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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the, the business dw news live from balance. 6 out the bridge collapse in the us cities of potable divers, recover the data recorder from the cargo ship, which crashed into this feel good across the bottom of america's biggest hold is now out of us. the us rejects coles to ended stat drops of age into gaza. the territories home us government says 18 people have been killed, trying to get to the full package of new crimes on the ground schools. classes in the frontline city move on the ground to protect pupils and seats as against russian beside
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the god of as welcome to the program. investigate does have boded a ship that crashed into a bridge of the us city of baltimore. the francisco p bridge collapse when it was rammed by a cargo vessel that i've lost them trouble if it's stealing searches will now examine the ship's data report. dive is also searching for the bodies of 6 people missing and presumed dead. the federal government has promised money and resources to rebuild the bridge. the incident has shut down the port of baltimore, one of america's biggest heart breaking in to a rescue mission. after nearly a day of searching for 6 workers who fell from the bridge, authorities say it's unlikely they survived in the 8 degree water. at this point,
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we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive. and so this evening, at about 730, we're going to suspend the axis search and rescue efforts. this is footage of the moment a large container ship called dolly hit, baltimore's francis scott key bridge. dolly was leaving the harbor on its way to sri lanka when it lost power. steering the ship was unable to maneuver and slammed into one of the bridges support pillars. little was known about why dally malfunctioned, frances scott, cheese collapse, would likely have little effect on worldwide trade. but it will surely impact baltimore's economy more than $15000.00 jobs depends on the port and ship traffic in and out of baltimore. is that a stand still?
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port a, baltimore is one of the nation's largest shipping, helps. it handles a record amount of cargo and last year it's also top port in america, both imports and exports of automobiles and light trucks. around $850000.00 vehicles, go through that port every single year and we're going to get it up and running again as soon as possible. the federal government has promised to cover the full cost of rebuilding the bridge. no matter how expensive but 1st ship safety agencies are set to come to baltimore to figure out what went wrong with dolly. right before the crash. the state of maryland. gov, a praise the professional operation by the emergency services. they are in frigid conditions. they are down there and in darkness where they can literally see about a foot in front of them. they are trying to navigate mangled metal. and they're also in a place that they, it is now presumed that people have lost their lives. so the work of these 1st responders, the work of these divers, i,
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i cannot stress enough how remarkable these are. these individuals are w reporter stuff and see months is following the story for us in washington stuff on the, what's the latest on this recovery mission? as well, uh there is no news on the recovery miss and there's a identified under recovered of 4 people out of 6, which are still missing. and where's your i presumed dead by now? this is why this is a recovery mission mission. one of the people, the deceased is from ecuador, from el salvador, pardon me? one from honduras, and 2, from guatemala. they all were here for decades in the united states tex paying individuals working here for a long, long time. and the, you know, the, the rest or the, this operation for the divers, as their governor pointed out, is absolutely, it's difficult. it's a very dangerous job because they're dealing with changing turns with high tide,
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low tide, and high winds. they can see anything. uh, they can barely see the hand in front of their mask. basically it's really pitch dark down there. it's very cold. and and then of course you have the obstacles in the water, this bridge, or what's left of it. the parts of it are under the water, so it is very, very dangerous. they're doing their best to, to get this recovery done basically why? because after that, they can really start with more investigation or in depth investigation and they can and that is critical, really critical for many, many reasons, get barges and cranes and to remove those bridge parts out of the water to open up the shipping lane again. and that leads to straight to my next question. what are the economic implications of this accident state court, significant originally? definitely. so 15000 jobs are hanging on on the port just directly 140000
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indirectly. and that means like, you know, whatever comes into the port and that's a substantial amount of, of, of goods. 34 and good has to be transported. so transport, delivery industry and all of those support industries around a port in about delivering and, and dispersing products. all over to all to address is all over america is the impact of the so many, many jobs and livelihoods on the line there? you know, the baltimore is a, is it a port which just in the last year it's 5454000000 tons of foreign goods coming through. and by the way, it is a problem for the car industry, specifically here. for example, german comic as the w folks login. they use baltimore as their prime hop for bringing cars in to the united states. they will have to re route this now people who ordered or waiting for the new v. w will have to wait longer and it has impacts
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on the supply chain. so it is a mess. now presidential binding was quick to say that the government will actually foot the bill of rebuilding that bridge. could also be a political fallout here. it's yeah, nobody's talking about this now and it doesn't take any flag. i didn't receive any flag for this comment yet. but it's possible why, because the president can't just decide, okay, we're going to foot the bill and this bill is likely in the, in the hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars. and he has to go to congress to the house of representatives until the senate, because it's the legislative who has the right of the purse in the united states. what the executive has to can spend is determined by the legislators, by senate and house of representatives. so however, the president, remember, we are in the presidential election year was quick to say we're putting the bill, we're going to bring this port back a s a p and rebuilt this bridge. and we're going to pay for it,
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which means i am going to pay for it my takes money well to pay for it. dw report stuff on z months, the reporting from washington for us. thank you very much. different now the us has rejected the call from austin and the ad drops of a into gaza. the militant groups as people have been killed while trying to collect food packages, pots of gaza and are facing from in nearly 6 months into israel's military. offensive triggered by the october 7th. turbo tax. by homos. seems like these are quickly becoming another green feature of the war and gas. a humanitarian aid dropped from an aircraft over the territory. this time it falls in limited terrain in well, of for making the civilians on the ground even more desperate miss. send them aside
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at the end of the but yeah, we will. what do you think for the aid when we were surprised to see the plane coming and dropping it into the sea? the lot of people were swimming to retrieve the i didn't survive the the button from us. so pointed health officials say at least 12 people drowned this week trying to reach our dropped packages. and now the 6 people were killed in stump beads. the group is urgent that our drops be stopped. a police reported by many guardians, in terms of the aid, one of the biggest mistakes is that it's dropped in dangerous places like the see. some of the people trying to get the aid have drowned the headboard and the problem is simple as that they need to bring it through the
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crossings so it can reach these poor people that have been bad. pressure has been growing on israel to help speed up a deliveries through the border crossings into gaza with the un warning, the territory is on the verge of a man made simon, you cannot claim to adhere to these international provisions of know when you block on why well, food con voice, when you just last week, denied 5 missions to the north. when we have now repulse of east radio tax on warehouses and the police that are supposed to help secure this aid inside gulf view and also criticize claims by somebody's really officials refuting reports of independence. i mean, i said, and i will say it again. as much as i know there is no salvation causes. that is a groups desperate to bring more food into gas
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a do us as it will keep power of shooting aid into the territory, washington and cease the air drops just one of the channels for a deliveries in that they should continue a little of them. i spoke to kristin linds my these with the world health organization and he told me more about the current conditions in gaza. yes, thank sadie my god. well, this is unfortunately exactly the scenario that everywhere in the middle to the north of the south, the blood tests, but the food is lacking afresh. lots of selecting, i think yesterday or child said again, that's right. now the available maximum for a person of per person is $2.00 to $3.00 less than 3 dates as a fresh, lots us with a and that's not drinking water, that's just lots of way everything, including cooking and you know, the, the, the rule by some is you need about 3 leads of drinking water per day,
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only drinking water. so that's that. then medical aid is is missing. the vacation mission is to the north a are have often been denied literally half an hour ago. i got the message to the another. conway, which we had planned for evacuating. the critically injured peoples on the patients from the chief hospital was denied again. so it does desperation everywhere from the food in the medics. the bias from the sheltering from the lack of space to go. if you look at rough uh, a place of more than a 1000000 people now squeezed together the tightest, always waiting for the fence if that has been announced for so long and with no place. you know. now how miles has off to the us and the others to stop the ad drops. what would that make? the humanitarian situation was the let's look at 2 parts here. every single piece of bread, every single piece of medical equipment, every one dressing. every lita of water is urgently needed. so in that sense,
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of course an ad dropped. it is a little age to what's going on. but the amount of a that can be dropped in by air or by the same is both delivery. i think the both delivery was about 200 tons of food, put that into comparison of a truck with a single truck to carry about 20 tons of fluids. so you were the only 10 trucks you have that big announced the delivery of, of the ship. a transport for example, sold, drops extremely critical one as you see in your, in your commentary here in the, in the pictures they dropped some way. you don't land on see people rush, people drown. and on top of it, it's a rush of the healthy ones. let's not forget that. so those who get to get these, these 8 packages, all those who are the most fit and the most well in healthy conditions, stable ones, the ones fitting and lying, and hospitals and shelters the elderly,
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the week they will never get to these deliveries and they are the ones who need it the most. so it's a, it's, it's a survival of the fittest in the most cynical way. but again, any i drop can be a little point of really even a very specified situation can be useful. but what we need here is steady access, safe, sustainable access with convoys from the north, from the south, from the middle constantly. and that will release a little bit what's going on there. your thoughts upon this a bit earlier, but let's talk about the, the health infrastructure briefly. how is the situation now and how are people getting any basic health care to see, i'd say it's a desperate situation and then the, what desperate is so overstretched already, because we have, since months we're describing the, the health situation as desperate and it's getting worse by the day it's not by the
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hour. um, so we have very few hospitals working any more in terms of partially working. it's been delivering some a uh we have a few hospitals in the north. we have a few health centers and hospitals in the south, but also with very limited capacity. the big uh, sensors for health used to be the ones in the north, the big with any of the racing theaters with a special to use for, but injuries or diseases. then most of this is out of bunks, the laboratories out of function. so people get help. well, if they reach a health care center, they can get some basic help. very often on to being treated on the floors next to people who are sheltering and the hospitals on the totally on hygenic conditions. very often with the basic lack of the basic medical equipment or the basic medical supplies, the operations and the agent amputations having to be taken without any anesthesia
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and a septic material. so really, really desperate. and again, those will make it to the hospitals or the health center. so even the lucky ones, because they made it their ambulances, they often can't get out the name of the people to help them. those injured or sick or anything cannot even reach the, the, the shelters or the hospital. so again, the ones who make it to the hospitals are actually the lucky ones. and that's again, a very said link or comments consented by the world health organization. joining us from geneva, thank you very much. thank you. let's have a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world of the columbia navy has seized the 3 tons of cocaine in a split boat chase. in the caribbean. several, the rest were mays, near the island of san, onto this authorities say it is the biggest cocaine seizure this year with a st value of $113000000.00 us dollars.
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in thailand, the parliament has pos and marriage equality. bill being the same. sex unions closer, the bill needs to be approved by the senate and the king to become low. if so, thailand will become the 3rd country in asia to legalize same sex marriage. brazil in front of launched a 1000000000 euro investment program to protect the amazon rainforest scheme, will fund conservation work in brazil. and while yano government subscribed and deforestation in the amazon by 2013 economic institutes have revised down their prediction of growth in germany to new stock nation. they now expect the economy to expand by just 0 point one percent this year . high interest rates, weak global demands and political on such and to have dashed hopes were stronger
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because at least 5 people have been killed and more than 20 injured in a bus crash near the german city of lights is please say the double deck a vehicle was on its way to switzerland, when it viewed off the motorway and rolled onto the side, the operates of flicks boss says there was 63 passages, and 2 drivers on an investigation is underway. let's go straight to our correspondent audits gas. alex, what more can you tell us? or yeah, the bus was on its way from, from the lynn to switzerland and the risk assets on the ground. they basically have now ended, well injured and also bios a now inhospitable, so they have been brought there by 5455. how do you cope this? and the local police has to the full surrounding emergency units in the hospitals to prepare for a possible number of i'll probably of
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a unusual number of patients coming in. well, so we've just see the picture of the possible assorted side. actually now the bus was lifted back on its wheels also to recover the victims from under the bus. this is the, the latest situation from on the ground. the headline also was it's established by the police hotline for families and for friends of possible victims. let's not forget, go to this uh, this company for the expose is a known in germany for it's very cheap tickets and that makes it very popular among young people. so young people, students very often use, fully exposed to travel across germany. so this now growing concerned that the number of, of, of victims couldn't, could include also a number of lots of young people. so an investigation, as you said, is on the way, bought all the, any early indications on what could have caused this accident us and know
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at the moment there's this, there's no information. there's also little indication to, to give us a, any, any idea about what really has caused this, this accident. what we do know is that both of the drive us aware on the bus, then they have survived this, this accident. but we don't know anything about their condition, so we also don't know if they can actually be, be helpful in finding out the cause of the accident. and so this is still unclear, according to me, the reports though, and it looks like that has not been another vehicle involved in this accident. so this kind of hints at this could be either a technical error or maybe even a human one. as a very interesting that you say that no other vehicle was involved in this and fixed bus, as you have mentioned, as a fame is for the low prices and the for that reason often used by young people.
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so you, do you think there might be the possibility that the corners have been taught? yeah, well it's, it's very, very early for us to, to, to, to tell what has happened. what has caused this, this accident also fixed. but as i said, they have released the statement that they also working together with your authorities to find out what has happened. but at this time, at this stage, we really cannot detail and everything i could tell you now would be speculation. is alex guess they're reporting for us. thank you very much, alex or turn to the whole in ukraine, which has destroyed many schools in the front line areas. but a new initiative in the sun city, a kind of case means nearly 2002 pills cannot attend lessons in new cloth rooms built on the ground in metro stations. the bell signals the stalks of another
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day. everything here is as you'd expect, children exercise books, board and teacher. but there is one key difference. this school is subterranean, built within the cock is metro. russian missiles could strike this city as a moment's notice, so it's better for the children salon below ground. is safe in the subway because the explosions outside and that was school could be destroyed that the, these 1st graders have 3 lessons in the metro station today, followed by 2 more at home online. once they've left all the classes, take that place. this rotation gives as many children as possible, the opportunity to learn in the classroom. the course, the children, and we take dismiss normal education very much by normal, i mean face to face communication. so when the opportunity arose, to learn here,
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we will very happy children and parents and teachers alike. elaina says that it felt strange to teach you at 1st, but she soon got used to me. it's what do you mean young lawyer? there are many sounds down here besides the trains, but we don't react to those anymore. i think they don't bother us anymore. and it was in the village. the schools have now been built within 5 of call keeps metro stations adopted from what were once technical rooms and passages ventilation and video cameras have been installed throughout while teachers. it helps by classroom assistance. psychologists, administrators, this is pretty new for all of us. so use it had been difficult at times, but there were no unsolvable problems. there was only unwillingness to solve them. we had the desire to create all of this. more than 2200 students attend these metro schools. but there was still not enough space for everyone. more than a 100 schools in khaki, if have been damaged by showing many beyond repair the new underground schools are
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being built across khaki if to accommodates most students. but the children dream of a time when attending such facilities will no longer be necessary. i would like to go back to school with a no more school, which is more from that than here which so now at least these metro and schools are giving children a small taste of the structure. they want to click on to a local government, and russia says its defenses have intercepted 18, so called eval targets in the belgrade region to w, as an economy told us more about how effective these ukrainian attacks can be was it seemed because doug or it is basically the neighboring city to kind of give us about 70 kilometers down the road. absolutely. most of this will basically build good was more or less unaffected and russians living that could basically convince themselves that this was happening in your brain, that it didn't affect them. but in recent months,
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we've seen ukraine stepping up. it's attacked on attacks on villages just across the board, but also gauge builder and city. also. now more recently, attacks on target fall be on the front line to be on the board of russian oil facilities, mississippi. this book and must go, i think there are different elements here. first, i think it's important to you crane to basically bring that message to russians. that this is not something that doesn't affect them, that they off paying a price for that. go much more on your brain, that's the 1st thing. secondly, there's a ministry component. there's obviously forces website to take a defense systems to protect cities like the builder and away from the front lines . previously, those systems could have protected russian troops in ukraine's. that's the 2nd thing, i think thirdly, i think the major thing in all of this is a, it's the economic impacts creating gilbert right now wants to deprive russia of it's willing comments that we've seen these attacks on oil refineries on oil export terminals. it has be a bit of a kind of interesting speculation that the us may be selling ukraine to stop doing this because they fear rising a little price is. ready wide, if those russian exports are tailed and that could by themselves the re election.
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but certainly for now, the credit is trying to bring this war to russians on the doorsteps. remind them that this is something that isn't just going one way. the us often scott to richard sarah has died at the age of $85.00. he was known for curbing was of rusting steel, such as this 1000 tons serious cold. the matter of time at the guggenheim is even in in bill bowels. so us outdoor installations also include the steel slabs and the does it in cotton. one writer has described the artist as the poet offline. and here's a reminder of our top story. the us investigators have boarded a ship that crashed into a bridge of the us city. a full authority is, will now examine the vessels data record dive as us searching for the bodies of 6 people missing and presumed dead. and the us has rejected a cold, but how mazda and the air drops of aids and gaza. the minutes in groups as 18
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people have been killed, trying to collect some assets from the in the news theme from all of an update for you at the top of the out building export, the
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climate change is threatening our food supply. $1089.00 and algorithms safeguard harvest is land grown and fruit for the climate going to be tomorrow's coffee. chase lane. and kent drones help save forest being for new approaches to agriculture. and i checked help out made in gemini next on d w. age tradition. we need to miss
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this cultural identity. we just wanted to consider hunters and protested, take us in 45 minutes on d, w. the in many countries, education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in mind, trusts instead of going to class. others can attend classes after they finish the minions of children of the world. and we ask why?
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because education makes the world make up your own mind. made full minds. the industrial nations have always had an abundance of food and the waste with thousands of tons thrown away every day. hardly a sustainable system. climate change buttons harvests worldwide, but especially in countries already separate acute shortages and with solutions desperately needed. can high tech help out the focus of this edition of me definitely use business magazine. the also coming up in the show parts for the 1st mushrooms, the future of farming an app that can help to diagnose.


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