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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 26, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news alive from the rescue is in the us search for survivors after a major bridge collapse, insult him, of least 6 people are missing after a cargo ship. lewis has power and collides with the francis scott cambridge, causing it to fall into a risk to bring you a live update from the see. also on the program, the rest supreme court signals that it will not roll back access to a widely used a portion to during oral arguments. the majority of the quotes just just as a parents, skeptical with a group of anti abortions office as divides to challenge the approval of the drug by us regulates us and london, high court attendance, high court for julian saunders extradition to the united states on old bible that
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judges rule that things which he leaves found to cannot to be sent to the us unless so far as his best guarantee that he will not face the death penalty. the children are welcome to the program may just search and rescue operation is the ongoing in the united states after called there ship crashed into a bridge in baltimore, maryland, causing it to collapse. the official site dive is offset, so we can be avoided. for 6 people who are still missing maryland government west was that the shape reports and losing power just before the crash and magic made emergency calls is allowed. well thought, just to limit the bridge to limit as traffic across the bridge. yeah, i think that the preliminary investigation suggested the cross was an accident and that there was no credible evidence of a terrorist attack. was us to give you
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a sense of scale. the francis scott key bridge was 2.6 columbus as long with 4 lines on average more than 31000 vehicles trusted every day. and it's a major part of the road network on the us east coast. so here's a look at how today's events unfolded. the francis scott key bridge. after the singapore flag, the container ship smashed into one of its pillars. the collapse of the bridge was caught live by a web broadcast. the ship struck at 1 30 am within minutes. a major search and rescue operation was under way. the postcards, primary mission right now is search and rescue looking for any survivors in the water were basically searching for, for everyone that was potentially on the bridge. as you can imagine, to build the night, you know, you know,
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what type of traffic was there of how many workers were there. this video uploaded by a ship tracking service shows the vessels path as it went off course and into the bridge . it issued a distress called minutes before the collision. authorities said workers then stopped cars from crossing the bridge afterwards, saving lives. experts say the size of the ship simply overwhelmed the support structure uh, heavy ship i that for the impulse of a large load of many thousands of times when it hit something solid. and the ship is obviously struck the support of the bridge. not surprisingly, the bridge cut out since because the support is over. i originally flimsy, started us, president joe biden said the disaster was an accidental way. there was word and pledge federal funding to rebuild my attention that federal government will pay for the entire cost to read your stucky nap bridge. and i expect the congress to support my effort. this gonna take some time. the people the ball and i can count on a so to stick with them at every step of the way to the poor as reopen and the bridges
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rebuilt. meanwhile, people in the region are bracing for the aftermath. the port of baltimore is key to shipping on the us east coast, and the collapse bridge will likely create traffic jams for months or even years to come straight to bolts of all that and where we can join our correspondent, janelle, i do belong. welcome. janelle, i'm bring this up today. well fail just to remind our viewers again of where we are. we are at the northern part of the friends of scot, key bridge. if you look closely behind me, you can just about make out the start of the bridge of error, which abruptly stops in mid air. the rest of the bridge, obviously having fall it into the water. you can also see the cargo vessel that hasn't run the ground, this stuck into that bridge. now bringing them back over here, fill. what has taken center stage. the main focus of today really is on those
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search and rescue operations. they are still looking for those 6 missing construction workers who were working to repair potholes on this bridge last night . when the accident happened earlier, we heard from goverlan mountain maryland, governor westmore, he spoke a few minutes earlier saying that this search is still under way that there are still no new updates that he had spoken to the families affected and has spent time with them. now, a standing along, sorry to him, was also a transportation secretary, pete, the judge saying that some reiterate, he reiterate, reiterated, excuse me, president a biden's message that federal resources will be marshall to help maryland with this crisis. although both officials warned that there will be a long road ahead, which of course is not surprising given the importance of this artery to commuters
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here in maryland to transport and to logistics on the quick. what then about was pretty excited about the course of the crash to there have been reports, of course, that this ship lost power and that it last propulsion and that it had sent a distress call to maryland officials saying that old a collision was going to be possible, but earlier we also heard from the national transport safety boards, chair jennifer, home and the saying that these are reports that they're still trying to verify the fact that this is still very early days. and the investigation makes or unwilling to kind of say, with absolute certainty, what happened? she pointed to earlier investigation, for example, the collapse of different hollows bridge 2 years ago. what in pittsburgh? she said, the thought was an investigation that took 2 years to conclude. so given that we
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are looking at a day, one feels we can expect that in many more yet, details will emerge as to what exactly happened here today. okay, thanks for that to and how to help them along a, a baltimore well, that bass a is associate dean at the university of st. thomas school of engineering in st. paul, minnesota, in the united states, is also a former bridge engineer, a welcome to the w, just talk us through the sorts of safety measures that would have been in place to prevent something like this holiday as well the of instructions of both the bridge and the barge, so i'm not exactly sure what the but you know when those were inspected and on what uh, intervals those were inspected. but that would be um, part of what would happen on, on any infrastructure bridge such as this. okay, so regular inspections, nothing out that seat to prevent something or to slow something down in case it
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hits us. uh, i am a stretcher, a bridge uh killer. because this cannot have been unanticipated as a sort of thing you would imagine um by site. but what happens if this happens? right, well, i'm not particularly early, i'm not very familiar with this particular bridge, but i will say, we do know that, you know, our, our, our loads are built into structure. they, they are aging, and the loads that our infrastructure is experiencing is changing as well. so, um i, i'm not sure what the inspection is. the pattern is, or any barriers that might be in place for this particular bridge. we've had our forces, janelle, do my own talk about, but the fun hollow bridge at the in pittsburgh, which i stuff with a similar site. i'm what can we learn from this,
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from similar accidents in the past, especially once the investigation has happened? well, i think what are the things that we can learn is one is there will be a very long study for this bridge to learn exactly what's happened. but the bigger take away is that we have include um, paying attention to the maintenance of our, our aging infrastructure, and to, to be vigilant about inspections, to be uh, making sure that not only are we looking at new builds, but what are we doing to maintain the structures that we have out out there that are already built right now where i took assume that they, the thoughts of things on the investigation will cover and which agencies will be involved i, i'm not exactly sure with this particular branch. there's the national transportation research board, which were certainly be involved. and i'm not exactly sure what the specific steps
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will be for this bridge. but there, the national transportation board has been doing inspections of and uh, investigations for many years and have a, has a very rigorous process. okay, thanks for that that, that best from the university i've sent thomas justices on the us supreme court says appeared skeptical. joining oral arguments on rolling back access to a widely used abortion po, it's the 1st of ocean relation case since the same quote over to and the constitutional right to abortions 2 years ago. because differential decisions could have huge run vacations for access to the procedure across the us. a little pills giant stakes. a legal battle over access to mr. prestone or commonly used drug to and pregnancies has made its way to the supreme court. on the one side,
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a group of anti abortion organizations, and on the other, the food and drug administration. a little under 2 years after the supreme court here behind me, overturn roe vs wade ruling that abortion is no longer a fundamental right in the us. the issue is set to take center stage here yet again, whatever this court ends up deciding will have profound implications on abortion, access, the drug approval process. and the already explosive political discourse around reproductive rights for the courthouse to decide whether the food and drug administration acted unlawfully when it loosened regulations around mr. prestone to use for the entire abortion activist thing safety issues were overlooked, but medication abortion makes up nearly 2 thirds of all abortions in the west. and nearly 6000000 women have used the drug since it's approval in the year 2000 would serious side effects being extremely rare, reproductive rights, campaigners fear that a move to limit access to mr. prestone is
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a step on the way to a republican lead national abortion band. it is absolutely a slippery slope. i like to emphasize this time and time again is that over 70 percent of people united states wants the right to decide on their reproductive health. and that definitely aligns with the access to abortion. and so i think it comes down to the fact that while there is a majority in this country, that support reproductive health and support rich reproductive rights. we have an agenda that is being driven by a small minority that is very well funded. that is politically very well established and making moves not only nationally, but also at the state level to overturn and undermine the will of the people. a decision from the supreme court is expected by the end of june, a few months ahead of the general election, where few dispute the reproductive rights will be on the ballot to. all right, that's good. most indeed w's science. gall welcome parents focus through initial
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reactions from the supreme court justices. as we've heard before, the justices today seems skeptical. these are, of course, the same justices as we've heard. also, that passed roby weighed 2 years ago. and basically, what was the reason for their skepticism is that they are unsure whether there is even the basis for this car to be brought for this case to be brought before the supreme court put simply the organization that has filed the lawsuit, needs to prove that making access to abortion medication easier could injure someone into justices than to just not seem very sure that this is given in this case. but of course, their decision, as we've heard, is still out and will be expected at the end of june. okay. and they were protests outside the supreme court building. what was going on just a few 100 protesters gathered in front of the supreme court building. it was relatively loud and colorful. um, most people there were there to show their support for the right to abortion. for
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the right for choice. there was a wide variety also of them did walk into the groups and we spoke to some of the people who were there. um, let's have a listen of course and access is something that is critical for our nation for our families, for people to be free. i believe very strongly that the federal drug administration processes should be protected from active it's federal judges. i believe the abortion is health care and health care as a right of everybody in this country. i think attacking the prestone is important and i think our voices should be heard. so start with some strong pro choice views as that was the majority of the protesters. but there were of cause, of course, also groups and voices who were the guns, divorce and very critical of the, of the previous decision to ease access to this medication. um, but yeah, there were, there was some heated exchanges between these groups but
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a little peaceful and it was the minority of the product system was against abortion today. and is this case likely to have any impact on this is election? it definitely looks like it. we've seen in many polls before that, abortion is one of the top issues for us. voters divided ministration has already taken a clear stands on the issue and says it will continue the side for reproductive freedom. republicans on the other side to seem less clear on this. they are come to the door. the trump has also not taken a very clear stance on it. regardless of the outcome of this um court ruling, which we'll see by the end of june, probably it seems clear that most americans, as we've heard before and the reports are in favor of choice, are pro choice the thing that individuals should have a say. and whether they have an abortion or not. so this issue is probably gonna stick around until the elections and probably even be on that. okay, thank you for that dw correspondent finance guy in washington.
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bridge courts says that we can expand the junior associate, cannot immediately be expedited to the united states. i called judges said they want further issue and it says about what will happen to him if the us fails to provide those assurances over the next 3 weeks. the court will give us the results permission to up to his expedition grounds, including breach of freedom of expression, and because he might be sick. the death penalty correspondence charlotte chosen pill in london told us through today's events as i was put, today's decision into a little bit of context have says the royce, to an appeal, a final appeal for june, and it's always been rejected today. that would have been the end of the legal road here for him in the u. k. and would have paid the way for his expedition to the us with his support to say he faces a 175 years in prison. something that his wife says would have been tantamount to a death sentence. now instead, today what we've had is something of
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a delay on that decision. as you said, the judges and said that they are taking assurances on several points from the us, including on free speech protections. and that judy and assault is wanting to face the death penalty of extra jointed and convicted to the us as 3 weeks to my there's insurance isn't if it fails to do so, then the sco appeal can indeed go ahead. now this is something of a partial victory full julian. assault is clearly his supporters would have liked to have seen that full appeal granted today. but what the judges did say was that he has a legitimate prospects with success on 3 of the 9 grounds for appeal. so while it's more of a wait, there is a still clearly some ways to go in this legal bustle. a solid shell, some feels. israel's defense minister is in london for a 2nd day of meetings which helped us officials that made increasing tensions of
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israel's conduct of his war against thomas in gaza. us defense secretary lloyd austin, told you off glance that the us was concerned about the high number of sufficient civilian casualties and the lack of humanitarian aid. reaching people is comments con, after us declined to block our un resolutions demanding immediate seats, finding gaza fueled intentions with his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as well from the us defense secretary and united states will not rest until all the hostages. our goal is to make israel and the regions safer and more secure. as i have consistent, we said protecting palestinian civilians from hong is baltimore on the subsidy and the strategic imperative and gaza. today, the number of civilian casualties is far too high. and the amount of humanitarian
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age is far too low. so us defense secretary lloyd austin will take a look at civil stories making news around well you are in union has agreed to soften the environmental regulations on farm is following a major protests across the block. in brussels farms dumps menu and that hey, bells on tuesday to protest against a strict environmental protection rules. at least 2 police were injured. as i broke up the protest with tear gas and was that kind of friends has begun to evacuate its citizens from haiti as gun violence around pages across the country. and gangs have taken control of much of the capital force of products, official struggle to agree on creating a transitional government to fill the current power vacuum. positive defense ministry says the all around a 1000 from 6 and still on the, on a lot of efforts and has acknowledged for the 1st time. that valuable is limits. carried out. friday's attack on the concept wholly a moscow more than
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a $130.00 people were killed, foam that have not been charged with terrorism. the russian president continues to accuse ukraine of involvement in the attack. japan has approved plans to sell next generation fights. objects to other countries. planes are being developed alongside to britain. then it's really under expect it to be ready by 2035. the decision to allow ministry exports is tokyo, late to step away from its passive is principles adopted at the end. the 2nd baltimore not to pakistan without a suicide bomber, has killed 5 chinese nationals after driving a call laden with explosives into that vehicle. the group was headed to nearby hydropower project where they were working, the pakistani drive i was also killed. the group is claimed responsibility for the attack, which comes and made an increase in terra activity in practice, stop the aftermath of a terror attack and pakistan's knolls,
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a group of chinese nationals were killed. the remains of the car at the bottom of the ravine. it's just one of the many attacks pakistan has faced recently last year, around 700 people were killed in more than 300 tear related incidents. a significant increase on the year before. most of the attacks targeted regions along pakistan's border with afghanistan. pakistani officials blaming the majority of the violence on militant groups based in afghanistan is lama, but accused as the ruling f gun tale bond of giving these groups a safe haven. an accusation afghanistan's leadership has repeatedly denied this month pakistani it strikes into afghanistan,
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regions increase tensions through the or pakistan says it was targeting a group which had attacked its security forces. but couple claims the strikes killed, 8 civilians, it strikes and not the only way that pakistan is retaliating. it often shuts the border between the 2 countries affecting the livelihood of thousands of skins. so probably last year pockets done asked undocumented african refugees to leave the country, costing thousands to flee will be deported. many now believe that in state of policies that punish f going civilians pakistan should engage with the taliban leadership and a meaningful dialogue as a way to come to the dangerous threat of terrorism, engulfing the regional synagogues opposition later by pseudo dom i fi is set to become the countries next lead to winning
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a surprise outright victory in the countries presidential election. the result was last name, driven by young vote. just hungry for change, the president it back to this promise to tackle corruption and to protect his country's economy from foreign influence. but he faces a series of major challenges. i think repass to take office. his supporters call him mr. clean. that's because president elect pursue to do my say is promising. a new set of all of the senegalese people have chosen to break with the past. i think i pledge to govern with humility and transparency and to fight corruption at all levels. i pledge to devote myself fully to rebuilding our institutions and strengthening the foundations of our way of life together. the
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se is not a well known political figure and only into the leadership race as a substitute for his mentor. it was months uncle, a long standing opposition. forrest in the country who was disqualified from the election, released from jail himself less than 2 weeks before the vote. 44 year old phase now set to becomes 10, a goals, youngest president, riding on the back, a song goes young supporters. you will see a different face of the senegalese people and of synagogue because it's a total revolution. everything is going to change behaviorally socially and financially. everything is going to change. ready to say appealed to jobless voters struggling under the weight of high unemployment. he also rallied support under a populous pen african platform that included promises of economic independence and a new currency not paid to the euro to. but synagogue will also start producing oil
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and gas this year, which could mean new international partnerships send a go will always hold his ground and remain a friendly country and a reliable ally to any partner who engages with us in virtuous, respectful, and mutually productive cooperation. the run up to the selection was filled with fears of democratic back fighting fe. now bases the challenge of inspiring confidence on all levels experts facing a goal. we need sweeping reforms if it's to move forward the need for the grand legislative reform that's going to probably default the presidential power in the country and then to hustle fights, colorado. so we're driving as being the main on development to this country. now it's time to see of say, a young and unexpected leader can really lead synagogue into
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a new chapter. just time to remind you about top story at this hour. at least 6 people are still investigating the us city of baltimore, maryland. after i've called the ship, crashed into a major bridge, causing it to collapse. everyone's governess set the ship that davi reporting losing pounds before the crash added back on initial investigation. suggested it was an accident, and there was no credible evidence of terrace in the court in the u. k. has delays, the final decision of the extradition. if we can expand that julian assigned to the us on spin on his charges. i court judge to say they will give him a new opinion unless us so far as provide further assurance. and some of these rights will be protected. they will not face the debt. that's good. you can always get the w news on the go. just download the app from google play or from the apple app store and give you access to the latest news from around the world as well.
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push those invitations to any breaking the coming up in just a moment. so we'll take a closer look at some of the big stories in the day in the day, including the baltimore bridge collapse of more on that's quotes, decisions affecting jr, a sellers. when we speak to his brother, and we'll talk about the course of the deal. and how it has been affecting guy, his health, physically and mentally, that's in the day with me in just a month. the
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poland is arming itself. not just the military society is mobilizing target practice for civilians is becoming popular from the great aid on where to much went into knowledge is a compulsory subject at school and paramilitary groups are flourishing. a call to arms in 45 minutes on d, w, the,
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the this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools, farms and destroy lives. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about the stories, shadows of german colonialism, old friends, new friends. can nature defend itself in case of an emergency? we cannot guarantee that we could protect meaning frankfurt. berlin can't do it faced with russia's war against you. will. grace's military alliance faces new threats. would it really close ranks? if it were a ton of your p and security basically depends to 90 percent on the us how
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to how document st. john's april fools. on dw, the steel beam is buckling and cause plunging into the wall. with that this is what's left of the francis scott key bridge in the united states. after the call go, ship crushed into a rescue team scrambled to search for survivors after the multiple bridge collapsed . while the incidence has left the engineers and maritime experts scratching their heads, how could such a shape crash into such a large structure? was there anything wrong with the bridge itself? i'm feel gale in berlin and this is the day. the.


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