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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  March 26, 2024 10:15am-10:46am CET

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after the un security council fact or resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in casa israel, strongest allies, the united states of stains having vetoed previous resolutions, the measure passed with 14 to vote in favor. update on clare richardson in for land. many thanks for watching the can you see what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media. watch now on youtube. i think that's what it's what transfer can you hear me? can you hear me here?
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we're, we're, you hit dollars got better. okay, that's what i'm going to clean and it's the leg the bandage on. got it. that's the point. nice distributive all wars unpredictable. it's better to be prepared if you want me to have to know what to do if things ever gets serious a stimulus touch highlight to some more and more people preparing themselves for the sort of situation that sorta for me, i want to beach the
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. this is a rifle range in august of a town in northeast of poland. the president at the local gun club, the check troops, kosky is preparing the range for a public training session whole this semester. okay . okay, now we can shoot looking for everybody. yeah, check a 50 year old truck driver and gun enthusiast runs the club in his spare time. he personally instructs the club members twice a month. they get together to practice ready, low to use live ammunition the
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this is what i want to make because they were open to everyone. i'm not just members only to anyone that can come along and see if guns are for them. but objects it gives you asked me shooting is for everyone. i think the problem is everybody should try it out for boys. see how much that munition do you want them to? how much is it? the city is only able to fives lottie a year, a year with colleagues who when's, at our turn generally generally gets busy people. you have to wait in line with like in the old days under communism is that that's a fed as well as club members with their own weapons. there are also a lot of new comers king to try and shooting for the 1st time. demand pullman's rifle range is, is high. under the construct, enough search in the war. and ukraine has made us incredibly popular here the, the group of all, you know, since the russian aggression began to move,
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we've noticed a significant increase in the math instead of just to hold your, especially from people who have no previous experience. this with weapons going on since the beginning of the war and ukraine, membership at the ghost of shooting club has more than doubled. the new members even include children, accompanied by their parents. poland has no age restrictions on small caliber weapons like southern tame left. keep your arms straight, the top of the damage of the city when you finish to take a step back and wait for the next command, they'll come in, but that's the most of my time. sheets are always have if she provides items for you is that she mostly it's father is coming with their children. cool by cool. i'll let this suppose boys and girls just in the, in some and when she more young. but my daughter actually machine when we grown ups have to somehow and you still in the younger generation,
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the will to defend themselves. but it change it over on the phone. my son, he started in the scouts and they suggested we tried the shooting range and i wanted to see what it was like that nice overall and very impressive to me is up on that as a focus on safety. and there's demand for it. lots of my friends have been shooting for a long time, but the recent political events have definitely prompted more people to take it up for shooting practice isn't folk something the stage wants to encourage their plans to build more than 500 new rifle ranges and to make accessing firearms simpler. in 2022 weapons training was made compulsory for school children in the 8th grade. fears of a russian attack or driving poles to take up arms. yeah. checks the civilians with the right training have a role to play. you start with like
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a automatic religious physical male soul and it has a whole army of civilians who know how to shoot wrong. you're wrong, you're always gordon. 70000. you're supposed to a full month's insurance and they do it as a sport, but military weapons work the same way. all you project when you missed precise front of them. there are other hunters. so who, so to some fund where basically are kind of silent, reserved for the form once here in an emergency, we could quickly be ready to assist. so somebody said overall, totaling to seeing a clear trend towards military preparedness over on the most the end. it's not just citizens were arming themselves. since russia invaded the crane, the polish government has spent around 14 and a half 1000000000 euros on missile defense systems, tanks and floor plans. new equipment is shown off to the public at so called military picnics around the country.
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their plans to increase military spending to 5 percent of g d. p as well as to raise trip numbers from 164002300000. nowhere in poland. as the warfield closer than here in the foothills of the carpet and mountains, possession of the regional capital is less than 90 kilometers from the ukrainian border. the city has become a new nato outpost. it's airport is a hub for western arm shipments bound for ukraine. the every day military aircraft arrived, carrying us air defense systems, munitions, and armored vehicles. the area is strictly monitored, and filming is just about impossible. the
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comedy of mazda who was born and grew up in joshua of, of the 23 year old hopes to join the army. soon since his school days, he's been a volunteer which toilets one of poland, many paramilitary groups. since the war began, the organization has grown in popularity. they shall feel, but here's my, still it stress uniform. we will go to go over this from top to go from left to them. so missed on the miles a little bit above i quoted ski, pull out a or 2 feels uniforms jackets or leases or 2 and also loot of equipment like not just purchased and tactical bells or bus effected snack companies. that will keep the ball. so it must have, you've got helmet, a gas mask hearing protection for the shooting reaction to occur on the ocean of tributes at that phone to put you with this type of rate and pointing to medicinal
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and everything you need for a 1st aid kits that is likely to value a little closing up. that's it. coming elsie's, what he does as preparation for a career in the military. he's also joined up as a volunteer with the territorial defense force, a home guard that exist alongside the professional army, to select a postpone signal to sneak through school luckiest place. i was wondering what to do with my life just means i decided that at some point i would like to join the army football profess my goal. total beach for me is about strengthening our country's potential. we've added security less of a kyle a bit. so i will tell us, unless the price of bush shooting that when you pull out of the population, that's why i'm with strategy. and why i want to join the army some all once a month coming and goes to a barracks, to train with the territorial defense force he and does the unit also with says the regular army and securing the airport. making coffee. yeah. want one. yeah,
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that's coming and still lives with his parents and 2 younger siblings. his father has just come home from work right now along side to tablets and his duties and the territorial defense force coming hardly has any time to spend with his family. people are you on duty again soon? question. yes, definitely. sometime this month like that about but also i looked at the airport. yeah. so is there some kids that will be there to swap the warranty crane hasn't made judge of the same as like to know, could i, you know? yes, they're looking for cities, airport is now strategically important for the west. so i think he's nipple us and nato troops are stationed there. so there's always come out to be pushing and all get involved. the cold weather is playing a new important role as the echo the drugs decisions not to know. we're part of
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nato and had its 1st line of defense ceiling. and if push comes to shove, we'll be the 1st to be attacked and some of engine up yet a she's always have to arm ourselves, kind of, she motioned me to the right and she was going to a little sales. i'll talk about why the buying russian has attacked ukraine. but are you not the who's to say there won't be a tax on other countries? so instead of the pennies this, of course we're proud of our son will se constantly on active service incident, or whether it's with charlottes or the territorial defense for. so it says that the territorial volunteers receive just under a $170.00 euros a month for their service, but they're not professional soldiers. a few weeks ago carmel applied to join the regular army. he's waiting to hear back many of camels friends also joins charlotte's while they were still in school and
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several are now in the army. he's meeting up with some of them to go bowling. so, let's go in the that you nice nice. uh you got one. what about the for, tell me linda. it's friends. it's plain to see how the war has changed. their hometown, whether in bars, restaurants or bowling alleys. american soldiers are now ever present as well as a nato stronghold. joshua is also an important logistics hub for the us army.
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almost 5000 us military personnel are now stationed in the city. but they don't talk to journalists of the said, i'd say the americans are part of our everyday lives. like you're at the bowling alley. oh, that's actually, but we have no real contact with each other. we don't make any sense of what the product is and they live in their world. and we live in our shop. know, ms. floyd, some are already referring to joshua as the new ramstein. a reference to the us air base in germany. the city has become a symbol of colin's new strategic importance within nato. and the whole is getting a lot more attention now. that's also forcing us to expand our army to make it one of the best and you are of ink for even in nato was lovely. that's kind of impressive. and i don't know if it's, if not the, the,
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the armed forces themselves or heavily promoting that expansion. since october 2022, the army has been offering free one day courses in some of the countries barracks. the sessions offer an introduction to basic military skills. here in moore saw participants have gathered at a military academy 1st, they get to witness a short demonstration by real soldiers. a simulated combat mission should focus and the thought of today's demonstration gibson, impression of how combat operations are carried out with the squad leader gives the signal to the cadets. then carry out a patrol, track down, and eliminate the enemy easily to the one. if you do need to the
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any one between the ages of 16 and 65 can take part. according to the ministry of defense, there are more applicants than available sponsor among those who have signed up our mag. deborah don scott, and i'm going to ask of all yes. the 2 friends from warsaw heard about the training program on television just it sounds like in his book on a good we live in such turbulent times about it's important to get some minute treat trainings on. yeah, sometimes hopefully we'll learn some basics. hey, i hope things that might be useful in the future. just got some of that. i'm super close book. so that's just where we've never aside. guns will threaten grenades. and so as for the baptist district, we're here to get a sense of it. so just to gain some completely new experience that kim all has the phone and session i go nashika is a principal at
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a primary school. my daughter is a fitness trainer because of the 1st thing on their agenda is hand to hand combat. it'll be like just a futile like i quickly knocked the knife out of his hand and moved back. it was a child growing. i mean, okay, i'll hold it loosely. bravo. in groups of 8 to 10 people. they take part in various exercises, survival training, piloting drones and weapons training. the instructors are season soldiers, most of whom have previously been deployed to for on the website is very intuitive . there's only one way it works on the right for like this is quite heavy. so it takes
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a lot of practice going through. so i'll have some help. so got kind of the, the using the rifle is basically quite simple. and although they just need to memorize each step carefully as would be so you don't make any mistakes or some kind of the numbers you all read not pull this lever down. and the width is an automatic mode. here we can check whether there's a cartridge in the chamber on the strap shouldn't be around my neck rights. one is to say it's too short for you. it should be longer than this visit. the click to say it's a way of combining the fun with the practical. take a look. you have a good time though, but you will say learn something new. it's a traditional vega, vans activity as possible and effective georgia with nice weather and professionals
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who know exactly what they're doing. and the ministry of defense is the courses are in response to ignore most popular demand. after russia invaded ukraine, the polish military was flooded with requests for training from both men and women . for as nashika and mazda, it's now time to learn the proper stance to use when firing a weapon the semester. so that's, this is the shooting position. with my left leg slightly forward, it's just because the problem that has been put in i secure the weapon numbers good . so i'm going okay. step 2 then pulled the box. i lower the right thing. remove the magazine, all the inputs that way. stem 3, i take a new magazine and pull by the walk and start over again. we've got some
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a, as in the us got and marked. don't get to use like the munition just yet. instead they try out a simulator. we ship of all but it sounds well i really enjoyed shooting with hand guns to simulate to shows you exactly what mistakes you're making long. you've been that even more vulnerable to go to line you back on the talk here. i don't know how well prepared we can be. it's gonna say just a moment on that, but exercises like this definitely goes some way to helping us be ready if there ever were a conflict situation here. that my supervisee of the knowledge. i definitely encourage my friends to come along the, even though calling that a good system and i've already decided to sign up to take part in the next quarter . so i'm, i'm in one place has become available as you typically invest the
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programs official aim is to rouse interest and to attract applicants for either the army or the territorial defense force which offers logistical support to the professional army. the forces membership has increased dramatically since the start of the war as well as its proximity to ukraine. there is another reason that poland is strategically important for nato. this is the civil kick at a 70 kilometer long stretch of land along the polish lithuanian border. this is all that separates the russian exclaim of colleen and grad from bella. ruth's a close ally of moscow. it's seen as a potential achilles heel for the nato alliance. the atmosphere here is tens,
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especially since mercenaries from russia's bosner group had been stationed and deliveries the shooting range and alco stuff is just a 30 minute drive from the valerie san border. so it would take you stuff to zone. so every now and then we see military columns on the road here. it's a reminder that something is going on, so she should like, but we don't think too much about it and you know some of them and just keep you on, move it. jerome is for you, we focus on a role, the civilians come us for you from such a does, it'll be army, it has its own work to do and we have hours like or so use spectrum. and if anything happens, we'll be ready on thursday may for a member, you're using a different weapon, but you have to adapt to share with us just when i used to the other ones. keep going. last year. yeah, check also decided to join the territorial defense force,
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which that's because this is the one that has the old saying goes on. but if you want peasy and repair for war to reset this, does he have a potential aggressor see the poland disarming itself? or when they see that we have more and more people who know how to use weapons agree and that are firing ranges are becoming more and more popular sort of insights than they might think. okay, it's not worth attacking volunteers to let's suspect what sort of positive us perfect down there. so is that you've used to moser, it doesn't say that can when you see how you create in civilians, have done their bit with their own territorial defense force. the voice of both of them is also a motivation for us here and call into vince moot. the 2nd one was that many a modem with us a 1000000 because vicki lugens, it shows that even ordinary people who aren't professional soldiers can make a difference. meaning months of much of the stuff that much i'm associated with. probably just that the
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a full body style, good change. the smell of the thoughts of the job of getting military training to polish civilians largely falls on parent military groups like charlotte's. the ministry of defense estimates that up to 100000 people train with such groups and that number is on the rise. 2 years ago, camille was still a new recruit. now he gets lessons on behalf of shell. it's once a week that is actually of high school shut up, shut the sit down, but sure i said sit down and people will just jump out for me to tell him alongside normal lessons, the school offers military training. it also promoted to the local territorial
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defense force. it's just a month since our 1st topic is medicine on the battlefield. you're caring for the wounded. take all your medical equipment into backpacks with you left. let's talk. you take the bags and wait in the corner door. the check catch in the show. nothing. we just won't get ship them up. so we give the wounded person 1st aid and if possible, get them off the battlefield. is that clear as mellow? that's the letter. the put the bandage on to the point nice seems to be delores unpredictable is better to be prepared to know what to do with things ever get serious. but i'd like to see more and more people preparing themselves for these sorts of situations. he's a bad side as well. feel some sort of course just push a couple of yeah. what i'll beach shallots is colin's largest and oldest pair
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military 3. but it was founded at the beginning of the 20th century ago before poland was a sovereign state. it was never part of the polish armed forces, but traditionally, the army has always looked to paramilitary groups like charlotte's to find recruits . so let's feel it. your role is to create people citizens further north of military recruitment center as partners miss? yes, most of the people involved will join the army at some point in touch, looking to the boys, because we don't train soldiers here. and i mean, your session wants that we turn young people into a responsible and peach tree. i'll take citizen. oh my gosh. the whole search, oh nothing, just hope you're having said that we do see ourselves as part of the national system of defense of us to price for shipping. well, i don't need a bit higher. okay. i was officially vis a vis a vis i visit yesterday. the 2nd was manual. my parents are probably the best
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people to ask them about charlotte, so she to me, but as a uh, what's other, how does that like you? but i do think it was my personality has changed. how to show much. we'll get, we'll call them up like, you know, i'd like to, i'd become even more drawn to the military to higher ours is on the following. orders sometimes provide you with the subpoena, most of the know some of it. so 1st of all, the strengths i think being here has taught me the true meaning of discipline for the child. the next morning, come in and prepares for a military provide its armed forces state. and he's going to take part in the parade wearing his shell and stress uniform. order for all uniform connects us with previous generations who fought for our freedom, so that we can live in an independent country today. let me just a moment. we can't take that independence for granted money. we have to protect it with me as care for the way you with a small child. but that was just shopping of us to say mind,
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jessica was the military traditions play a major role in poland? a country with a history of being invaded and occupied on armed forces day the battle of warsaw has commemorated the polish victory over soviet troops and 1920 parades are held throughout the country. it's also a chance for the nation to demonstrate its military readiness. apparent military troops, march side by side with the army. this will probably be coming is last time marching as a member for f shallots. but the army has accepted him and then a few weeks he'll be sworn in as a professional soldier. he can hardly wait,
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though he's not allowed to reveal any details about the unit. he'll be joining the thing is up. so there are always a threat. suppose to about such you have to keep an eye on everything reaction and what types of things develop. yeah, these are frequently the future of our army. looks good. the level of trust that we have a modern military that's moving forward with the size of some my journey began to show that i'm only about an hour we'll be serving and the polish army scheme. but yes, but for me it isn't that you all but service and being ready to serve means be aware of your g 3. it's got them of the things you'll sacrifice, but also the things you'll gain because they've got the coming on has no reason to worry about his career prospects. despite
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a change of government in 2023 defense spending look set to continue for the polish people's fears. of a possible russian invasion have brought a fresh determination to defend their homeland the world in progress pop calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic. second son about this story is beyond the headlines world in progress. w. talk about this. shadows these talk austin, videos, head lice on the dog history, the devastating colonial horrors infected by germany across and he employed the
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schools, tactic farms and destroyed like what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today? history, we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the this group is funding for some of the world's rarest eggs. they're searching for the endangered tv bugs of a, a tail rolling you ceiling to steal their eggs and save them from creditors. almost 95 percent of teachers are killed in the wild. if nothing is done, they will likely disappear. in new zealand, we call our sales k, which would be pretty bad if we meet national. there's thousands of people have joined a met.


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