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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 26, 2024 10:00am-10:15am CET

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the, the, you're watching the, to the news coming to live from berlin. a mass casualty incident is declared of the us city of baltimore after a container ship hits a major bridge, causing it to collapse. and bringing multiple vehicles down with an emergency responders to say they're trying to reach up to 20 people in the water. so they'll be bringing you the latest on this breaking news. also coming up on our show today as well, cancels the visit of a delegation to washington. after the un security council approved a resolution for an immediate cease fire in casa, the us did not to veto the proposal while everybody else voted in favor the
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. i'm quite richardson, thank you very much for joining us. we begin with some breaking news coming in from the united states, where a bridge has collapsed into a river after being hit by a large ship. we're going to take a look now at the moment when the francis scott key bridge and baltimore came down, captured on a live web feed. the fire department says it is responding to a mass casualty incident here at least 20 people, but we have to be in the water along with multiple vehicles. we also know the bridge was hit by a single port flagged container ship. some more on this breaking news story. i'm very pleased to be joined by my colleague lars halter in the studio. i lars, you reported from the us over the years. i'm wondering what else you can tell us about this incident at this point?
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well, actually we don't have too many details if it's clear, of course, because this just happened a couple of hours ago, and you've already mentioned what ship we have here. it's called a dolly is a cargo ship that was going under single pour a flag. but what's really interesting, what we do know is that the ship had a problems technica problems before impact. we can see that on the video, if you watch the video for level longer approaching the moment of the collapse, we can see just about a minute before this happened. the lights went out on the ship, that must have been some electrical outage there. we also see black smoke coming out of the ship, so that's all about a minute before impact a. so we can at this point, really only speculate what happened. but there was definitely major technical difficulties and it can be assumed. i would think if you look at how the ship moves straight towards that main pillar, that is holding up the main span of the bridge. that maybe it was just not possible to navigate any more at all. because if you look at the video in detail,
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it's heading straight for the pillar and the bridge of course, as we can see, immediately collapse upon impact and yeah, taking cars where that happened. i want to say at least not at the worst moment because just the minutes before this happened, there was a lot more traffic on the bridge with regularly trucks going by or so. this is a major route of course, and just the moment off co ops, there was as far as i can tell, no trucks driving over. there were still vehicles. and as you mentioned already, there's about 20 people the looking for. and we are looking at live footage here of the aftermath of that incident in baltimore, maryland. i mean, it's just about an hour outside of washington, d. c. we saw on the not there as well for as long as you hinted at it. but can you tell us a little bit more about the role of this bridge? what does it connect? how important is it in the area? yes, it is. of course, an extremely important bridge because if you look at the location baltimore,
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that is, of course, the greater metropolitan area around washington, dc. it is a street system here the i 95, i 695. that the, the system of the streets is connecting the entire eastern seaboard. so it's basically connecting all the states and all the cities from maine and then north all the way down to miami. so this is definitely one of the most important uh, thorough affairs uh through the united states. and um, i do not have any current numbers, how much traffic was on that particular bridge, but it is the most important connection to especially for cargo. whereas most of the passenger traffic goes through the tunnels there. there's also 2 tunnels that are a little further in land, maybe about a mile or so. um, so uh if you look at the map really you can either easily see to and i know it from experience because i've driven on that bridge and to the tunnel say on my way is usually to washington how dense traffic is there. so with that bridge gone, we will have major traffic problems. they especially called the problems for many
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years. of course, a lot of thank you so much for joining us in the studio with the latest of what we know will of course be bringing our viewers up to speed as we get more information on the collapse of this baltimore branch. that's gotta be as large as all ser, thank you. do you want to turn to israel now though, where there is growing anger over the un security council's decision to pass a resolution demanding an immediate cease fire and gaza for the muslim holy month of ramadan. after vetoing 3 previous efforts, the united states did not block this attempt. in response, israel's prime minister has cancelled plans to send a high level delegation to washington the one resolution that also called for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, still being held by him. most the group behind the october 7th, a terror attacks of the drugs. this is the reason i say, i don't fit the tailed. i'm milestone moment at the united nations security council. 14 nations voted in favor of the resolution, cooling for
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a c spy and java. for the 1st time the united states refrain from the towing the agreement in steed abstaining to ensure directly opposing the request from israel not to do so. this resolution rightly acknowledges that during the month of ramadan, we must read them that to piece a mosque and do that by accepting the deal on the table. a cease fire can begin immediately with the release of the 1st hostage. and so we must put pressure on him us to do just that is rails planned invasion of rafa is causing major concerns for the us. it's biggest ally and is really delegation was due to travel to washington this week to discuss alternatives. but it's really prime minister
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benjamin nation. yeah. who cooled off the trip after the security council's decision? and as well as defense minister you of garland. oh, really in the us shows no signs of acknowledging the ceasefire. cool. hope will solve it. we have more right to adopt of war and gaza until the return of the hostages home base. you do not reach it clear up the size of the decision and gaza and they bring us closer toward the north of color, middle hop on me cellphone. in johnson, the security council vote for some hope to me. the flawless marks, the crucial step towards halting his real sections on the us must leverage all of its resources and assets. both the primary and ultimate advocate for israel provide them home while the seas 5 voted foot hope and gaza without as well support. it may end up being a symbolic just you rather than a practical solution for pace. well that you in resolution will no doubt feature
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and talks between germany's foreign minister and elena bear, bach and top members of the israeli government. and their bulk is already called on israel, not to launch a military offensive against the city of rafa in gaza, while also cautiously welcoming the un cease fire resolution your off today. there was perhaps a little bit of lights on the horizon. the cool by the security council and the for the international community for a ceasefire is overdue. yes, it is. and we can bring you up to speed now with some other world news headlines. japan has approve plans to sell future next generation fighter jets being developed alongside britain in italy to other countries. they expect the aircraft to be ready by 2035. the decision to allow export is tokyo was latest step away from its pacifist principles adopted at the end of the 2nd world war which is boeing,
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ceo dave call, who is to step down by the end of the year. the plane manufacturer says his resignation as part of a wider management jacob, but boeing has faced increased scrutiny following a series of safety incidents caused by mechanical issues are and opposition leader bus, erode you. my fi has been named center goals next president after the countries ruling coalition conceded defeat and a nationwide election. the 44 year old who was released from prison less than 2 weeks before the vote has bound to fight corruption and prioritize national reconciliation. the ballot followed months of political turmoil and one of africa's most staples democracy's russian president vladimir putin has acknowledged it for the 1st time that radical islamists carried out friday's attack. on a concert hall near moscow that killed more than a $130.00 people, for men from tajikistan have now been charged with carrying out an act of terrorism . after appearing before him, most got court on sunday. in the week of the massacre pollutant accused ukraine of
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being involved, even as a branch of a so called islamic state claimed it was responsible for the attack and remarks that a kremlin meeting boots inside the attack was intended to. so panic among russians is named store is to blame you. we know the crime was committed by radical islamists who follow in ideology, but i'll make war. it has been fighting for centuries. you can maybe jim douglas are also seeing that united states has been using various channels to convince the satellites and other countries and, you know, stuff like that, according to that intelligence you, there's, nor for yourself, even in the better that in most schools we still could always do it uh, plug it back was commented by islam is from the islamic state organization by sea. and thing is us, which is bind in russia, was that we know who committed this crime against russia. and this people with the we want to know who ordered it, nothing to do so with those that gosh,
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and we can turn to the us now where there is good and bad news for a former us president donald trump and his multiple legal battles with the authorities and your, your court has reduced an outstanding bond payment of nearly half a $1000000000.00, and trump says he will pay up. bought another judge has ruled that a separate and more controversial case can go ahead. donald trump arrived for court hearing you in the harsh money case involving pulling stall, stormy daniels, the judge rejected the request from tron floyd is to delay the trial because of concerns about the evidence. setting a start date of april 15th from
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his accused of falsifying business records to cover up a harsh money payment to stormy daniels before the 2016 election. he pleads not guilty. it will be the 1st of a criminal trial of a full make us president. the only one to full criminal cases against from to, to start, and perhaps even finish the full, the november election. but it was an old bad news for trump in his multiple legal battles. another new york judge hunted the republican front runner, a lifeline in the civil fluid case. and what she was accused of both to be inflicting the value of his assets. the quote reduced to boned payment from nearly half the $1000000000.27 and gave him an
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extra 10 days to pay regular respect the decision of the appellate division. and we will abide by that will put up in cash or bond very quickly, security scares you, but whatever it is, we'll put it up very quickly as well when the case is still a considerable sum for trump to pay that. so now it just stopped state until thirty's from seizing assets, including some of his best known properties. let's bring the very latest on the news coming in from the us city of baltimore, where the francis scott key bridge has collapsed. after being hit by a large ship emergency responders say they are searching for up to 20 people in the last hour. the synergy marine group has released a statement saying that it's single poor flag dolly container ship is the vessel
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involved in the collision. it appears to have hit one of the bridges supports causing the roadway to break apart in several places and plunge into the water below. the synergy says all of its crew members have been accounted for, and there are no reports of any injuries. baltimore's fire department has declared the bridge collapse, a mass casualty incidents and authorities, so that their focus now is trying to rescue and recover the people who are still in the water. a several vehicles were on the bridge at the time of the collision, including one the size of a tractor trailer truck. and we will be bringing you more on the store at the w. as news comes in. just before we go, quick reminder of our tomlin stories, as well as a prime minister, has canceled on his rarely delegations planned trip to washington after the web security council, back to resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in casa israel. strongest
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allies, the united states abstains having vetoed previous resolutions. the measure passed with 14 to folks in favor that is here. nice. update on clare richardson in for land. many thanks for watching the can you see what old car tires have to do with you production? here's a hands on the really indeed the snow on youtube will take the bus.


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