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tv   Code of Fear  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2024 5:15am-6:01am CET

5:15 am
today's logistics around our doctor town program is up next for pointing on some a phobia and camera room. and remember, if you need more data view news, you can always check out our website or check us out with social media for handle us at the w news. i'm here until thanks for watching the name is the calls back. said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay like good. everyone to kings. check out the award winning called com. so hold back. the
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terrific their mentors for the community, the full set to get an uncle, they did the move, assessing the
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the you should easily say that they've been federal for the just wanted to get the most for me to put me if i could get those rest. i submitted the successful requests in black, empty or let's see longer that this is just like totally. i pulled it off here to
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be done session. but of course usually don't go getting busy. without telling me the next day, you see some thoughts very quickly the this f f one case as easy as on valley before we did make sounds under come look at the d. z is only the 2 forces you out with the funding was 6 years in this part of the news. this guy is going to protect something he balances on saturday. please remind me the update and what you checked huntsville did i do that?
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i'm logged into it potentially, isn't it? i mean, to, can we do this? why? sure. if it's in the, to the so helpful as you understand is just a domain is on demo. you guys just don't to the
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just the f one i see we have here and you said to me, when did you be up there? i mean, that's not the point you shipped to me. sweet on the, on elementary movie body to my phone. why? you know, something that might fit that they have and then cuz you have to pull that premium for the movie. oh, contact them on the almost like shit. can you see becky? miss, i don't think i've clicked on is you don't on that. mine should know this to me, that's a problem or did it live in the ceiling that and that the grease. so learning the less good the prove? yes. that 10 content is the most action
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lawsuit of matter. yeah. it's almost like shit al county get off on that in mind. you look, put me out to overdo me, just hit plug the, let's be improve of somebody, a sip bound on what kind of your own coming down like as he did it, these are freaked out the most excited d. i'm calling d b. now, let me show how passcode is over the pallet dump automatic cartridge and this i'm gonna probably do more 6 yearly debit mit panel. we publish it because a lot of clicks on something like that that go, may have an option. i'm not gonna pallet dump, we're gonna have to mom. victim said look, as you don't do lives empty. it was just you know, let go was the do i handle the most extra easy would it be? well, they asked me to supplement because of the largest and the most exciting incoming income kush also comes. you'll be fit time during you did duty. i just going to come out there soon. we left fever. my little girl is the most successful. be this
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i'm going to buy all most sexually did with the mob. since you're navy any do me? i fair good. i'm good to distribute. i don't. hello. the booby assess your weakness, been more accurate? to me? it almost in normal for be some performed. i'm a friend, the just absolutely mom of
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only poor look i'm you pull several out 50 suppressive fremont. i'm gonna be doing for additional computing dwanda team the . 2 miss t. juna copeland them? yeah. be i'm so so long as she redone the mold on t v. cynthia has a menu toners on people's homes. the shape. gotcha. oh wait for it to them all. awesome, is there something okay to secure on cost the vehicle to you guys saw so that's the signature process. my tool says fish and model can defy symbolic the
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a 5 a month. i to move in my i know people use it to, to some for the to the morning. this as an bonded logic that this was just awesome. yeah. it pulls again. i mean, you see it did you shalanda zill and i really thought it's less cool that to donald, to that you put the don't to down please the do voice. if you can see the vapor spinning, you know, that meant the shooting from the visible mountains with a thumb about the session from july sufficient the village, my cell phone number thoughts to come supplement policy dentist who am i speaking to i, todd this system this so this is him, don't know the bus to jump on seals. sippy thought because a different vehicle for this is a sufficient gigabyte of ashes 6. yeah. as long as you're down for an a month or this extra, it's on the honda accord. just series out
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for like it'll pull sick to my phone. i mean you can make you sick of it. my pleasure to feed in with you on the most expensive jewelry is good enough by actually giving back to me on the c t. and i think this might be, i think,
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i lamond give me read some couple of ink god, please just offend and upgrading your data. mon, jan, me. so if you need to call, celebrate $10.00 and these what's out to be doing in the bundle in the, at least. and i really don't to did. why the lumber left at 60, almost 60, at that event you didn't do. i did set in monte assessing in hundreds as well, or 70. so a deal now to this phone call could do to show up like if you need to buttons any data, is there any other decomposition i see, i don't see. so you don't get no,
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i love what google is. it causes the abuse scenario, but it will be in the front end. why? the lumber? i mean a got them on the slide on comp. i one d looked at. be done. well ma'am your full tactic. good. enough, i need a he can amended memo that to, for this fall. so these that they had to laugh at me level. i left him. yeah, we want to go there. he cut a month ago and some things and so will hold you and i'm on and get it. so that nunes a, the hosting g 5 as fits the new content. if i play the tablo,
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i left a me cuz so hey, look, we're sure care stuff. i'm the mims man that the people the so fees of course will this the news i won't see you the, the deval duncan as you on pull that one the sub. and if you see, do not get over that is a on this all the done to should this with this is tim will do it to now is just is it printing now so full say model was mall, the 1st one men, the visuals to sump a. seat polls good on of it. the only another budget to all the little difficulty data declared liability the
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5:30 am
this i think the best about finding it just got back from the what is the law firm rule? so i'm as your local. yeah. yeah. she okay. definitely is yours, is there any supposed to be part of the commercial? what are their logo? was that it would actually be a good life almost. she is happy the most excited to have a good and what was he then to go out?
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i'm a come i put in the combat assessment today this week. compare accidentally last he i do need his hands on to the now i'm on. ok. because i'm, i'm actually normal. good. funded, lose policy. lose you then the anita. if i seem to define sick and not surely she left for the interview, maybe when it comes. yeah, no, no, let me put the comment now 4 more done bound. do any more posey show? so you know, most fiction the electrons to it will be in on the up. i bound to move on there for the sure to do
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that and you said to show sexy song. so can you say present sick? i phone just to natural, come you to around to say on the minus sign of why prove you need to be of what value, what the phone she knew is the cause of the 16 the the
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pushing the d t to your feet is a she and you need us to, to is full again, you know, put down role and you said the because she, the job that your those of you to love it over, you know, fix to i left the place, you go. so under the head, go up to it, going to say that the new underwear us on do me see can you that he will do me see you miss you don't know which one little fires you i've been the goal is your decision. and once again, and then one can you see the isn't use every the monday. so the thing is definitely in order to do for new to me, please on to this and miss you as the complex do they take 100 allow for possible said i send you the recipients, added the other,
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the phones equal then? yes. was a fem for them with 6 in the us a little more now and then what's left? uh huh. and that tells you a text then the left will say connected, it does it, it takes you to the school where you are and they submit. so i think through text, those are dead, the nuclear risk would include the natural pool on next to door for 6 federal paducah, said u m 6 equal to and put that little today take. well then you're going to need to said i look good. the lactic mendecy on develop lactic loads. if you need and i'm please, all the same one single best son to get, you know, who i feel suggest looking best on demand 6, don't lose your job. well. depends on a very few this on demand 6. visually, this also depends on the only item is on the,
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on demand like the the site itself is constructed, the amount you, somebody to tell me i, as you know, is in fact a busy day. and that's because it takes on, i need a quote from down, it depends on the v a level c, and i do nama z, a nadia opposing element, cmc investor should say on the one that's going to cut off the funding for that to do that. yeah, was it good specifically for the compound? gosh, illegible. so it's very similar to aflac. can you pick up the petition just didn't get to different from, from on my screen they told me only about the issues that i was just losing the d. i didn't
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in any info, i was for some reason for moving shipments. they seem to hold up to this one to inform you that the one show on you as soon as you guys get on the city, show it to be something like an issue. i think something too, for noise, can you give me do this example? we definitely need to do that. we need to continue to the doctor and they do to do that as well. thank you for simone concrete. i was on that with him real fast. so i wouldn't even decide not dizzy. give me another 40, said the m y a full a. say what? i put stuff i need you. my. a mazda is successful, cause
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a delay. he left his certificate. you said he believes that goes on. you want me to use a fitness like a switch, just got them. do you know? i mean the 50 for the oil change and the middle to risk stick on is able to submit. you might have on file, you just tell them is for the collision that they said they give me a phone call as a safe wherever i need to do it. because the only those are some of what's on some of some of the the located housing, somebody civic bush. but then that's the only thing to do next. inconveniencing
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easy need. batteries says this, benjamin wondered assuming that along the path there was a symbol of a sausage from the ship showing the stick to delete the mix. because simple c b s, it's almost 40. so c l cause you can come through. so that means stopped it into why the lum alyssa, come my degree c, who lives of why don't you know what it is? easy on the left shows you did it badly. i vaguely prophecy on the associated lucy through that be
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we by what i'm going to use. i think going to the somebody who i see will be something where she she go move on of why should they find themselves checker? i said to raise a glass on that. i can no longer do that in fort meant to say to me, this should be, you know, for me, for him when leaving she on duncan's for funeral, for the monday to uh, i can take it as long as the sunset these options onto it. see what is, what can ripple me so she can, these will do not what is it no more than vital g domestic. she has not me so she can come with me. so she think like you have coming pretty good and you have to come see the deal 6. you can just switch the guy to mama put in the seal. see sushi, have a clue. do the vs. the poke. this don't a com. select a couple. see, based on the compass that i'm going to tell you those in past month and it's saying
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is it contain a little more security the suit back to you directly to that if he can come in say pop t the likely to connect the next few to it will be in a compound to, to something among the conflict limits. it was real g, l, i shoot the men's singles real g. and this is the path to become exist on a fleet exist. don't go to georgia. yeah, the logistics, so the p a you monk, day 40 d. mystic. see a good um yeah. the good news honestly causing that will be in a day the call. okay, cool. if we slip them 42, this loop long, it will know me why the over the glitch on putting the
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excel in the sink. usually no office of q and is the same come to pick so that the t eco known for and it spoke difficult to model on the zone system. there's a more section that need somebody mit system and is almost excuse me, at least the know it will do 10 minutes. you can come, i will, the animal it was, which is what else i should take them to put, you know, as long. yeah. you, they did a good, there's on fundable, improve of the, by it. so to las, your that at least are done, procedural. knew that it is on possible category. you had design funky on me and i said just to open it up to zip of any he'll open. are the zip book in the bottom. was it that doesn't want me to remove the prison. like dubuque us was
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disapproval. say that to 50 still, not as soon as you and i just want to the best did them for me and number for 4 digits that didn't that didn't for me aside local most. so that'd be p as that'd be p z. and the 2nd middle don't do it could also do man don't represent the book as good as almost 6 years. he's also he's one day these sundays including christine, less the result. i don't presume stuff then the so please you me almost 6 years. only let's not someone please. you middle more. 6 is only going done or lose your don't please don't. is huge. you know, you've been long does your don't. so going back fully to, i guess the most expensive enough to global level goes, it does what it is on fall was it should well, it is,
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i'm human most it should should well accepted communities that i did. what is your down presume football fan fund? them the do monday plus that was your the month or to a ser, won't. and if you, a lot of us will phones, there's a lot come, i fumbled to me, let me call the idiots. type to look at, can defend the liaison with security passcode. so many a to miss of you, it's highly a deca who could have done this and then the, the by who, what i just drew for the fund them about the, to i to renew to her new moon that tv to come in, who know that i found them on that double shows it to me. i switched it back to me . quick class given me that she can. yeah. yeah. and the most it to to credit
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credit is a simple month bhaskar credential. it, if i offered to do this using my bumper security, i don't consider the technician, obviously that's usually the security that this one he did. yeah. me i'm, i'm under the declare currently that and i live, i see the unless it could be different script is able to see them and ask you to type laptop is explicit in with them and does it, or they play de la to be no. the only. busy people say plant is human color and then ask you to. busy as keep them on to the fun, should it was it planned to want to see plant police, john donnelly, back a while i a i one day and there's a 1000000 i wanted to see it. look on the bus. i see a creed is up to you, please don't presume some open loan executive to demo
5:45 am
the i suppose the mizzi de, the knuckles of seal su, it was, you meant these are more 6 in excessive amounts because you mostly see a decrease in car. yep. it mended up to 60 a year to see them in this cause. in the massage estimates, telephone dm in this new volt blinked internet a g d k. of course, i do disagree. domonique leaves, at least to do what it is coming you bundle through 90 ticket. and derek g. p a senior, 2 months cuz you see busta, it just suits goodman, nate to these activity bus door. the
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lumber didn't move or the swear you made $50.00 in bad d. c, g 1000 cash. the bra she deal to do the friday to come in depth on the suspect to don't to bad. i'm there. modeling me a quote. i do. you've seen it on my desk at the start until when was that your system is that can you that exist? you don't have community simple quick. i'm going to let's see it either see, february, it is a z 44. and i've also sent it could been done and left just talking about
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bassetti says that the sort of a heads up to me who he lives in the bathroom 6. you know, i wouldn't be that we could easily suspend the dogs, so may not cause that balance is a good last thing is on, on the significance you need to function in the balance on the doesn't alter that. can indeed apply to kitchen margin that in order to force unit on set it from shown by shift way is on the 8th. if you have what i say, if it was a tooth and then
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the other mike a to the school the come home. i think that the 292 little i'm a full to come home yet is a freaking from 12. what would be defined a lot by 2 little most excited to know, disagreeing, causing to add to that effect can not contain office class a. so no one is also going to produce a home. please don't go much. you know that i've seen these as you logistically seduced by last week i knew combats, there's a particle,
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most pictures, no gene chess thinkin awful and wanted bottle. there's a fit on to the iphone side is a critical issue. there's also dental salsa. honda for the, for safety, leashed. obviously these are good. the 657 kinky? yes. yep. then on the other then why does that mean when, what pointing to showing that a bad blood action shouldn't database. why that is? big data. sure. isaac lute g, uh, never do. the ne, why did not provide to alex doing with the black for the month? i don't, she don't check the windshield out of your last. just was really during just why did you purchase? it goes wondering also i'm the, i'm going to click on it back to one. this one will, they will fix it the still, the subject. a masonic. let's see. and of course, you mean you think you to fact,
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i love that easy. i see the finally the money orders them done. it didn't vet got he's. i've even okey doke. apple. i says you want to do that. don't structure i d mission. so would that be it'd be 6 right? deformation of deals x right off the little to this one, to the mall. surely, basha equals cool. most actually to ask you a football and you should say put it. the suppression based on of the cell phone is in decatur, nebraska. com dish on key to bundle with the amount of most extra days of the month of my iphone profanities on the phone. it can over there to no more 6 year and
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office the for that and the whole 6 year the because i'm no longer in the good news apply to secure the from what it i mean it is in some glazing. so which 6 year the, you don't know what is a much of a q by and datasets reduce the diesel costs of this and i'll come down to it by the gaze of a home, close it up by sub,
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for full education. i'm 6, you village in front of you can hold on as a hipaa monitoring one. you can move them out for a long while. this one on it beside the why do i access was going to say the by say the loan on both funds wise to have it in for me. and so i b as in march, it did not find me more than a logs. oh so it is all we need to know one of about the song of about a song. all i need is a 6. is that a movie that it is extra? newton law said prefer it is all fine because it comes up to as long as i send donald to the sick themself, a note with 0 or the cd, so cannot junior depart notes. the
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reason why the street this one day the it's only been think that so who do seem to do you do not see the video clubs. the very long shall be stipulation on the dentist. that's the only member. okay. okay, is asian
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a so i wanted to be going forward some way. i don't mind your sense and each of the district gave me new to the new ones that i was the the teacher. so lots of simplicity and i'm 50, i'm 50, is good for the disclosures on the
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composite is what you said somebody the monitor to the community is a hit to do your highest triple but i see that the security making exchange for us here we had the security by commercials, ask us a come by so doing why and come i live. you come is your secret, it does any. and that lisa, in room tom collated you come on us to see the temperature to the to do is just going to have a new may have to in montgomery let me to, to know to you is going to throw in on the dos. so there's a, which is fun plays also the civic and my vision to new jersey is all cases on the
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left the, on the new levy. if i'm on come by, i'm fairly many to you this everyone come by of the li shrunk. i'm living in the committee solely lit somewhat today. see you do table one done to it in with them all or do you these don't, they're not to be killed. they don't you sofa it is it way into an envelope or in a peaceful football pool for better cent per month. so kids, so it keeps on victims very double about died if we met with the
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$50000.00 i pray, mcdougal, nash do succeed. one of the number of a more to me more i just sleep brad measuring if the month be sure to fall sick this is sonya fat until december the key a september. more often you probably see many just because you know, because of feed limit on pain. let's show and it's not for me. derek must be the middle. i'm there was a total month lease to to know this is the
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climate change is threatening our food supply. $1089.00 and algorithms safeguard harvest is land grown food for the climate. bought me tomorrow's coffee, chase lane. and ken drones help me save for searching for a new approach. it's to agriculture. can i check help out the made in gemini, in 1st few minutes on d, w, the
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systems can be used because different geographies. the real china itself has needs to be an incredibly scarce way. us transforming business is onto real media and lots, just green washing. what's now if we speak this term language from culture, some country. how do we become defense? how is discrete logic? one we're going to pull it in just a 100 days. my power is because of my family. what killed the i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the side for games for to see my name is some way to ship. i'm assuming
6:00 am
re shaving history. our documentary stops april 6th on dw, the . this is dw news, and these are our top stories. 6 people are now presumed dead after our major bridge collapsed in baltimore in the us state of maryland. the francis got key bridge was hit by container ship in the early hours of tuesday. officials say the ship lost power before the collision. president joe biden has promised federal money to rebuild the bridge and for the port of baltimore which remains blocked by the wreckage. european union has agreed to soften environmental regulations on farmers following major protests across the block in brussels. farmers dump newer, and would he be.


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