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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from ballad 6 days and a bridge collapse in the us city of baltimore drivers, we cover the dates every call record of from the cargo ship, which crushed into the steel good of crossing. one of america's biggest ports is also out of action for us, rejects goals and it's ad drops of agents because of the territories how most government says 18 people have been killed, trying to get to food packages. the faithful boss, crash me with the german city of lots is problems. questions about the safety on the much away the
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guy that is welcome to the program. federal safety officers have recovered the blackbox. we caught up from the cargo ship that knocked down a bridge in the us, the city of baltimore. the francis scott key bridge collapsed when it was rams by a cargo vessel that lost control of it. steering authorities will now examine the ships. dates are recorded on dive is searching for the bodies of 6 people missing and presumed dead to the state of maryland governor price de professionalism. i'll see, emergency services. they are in phrygian conditions, they are down there and in darkness where they can literally see about a foot in front of them. they are trying to navigate mangled metal. and they're also in a place that they, it is now for zone that people have lost their lives. so the work of these 1st responders, the work of these divers, i,
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i cannot stress enough how remarkable these are these individuals on the w corresponded, you know, doing on who is in baltimore for us. explain the latest on the recovery mission to those recovery efforts. gerhardt are still very much ongoing. they started that done today and it is continuing. but of course as you can tell those already challenging conditions. so either by maryland, governor westmore, in that clear, if you just played, had been further compounded by this terrible weather. here, as you can see, it is what it is rainy. it is foggy. i don't know if you can make out the remains of the bridge across the way over there, but they are continuing. the divers are searching an area that spans along the length of the bridge a little bit bigger than that. and apart from their fidgety and the low visibility there also having to contend with the strong currents with a lot of debris and the water. but they are employing some equipment to help them
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with the search, like remotely operated vehicles would sooner on them would sooner that they're pulling up behind the boats. they're hoping to recover vehicles that they're hoping to recover the force that is a very difficult operation. and it is unclear how long they will continue the search half the that's the search, but in the investigation into the causes of this accident, have there been any develop as well? as you mentioned earlier, the national transports and safety board has recovered the data recorders from the all these cargo vessel that run into the ship. and from the day to that they recover their, they're going to try and piece together a timeline of what exactly happened there are, of course, still a lot of them clarified questions for all intents and purposes, it looks like the ship's pilot on the dolly tried everything that he could to avoid
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a collision and to slow up and to slow the vehicle before it did and job colliding with the bridge. he tried to slow the vehicle he gave out. he issued a made a call. he tried to, he tried to issue an order to drop anchor, but it is important to note here that this is just the very beginning of the investigation, the n t s b chair agenda for a home in d reiterating again that this is likely based on her experience with other bridge collapses in the united states. she mentioned one. the for an hollow is a bridge collapse. so 2 years ago in pittsburgh, she said that was an investigation that took 2 years on the scale of this collab. we could be talking 5 years or more, and it's early days yet. now you've been in baltimore for the past few days. what's the mood that off of this accidents?
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hard. i have to say the mood here is very songbird. people are still in morning. they are still in shock. so yesterday and today i vigils and memorials are continuing especially for the victims of the collapse. but the key bridge was a key parts of everyday life. here it was an important arteries for transport uh, for commer suffer logistics. so not only will there be a human impact here, but an outside economic impact as well on the community and on the state, the w correspondence and element on that voltage from baltimore. thank you very much. and now a baltimore is of course, one of america's biggest port sent the us federal government has peds to fund reconstruction off the collapse bridge boss. the incident will have far reaching consequences for merits on trade in the region. and maybe even globally fully loaded, the davi is still stuck. nobody knows how long it will take to free the best off
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from the tons of steel that collapsed on it when the ship veered into one of the harbor bridges main pillars. for now, the accident is causing major problems in and around the port with a key bridge gone. a major audra rig along the us, eastern seaboard has been cut. traffic will have to be re routed for years to come, leading to clocked up streets in the greater washington dc area. but even worse, ship traffic in and out of port has also been stopped. the port of baltimore is one of the busiest into united states handling more than $52000000.00 tons of foreign cargo last year, contributing some $80000000000.00 to the countries for trade. with access to the port blocked incoming vessels will have to reroute with 2 nearby ports, including those in new york in new jersey. further north and virginia little further south. among the goods handled in baltimore steel and cars. the port has major role on role of facilities and it's the entry point for hundreds of thousands
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of cars per year. german automakers even have their own facilities inside the sprawling area. well, bmw volkswagen, located at sparrows point just outside the main port. mercedes operates out of fairfield and won't be able to accept incoming vessels until further notice. so us presence and fight, and let's to oversee a quick and strong response to the incident. and to ask the federal government for the funds needed to rebuild the friction port about the terrible on to for to baltimore's. one of the nation's largest shipping helps. it handles a record amount of cargo and last year it's also top port in america, both imports and exports of automobiles and light trucks. around 850000 vehicles. go through the port every single year. and we're going to get it up and running again soon as possible. and local jobs are concerned in baltimore to we're looking at not having ships coming in for. no one knows how long at this point. you know,
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that's gonna affect the lives of, of longshoremen and stevedores and the tug boat cruise um that you know, potentially they are lose. they're going to lose income because there's no, there's no vessel traffic coming in or out of the port bringing baltimore back. we'll take time for now. the focus is on investigating what exactly happened on the valley in the 1st place, and how to make bridges more safe to avoid similar accidents in the future. the united states has rejected a coal from us to end add drops of aid into gauze. the militant groups as people have been killed while trying to collect food packages. potts, of gauze offers and founding nearly 6 months into israel's military offensive. that was triggered by the october 7th thomas terror attacks seems like these are quickly
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becoming in the dream feature of the war and gaz. a humanitarian aid dropped from an aircraft over the territory. this time it falls in limited terrain in well of shore, making the civilians on the ground even more desperate miss. send them aside at the end of the but yeah, we will. what do you think for the aid when we were surprised to see the plane coming and dropping it into the sea? so just to learn how to get people swimming to retrieve the i didn't survive the event of the mass of pointed health officials say at least 12 people drowned this week trying to reach our dropped packages. and now the 6 people were killed in stump beads. the group is urgent that our drops be stopped. a police reported by many guardians, in terms of the one of the biggest mistakes is that it's dropped in dangerous
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places like the see some of the people trying to get the aid have drowned. try that last couple of, of the problem is simple as that they need to bring it through the crossing so it can reach these poor people that have been bad. pressure has been growing on israel to help speed up a deliveries through the border crossings into gaza. with the un warning, the territory is on the verge of a man made simon, you cannot claim to adhere to these international permissions. i know when you block on why well food con voice, when you just last week, denied 5 missions to the north. when we have now reports of these radio tax on warehouses and the police that are supposed to help secure this aid inside gulf
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view and also criticized claims by somebody's really officials refuting reports of a name. and then, i mean, i said, and i will say it again as much as i know there is no salvation cause it is a groups desperate to bring more food into gas. a us is that will keep power shooting aid into the territory, washington and see the air drops just one of the channels for a deliveries in that they should continue to send it my of the world health organization told me more about the conditions and gaza as your thanks for having the gods where this is unfortunately, exactly the scenario that everywhere in the middle of the north of the south people desperate the food is lacking afresh. lots of selecting, i think yesterday watches said again that right now the available maximum for a person of per person is $2.00 to $3.00 or less than 3 dates as a fresh,
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lots us. but they and that's not drinking water. that's just lots of way everything, including cooking and you know, the, the, the rule by some is you need about 3 leads of drinking water per day, only drinking water. so that's that then medical aid is, is missing. evacuation missions to the north uh are, have also been denied literally half an hour ago i got the message to the another. conway, which we had planned for evacuating. the critically injured peoples on the patients from the chief hospital was denied again. so it does desperation everywhere from the food in the medics, the bias of the sheltering from the lack of space to go. if you look at rough, uh, a place of more than a 1000000 people now squeezed together in the tightest, always waiting for the offense. if that has been announced for so long and with no place, you know, now how miles has off to the us and others to stop the ad drops, what would that make?
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the humanitarian situation was. so let's look at 2 parts here. every single piece of bread, every single piece of medical equipment, every one dressing, every detail of water is urgently needed. so in that sense, of course, an ad drop. it is a little age to what's going on, but the amount of a that can be dropped in by an or by the same is both delivery. i think the both delivery was about 200 tons of food. put that into comparison of a truck with a single truck to carry about 20 tons of fluids. so you would only 10 trucks. you have that big. announce the delivery of, of the ship. a transport for example, sold, drops, extremely critically. one, as you see in your, in your commentary here in the, in the pictures they dropped some way. you don't land on see people rush, people drown, and on top of it, it's a rush of the healthy ones. let's not forget that. so those who get to get these,
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these 8 packages, all those who are the most fit and the most, but in healthy conditions, stable ones, the ones fitting and lying, and hospitals and shelters deals of the week. they will never get to these deliveries and they are the ones who need it the most. so it's a, it's, it's a survival of the fittest in the most cynical way again, and the address can be a little point of relief and a very specified situation can be useful. but what we need here is steady access, safe, sustainable access with convoys from the north, from the south, from the middle constantly. and that will release a little bit what's going on there. are your thoughts upon this a bit earlier, but let's talk about the, the health infrastructure briefly, how is the situation now and how are people getting any basic health care? yeah, it's a, it's a desperate situation. and then the, what desperate is so overstretched already because we have,
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since months we're describing the, the health situation as desperate and it's getting worse by the day. it's not by the hour. so we have very few hospitals working any more in terms of partially working and delivering some a we have a few hospitals in the north. we have a few health centers and hospitals in the south, but also with very limited capacity. the big uh, sensors for health used to be the ones in the north, the big with many of the racing theaters with a special to use for, but injuries or diseases. then most of this is out of function the laboratories out of function. so people get help. well, if they reach a health care center, they can get some basic help. very often on to being treated on the floors next to people who are sheltering and the hospitals on the totally on hygenic and conditions. very often with the face lack of the basic medical equipment or the
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basic medical supplies, the operations and the agent amputations having to be taken without any anesthesia, an aesthetic material. so really, really desperate. and again, those will make it to the hospitals or the health center. so even the lucky ones, because they made it their ambulances, they often can't get out the name of the people to help them. those injured or sick or anything cannot even reach the, the, the shelters or the hospital. so again, the ones who make it to the hospitals are actually the lucky ones. and that's again, a very similar go, common cause and it by that the world health organization joining us from geneva. thank you very much. thank you. let's have a look now at some of the other stories making headlines today. so you're in special wrap up. tabs on the occupied, palestinian territory says there is reasonable grounds to believe israel is committing genocide and gaza. francesca albany says israel's minutes are we have
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intentionally subverts at that protection functions. in their operations against hom, boss, isabel said alternately, rejects those findings, pacifically. prosecute us all seeking to jail. the ex football team fluids would be all is for 2 and a half of useful casing. the spain midfield of jenny, our most so on the lips against her will at the world comp will be all this is sandy trial falls, sexual assault, and question. prosecutors. one for the all of us to pay $100000.00 zeros in compensation with several economic institutes have revised down the production of growth in germany to new stock and nation. they now expect the economy to expand by just 0 point one percent this year. high interest rates, weak, global demanded political on such as he dashed hopes for a stronger recovery. at least 5 people have been killed and more than 20 injured to
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the bus crash. knew the german city of lights is. please say the double check a vehicle was on the a 9 highway on its way to switzerland when it did off the road and rolled onto its side. you operate to flick spot says there was $53.00 passengers, and 2 drivers on board and investigation is underway. and dw correspondence alex guest told us more about this accident. yeah, the bus was on its way from the leading to switzerland. and now the rescue efforts on the ground, they basically have ended all injured and also by of us a now in hospitals, the police as cold, all emergency unit to the surrounding hospital. it's to prepare for a possible or for an unusual high number of victims. and we have also seen just the picture of the past 6 on the sides at the moment, don't actually now it is back on it to be it. so it was lifted back in position also to recover bodies of victims from on the bus. this is the latest from on the
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ground. the police also has established the hotline for families and for the friends of possible victims of this accident, so that they can, can ask about their loved ones. and it's not for god forget this company if they expose is known for its cheap bus tickets. so it is frequently used by, especially young people in germany. so there's a high concern that, that and yeah, that's the, among the victims could be also a high number of young people in germany, but this is not confronted. it of use onyx gas. thank you very much for your crying now as a war has destroyed many schools and frontline areas, but in a new initiative for the eastern city of khaki. if means nearly 2002 volts can now attend lessons in new classrooms. built on the ground in metro stations. the bell signals, the stocks of another day. everything here is as you'd expect,
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children exercise books, board and teacher. but there is one key difference. the school is subterranean, built within the cock is metro. russian missiles could strike this city as a moment's notice, so it's better for the children to learn below. ground is safe in the subway because the explosions outside and that was school could be destroyed that the, these 1st graders have 3 lessons in the metro station today. followed by 2 more at home on line once they've left all the clauses. take that place. this rotation gives as many children as possible the opportunity to learn in the classroom. of course the children and we take dismiss normal education very much by normal, i mean face to face communication. so when the opportunity arose, to learn here, we will very happy children,
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parents and teachers alike. elaina says that it felt strange to teach you at 1st, but she still got used to me. it's what do you mean young noise? there are many sounds down here besides the trains, but we don't react to those anymore. they don't bother us anymore. new schools have now been built within 5 of call keeps metro stations adapted from what were once technical rooms and passages ventilation and video. cameras have been installed throughout, while teachers are helped by classroom assistance, psychologists, administrators, and that's some of this was pretty new for all of us. so use it had been difficult at times, but there are no unsolvable problems. there is only unwillingness to solve them. we had the desire to create all of this move in 2200 students attend these metro schools. but there was still not enough space for everyone. more than a 100 schools in khaki, if have been damaged by showing many beyond repair. do you underground schools are
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being built across khaki if to accommodates most students. but the children dream of a time when attending such facilities will no longer be necessary. i would like to go back to school with a no more school, which is more from that and here which for now at least these metro and schools are giving children a small taste of the structure. they want to click on to us. a local governor and russia says its defense is half intercepted, 18 so called evelyn tockets, in the belgrade region, the w as an economy. they told us more about these ukranian attacks. was it seemed because belgrade is basically the neighboring city to kind of give its about 70 kilometers down the road. absolutely. most of this will basically build it was more or less unaffected. and russians living that could basically convince themselves that this, what was happening in your brain that it didn't affect them. but in recent months, we've seen ukraine stepping up. it's attacked on attacks on villages just across
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the border, but also gauge builder, which city will say now more recently, attacks on target far beyond the front line to be on the border, russian oil facilities, mississippi, this book and must go. i think there are different elements here. first, i think it's important to you crane to basically bring that message to russians, that this is not something that doesn't affect them, that they off paying a price for that goal much more on your brain. that's the 1st thing. secondly, there's another component. there's obviously forces website to take a defense systems to protect cities like the builder away from the front lines. previously, those systems could have protected russian troops in ukraine's. that's the 2nd thing that i think thirdly, i think the major thing in all of this is a, it's the economic impacts. great. and gilbert right now wants to deprive russia of it's world income. and so we've seen these attacks on oil refineries on will export terminals. it has to be a bit of a kind of interesting speculation that the us may be telling you crazy to stop doing this because they fear rising a little price is worldwide. if those russian exports are detailed and that could help biting sorts of re election, but certainly for now,
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ukraine is trying to bring this war to russians on the doorsteps. remind them that this is something that isn't just going one way. they come in and reporting from keeps that suppose as of the primitive critic alexander of all they have gathered at his grace sites to mock. 40 days since he died, hundreds joined among his parents to life laws and to pay their respects. the veins, the respects under the watchful eyes of special security forces of the election, of all his family, friends and supporters here of the symmetry and must go once again. it's supposed to, but i'm not going to the things you so much for your support because it's only your support that health side 0. thank you. to the mother of nearby in this why said that she received a postcard from alexi in which he congratulated her on her birthday. she said the
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poor scott had been sent on the day. he was pronounced that it was sent on february 16. there were more warm and tender words than i have ever received from anybody in my life, and then you have to go what was the nobel prize winning editor. dimitri murata was also among those who came to phase the respect people affair as bedrooms and agents. but oh, very similar to the greek below, which he was very charismatic. he could lead people, he could lift people up. there are no people of this level. i think nothing will change and brochure until the government changes. and it's not going to change this is
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a heavy loss for normal people who wants happiness for the country and the children for people who want to stay here. unfortunately, a state has never valued a decent good people and does not tolerate opinions other than its own. on union also to ex christians believe that at the end of the 40 days off to a person dies, the soul finally departs from this world. but it seems that here on earth, nobody of me is 2 very present. you're watching the news. here's a reminder of our top story. us investigate this a photo to ship that crashed into a bridge of the west city of ultima. socrates will not examine the vessels dates or we call them divers, searching for the bodies of 6 people missing and presumed that that's
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it from me and the new steam by calling brand gulf. what i will do is update for you at the top, 12 the out of the office and fairly in front of me and the whole team and forensic the,
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the phone that we speak of the main word about the key point 6 times more likely to have a voice in loving functions as compared to mid air pollution, the biggest health problems for everyone working outdoors in denny bus or ran. this is increasing and there is now a drive for more protection and less pollution eco india. next on d, w to face fighting the way to the p, as in twitter,
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reading goals to germany. but they will they make it in the end? of course, there's a certain fear of failure boxing the way to the top in 60 minutes on d, w. the trends, news trends and nature defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect meaning frankfurt, berlin, sandra, faced with rushes were against you. will grace's military alliance spaces means right. would it really close ranks? if it were a top european security basically depends to 90 percent from the us out
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to the hotel commentary stance. april 4th on d w. the . this is lots thing looks like in the city of then lessons, wales, florida, sunshine. and so i was every, with hello and welcome, i'm sorry because the body and you're all watching equal. and while the weather seems absolutely perfect, right? to know it is only a matter of the weeks before the heat waves are upon us and it is not just the city of daily but cities across the world have. we all such perfect weather, these 2 extremes, temperatures and extreme weather events. and now we're just our way as.


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