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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 26, 2024 8:00am-8:31am CET

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the the, you're watching the news coming to live from berlin as well. cancel the visit of a delegation to washington. after the un security council approved a resolution for an immediate cease fire and gaza. the us did not veto the proposal while everybody else voted in favor. also coming up on our show today, center goes all positions candidates, bussey road. you, my 5 is set to become the countries next president. after his main opponents. i'm going to boss recognizes his election victory. russian president vladimir putin, blaine's a radical islamists for the mass killings at
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a monk scout concert hall. but repeats his claim that frank may also be involved. a surge of terror related incidents in pakistan as well. nevada says it's losing patience with neighboring afghanistan as it tries to tighten security at its borders. plus good and bad news for donald trump in his legal battles. a reprise on a bond payment of nearly half of $1000000000.00. but a judge rolls, a harsh, funny case involving porn star stormy daniels can go ahead. the unclear richardson. thank you so much for joining us. israel has reacted with anger to a decision by the un security council to pass a resolution that demanding an immediate cease fire in gaza. for the muslim holy month of ramadan. united state is decided not to block the measure,
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having vetoed 3 previous efforts and responds israel's prime minister cancelled plans to send a high level delegation to washington. the u. n. resolution also demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, still being held by hamas. the route behind the october 7th, the terror attacks the drugs to the various of hailed a milestone moment, the united nations security council. 14 nations voted in favor of the resolution, calling for c spy and johnson. for the 1st time, the united states refrain from detailing the agreement in steed abstaining to ensure directly opposing a request from israel not to do so. this resolution rightly acknowledges that during the month of ramadan, we must resubmit to piece
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a mosque and do that by accepting the deal on the table. a cease fire can begin immediately with the release of the 1st hostage. and so we must put pressure on him us to do just that is rails planned invasion of rough is causing major concerns for the you with its biggest ally and is really delegation was due to travel to washington this week to discuss alternatives. but it's really prime minister being human missing. yeah. who cooled off the trip up to the security council's decision? and as well as defense minister you of garland. oh, really in the us shows no signs of acknowledging the ceasefire. cool. hope will solve it. we have some of the more right destructive war and gaza until the return all of the hostages home based off, you do not reach it clear on the size of the decision and gaza. and they bring us closer to on the north color, middle hop, mommy's cellphone. in john's,
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the security council vote for some hope to meaning the others marks the crucial step towards halting israel's actions on the us must leverage all of its resources and assets. both the primary and ultimate advocate for israel provide them home while the cx 5 voted foot hope and gaza without israel support, it may end up being a symbolic g ste. yeah. rather than a practical solution for pace. well that you in resolution will no doubt feature and talks later between germany's foreign minister and elaina bare bach and top members of the israeli government. their walk is already called on as well, not to launch a military offensive against the city of rafa and gaza, while cautiously welcoming the un cease fire resolution your off today. there was perhaps a little bit of lights on the horizon. the cool by the security council and the for the international community for a ceasefire is over to you. yes,
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it is. earlier i spoke to d w as rebecca rivers in jerusalem, and she told me more about what we might expect from bear box meeting with her as really counterpart as well. caps. so i don't think we can expect anything to out of the ordinary from this meeting. today, this is the 7th minutes a 7th visit round the by minutes to be able to israel since the will began. and i think we can expect a bit more of a sign that we all starting to see the temperature going up, even when it comes to germany and israel's relationship, that special relationship given its historical context. now we have se minutes of about come out and support all of the un security council is you just heard there and that vote yes today though, germany not actually a member on that council. didn't vote in that security council vote yesterday, but coming out and support, which is already pretty strong for germany, who normally stand in steadfast support of israel. but we think we'll see that
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continuation. i think, as i mentioned, we might see a turning off of the temperature in the rhetoric at that meeting. but i think publicly will say germany standing by israel, i know the germany beg, i'll keep in saying about remembering things that they're all that many carrots will, that many sticks that germany can use at this stage. and at this stage without haven't gone into ross or it still looks as though is rel, hasn't crossed any red lines that would save germany, take any further action. and top you officials of also welcomes that security council resolution. but what has israel's response to it been? are there chances that it might abide by the resolution? as i think we certainly say the opposite to that sort of clay, we is ro, catch that minister of foreign minister that we were just talking about there. he'll be meeting with babel later today came out after that vote saying we will not put out the fire and we have very guns come out on x shortly after he's a member of the war cabinet and not a member of the government, but a very important player in this 6 month conflict,
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so saw he came out saying that is round, had a moral obligation to continue fighting to continue fighting. to try to get out the hostages. though it is notable that in that's a tweet tool. that message on x that been against didn't mention the all the military and which is of course destroying how massive military capabilities he just mentioned the hostages. so that could be somewhat of a change in rhetoric, but i think you were seeing, at least in the rhetoric and the bloss to coming from israel, that they are going to continue, that they will not abide by the un security council vote. so we'll have to see what that means when it comes to ross, or of course they are going to need us support when it comes to a referent. now we've seen that supports, at least, you know, when it comes to the rhetoric, even if that doesn't mean anything changing exactly yet on the ground, we all saying that start to change. we'll have to see what happens going forward. but it looks like it's rather going to ignore that un security council, but at this stage, and what about it's relations with washington?
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we have israel now haven't cancelled a delegations planned trip to the us after that us extension. do you think we're seeing a shift in us policy, obviously as well as the united nations? or i think why certainly seeing a shift in the relationship. if, even if that doesn't translate exactly to a shift of practicalities on the ground yet clear and we, you know, we have see, it's obviously a big decision yesterday by the us to abstain from that, but not to use the veto of how we have been seeing and recent days and weeks, the rhetoric by the us changing when it comes to israel and interactions on the ground, particularly when it comes to the planned incursion. into rafa. that's the southern city now home to over a 1000000, a displace palestinians or, or taking shelter there. so, you know, we've, we, we all seeing a change in that special relationship that steadfast a relationship that we have see israel support us or us support as well. throughout
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this 6 months. we all starting to see the time change there. and as you mentioned, the counseling, all that delegation to the u. s. though it must be said that the defense minister, you'll have to long ease in the us and will be continuing with the scheduled meetings that he was supposed to have. so there are, of course, still ties between these 2 allies. but we are starting to say that relationship change how that plays out in the future. it remains to be safe. but for the moment, israel of certainly no doubt behind the scenes worried about what's going on between these 2 relationships. rebecca, thank you so much as always, that's rebecca mentors for us. opposition leader about the real deal. my fi has been named center goal is next president. after the countries ruling coalition conceded defeat and a nationwide election, a 44 year old set to become senate goals, the youngest ever president. he'd been in prison less than 2 weeks before the vote, which followed months of political turmoil and one of africa's most stable democracies. in his victory speech 5 promised to deliver
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a fresh chapter for the country. a lift the, the people in the center go, have chosen to break with the past to make real big events, hopes raised by our vision of society. i hope that this vision of society will bring about the aspirations. i pledge to govern with humility and transparency. and to fight corruption at all levels. i pledge to devote myself fully to rebuilding our institutions and strengthening the foundations of our way of life together. and i'm very pleased to welcome all the while it was a while a dock are based, a regional coordinator for central africa at the institute for security studies. now we've just heard president elect obasi rodeo might 5 there, and he's not a particularly well known figure. can you tell us just how well prepared you think
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he is to take on leadership of this country? thank you so much for helping me. i think the house of sasha is in public service and also how a lot of my life to be relied upon by to glad the soul who now from being pop for these positions. so i think piece of you shouldn't need to get to and tied to cost of losing the land. and just the charges, responsibilities that would be attached to downs during the course was about to not have the privilege of which is these into parties. but i believe you need to take charge of that the but the best of is copy to them as kind of the other things that you mentioned in terms of each of those experiences. so let's look at the challenges that lay ahead for him. what do you think will be the most crucial issues that fi is facing when he takes up the role of presidents?
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it defaults to the economic realities. that is really by getting done. sometimes my minutes datsuns, ripen, sandy, get data. so the need for development, for a set time, then cation in head security. i don't want to watch. but what's more important issues over the last 3 years, we really characterize, put into put development here. so it is a need for the grand legislative reform that's going to probably people in presidential power in the country and then to most of the slides. but also which i think as being the lead on the development to this country. and you mentioned that he does have allies. how helpful do you think they will be in his efforts to take on corruption and to bolster the economy in senegal? yeah, they want to print from the whole quote to our, you know, these spots please. i mean like the and then a huge do me parts. i think they know the responsibility that risk and up on the
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actual that out really prove best any got some way to to be economic cutting to really progress any got to be to wage or to being with intermedia and as sustain that project. so the dogs and they saw in particular that eventually or pricing that correct, right. these country did last 3 years, don't become the new number moving forward. that's the reason for that constitution . i'm interested in the fall that they need to carry out in the country and that most of the, the but to convince you guys of the most recent to the people. now he himself is, is also quite young at just 44 years old. and you mentioned, he has a lot of support from the youth. can you tell us a little bit more about who exactly was behind his campaign and who will be most happy to see him taking office as well? i think this is just like a piece of and i spent the president, i think the i need to do my spies didn't think he was even going to be committed
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the property. so god bless of precedent event. this total grains as any thoughts sort of in custody. some of some good preparing for how do you should know the responsibility that these really rely on? is that, i mean that's his language to get out because he was like, be prepared into these office to the board of the people, the, your team parking lot. and it's also a protest want to be because all the present event on the fact that people want to break away from the past. so he has to deal with the majority of his, of both of the solve back of the world costs for parts, maybe one costs. if you me, on labels. i'm have 3 loops. i'm creating another one to wherever you properly get my life, these political stuff with democratic support. and it was not so easy for all these questions and concerns. so that actually brought him into power. or you guys see it'd be we would need to go down to like get up to what also does to do next of
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pledges of both us on started for him. i think this is what he was able to get my bags to win the election to a vote for change in senegal. thank you so much for joining us with that analysis. that is a little bit of a while a doc are based regional coordinator for central africa at the institute for security studies. many thanks. thank you for having a russian president. vladimir putin has acknowledged for the 1st time that radical islamists carried out fridays deadly attack on a concert hall near moscow. his statement comes after he initially pointed the finger at ukraine and after days of repeated claims of responsibility by a branch of the so called as lubbock state, i put in still insist that ukraine could have played a role in the attack. smith is names to base the plane. yeah. so if we know the crime was committed by radical islamists who follow an audiology the as long as the quote itself has been fighting for centuries, maybe human services. we're also seeing that the united states has been using
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various channels to convince the satellites and other countries that according to their intelligence, there is no trace of keys in the terror attack in moscow. the bloody attack was committed by is lemme see from the islamic stake organization, which is banned. and russia was we know who committed this crime against rusher and its people. is olivia and you know, we want to know who bought it. it's nothing to do so with those that gosh, a lot of our approach and has acknowledged there that the attack was carried out by one of us militants. he continues to imply that ukraine played a role. here is the w's, russia analyst, a konstantin egbert's. she said to basically spend the slide because there are courses already being off on independent drugs, media, and the social media who was of accessible actually also at least for me in different method. wait in rush itself. why did this happen?
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so the explanation, you know, well we couldn't do anything about that because it's not some kind of bunch. busy islamic that is do it, it is the united states, essentially it's ukrainian l. the thought behind that makes it so much more on this. and then i'm sure will lead to repercussions domestically where and you, the re utah for quote unquote. and then use of the people will it was you or let's turn to pockets. don, where officials are reporting a surgeon. the number of tara related incidence focused on says the majority of them are carried out by militants based in afghanistan. the defacto tele button government there denies being involved, although tensions between pockets on in afghanistan has been escalating since the off gun tele bundle control a couple 2 and a half years ago. funerals like these now becoming a common site. in a recent militant attack,
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bucker fund last 5 of its security offices. the country is seeing a search instead of just activity. last year, around 700 people were killed in more than 300 that are related incidents. a significant increase compared to 2022. most of the attacks targeted regions along the park in front of going to fund border block, if any of the shall see the majority of the violence with got it out but admitted in groups based out of, of gone this done some about it. q was as the of gone down to bond of giving the buckets on the home going militant, crooked teepee and others see it's haven't and accusation stuff gone funded by leadership has repeatedly denied of gotten this done to has come under attack, an explosion accomplish it. board in 2021 and several others enough gun is found worth claim to find this and yet of the so on sonic speed quite caught us on the
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group. dockets boxed on to last year. it came responsibility for an attack at the put it to be got 3 dozens for killed the guns. i live on. c, stomach state court. i saw as enemy, but boxed on. it gives it that brought up on us. not sticking enough action against best on mister crow. this month, the bucket from the air strikes into probably and says off, i've gone this done under the desk on thought up on top of the see if the strikes couldn't eat civilians or the women and children. this time about however claimed it was start getting a group that was involved in the tax on focus on the security forces focused on offer new tally. it's 2 dimensions in other ways, such as starting the border between the 2 countries affecting the likelihood of thousands of off guns and lost your buckets on government ordered around 1700000 undocumented con refugees to leave the country, housing flood,
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or where depot. this had for the escalated the tensions between the 2 countries. many believe instead of policy, spanish and the civilians. but the funds should engage with the of gone, founded by leadership in a meaningful dialogue, to counteract the dangerous type of federalism and gusting the region. from more very place to welcome will shadow you day. a political columnist and former policy advisor to the ministry of foreign affairs in pockets time he joins us now from is lama but so focused on has tried previously to negotiate with its homegrown tale. bon group that the t t p. how useful do you think dialogue with the ask on totally button leadership could be here for his auto body as well. first, let me thank you for allowing me to express my views on the dw, and to help inform viewers about what's happening here. i just wanted to object to
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the term that was repeatedly used both in the report and then you just use it again . the term homegrown, this idea or notion somehow that the ttp is a buckets, not a problem that somehow bucks on is now sort of externalizing, whereas by cosigning authorities up front for the entirety of the duration of the ttp. the existence have rightly identified. the pdp as being based and housed in of honest on, supported by elements in the off on government. both the government that was supported by natal weiss ass including germany from 2001 till 2021. but also other countries in the region including india. so the ttp is not a homegrown box, tawny terrace group, it is a, it is an imposition on the people are focused on and it has its roots and has always had its roots in the instability and conflict zone that is of honest on over
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the last 4 decades, so given the security challenges that it is oh, using within pockets on how, how useful do you think it could be then for negotiations with the ask on totally on leadership i think negotiations not just with the f, 1 dollar bundle leadership, but also with the ttp have repeatedly yielded nothing. there was a long period during which the bach hasanti state sought to convince the americans and the germans and other western powers that had come to this region in 2001 that eventually a dialogue would be of hon. donavon would be the only path forward that approach by the bikes on the state has now come back to haunted itself because in its own efforts to engage in this dialogue, it has run into a lead wall, which is the have on file of different balaban are not willing to concede on
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literally any item of negotiation, including its support for the ttp. now, part of the reason why there was a different treatment between the con, the bond and their dealings with the us. for example, during the, the negotiations that led to this, the exit of the us. and the difference between that and how the of the deal with buckets done is that there was somewhere for americans or germans or other western or non western troops that had visited upon his son. for as long as 20 years. they had another place to go. whereas in buckets, tons, case buckets non has no place else to go. conversely, when violence and conflict, it's the problem people do you have on people also have know where to go and they have been coming to focused on for, for decades and large numbers. and for the most part, have enjoyed a welcoming warm embrace by the box on the people. unlike the treatment of refugees and migrants in many western countries, we're now of course, also seeing pockets on a,
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a forty's deporting moving to deport registered african refugees. i'm afraid that is all we have time for for now, but i wanna thank you so much for sharing your analysis with us here on dw, that is which address is 80 pleasure as we're trying to united states now, where there's good and bad news for former us president donald trump and his multiple legal battles with authorities. new york court has reduced an outstanding bond payments of nearly half of $1000000000.00, and trump says that he will pay up button another judge has ruled that a separate and more controversial case. tim, go ahead. donald trump arrived for court hearing you in the harsh money case involving pulling stall, stormy daniels. the judge rejected the request from trons lawyers to delay the trial because of concerns about the evidence. setting a start date of april 15th
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is alexis trump is accused of falsifying business records to cover up a harsh money payment to stormy daniels before the 2016 election. he pleads not guilty. it will be the 1st of a criminal trial of a full make us president. the only one to full criminal cases against prompt you to start and perhaps even finish the full the november election. but it was an old bad news for trump in his multiple legal battles. another new york judge hunted the republican front runner a lifeline in the civil fluid case,
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in which he was accused of both to be inflicting the value of his assets. the quote reduced the bond payment from nearly half the $1000000000.27 and gave him an extra 10 days to pay regular respected decision of the appellate division. and we will abide by that will put up in cash or bond very quickly, security scares you, but whatever it is, we'll put it up very quickly. ads when, when the case is still a considerable sum for trump to pay that. so now it just stopped stay until thirty's from seizing assets, including some of his best known properties. or just before we go, let's get a reminder of our top story. as well as prime minister has canceled and is really
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delegations planned trip to washington after the un security council. dr. resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in godsa israel strongest allied, the united states abstain from the vote. having vetoed previous resolutions. the measure passed with 14 folks in favor and that is your next update. thank you so much for watching the
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face. by the way, to the other times in twitter, reading goals for germany, but they will they make it in the end? of course, there's a certain fear of failure boxing the way to the top. the next on d w. the co africa sure
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is t v saving agriculture, canyon t v show is managing to do precisely that. when the summer ship up came to my from the have to meet my history, i looked up on that in the fall upon this summer ship are going to make people change the co africa in 60 minutes on w, the old friends, new friends and nature defend itself, in case of an emergency, we cannot guarantee that we could protect munich frankfurt. berlin can't do it. faced with russia's war against due to grace's military alliance spaces, new threats. would it really close ranks?
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if it were a top european security basically depends to 90 percent on the us out to the hotel commentary stance. april full on dw, the a. so if you call me what's going to be a we come from can be, i me. so it's actually, most things aren't easy there, the last which ones they have as a child. can you learn what it's like to fight it as a so can someone invo including funding for survival and outside of my son hunter. and then the 23, although it's it's, you know, i'm new, say no, hans, and i'm 23 to to be. and so they were twins in our dream is to go to the olympics, it sorted by the motivations. good side scenarios, as you know, it's not just to compete but to win gold. that's the goal of the result. in this.


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