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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2024 8:00am-8:31am CET

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the, the, you're watching the, the new is coming to live from berlin. authorities to spend their search for 6 people presumed dead after the baltimore bridge collapse. the workers were on the francis scott key bridge. when a packed cargo ship slammed into the structure blocking a major us sports, also coming up on our show today, the us says it will continue air dropping 8 into gaza despite please for it to stop us after the hamas run golf and government to said 18 people had died trying to reach food packages in the sea. and we in mandatory conscription,
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enron, mar, dw, here's claims that the country's ruling who is snatching people from the streets as thousands try to flee. we made some of those who managed to escape the empire. richardson, welcome. in the united states, a huge search and rescue mission to find 6 missing workers. after a major bridge collapse has now been suspended. authorities in baltimore believe there was no hope of finding them alive. the francis scott key bridge came down after being rammed by a packed container ship when it lost power on tuesday morning. the federal government has promised money and resources to rebuild the bridge. its collapse has indefinitely shut down the port of baltimore, one of the biggest in the united states, a hot breaking end to
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a search for survivors. after nearly a day of searching for 6 missing people who were on the bridge of the time, it collapsed. oh sorry, she said they no longer had hope of finding anyone alive based on the length of time that we've gone in the search, the extensive search efforts that we put into it, the water temperature. that at this point, we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive. and so this evening at about 730, we're going to suspend the ad to search and rescue efforts. this for change of the francis scott key bridge being hit by a cargo ship shows just how quickly the bridge collapsed. that's raise questions about it's structural integrity and re ignited fee is about the safety of us infrastructure as a whole. many bridges across the country considered to be in bad condition. but
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maryland governor westmore emphasized that not many bridges could be expected to weather a hit from a 95000 ton congress ship. this is an unprecedented situation, right, where you have a ship and it of a cargo mass that large moving at that speed. it's difficult to understand what infrastructure could have taken that level of that level of it. and that level of directed the federal government has promised to cover the full cost of rebuilding the bridge and matter how expensive. but it has warned, it's likely to have a major impact on supply chains threatening to disrupt supplies from cause to stroke up the pulse of baltimore is cage's shipping on the us east coast. and the collapse bridge will likely create traffic jams for months or even used to come. and for more on this, i am pleased to welcome of customer director of germany's federal bureau of
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maritime casualty investigation. and thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. i'd like to ask the waste. good morning. i'd like to ask, based on your experience, how we could see such a big ship a suddenly lose power and control are there. are there no backup systems in place for an incident like this? um, yeah, 1st of all, these are terrible pictures. this is a terrible accident and i haven't seen pictures like that in my career. and to answer your questions, you have to close at pick up systems normally when the black house from all of the ship, then you have time to read or 30 minutes, and then then the emergency, the generation should stop and these emergency generations. and then when i'm supporting the power again so that you can start to read machinery again. but this
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will chase round about 2 or 3 minutes. and then besides that and using a short period of time and of course, drop the angle, for example, to get the ship to hold. so in this case, do you think it is likely that these emergency generators failed to kick in or, or simply that they didn't have enough time to do? so i'm a little bit this bit have to, to, um, to talk about from, from my point of view. and it seems like as the, the emergency generator works because the, the lights but only getting but i had no information if it was possible to start the machinery again, the main domain name. and then as far as i know, the, the tires on both of those issues, the case of the drum and a, and a he immediately gave an emergency card that's on shore. so i think he did
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everything that he could. okay, let's talk a more generally then about what other kinds of safety measures are in place to prevent something like this. i mean, also when we look at the picture in your ok, you have a huge ports like rotterdam and another lens, hamburg, and germany. then you're probably looking at what's happened in baltimore and wondering what safety mechanisms are in place to prevent something like that happening here. what would you tell a viewer about what precautions are there to make sure that those ports are safe? i'm just listening. this is a well trusted into each individual for that and what, what kind of measures today they would like to install this as a decision on the product. so they have not that many measures that you can can can do a headboard, for example. and there is no installation to up to a certain size of the ship. you are obliged to take
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a tech code for assistance. and if you use tech, both of both accidents like this may can, can, may not be have that's the side of the tech both. it's a quite difficult, it's because it's well the environmental just there and the conditions out there. so it's, um, was nothing more that you can, you can do about it. yeah, we heard the maryland governor, and in this case, i'd great pains to emphasize that no bridge would be able to withstand a, a, a collision like best. but it wasn't specific to the key bridge. is that also your opinion? or maybe i, i don't know i'm, i've never seen such an accident before and i, i'm a general town if i'm a bridge is with the wife it impact like but like that i think it depends on the,
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on, on the beach depends of course on the on the exit of the service or move the speed of the ship, the size of the some of the ships on. i think i got some questions for you. excellent. so maybe maybe not looking uh just just one last question. before i let you go, looking at what comes next, how will investigators go about looking into what happens in this incident? what process is in place when you see an accident like this? what normally the process is and what we have is that you collect all data are available. so that means it ship is uh, it puts was a video of voice changing color and the smaller state as a result of a capture all day just in the machine to me from, from bridge somebody cajun data us and wrap these data and you analyze that and then i'll call you will, you will go immediately and talk to the people, get the statements so that you can have a whole bunch of information that you are going to analyze. and then we're trying
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to find some of the root cause of course, and then try to find the mattress all because then what, thank you so much for taking the time. she is not tv which live in the tea. uh huh . well, thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us today. we really appreciate your time. that is, of course, pair of the director of germany's federal bureau of maritime casualty investigation . thank you. hello as well. the united states says it will continue parachuting agents, a garza, despite a plea from home, asked to stop the practice. the groups as people have died while trying to collect food packages, causes mosse run health ministry says at least 12 people drowned to this week after air dropped, packages fell into the sea. another 6 people were killed and stampedes. 8 agencies say only about a 5th of needed supplies are entering the besieged territory. as israel continues it's offensive. parts of guns that has been pushed into famine, nearly 6 months into israel's military campaign, triggered by the october 7th
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a terror attacks. let's get across to do these correspondent, rebecca rivers and jerusalem. rebecca, as we've heard of people, absolutely desperate for food and cause and yes, we have a mazda saying, please, no more air drops. what does, what does this tell us about the situation in gaza right now? a glare, i think it tells us just how desperate the situation in gaza easily for reporting on the situation. the increasingly di, humanitarian situation for weeks and months now. and it's only getting was particularly in that northern part where those air drops taking place. as particularly acute a groups have been sending the warning signals for weeks now, but people in the north starving, we've seen images of malnourished children. we've heard stories of people dying from malnutrition, and they simply as you can see,
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these different people trying to, to run into water when they caught even swim to try and get some of the, a packages that everything be deposited in the north. a 3rd of the population of gauze that is facing simon withheld. and even us secretary of state, anthony clinton said that 100 percent of goals as population is facing food in security. so that situation is only getting worse. the longer that this conflict carries on, and that is a situation, the goal is, is on the ground, the facing and what is putting them in the need if you're making them need need to chase off to these a packages and put their life that so the risk, let's take a look at a diplomatic efforts. briefly in doha, this week, rebecca, we've seen interact, talk between mazda and israel. can you tell us where things are stands now, or no specific details? obviously, the details remain very under wraps. this is a highly got high, highly got and talks. it has been ongoing now for months they do appear to be in
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virtually a period of stasis at a sort of a deadlock, if you will, with just to be a gap between the 2 sides. for them to be able to reach an agreement, we have seen it at varying parts of these discussions, but it appears that a deal maybe imminent. but at the moment that deal still looking a very far away israel had a team and could talk for about 10 days up until pretty much up until monday when that un security council vote at the with cost of that resolution was passed. and then a team was actually brought back to israel. the indirect talks to continue, we're hearing from the categories, and they will continue some of the, some, some of the deals. some aspects of the deal has been hashed out already. and some pots has been agreed to a, namely the number of prisoners slash hostage exchange swap. we're looking around about 800 prisoners palestinian prisoners,
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some who are in prison for life sentences to be exchanged for 40 hostages. that's the number that we're hearing. that's something that is around has reportedly agreed to, but there are other aspects of the deal, but neither side can come to an agreement on, namely, a mazda is demand for a complete and permanent se, sligh and is, is randy withdrawal. and that's something that as well, so they will not get on board with. so at the moment the talk through appeared to be in a deadlock class. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed up today. that is rebecca rivers for us in jerusalem. or now as a those interact, it talks struggle. israel's prime minister has lashed out at that un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire and gaza. benjamin netanyahu said the resolution which was not vetoed by the us has only emboldened on us. he's now vowing to press ahead with the war with israel, continuing its bombardment of the territory. it is now planning
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a major ground defensive in the southern city. of rafa were more than a 1000000 displaced palestinians, or sheltering dw met one family that has sought refuge there. the family of a musician. the musicians from across the gaza strip made this video together a few years ago. they wanted to show the world the problems, but also the beauty of kosa city. this is what it looks like today. a difficult life has become unbearable. the rep out, i'm and more homeless and his community by forced to flee from the home and goes to the city almost 6 months ago. they know the fear image of mitch
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has this is that you can't feel psychologically settled all settled in any way. well, you know, i mean, i don't want us to call because until now the war continues and i'm going to happen to bombing continues, is drones are above us and boats are in the sea a memo. it's difficult, difficult to return to how we felt before the time and use to wrap without the hardships of growing up in gaza, which has been ruled by minute 10 group. i'm us since 2007 causes us borders remain large. d. c is by israel and partially egypt. the isolation that created made life tough for young people before the war. today, it's even worse. non christian academy and we're going to, you don't have
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a place where you can feel the one percent safe. and the you're constantly afraid for yourself, for your family, for your children, to try to keep a mental you don't know how to protect them and keep them safe, a little bit more than what the situation is very scary during the war. uh, because of that, i dream of it. yeah. these are the guys, this has a huge for my children. part of the dreamy of us building lives in ruins here. a music center and goes to city he had set up for young palestinians. no, a man tries to keep the children occupied. he was determined to stay in gaza. but that's changed from where the bomb hits the surrounding area. anerio is targeted. the fear and hara i see in the rise and the
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crying will become oh cuz i know my children have souls left and the souls are more important than any other costs while i did otherwise. and a couple of you can most gallstones cannot leave one raise to pay to cross into egypt. the payment is trying to raise the necessary money by a crowd funding to help his company the modern health of the destruction and gauze is complex for causes to be able to breathe again. we would need no less than 5 to 10 years master's in my oldest. i don't know. people under the rubble from a slash, they're all decomposed bodies under the destruction of the piled up february the back of the model of okay. it's hard to imagine how you can psychologically live
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with this destruction biased model. the model right now, he says it's all about surviving each day. at this time, man mars one to has started summoning civilians to fight and its military and the conscription drive is pushing thousands to flee. the country dw has spoken to some of those who have managed to escape. they claim people are being snatched from the streets. so many are trying to fly to flee to neighboring thailand, to avoid mandatory conscription, which will force young people to fight for the middle of treat from april dw is asia pacific bureau chief. they have much as many a group of men. and now living in a safe house in the tie city of may thoughts they cross the border at the place like this. the casino is on the balmy side of the
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river, almost give enough lights to navigate by and make it into thailand. 5 young men recently came here this way. one of them calls himself and so he prefers to remain anonymous, to protect his family, back home from arrest. he slipped the draft risking 5 years in prison, and a fine if caught i don't want to fight my own people in the military use, killing people, arresting people. i was arrested as wells and no reason in spends a few months in an over crowded jail. when i heard about the draft, i decided to run tens of thousands of balmy's are already in thailand. as the compulsory draft lose increasing numbers of young people are coming, driven by fear of the old military, which are in charge back home and put on sensory cheese in prison. people of being
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snatched on the streets and forcibly recruited you people like because of a phrase they might be kidnapped by the ministry which people have sent their children abroad or paid bribes to get them off the list. they go out of myanmar at this official border crossing into mess lots of time that even though officials money to a man are fighting age, trying to leave paul greening a former senior you an officer says the who does introduction of conscription reflects its recent losses against the coalition of resistance movements on the battlefield. he says the resistance is rapidly gaining ground, but the ones of what might happen if they take power. the military victory will overtake the political development. and that's what i'm worried about. if that happens, and there's no agreements in place,
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the draft constitution agreed that things like this that could be internal conflict . at the moment the fight in together. and they seem to see they've come in enemy with calling him and he's going as old animosities. he goes personalities. this could come up the gate unless we have systems in place. the young man who have just to select the country. so just opposition to the military government is so strong that forcing people to fight for them will have the opposite effect. this is the situation that time gets worse. i will done join the resistance forces. i think it was a mistake of the june. so it's introduced this draw floor for nowadays will stay here in thailand in the safe house, provided by an n g o. they can only hope for peace and political change on the other side of the border river. i'm pleased to welcome the saying then a burmese journalist and exiled to the show. we have now seen 3 years of conflict
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in man more since the military quintet seized power in your view, at this point, how big is the resistance movements? the resistance movement is gaining momentum and then they, uh they have been increasing, holding off at savvy tori why strip of land and get to me. i need all that stuff at all. so really dense and i've got $469.00 in. yes, ma, the assistant full, i tend to flip this has been capture 15 top. so it'd be helping a lot at the gaining the little bit. and are we seeing more collaboration between ethnic minority groups in the m r and the pro democracy movements? how have we seen them increasingly joining forces here of the if you look at the
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families and the structure of the intense folks that high follow a stretch at the military, it done little and democratic schools and, and ethnic minority. it's one of the history down at all, and the dumb cricket floats us as somehow more alive and what is going to be a federal incense. and now the political issues of difficult. it is the change from us to getting the get the full office of the, at the mix minority, which was a bit of a finding fault, the case a for the a total of the, for the set determinations for any of that. and then all these 2 groups have been intensified unit b at the calibration cooperation. getting more and more. and we heard in our report concerns that these ethnic groups, which as you say, have decades of differences and conflict concerns about what would happen if they
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were able to, to take power together. how concerned are you about in fighting breaking out among this cohorts or suggest the wishful thinking? you know they are not stupid and they know that they need to be they can afford to miss fix coding opportunity that may not make it. you know, so discussions, if i'm, my thoughts are going on. and so concerning that transition that government, what i would see is the modified version of the govern opposition. mission engine that the government, if they have all the, the s a c in the neighborhood, i'm not, i'm also curious in this environment with, with low more all with people are fleeing the country because they do not want to take part in the latrete service. how much do you think that this will weaken the
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who into throughout the mean time i draw history. this is the 1st time ever they face, such shoot threat. i get there, especially as a group of the majority of those that they they way out and that they had to tread in 9040 eights and 50 some some of that article on the from ethics minority resistant forces. bad no, no. what happened is the from the bottom line, i just never seen a full, so all the, also the governor and due to the corrections. and even though the out in that the, i get that the nice something in the highest military renting and everything girl, they've status but they are not set up by law. so they became a part time. so the problem was if they don't want to 5, be just what the ball and the law also the public it uh,
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dislike us up too much to that. not is the 1st but yeah mark history. well, thank you so much for joining us on dw news today. that is that journalist same, then we really appreciate your time. thank you. let's turn now to some other stories making news around the world's police of clash with hundreds of demonstrators outside be is really embassy. and jordan protestors have tried for 3 days to blockade. the building and the capital them on in response to the war and gaza. they're also calling on the jordanian government and all agreements and cooperation with israel. mexico is battling dozens of forest fires, mostly concentrated in the south east of the country. some 4000 firefighters are working to put out the places which have been aided by strong winds and high temperatures, reaching 40 degrees celsius the just before we go, let's get
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a reminder of our top story. at least 6 people are believed dead in the us city of baltimore, maryland. after a cargo ship crashed into a bridge, causing it to collapse, maritime traffic to the ports of baltimore is currently blocked. and without your up to date. thank you so much for watching. the
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poland is arming itself. not just the military society is mobilizing target practice for civilians is becoming popular for other great aid on weird and much width and its knowledge is a compulsory suggested school and paramilitary groups are flourishing. a call to arms next on d, w. 3 found that they speak of the manual about the blind 6 times more likely
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to have a voice in the lung functions as compared to mid air pollution. the biggest health problems for everyone working out tools in denny bus or ran. this is increasing and there is now a drive for more protection and less pollution eco indian being and 60 minutes. and d, w, the if you speak to some language and culture, some country, how do we become different? how is discrete logic? why don't we do people in just a 100 days? my parents because of my family, what killed the i'm on
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a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the side of things for to see the my name is some way to ship. i'm assuming reshay history. our documentary stops april 6th on dw. okay. that's what it's, what transfer can you hear me? can you hear me? yeah. where were you hit the scotts bed? okay, that's what i'm going to clean and it's the leg the bandage on.
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got it to.


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