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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the, the city, the news, live it from berlin. tonight, the death toll from that bridge collapse in the united states mail stands. it's 6. divers, have recovered the data recorder from the cargo ship, which crashed into baltimore's francis scott key bridge. one of america's major ports is now out of action. also coming up the us rejecting calls the end it's air drops of 8 into gaza. territory to mosque government says 18 people have been killed, trying to get to food packed. the
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. i bring golf is good to have you with this, we begin in the united states where federal safety officers have recovered the black box recorder from the cargo ship, which knocked down a bridge in the us city of baltimore. the francis scott key bridge collapsed when he was rammed by a cargo vessel. the loss control the steering authorities. when l exam in the ship's data, recorder diapers are searching for the bodies of 6 people missing and presumed dead as well. the governor of the state of maryland to day praised the professionalism of the emergency services. they are in frigid conditions. they are down there and in darkness where they can literally see about a foot in front of them. they are trying to navigate mangled metal and they're also in a place that they, it is now presume that people have lost their lives. so the work of these 1st responders, the work of these divers, i,
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i cannot stress enough how remarkable these are, these individuals are. all right, we want to go now to baltimore, near where that bridge, once stood. my colleague corresponded janelle to milan. she is standing by janelle, what is the latest on of what is now clearly a recovery mission. yes, brian thought recovery operation is ongoing. divers are searching the length of the bridge, an area a little bit beyond of that as well. but just to be honest, it has been several hours since the recovery operation resumes this morning and the status, coal has pretty much remains the same. we heard a little bit already from governor westmore. there what the challenges are like what the conditions are like for the divers, but apart from the fragility and below visibility, also important to note that these diverse thoughts are facing strong current, so they're facing having to navigate around debris. and as you can tell that behind
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me the weather conditions aren't exactly right for this sort of thing. it is very rainy. it is very wet. it is very foggy. now they are aided, of course, by equipment like remote operated vehicles, fitted with sooner. they're also using sooner. it's hobbs i'll talk to along by votes. however, of course of this remains a very challenging operation. even as the officials say, they will do everything they can to recover the vehicles that recover the human remains and bring closer to the families who are affected by this terrible tragedy . and we just don't know how long they will keep searching for. and we had to say the investigation is tragedy. how is that, how it's happened? what went on that picked up speed, the data? what do we know exactly, you know, since this happens, of course, there have been a lot of wild rumors are flying around from terrorism to cyber attacks. none of them grounded in evidence, a very important to stick to the facts here. as you mentioned earlier,
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the national transport and safety boards said that they had recovered the data recorder from the dalai, and that they're hoping to be able to use the contents of that reporter to piece together a timeline of events. what exactly happened when and of course so there they've also started interviewing the crew members of the dolly and i witnessed the event. we're also hearing that the single port in accounts are parts of the n t a c will also be traveling here to conduct an independent investigation. but i also want to highlight something that so transport secretary pete food, a judge adult said just now in a briefing at the white house, he said that so a bridge of this age was of course, have built in the 19 seventy's would never have would start the impact of such a large of us so. so really what we're looking at here is a tail, perhaps of our older infrastructure colliding against modern commerce. and this is
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going to perhaps provide a moments of reckoning, especially given the role of this particular artery in logistics. and commerce here, a correspondent personnel belong in baltimore with the latest. tonight's, janelle, thank you. in the united states has rejected the call from a mazda in the air drops of aid into the gaza strip. the militant group is as people have been killed while trying to collect food packages, parts of gaza, or facing fam, at nearly 6 months into israel's military offensive, which was triggered by the october 7th. almost terror attacks seems like these are quickly becoming in the dream feature of the war and gaz. a humanitarian aid dropped from an aircraft over the territory. this time it falls in limited terrain in well of shore, making the civilians on the ground even more desperate. miss,
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send them aside the ending to uh huh. but yeah, we will. what do you think for the aid when we were surprised to see the plane coming and dropping it into the see the little below how to get people were swimming to retrieve the i didn't survive. the event of the mass of pointed health officials say at least 12 people drowned this week trying to reach air dropped packages. another 6 people were killed in stump beads. the group is urgent that our drops be stopped. a police supported by many guardians, in terms of the one of the biggest mistakes is that it's dropped in dangerous places like to see some of the people trying to get the aid have drowned. last week. i bought it of the problem is simple as that they need to bring it through the crossing so it can reach these poor
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people. that's not really that bad pressure has been growing on israel to help speed up a deliveries through the border crossings into gaza. with the un warning, the territory is on the verge of a man made simon you cannot claim to adhere to these international provisions. i know when you block on why well food con voice, when you just last week, denied 5 missions to the north when we have now repoed. so he's raised the tax on warehouses and the police that are supposed to help secure this aid inside gulf view. and also criticized claims by somebody's really officials refuting reports of a name. and then i mean, i said, and i will say it again as much as i know there is no salvation in gaza. is a groups desperate to bring more food into gas a us it will keep power shooting aid into the territory,
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washington and cease the air drops just one of the channels for a deliveries in that they should continue? well i want to get more now from royal ali. she is the global media manager would save the children and is currently in rough of the southern most city in gaza. it's good to have you with us this evening. you are in rough at the moment where there have been reports of heavy air strikes overnight. how is a, do we know how is a getting in and being distributed under these conditions? yes, here in raptor that all strikes throughout the night. we had around 5 last night and the reality is a is guessing through but at an alarming leaves no rate. it's nowhere near enough that's needed. we know the need is so great just being here. you can see the sheer number of children on the streets, children with no shoes, children of it,
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and rushes on children who are visibly malnourished. we know nowhere near enough food and water is getting in. and the only solution to that. and the only way to keep children safe and alive right now is a last thing on definitive ceasefire. we just heard in that report that people have drowned while attempting to get a that fell into the sea. do you believe air drops? should stop look is rose, a humanitarian blockade into gaza is a political choice, and it's not a logistical issues. so it does not need a logistical solution. the ad drops should only be used as a loft solution when there is no practical way to get 8 and, but we know that both to do exist the crossings of the rasa border crossing is the only one that's open right now. but what we're advocating for is that the, on the border crossings to be open so that we can see a consistent close a we need
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a to getting quickly and safely. and those mechanisms already exist there at teams on the ground. like almost like talking organizations that we're working with, who are ready to distribute that 8 as soon as it's safe to do so. so there's no need for the ad drops right now. what we need is for the border crossings, the ground crossing to open out. yeah, beyond food agencies or warning about the long lasting consequences to children. it's not only their, their physical but their mental health in this crisis. tell us what you are seeing on the ground and how are you providing assistance to jump a it's rustic the scenes on the ground. you know, one image that will stay with me is seeing a toddler being carried on a wheelchair by another child through the streets and, and the wheelchair collapses. and that's the situation where in right now, you know the teen over 13700 children has been killed,
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entire families have been wiped off the registry. so we're in a situation now with children looking all the children we have had from the all colleagues and doctors that we work with. they've seen more than a 1000 children with one of those names missing life, changing injuries use. it's not just the physical, it's the mental health told that will take children hair a visibly shaking, feeling traumatized, impacted meant to be impacted by this. and it's not just one story. you know, there's so many story that's on such a massive scale that it's an entire generation that's going to be mentally impacted right now. very let me just ask before we run out of time, you're in, ron, for the people the ground is that you talk with and they told you where they plan to go. if there is indeed and is really ground offensive against the city. but i think that's everyone's worst nightmare right now in ross that there is no way left to go. we know that everyone has been displaced multiple times from gauze,
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a city in the north, to hon, eunice to roster now and they are quite literally tracts. there is no west safe to go on. you know, god, rasa is an extremely small patch of land. it was home to around 275000 people before the war began. and now they're on the estimated 1500000 people have sheltering. there's no way left to go on. the only way to keep children safe right now is a ceasefire. last thing seized by a strong ali with saved the children. joining us tonight from rossa in the gaza strip. thank you. but at least 5 people have been killed and other 20 injured in a bus crash. here in germany near the city of lied sick traffic was stopped after the double decker viewed off the road and over toured investigation is now under way. it was a normal wednesday morning when the accident occurred on
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a busy north south highway linking berlin and munich. the long distance coach, operated by flicks boost, was headed to switzerland when it veered to the right before crushing on its side. the bus was traveling with 2 drivers and $53.00 passengers on board. rescue was at the scene reported 5 dead. many of the injured had to be helicopter down to nearby hospitals. the cause of the accident is still unclear, isn't busy so far we have no evidence that another vehicle was involved on those. well, that's a fact for now of my, in fact, officials from the state of sax and they were quick to arrive at the scene based off your position on behalf of the saxon state government on i would like to express our deepest condolences to all the victims and their families of civil hope you will. it's a tragic week for easter week in an accident like this. so it's upsetting and we hope that those who are now in hospitals and they've got the seriously injured and
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the slightly injured will get better quickly. life for the 6 lane highway was initially completely blocked, while rescue workers gained control of the situation. traffic to berlin is moving again. police say all lanes to munich will be closed until further notice of the us artist and sculpture. richard sarah has died. he was 85. it was best known for curbing walls of rusting steel such as this 1000 tons series called the matter of time at the guggenheim museum in bill bel, spain. there was outdoor installations also include these steel slabs in the desert, into tar, one rider describe the artist as quotes, the poets of fire. and here's a reminder of our top story. this, our us investigators have boarded a ship at craft, into a bridge, and the us city of baltimore authorities will now examine the vessels data recorder . divers are searching for the bodies and 6 people missing and presumed dead.
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watching the w news, i'll be back at the top of the hour with more old news. i can join us that the 1000000 people in just a 100 days my parents because of my family. what killed, how was this age? and i'm on a journey to find out about the result of 19 or to for genocide producer to see rhonda, my name is some way to ship me here. i'm afraid it makes sleep shaming history out documentary stuffs. april 6th on dw, the.


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