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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the, the business dw news line from valid major rescue operation is underway in the united states city of baltimore, a cargo ship crashed into a major bridge, causing it to collapse. emergency responders say they are trying to reach several people still in the water. also coming up a bridge is called polls puts julia an assault as extradition to the us on hold. the high colton lawn doesn't rules that the weak helix found a kind of his sense of the us, unless authorities that guarantee his rights will be protected. and he will not fix the death penalty. ross has
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a lot of intuitive knowledge is radical. islamists carried off fridays attacks on the most concert hold. but in suspense, ukraine could still have played a role. the guy, though is welcome to the program. a major search and rescue operation is underway in the united states software. cargo ship crashed into a bridge and baltimore causing it to collapse. officials inside several vehicles were on the bridge at the time. the fire department says 2 people have been rescued, one of whom is in critical condition. emergency workers are several and several others are still missing. shipping in and out of the baltimore colts has also been suspended until further notice. the ships on a side of the crew have been accounted for no injuries to report it. just to give
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you a sense of the scale of best, a front of scope, key bridge was 2.6 kilometers long with 4 legs. well, the 11000000 vehicles used it every year and it is a major part of the road network on the us east coast. officials and bolton will say this is still very much an active search and rescue operation. and he has hall events unfolded. this is the moment when the francis scott key bridge in baltimore came down, captured on a live web feet. the bridge was hit by a single poor flight container ships had struck one of the supporting pillars at 1 30 am. baltimore's fire department says it's responding to a mass casualty incident. several people are believed to be in the water along with multiple vehicles. the fire chief and mayor said they were bringing as many resources as they could, as well as the baltimore police department. as well as multiple marine assets from
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around the region. there was a resource. we are still very much in an active search and rescue. pause here at this point and we will continue to be for some time. we have to be thinking about families and people. folks who we have to try to find it and say, this is what our focus should be on right now. seem to work in partnership with every part of government to do everything we can to get us to the other side of distress. meanwhile, cold water temperatures in the area mean that rescue workers must race against time to save anyone who fell in from hypothermia. now let's go straight to bazemore with the w for us fund into janelle depend on the standing by for us to know you. on near the see know of the incidents tell us, what do i see indeed, so we're actually standing at the northern part of the bridge. i don't know if you
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can see it just behind me. this is unfortunately, as far as we've been allowed to go, but you can see perhaps just a little bit behind me, the bridge and how it abruptly stops in middle air and nothing this. and that's where you can see that the bridge has collapse. large parts of it are obviously no longer there. so at the moment there is an ongoing press conference from local officials headed by if we can just kind over there for a 2nd. so you can check out the scene that i am looking at. so you can see about media have gathered there, and jobs. local officials are talking headed by a governor, maryland. governor westmore, now this is obviously been a huge blow to the community. this is something that he, that highlighted very much and his remarks, he's saying the 1st responders members of the community have also gathered into places around maryland. and a lot of them were willing to share their stories. i spoke to one woman who said
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that so um, uh, her son had just driven off the bridge 5 minutes before the collapse happened. and she was really very emotional at just how close her family had come to tragedy. but of course, there are many others who experience the tragedy themselves. lots of families will be affected by this i, as we mentioned there in the report, we are potentially talking about a mass casualty event here with people in the water there, there were vehicles on the bridge, they're also work or isn't working on road repair. as such are, this is a major major event for this community, but also it's also worth noting that the port here is one of the, it is one of the biggest ports on the east coast. and in fact, the 20th largest port in the country by tonnage. so the effects of this event will reverberate and transports in logistics, and also eventually end up becoming
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a blow to the economy. jeanette, any indications that from officials on will cause the cross well like i said we had been listening to this press conference or that is still ongoing. and it was important for governor westmore to highlights of that this did not appear to be a plan to talk that there are 0 indications that this was terrorism related. there are reports emerging that the ship actually lost propulsion before um, going under the bridge. and that told the crew had informed officials in maryland that they were losing control of the vessel. and that appears to be in line as well . uh, with earlier reports about the ship was already going off course uh before it was cutting under the bridge. as you can see, both the most ships that pass under the bridge go under the middle of this was all of this ship. all went under the side a little bit. so really the emerging narrative here is of
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a terrible accident. it does not look like it. it does not look like it was an attack. investigations, of course, are still ongoing and many details still have to be clarified. we don't know them at all and they're reporting from baltimore. thank you. this was onto bridge and now a quote says when he leaves found a tool in the saws cannot immediately be expedited to the united states to face espionage charges. the high court judges say they want further insurance is about what will happen to him if the us fails to provide those issuances over the next 3 weeks. the course will give us off permission to appeal extradition on grounds, including breach of freedom of expression. and because he might receive the death penalty from all that we are now joined by w. a. charlotte chosen pill from london. charlotte tell us the latest regarding today's quote. decision, as i was put, today's decision into
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a little bit of context have says the royce, to an appeal, a final appeal for june, and it's always been rejected today. that would have been the end of the legal road here for him in the u. k. and would have paid the way for his expedition to the us with his support to say he faces a 175 years in prison. something that his wife says would have been tantamount to a death sentence. now instead today what we've had is something of a delay on that decision, as you said, the judges and said that they are taking assurance as on several points from the us, including on free speech protections. and that julian assault is wanting to face the death penalty of extra jointed and convicted us as 3 weeks to provide those insurances. and if it fails to do so, then um scroll appeal can indeed go ahead. now this is something of a partial victory for julian assault is clearly his supporters would have liked to
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have seen that full appeal of granted today. but what the judges did say was that he has a legitimate prospects with success on 3 of the 9 grounds for appeal. so while it's more of a wait, there is a still clearly some ways to go in this nickel, bottom top and stay with us. please, we'll come back to you in a minute after we are taking a closer look at a song as a situation because he had his expedition or confirmed in 2021, but has continued to fight against the ruling from his prison cell in london. and those closest to him, fear this could be his final legal challenge to february 2020 for a hearing on julian massages the appeal of his extradition to the us. his wife plan for his release, his health is in decline mentally and physically. his life is a risk every single day he stays in prison. and if he is
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extradited, he will die. but it's not just about him being expedited. should julian should never have been put in prison in the 1st place, the united nation special rockport, her on torture, also called for the us to drop it's case. i am very worried about mr. sanchez health, the, his ability to survive the extradition and the real likelihood of suicide. i'm worried about the conditions of detention in the united states, where they use solid free confinement on a regular basis, and that this would cause irreparable harm to mr. sanders. i saw spaces, significant legal danger in the u. s. a prison sentence of up to a 175 years. he's been a wanted man since 2010. after his whistle blowing for him, we can leaks published classified us army material supplied by an intelligence analysts delete contain documents and video footage from the wars, enough gamma stand interact. some of the footage with shocking,
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seemingly implicating us troops impossible, war crimes. i believe that if those 2 things will fall under the rules of engagement when the rules of engagement are wrong, deeply wrong. as for you'll come any applauded songs as fearlessness and shedding light on the murky side of armed conflict. he was showered with awards and voted readers' choice for times person of the year and 2010 cuts for many others. the leaks were nothing short of treason and the solace of a dangerous enemy of the state. in november 2010 swedish authorities issued an arrest warrant for assault. after 2 women accused of sexual assault and rape, he lost the legal battle to fight extradition to sweden, while on bail assault refuge in london, ecuadorian embassy. it became as home for the next 7 years, but in 2019 acro doors,
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new governments have enough of its controversial embassy lodger. police were invited in under rest of the songs. his supporters say that the us effort to extradite him is an attack on free speech itself. this case has alarming implications for journalism and trust. freedom around the world. not least of all as he would be. the 1st publisher tried under the us espionage act, which lots of public interest defense. we would add from reporters without borders that there should be a political solution, but that it must involve no further time in prison. for julian, in any country, a warrior for press, freedom or a careless betrayer of sensitive secrets, a soldier's case has divided people ever since his legal saga started me. and that's how it will do a saw as a supporters a say in reaction to this what his wife he had and not report that's the account, sighed court today very clearly just made off to that decision,
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she just said. so she was astonished. she said the entire case has been shameful, a shame on every democracy. she said she described to me in a song as a physical prisoner and a gentleman who exposed us wrong. do they know that some new facts by a number of books including amnesty international and reported without bold as they say that gentleness around the world should be concerned by this case. the us, on the other hand, say that julian, his on his options, went beyond journalism. they said he was to these things, tuning and indiscriminately publishing classified documents, something that they say put lives at risk sales bills that the reporting from london. thank you john. let's now let's have a look at some of the other stories i'm making headlines around the world. is what else? prime minister has canceled plans to send a delegation to washington after the us decided not to block a un security council resolution since demanding an immediate cease fire in gaza.
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washington have vetoed 3 previous resolutions. the resolution also the mazda, the immediate release of all hostages, still being held by him off the terrace, both behind the october 7 attack. japan has approve plans to sell next generation fight subjects to other countries. the aircraft is currently being developed alongside of britain that italy and is expected to be ready by 2035. the decision to allow exporters to his latest step away from its pacifist principles adopted at the end of the 2nd world war. the u. s. federal agents have rated homes in los angeles belonging to the rep as shown, dd combs. the operation is part of a 6 traffic in the investigation file, so it is a new york bb a hip hop mobiles is also facing several lawsuits over alleged sexual abuses.
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to pakistan, our suicide bumper is killed 5 chinese nationals into practice dani mine in the north west of a country near the ask on board a please say the bombing drove the car laden with explosive onto a vehicle carrying chinese construction workers and engine is to the edge, all that alarms hydropower projects nearby park is donny officials have been reporting the search and the number of terror attacks in the region. pakistan says the majority of them carry dollars by militants based enough, gone to stop the defacto tale bond government in kabul denies being involved. tensions between pockets donnen i've gotten this done, have been rising since the tale bon, to control of capital 2 and a half years ago. few drills now becoming commonplace for bucks on security personnel. this just the latest service to take place for those skills in amended an attack. the country seeing a search instead of respectability. last year, around 700 people were killed in more than 300 desert related incidents. a
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significant increase compared to 2022. most of the adults targeted regions along bucket funds border with a gun. this done focus on the officials blaming the majority of the violence on militant groups based out of gun this done islam about the q is this, the routing of gone dollar bond of giving these groups are safe haven and accusation of going to funds leadership perhaps repeatedly denied of this month because on the air strikes into provinces of contest on have increased pension for the it's safe, a group enforcing the dogs on fox. if any security forces, what the target but gobby claims the strike give it civilians and your strikes are not the only way that bunk is done is retaliated. it often shuts the border between the 2 countries affecting the likelihood of cousins of guns. to adjust your
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buck is done awesome undocumented along if you decide to leave the country causing postings to fleet or be deported many now believe that instead of implementing policies, that's an issue. i've gone civilians, but the funds should engage with a dollar by leadership in a meeting for dialogue, as a way to counter the dangerous threat of terrorism and goes from the region. the report advantage of it joins me in the studio, and i'll have to talk a bit about this situation. the 1st of all by all the militants of talking, boxed on the heck pockets on is facing 2 main inversion fees. one from san this and one from it's nick middleton separate this groups now as thomas and the main militant group to be designated as a globally can this organization that groups wants to over to what the government are focused on wants to implement. chevy lol. it facebook if any government as an
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extension of the western world, especially because spark this done was an ally off the nato troops of the us. and the 20 year long. i've gone just on ward. so that's very isn't. and it's nick, minute and separate as groups are basically active in the southwestern part of buckets done in the rest of the province of bundle, which is done. and they attacked buck if i knew fit, because they're angry, they're figured that the, the can was the progress and the state of human rights abuses. they said that the, the government was discriminatory against them in distribution of resources. and both of these groups have that agent does, but i would say that in focused on august any public's eyes, they do not enjoy public support because their attacks have good dens and poses are focused on these in the last 2 tickets. now i understand their agenda now, but why the tech chinese nationals?
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because china isn't investing billions of dollars and focused on especially, and it's a uh, economic auditor project that's a part of fits both endorse initiative. and most of the projects are in distrust. if dropping from below just on now the militant groups believe that china defeat china as like a balloon you follow that is entering barrett that retreat. i'm picking up the sources from them. and when they attacked on these national, it's a big set back for the focus on the government. because spock the front is going to an economic crisis and focus on need stability, needs western and other parts of the country from other parts of the world to invest and focused on. but when the incident like this happens it's, it's a big setback for the country. now in your report, you suggest that the, the target on enough gone this done provide a safe haven for groups that are talking approx is done. why would they do that? there are multiple reasons, so of focus on the valid, on the main method control,
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their ideology is aligned with of gone live on that there's the implementation of chevy i, law, implementation of like a stomach elephant. and then during the of gone, this done what it was focused on the valid on that help the off button, the button to fight the question troops enough. got this done. so i've gone follow up on a for the buck to find it. i live on enjoy the support in the around can find of the of gone dial up on which makes situation difficult for breakfast is the threat posed by these groups. lots of the ttp is it contained within that region. good. had there could be some to run reports that's face that i look either is developing training camps in afghanistan. i think i've got an even the also gone down the bunk on assisting to get the fund focused on or the pocket. and if i live on group in getting out across the board to strikes and it's not only descript atlantic fit, what else on is for the tech with the agents?
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it has got it out huge attacks and focused on it on we saw the gap claim responsibility of that back in law school and data for it. but just in the neighborhood of focused on, it seems like there is huge type of terrorism on phillips contained. it can obviously detect that also goes out from the agent and was injured to other countries finished. that, that. thank you very much. we're looking to was russia now it president vladimir putin has acknowledged for the 1st time that radical islam is carried outside is attacked on a constant hole near moscow's. if killed more than $130.00 people full of men from subject to san i've now been charged with carrying outs and active terrorism of the period before the courts and most colon, sunday, in the wake of the master can prove to you to choose ukraine of being involved, even as
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a bronze of the so called designing state claimed it was responsible for the esl and remarks at a criminal, amazing futons that the attack intended to so panic among russians. me. his name sure is to blame yet. we know the crime was committed by radical islamists who follow in ideology, but i'll make war. it has been fighting for centuries. you can maybe jim douglas are also seeing the united states has been using various channels to convince the satellites and other countries. and you know, stuff like that important that intelligence you, there's more praise off keep in the better dyke. in most schools, we still get away with the bloody attack was committed by as long as from those law makes state organization by see, i think is us, which is find in russia, we know who committed this crime against russia and his people with the do you want to know who ordered it, nothing to do so with those that gosh,
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in the spring and roman guns that ranko use, ease of use, eastern europe editor enjoys us from us. duty is in bond roman. how the interest is this claim from blogging and put in that ukraine was operationally involved in the most count attack? well, yes, it is dangerous. it's important to say that we haven't seen any evidence supporting the claim the 2 crane had anything to do with it. so, um, the, the only remarks of letting me put you in and some of these are other option officials had is that they were heading towards ukraine. but those people um, who are suspected um, uh, towers. uh, could also be heading towards barrows, the neighboring uh, former soviet republics. so, no hard evidence of this so far. and it's dangerous because let's look at what, what's, what's happening in your shop in it. so what's the background? so to say, so the attack happened a few days off to the presidential election in russian by that point in the want it
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as expected. and it has no free hand. it's not that he had to worry about the result, but still, he now is free maybe to, to some more radical moves against ukraine, but also internally in russia itself. and it also happens after we've seen an escalation on the ukrainian or russian border with some russian fighters who are fighting on the crying inside and to the neighbouring and origin of belgrade and the russian state. look, we looked, we conduct point, so i'm like an important as well as head of state, look to me because he couldn't protect the russian citizens. and it is dangerous because he now could try to show that he's not weak. now is that what he's trying to achieve with these comments suggesting that he is not weaker and now he has things under control and also has he done this type of thing before as well? i can't remember of a senior such a similar situation before. at least on most,
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on the scale of to such a motorist attack with over a 100 casualties. net, i think, internally for russia itself, who's trying to distract public opinion from the idea that a, the russian secret service has some actually failed to protect the russian people. because there was a warning with all the us by the united states just a few days before the attack that such an attack would happen. it specifically mentioned that an attack could be targeting a concept. then he's also trying to distract attention probably from the, the anger of russian citizens towards migrants. and this is a very old uh, old issue for russia. so there war crashes uh, between russians, uh, russian people and migrants from central asia from, from a salvage public before. and this is something very dangerous for us for itself being tested, belies from the inside. so there is, there is, um, probably
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a point there. and of course, he's trying to direct old negative emotions by the russian people towards ukraine, a country that he's waging a war, a big war for over 2 years. now. the them's eastern europe. it is a roman going to rank or the thank you very much. roman, as you're watching dw news, then here's a reminder of our top story. a major search and rescue operation is still underway and the us city of baltimore. also a cargo ship crashed into an age of bridge, causing the structure to collapse. emergency responders say they're trying to reach people who were in vehicles that plunged into the water. the u. k. cold has delay the final decision over the expedition of we can expand the julian assaults to the us pipe. whole judges say they'll give him
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a new appeal unless newest authorities provide further assurances, his rights will be protected and he would not face the death penalty. you want to do the use, that's it from me and the hosting for now i have an update for you at the top of the god the
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and the thinking as a network thing. as one it show about the vision raised and fed project, the challenges that can be tackled together for a future. living. working for a more united world on
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w, poland is arming itself. not just the military society is mobilizing target practice for civilians is becoming popular from the great aid on weird and much wet and it's knowledge is a compulsory subject at school and paramilitary groups are flourishing. a call to arms in 45 minutes on d, w. the systems can be used to because different geographies, the real china itself needs to be an incredibly scarce way. us transforming business is onset. so
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real new deal. and let's just greenwashing what's now on the i never would have thought i'd be this faith miss. i'm the store here. i just want to reserve the, to old fall from it to women, prove that old age doesn't have to stop. he being, i move this shake too much with him is willing to pay me able, concrete, vianza in uruguay, his capital, montevideo and young people in me, in my a desperate to dodge the minute tree draft.


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