else thing. ball buy from complex, right to a new dentist by sandra. see you again next time and to all of us all day. if you have any ideas on how to look up to our beautiful planet, their rights and share them with us. we love hearing from you until then take out the social media or towns. i am curriculum signing off from lagos, nigeria,
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the, as the
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waves of sara alignment takes tradition. we meet who missed the cultural identity. we just wanted to consider hunters and protested, take us in 15 minutes on the w
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ocean review history, but above the expenses, the next is item, the big plastic tubs is still in keeping with the is in 90 minutes on dw, the comes out to the highlights new every week in your inbox, subscribe. now my name is the calls back. saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud
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. it seems, would it be, you know, they like good everyone to ok. we cheering into the microphone. sorry. check out the award winning outcome. don't hold back to us because the yells engine, you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't go and 65 last last those top 5 years, 3 reasons why 1115. we're here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so, all the topics i'm much up to you from trouble. it's all fixed. a new culture dancer team, and let's say together parts of our community life on the research is now on the
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this is the w e news line from the land to you and security council approves the resolution demanding an immediate cease by a in gaza united states the size for the 1st time not to veto the proposal, and everybody else supposed in favor. also in the program, rushes president fleming inputs and blames of radical islamists group for mass killings that have moscow constant hole that repeats his claim. but ukraine may also be involved and boeing foss steps down to catastrophic crashes. and the strength of technical failure is have cost out of us. plain make is safety
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