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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news alive from ballad rescue as lose hope of finding multiplan live off of the baltimore bridge collapse. 6 people are now presumed dead, as investigators look to both the vessel which crashed into the francisco key bridge, causing it to collapse. it is now blocking a busy us port be where it says it will continue and dropping items a garza, despite the place for it to stall the cause of government. it is run by how boss claims 18 people had died trying to reach food packages, plus,
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fleeing mandatory conscription and mom dw, his claims about the one to snatch, and people from the streets and forcing them into service as thousands trying to lead. we meet some who have escaped and one of the ukraine's subterranean schools crosses in the front line city, move on the ground to keep the kids and the teachers safe from russian. miss the, i'm good. how about is welcome to the program. in the united states, recovery mission is getting on the way to find the bodies of 6 missing workers. they are presumed dead off for a major bridge collapse in baltimore. the front of scope, key bridge came down after being rammed by a ship that had lost power. this is the scene here right now is
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a live pictures from that. the dive is not expected to carry out the most thorough search in the war to investigate as i was hoping to get on both the vessel in the coming hours. while the federal government has promised money and resources to rebuild the bridge ships collapses indefinitely shot down the pulse of baltimore. one of the biggest in the us. a heart breaking end to a rescue mission. after nearly a day of searching for 6 workers who fell from the bridge, authorities say it's unlikely they survived in the 8 degree water. at this point, we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive. and so this evening, at about 730, we're going to suspend the ad to search and rescue efforts. this is footage of the moment a large container ship called dolly hit,
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baltimore's francis scott key bridge. dolly was leaving the harbor on its way to sri lanka when it lost power. steering the ship was unable to maneuver and slammed into one of the bridges support pillars. little was known about why dally malfunctioned, frances scott, cheese collapse, would likely have little effect on worldwide trade. but it will surely impact baltimore's economy more than $15000.00 jobs depends on the port and ship traffic in and out of baltimore. is that a standstill for to baltimore's, one of the nation's largest shipping house. it handles a record amount of cargo and last year it's also top port in america, both imports and exports of automobiles and light trucks. around $850000.00 vehicles, go through that port every single year and we're going to get it up and running again as soon as possible. the federal government has promised to cover the full
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cost of rebuilding the bridge. no matter how expensive but 1st ship safety agencies are set to come to baltimore to figure out what went wrong with dolly. right before the crash. oh thats goes over to washington to where i dw report is definitely the one is following the story for us. and have there been any developments in the investigation other than what we just reported? what we have seen in the report and heard in the report and what you said before that no. now what happens today is, as you said, divers, go back into the water and when i say, go into the water, remember this water is, are very cold, stay is a current. uh, and of course it under the water. what do you have now? is this a reminiscence of those the bridge its like a jigsaw puzzle. tales under. busy under, in pitch black darkness. so that's a challenge. however, on the other hand, the n t s b, the national transportation safety board agents will try is very likely to get on
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board of this ship on the valley today to get the what is known and airplanes the flight recorder, the ships have the 2 and they want to analyze this data, and as you mentioned, 6 people assume that now this is a recovery mission to those people, the one person identified as a father of 3 from el salvador, one a father from honduras, and 2 from guatemala. all of them living and working in the united states for decades. now, this is of course the human tragedy, but now also economic implications that we had the pulled of baltimore is blocked for unforeseeable time. what does that mean economically? what's the region for the baltimore and the wider region in maryland? it means the trouble of why. first of all, you have a traffic try delivery trouble. so how to get through baltimore, to baltimore,
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out of baltimore. then you have goods, we're just not throwing up anymore. let's, for example, say $850000.00 cars per year delivered into the baltimore port. you are right baltimore. not the biggest sports. there's other ports on the east coast. of course, new york, new jersey. no forthwith ginia is that rough, they can pick up the slack, so to speak, the people can send the goods there, right? but that increases costs and then you have automatically with this supply chain issues. and americans hate the word supply chain trouble or supply chain issue because they suffered from it for the last 3 years and paid a higher prices for from peanut butter to all those cars. vehicle is that drives that to so that will have an impact predominantly locally, but still a lot of americans will feel that. now the president was quick to say the government will foot the bill of rebuilding the bridge. will there be any political full laws who think that it's about the same?
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because as you probably referring to the owner of the pers, this congress, that is the senate and the house of representatives, lawmakers will decide how much money a president gets to spend the executive good to spend. so, president biden will have to work with congress, with the republican majority, slim public public to majority in the house of congress and with the senate to secure the funding to rebuild this friction. this is not going to be cheap. w reporters defend z months. the thank you very much different or the wise says it will continue power shooting 8 into gaza this by the plea by how mosse to stop the practice. the militant group says people have died while trying to collect food packages, spots of gaza. i'm facing from it. it is 6 months implemented. israel's military campaign that triggered by the october 7th,
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i'm off the turbo tax. seems like these are quickly becoming another green feature of the war and guys, a few, many terry aid dropped from an aircraft over the territory. this time it falls in limited terrain in well of shore, making the civilians on the ground even more desperate miss. send them inside the new. uh huh. but yeah, we will. what do you think for the aid when we were surprised to see the plane coming and dropping it into the see the, this was the how to get people were swimming to retrieve the i didn't survive the event of the mass of pointed health officials say at least 12 people drowned this week trying to reach air dropped packages. and now the 6 people were killed in stump beads. the group is urgent that air drops to be stopped. a police reported by many goggins was in terms of the one of the biggest
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mistakes is that it's dropped in dangerous places like the see. some of the people trying to get the aid have drowned the board. the simple day they need to bring it through the crossings so it can reach these poor people. that's not really that bad. pressure has been growing on israel to help speed up a deliveries through the border crossings into guys a as we do un warning, the territory is on the verge of a man made simon, you cannot claim to adhere to these international provisions of know when you block on why well, food con voice, when you just last week, denied 5 missions to the north. when we have now reports of these radio attacks on
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warehouses and the police that are supposed to help secure this aid inside gulf view and also criticized claims by somebody's really officials refuting reports of a name and then 5 mean i said, and i will say it again, as much as i know there is no salvation in gaza. is a groups desperate to bring more food into gas a do as says it will keep power of shooting aid into the territory washington and cease the air drops just one of the channels for a deliveries in that they should continue. i'm not going to by kristin live my, he's a spokes person for the world health organization and joins me from geneva. christa, we had people absolutely desperate for food print as a picture of what's happening right now. the causal strength, as your thanks for having the gods where this is unfortunately exactly the scenario that everywhere in the middle to the north of the south,
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people at desk. but the food is lacking afresh. lots of selecting, i think, yesterday watches set again, that right now the available maximum for a person of per person is $2.00 to $3.00 less than 3 dates as a fresh, lots us. but they, and that's not drinking both, but that's just lots of way everything including cooking and you know, the, the, the rules by some is you need about 3 leads of drinking water per day, only drinking water. so that's that then medical aid is, is missing. evacuation mission was to the north, the are have often been denied literally half an hour ago. i got the message to the another uh conway, which we had planned for evacuating. the critically injured peoples on the patients from the chief hospital was denied again. so it does desperation everywhere from the foods in the medics, the bias of the sheltering from the lack of space to go. if you look at the rough uh, a place of more than a 1000000 people now squeezed together in the tightest,
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always waiting for the fence. if that has been announced for so long and with no place, you know. now how miles has off to the us and others to stop the ad drops. what would that make? the humanitarian situation was. so let's look at 2 parts here. every single piece of bread, every single piece of medical equipment, every one dressing, every detail of water is urgently needed. so in that sense, of course, an ad drop. it is a little age to what's going on, but the amount of a that can be dropped in by an or by the same is both delivery. i think the both delivery was about 200 tons of food. put that into comparison of a truck with a single truck to carry about 20 tons of fluids. so you would only 10 trucks. you have that big. announce the delivery of, of the ship. a transport, for example, sol drops, extremely critical. one, as you see in your,
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in your commentary here in the, in the pictures they dropped some way. you don't land on see people rush, people drown, and on top of it, it's a rush of the healthy ones. let's not forget that. so those who get to get these, these 8 packages, all those who are the most fit and the most well in healthy conditions, stable ones, the ones fitting and lying, and hospitals and shelters deal of the week. they will never get to these deliveries and they are the ones who need it the most. so it's a, it's, it's a survival of the fittest. and the most cynical way of again, and the address can be a little point of relief and a very specified situation. can be useful, but what we need here is steady access safe, sustainable access with con, was from the north, from the south, from the middle constantly. and that will release a little bit what's going on there. your thoughts upon this a bit earlier,
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but let's talk about the, the health infrastructure briefly. how is the situation now and how are people getting any basic health care? yeah, it's a, it's a desperate situation. and then the, what desperate is so overstretched already because we have, since months we're describing the, the health situation as desperate and it's getting worse by the day. it's not by the hour. and so we have very few hospitals working any more in terms of partially working and delivering some a we have a few hospitals in the north. we have a few health centers and hospitals in the south, but also with very limited capacity. the big uh, sensors for health used to be the ones in the north, the big with danielle 3, so you can see it this way is a special to use for, but injuries or diseases. then most of this is out of function, the laboratories out of function. so people get help. well, if they reach
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a health care center, they can get some basic help. very often on to being treated on the floors next to people who are sheltering and the hospitals on the totally on hygenic and conditions. very often with the face lack of the basic medical equipment or the basic medical supplies, the operations and the agent amputations having to be taken without any anesthesia and aesthetic materials. so really, really desperate. and again, those will make it to the hospital or the health center. so even the lucky ones, because they made it, the ambulance is very often con, get out the name of the people to help them. those injured or sick or anything cannot even reach the, the, the shelters or the hospital. so again, the ones that make it to the hospitals are actually the lucky ones. and that's again, very similar to comments considered by the world health organization. joining us from geneva, thank you very much. thank you. it was
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going to me, um, uh now where the home has started drafting civilians to find it and its military has it tries to squash the system if its but pro democracy and the ethnic resistance groups to over throw its the military, took pilot a crew in 2021 and then present the countries fulman democratically elected lita and sons which a conflict has been brewing since the resistance movement has been gaining momentum . the whole time has now passed a little that forces old men men between 18 and 35 and old women between 18 and 27 to serve at least 2 years and the on forces little will come into effect in april and it's pushing thousands to flee the country, many of them are heading to neighboring thailand, but they're not necessary. it is safe to arrive them to the use asian pacific beer . cheapo mots has met a group of men now living in a safe house in the ty city of my thoughts. they
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cross the border of the place like this. the casino is on the balmy's side of the river, almost give enough lights to navigate by and make it into thailand. 5 young men recently came here this way. one of them calls himself on sir. do you prefer us to remain anonymous to protect his family, back home from arrest? he's flat, the draft risking 5 years in prison, and a fine if caught. i don't want to fight my own people. the military is killing people, arresting people. i was arrested as wells and no reason and spends a few months in an over crowded jail. when i heard about the draft, i decided to run tens of thousands of balmy's are already in thailand. as the compulsory draw fluids, increasing numbers of young people are coming, driven by fear of the old military, which are in charge back home and put on sensory cheese in prison. the people of
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being snatched on the streets and forcibly recruited you people like because of a phrase they might be kidnapped by the minute. treat which people have sent their children abroad or paid bribes to get them off the list. they go out of myanmar at this official border crossing into mess sought to thailand, even though officials money to amend the fighting age, trying to lease paul greening a form of senior un officer says the who does introduction of conscription reflects its recent losses against the coalition of resistance movements on the battlefield . he says the resistance is rapidly gaining ground, but the ones of what might happen if they take power. the military victory will overtake the political development. and that's what i'm worried about. if that
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happens, and there's not agreements in place, the draft constitution agreed that things like this. that could be internal conflict. at the moment the fight didn't together and they seem to see, they come in to be what we call them and he's going as old animosities. he goes personalities. this could come up again unless we have systems in place. the young man who have just select the country, so just opposition to the military government is so strong that forcing people to fight for them will have the opposite effect. if the situation back home gets worse, i will go and join the resistance forces. i think it was a mistake of the june, so it's introduced this draw floor for nowadays will stay here in thailand, in the safe house, provided by an and g o. as they can only hope for peace and political change on the other side of the border river. joining me now from on this is dr. unimplemented.
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electra and international relations. as of the problem of low studies as kings college and the we've seen a conflict in me on most since the military junta sees possibly years ago, help us understand the situation of it better who's fighting, who and what for the. so the kind of security we have an environment where a young was already a wal mart already had a 60 years like a civil conflict with many and such a great in the woodlands. looking for succession from the states really have crazy choices, complex, and then in some sense when, when it comes to power and you put the books, you need the gun or an old trademark. so you need to get the gun and re established itself. i should say, and i said we have this be the best way to the last 3 years. i'm is the most mostly see might here fi of the 1027, meet the movie. so ethics on the surgeons, me with a pretty roxy forces and take care of it last week. the blonde in the northern sense to me on the so that's the resistance move and have any of shots of
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succeeding in their efforts to over throw. the military government was easily looked historically, which is a long standing, a sustained nature of the me, on my ministry, when it, his face, the position varies from insurgency and for improvement. she focuses how, what's different about what we're seeing in the last few years is the step to this is the alliances that have been built in opposite. she's the hands of it outside of the receipt is movement of kind of national movement towards a, an alternative for ministry leadership. we will assist with in the move minutes of the minutes rate. so listing much higher levels of the section of the ground forces and also the measurement receipt from the higher ups in the ministry itself was so this could be time of change for the military. but there was a, this is not easily one of the significant chances which the to move, i think even if the ministry is supposed to talk a country and of the do you expect the,
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how do you expect this plan construction to affect things. you've mentioned the desertion and will this uh, turn things into the hunter's favor or too many people actually fleeing state? i think it has to be issued to minutes. it has right now. this is stretched extremely saying, unlike other years of the times, machine ministries like one or 2 and such and flows is engaging. one kind of action is currently engaging and confident says across the country and in central areas where it has historically has large levels of support control which it no longer has to say. we can see the limitations of it in the engagement of the subscription, which is half of period of time, but his early and actually this year. and i think which is the harris is what was made on the quote, which is there is, is concerned that actually with a multiple playing with pushing what the conscription was doing is pushing people to fight for the opposition. and but democracy movements rather than supporting the retreat and even if they did support them of a tree and, and the payments we are a,
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what training of the school they have to wait until the job's submitted to a space thing. and with the movements it has right now, now me a month with a has repeatedly play. it's to hold new elections. do you think this will happen any time soon or ever say things. we've had some very conflicting statements over the last week. we have one that said that the elections are going ahead which to the combustion point the be in stream government is turned in controlling ma'am, i've made that will be election the piece and they've, they've made that statement that this will happen. however, they will say made a statement that is alexis, what happened. it would not be nationwide. now, i think this is not an unusual thing. many people in the, unless somebody says no experience selections and nobody else in gauging elections in the cost anyways. how as of the scale of the financing in the right now the escalations, we're seeing the contributions mom and it treats hiking. i think we can say very clearly that there was not state to but elections right now in any elections that were being when would be heavily procedure. and i think if we go ahead the
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streaming limited nature, i would like to go any of the crises to be on my military over the country. so face might not talk on a blanket that from college alonda. and thank you very much. these 1st graders have 3 lessons in the metro station today, followed by 2 more at home online. once they've left all the classes, take that place. this rotation gives as many children as possible. the opportunity to learn in the classroom is lucky. of course the children and we take dismiss normal education very much by normal, i mean face to face communication. so when the opportunity arose to learn here, we will very happy children and parents and teachers alike. alayna says that it felt strange to teach you at 1st, but she soon got used to me. it's what do you mean young lawyer? there are many sounds down here besides the trains, but we don't react to those anymore. i think they don't bother us anymore. news in
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the the schools have now been built within 5 of call keeps metro stations adapted from what were once technical rooms and passages ventilation and video. cameras have been installed throughout, while teachers are helped by classroom assistance. psychologists, administrators, some of this is pretty new for all of us, so use it, had been difficult at times, but there are no unsolvable problems. there is only unwillingness to solve them. we had the desire to create all of this. more than 2200 students attend these metro schools, but there was still not enough space for everyone. more than a 100 schools in khaki if have been damaged by showing many beyond repair. a new underground schools are being built across cock give to accommodates most students . but the children dream of a time when attending such facilities will no longer be necessary. i would like to go back to school with a no more school,
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which is more from that and here which so now at least these metro and schools are giving children a small taste of the structure. they want to click onto it. and that's it from me and then use the front. oh, i have a date for you at the top of the god office in berlin from you and the team. thanks for watching. the
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climate change is threatening our food supply. $1089.00 and algorithms safeguard harvest is land grown food for the climate board meeting. tomorrow's coffee chase lane. and ken drones help save force are searching for new approaches to agriculture and high tech help out made in gemini next on d w. floating away when it's 40 degrees celsius and the shade can be deadly.
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during times of time to change, i asked where hers, what was the most difficult part of their job? uniformly, they spoke about she being the most difficult part of their jobs. how do rising temperatures change in central heat in 45 minutes on d, w, the old friends, new friends, and nature defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect meaning frankfurt. berlin, can't do it. faced with russia's war against you will. grace is military alliance spaces, new threats. would it really close ranks?
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if it were a top european security basically depends to 90 percent from the us out to the hotel commentary stance. april 4th on dw, the industrial nations have always had an abundance of food and the waste, with thousands of tons thrown away every day. hardly a sustainable system. climate change threatens harvest's worldwide, but especially in countries already separate acute shortages and with solutions desperately needed. can high tech help out the focus of this addition of made the double use business magazine. the also coming up in the show parts for the source mushrooms the future.


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