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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2024 10:00am-10:15am CET

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the, the, you're watching your news coming to live from berlin. us authorities suspend their search for 6 people presumed dead after the baltimore bridge collapse. the workers were on the francis scott key bridge when a cargo ship slammed into the structure. it is now walking a major reports also coming up on our show we and mandatory conscription in man, mar, dw, here's claims about the horn to snatch, and people from the street as thousands try to lease. we made some prof. escape and one of the cranes subterranean schools we look at how classes in a frontline city have moved underground to avoid russian missile attacks
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the empire. richardson, welcome. in the united states, a recovery mission is getting underway to find the bodies of 6 missing workers, presumed dead after a major bridge collapsed in baltimore, the francis scott key bridge came down after being rammed by a ship that had lost power. the federal government has promised money and resources to rebuild the bridge. its collapse has indefinitely shut down the port of baltimore, one of the biggest in the united states. a heartbreaking end to a rescue mission. after nearly a day of searching for 6 workers who fell from the bridge, authorities say it's unlikely they survived in the 8 degree water. to this point,
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we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive. and so this evening, at about 730, we're going to suspend the axis search and rescue efforts. this is footage of the moment a large container ship called dolly hit, baltimore's francis scott key bridge. dolly was leaving the harbor on its way to sri lanka when it lost power. steering the ship was unable to maneuver and slammed into one of the bridges support pillars. little was known about why dally malfunctioned, frances scott, cheese collapse, would likely have little effect on worldwide trade. but it will surely impact baltimore's economy more than $15000.00 jobs depends on the port and ship traffic in and out of baltimore. is that a stand still? port a, baltimore is one of the nation's largest shipping, helps. it handles
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a record amount of cargo and last year it's also top port in america, both imports and exports of automobiles and light trucks. around $850000.00 vehicles, go through that port every single year and we're going to get it up and running again as soon as possible. the federal government has promised to cover the full cost of rebuilding the bridge. no matter how expensive but for ship safety agencies are set to come to baltimore, to figure out what went wrong with dolly. right before the crash to united states as it will continue perish shooting aid into gaza, despite a plea by her mazda, to stop the practice. the groups as people have died while trying to collect food packages because as her master and health ministry says at least 12 people drowned this week after air dropped, packages fell into the sea. and other 6 people were killed and stampedes. 8 agencies say only about a 5th of needed supplies are entering the besieged territory, and israel continues its offensive parts of gaza are facing fam,
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at nearly 6 months into israel as military campaign, triggered by the october 7th come off terror attacks and with a mazda authorities calling for an end to air drops even as so many gallons face hunger. i spoke to deed of these correspondent rebecca rivers introduced woman. i asked her what this tells us about the situation and gaza. a glare. i think it tells us just how desperate the situation in gaza easily for reporting on the situation, the increasingly di, humanitarian situation for weeks and months now. and it's only getting was particularly in that northern part where those air drops are taking place as particularly acute a groups have been sending the warning signals to weeks now, but people in the north starving, we've seen images of malnourished children. we've heard stories of people dying from malnutrition and the simply as you can see, these different people trying to,
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to run into water when they caught even swim to try and get some of the, a packages that everything be deposited in the north. a 3rd of the population of gauze that is facing simon withhold, and even us secretary of state antony blinking said that 100 percent of goals as population is facing food in security. so that situation is only getting worse. the longer that this conflict carries on, and that is the situation, the goal is, is on the ground a facing and what is putting them in the need. if you're making them need, need to chase off to these a packages and put their life that further risk. let's take a look at diplomatic efforts. briefly in doha, this week, rebecca, we've seen interact, talk between our mazda and as well. can you tell us where things are stands now? no specific details. obviously the details remain very on the raps. this is a highly got high, highly got and talks that has been ongoing. now for months they do appear to be in
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virtually a period of spaces at a sort of a deadlock, if you will, with just to be a gap between the 2 sides. for them to be able to reach an agreement. we have seen it at varying parts of these discussions, but it appears that a deal maybe imminent. but at the moment that deal still looking a very far away israel had a team and could talk for about 10 days up until pretty much up until monday. when that un security council vote at the cost of that resolution was passed and then a team was actually brought back to israel. the indirect talks to continue, we're hearing from the categories, and they will continue some of the some, some of the deals. some aspects of the deal has been hashed out already. and some thoughts has been agreed to a namely the number of prisoners slash hostage exchange swap. we're looking around about $800.00 prisoners palestinian prism is some who are in prison for live sentences to be exchanged for 40 hostages. that's the number that we're hearing,
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that something that is around has reportedly agreed to. but there are other aspects of the deal that neither side can come to an agreement on, namely how my system on for a complete at and time. and it say sly and is, is rarely withdrawal. and that's something that is ralph. say they will not get on board with. so at the moment the talk through appeared to be in a deadlock class. let's turn out to some other world new stories. the columbia navy says it has these 3 tons of cocaine for a speed boat chase and the caribbean. several arrests were made or the island of san andreas authorities that said the biggest cocaine seizure this year with a st value of $100.00. $13000000.00 us dollars or mexico is battling dozens of forest fires, mostly concentrated in the south east of the country. some 4000 firefighters are working to put out the places which has been aided by strong winds and high temperatures. reaching 40 degrees celsius. the ty, parliament's lower house has passed a marriage equality built,
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bringing same sex unions closer. the bill needs to be approved by the senate and the king to become a law. if it does, thailand will become the 3rd country in asia. too big allies, same sex marriage, banners who has started summoning civilians to fight and its military and the conscription drive is pushing thousands to flee. the country dw has spoken to some of those who have managed to escape a claim. people are being snatched from the streets. many are trying to flee to neighboring thailand to avoid mandatory conscription, which will force young people to fight for the military from april as the one to battles, a growing armed resistance. due to these asian pacific bureau chiefs, georg matches met a group of men now living in a safe house in the tired city of may thoughts the cross the border of the place like this. the casino is on the balmy side of the river, almost give enough lights to navigate by and make it into thailand. 5 young men
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recently came here this way. one of them calls himself answer. he prefers to remain anonymous, to protect his family, back home from the rest. he's flat, the draft risking 5 years in prison, and a fine if caught i don't want to fight my own people. the military use killing people, arresting people i was arrested as well. so no reason and spends a few months in an over crowded jail. when i heard about the draft, i decided to run tens of thousands of balmy's are already in thailand. as the compulsory draw fluids, increasing numbers of young people are coming, is driven by seals. the old military, which are in charge back home and put on sensory cheese in prison. people are being snatched on the streets and forcibly recruited. you'll people like because of a phrase they might be kidnapped by the ministry. which people have sent their
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children abroad or paid bribes to get them off the list. they go out of myanmar at this official border crossing into mess lots of thailand, even though officials money to a man, no fighting age, trying to lease paul greening a form of senior un officers. that's the one to us. introduction of conscription reflects its recent losses against the coalition of resistance movements on the battlefield. he says the resistance is rapidly gaining ground, but the ones of what might happen if they take power. the military victory will overtake the political development. and that's what i'm worried about. if that happens and there's no agreements in place, the draft constitution agreed and things like this. they could be internal conflict . at the moment the fight tend together and they seem to see,
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they come in to be what we call them and he's going as old animosities. he goes personalities. this could come up again unless we have systems in place. the young man who have just select the country, so just opposition to the military government is so strong that forcing people to fight for them will have the opposite effect. if the situation back home gets worse, i will go and join the resistance forces. i think it was a mistake of the june, so it's introduced this draw floor for nowadays will stay here in thailand, in the safe house, provided by an and g o. as they can only hope for peace and political change on the other side of the border river and ukraine, the ongoing war against russia has led to the destruction of many schools and front line cities and its left children without a structured environment in which to learn but as needed basis, found out
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a new initiative has seen more than 2000 kids in the city of hard cave returned to classrooms in the safest place possible within its metro stations. the bell signals the stalks of another day. everything here is as you'd expect, children exercise books, board and teacher. but there is one key difference. the school is subterranean, built within the caucus metro russian missiles could strike this city at a moment's notice. so it's better for the children ceylon, below ground is safe. an invisible way because there are explosions outside and that was school could be destroyed that the, these 1st graders have 3 lessons in the metro station today, followed by 2 more at home on line. once they've left all the clause. these take that place. this rotation gets as many children as possible. the opportunity to
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learn in a classroom is lucky, of course the children and we take dismiss normal education very much by normal, i mean face to face communication. so when the opportunity arose, to learn here, we will very happy children, parents and teachers alike. elaina says that it felt strange to teacher at 1st, but she still got used to me. it's what do you mean young noise? there are many sounds down here besides the trains, but we don't react to those anymore. they don't bother us anymore. new the schools have now been built within 5 of call keeps metro stations adapted from what were once technical rooms and passages ventilation and video cameras have been installed throughout while teachers. it helps by classroom assistance, psychologists, administrators, and that's some of this was pretty new for all of us. so use it had been difficult at times, but there were no unsolvable problems. there was only unwillingness to solve them. we had the desire to create all of this. more than 2200 students attend these metro
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schools. but there was still not enough space for everyone. more than a 100 schools in khaki, if have been damaged by shilling, many beyond repair. do you underground schools are being built across khaki if to accommodates most students. but the children dream of a time when attending such facilities will no longer be necessary. i would like to go back to school with a no more school, which is more from that than here which so now at least these metro and schools are giving children a small taste of the structure. he wants to click on to it. just before we go, we'll leave you with some news from south korea where police responded to an unusual call. authorities were alerted after an ostrich was reported it to be on the loose in the middle of morning traffic and the song now south of sol. police eventually managed to corner and capture the bird which had escaped from
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a local zoo staff say the ostrich had recently lost his only ostrich friends and that is your news update at this hour and claire richardson in for atlanta. thank you so much for joining us. the one of the people in what it's in just a 100 days my parents and the big bunch of my family were killed. i was this age and i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the site, but they expect to see through rhonda, my name is some way to shimmer. i'm a student makes sweet shaming history out documentary stuffs, april 6th on dw, the.


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