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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 28, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the busiest dw news life from berlin diverse have recovered. the bodies of 2 was missing off of the baltimore bridge collapsed in the us. officials said the remains of 2 missing men would have come back from a baker on the floor. another full man remained missing, also coming up benjamin netanyahu. reschedule stokes, in washington to discuss the potential is very ministry operation on dropbox. in the gaza strip method, you know, who withdrew from the talks off to the us decided not to veto. are you and called for a ceasefire in gaza, the
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time being expanded. do welcome diverse searching for the remains of 6 workers from the baltimore bridge collapse. i've recovered the bodies of 2 men. they were a part of the pack crew working on the bridge when it was rammed by a cargo ship in the early hours of tuesday. officials say the bodies were found inside the vehicle on the river bed. investigators have also seized the black box of the ship, which hit the front this got the key bridge, reports here, the single flagged dolly lost power before the collision. jazz meadowland, state police secretary, roland butler with more under cover of a of the remains of the 2 missing workers. the maryland state police, along with the under what a recovery teams supported by state, local and federal partners made a tragic finding. shortly before 10 am, the divers located the red pickup truck,
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submerged in approximately 25 feet of water in the area of the middle span of the bridge. divers, recovery to v o. 2 victims of this tragedy trap within the vehicle. the terminal corresponding janelle to milan who is in baltimore. i explained the latest on the recovery mission of the searching divers face terrible conditions in the water conditions about our further compounded by disagreeable weather here in baltimore. but as the community tries to process what happened, investigators are moving into how and why it did. the national transport safety board is analyzing the contents of the data recorder, pulled from the jolly. it's looking into the structural integrity of the bridge. it's trying to determine whether contaminated fuel might have played a role in this incident. now it's
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a long road still ahead in terms of finding the answers that would satisfy those that were affected by this personally and economically. but it's a necessary road to travel to prevent further tragedies like these from happening again. the, the correspondence janelle doing on reporting from baltimore there is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu have decided to reschedule. a high level of delegation to washington dc to discuss israel's plans for a ground assault on the southern cause and safety. a for alpha, near who earlier withdrew from the talks off of the us decided not to veto. are united nations security council resolution calling for the cx 5 and guys are more than 1000000. thousands of shunting and rough. uh which is the last remaining of an center not to have been attacked by is rarely drunk. forces is very air strikes on the city overnight have raised fear has that a ground this old could begin the aftermath of an air strike and rough uh,
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a now all too familiar theme, rescuers digging bodies out of rubble of the things with normal. that is be no trouble here. the strikes just come at random. the are the problem about 1500000 people live here after fleeing is really operations in the north from kansas city to hon. eunice. and finally, to rafa the end of the line where food and medicine shortages threat an imminent salmon as well as disease outbreaks. but it's unclear how long people can stay or how safe they'll be. the marked areas on this map show where israel has been conducting ground operations in gaza, with troops coming close to rafa. but so far, israel has only conducted airstrikes here without sending in ground troops elsewhere. fierce ground fighting continues with assaults on targets around garza city. and han eunice ongoing israel's allies, patients is growing sent, and both the us and germany have said that
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a ground incursion into rough up would be crossing a red line. us secretary of state antony blinking, visited the region last week to deliver that message. it risk killing more civilians. it risk reading great or having the version of the manager and assistance it was further isolating is really around the world and jeopardize is long term security in spanish. but israel has been ignoring these calls from its closest allies. it says it will fulfill its goal of destroying him, us, and that means an invasion of rasa is necessary even at the risk of a deeper rift between israel and the us. and will be gone. defeat from us about going into rafa. i told the secretary blink, and i hope to do that with the support of united states. but if we need to, we will do it alone. that's the israel says it will move civilians from rafa into
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humanitarian islands elsewhere and gaza on his release. no concrete plans. let's get more from the the corresponding time there, kramer in jerusalem. good morning tanya. i do want to talk to you about draw fi but fast. what are the reasons behind benjamin netanyahu changing his mind now? about sending a security delegation to washington to discuss a rough or offensive it was ink um, the can only guess at this point of what made this turn abound. a turn about from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i mean, initially it was meant to be a protest about the un security council resolution resolution that was not vetoed by the united states. on wednesday, he said of to visits by a republican senator that he wanted actually to send a message to him us. but also it is discussed here why he was canceling this visit. his defense minister,
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you have gotten both already. invoicing was about to leave, to washing, and they had also talks now about the rough house. so it took out a bit the weight of this decision to cancel this a higher profile visit. and we are expecting, you know, 2 of his senior officials of his cabinet, a, to of, of this government to travel to washington sometime soon. the us declined to be to, are you uncalled for us? he's 5 in the cause. where does that leave relations between the us and he's rattle, i mean, depends who you ask. you know, some uh i know is to see it as a really serious a crisis. others point more to crisis between the 2 leaders that they're not seeing . obviously i to i on a, some of the issues as certainly what apartment is to bend even though to know who is also acknowledged that the international, the press pressure has been stepped up. but what i noticed here looking at is actually one is the diplomatic level, obviously,
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but the other level as the more practical level and what the united states would they actually slow down, for example, the delivery of ordinance or weapons and weapons. and that doesn't seem to be the case. and of course also we've heard from the us, they do support as well as the right to defend itself. but they want to see at different conduct of war as we heard also in the report. and what they want to talk about in these talks and washing is the plan, ground invasion. of course they want to hear from these various what are you going to do to protect civilians that are showing there? we always talk about charging, of course there is strikes and settings going on as well. and we've also, but they want to see what are they going to do is a ground invasion happens to bring those people somewhat into some kind of safety. crucially, atanya, does this prevent the isabel from launching is offensive and rough uh or well,
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i mean this is something to us, the military. um the, we've heard it a time and time again from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that this a ground invasion into ralph was absolutely necessary to, um, uh, basically to win the war. and he said uh there are still uh, homeless battalions in the city that needs needs to be that needs to be destroyed. mm hm. so i have been talking also to 8 workers to i know officials here to expecting this to happen, but we don't know when and, and what wage will happen. we'll leave it there for the time being. the thanks so much for joining us today, due to the corresponding timeframe i in a jerusalem, thanks so much. ukraine's foreign minister dimitra coolly about is visiting india. he is expected to ask and you know, part of these to help investing rebuilding of the country and also extend more humanitarian assistance. india has been navigating its relationship with russia and weston allies. back in ukraine. india continues to not condemned. she has
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envisioned a few green stands to do it in a long history of friendship between daily and moscow. dies nurtured buttons, environment internet, and the movie who's mets restaurants without them, is booked in nearly 20 times since 2014. and the cost that neighborhood forced us to play a balancing act between russia and the west. the biggest trade from china, pushing up a gives and you have bought us and trying to influence its neighbors. russia is in guess largest pep and supplier and outright support for western positions or sanctions in russia. maybe india isolated and 32 daily has repeatedly quoted for the done to diplomacy to the my we believe
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in deal on the benefits, economically, from its neutrality to rush, just bought a new clean since trust. yes and vision india has going from reducing hardly any direction, orient to becoming a major importer. it has been able to navigate to western sanctions. i'm russia. american officers have awarded the criticize in the us president joe biden sees the indian prime minister as a strong ally in the in the pacific region. i live with buckner to come to china, this situation for us to, to clean, which has been seeking, oh, great support from india. something that continues to test. and yes, i true. i got a hold of i basically ukrainian perspective on those details and economy joins us
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from keith. nick, good morning. what is the mutual eva hoping to achieve with this visit? first? i don't think he comes with a long wish list as he does when he turns up in the western european capitals or the us for that matter. i think this is about talking to the world's most populous democracy about trying to remind officials, but also the public more widely that this war is actually from ukraine. very, definitely a value question that this is about democratic ukraine being attacked by witchcraft . russia trying to remind, and then you notice that russia was the colonial power in this part of the world. and this isn't just about 2 european nations far away. fighting about bits of territory, the people, india might know, the pay a lot of attention to. so i think, you know, realistically he's not going to get the kind of sap soviet weapons that india has. lots of that india has a lot of, from russia that just isn't on. because this is about trying to double up those diplomatic efforts. there's a real understanding here now in ukraine,
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that's wild in the west, and europe and north america. australia may be in japan, and taiwan, ukraine's position is heard that in the global south, that is less the case and that russia is a lot more successful with this narrative. so i think it's more about hearts and minds that about concrete deliveries of any kinds of a t great. does you boyfriend at all see in the playing the role of a potential mediator between moscow and keith in the future? well certainly we've heard any of the officials, including for his moody talking about that. i don't think it seems that are incredible offer for me creating perspective as the fact the india, by so much energy, so much boils from russia. and also those russian weapons means that it isn't seen as heck for distance between the 2 positions. i think probably a turkey is the closest to a company that is able to create some kind of symmetry that's kind of relations to both sides. and even then, there are worries here in ukraine that need to remember tech is still too close to russia. i think for now,
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negotiations are just not on the cards. and i didn't quite know russia sees that we've had anything to gain from where the substantial negotiations. i think this is just about keeping up list of medic ties and try to bring those you credit this across to me trickle or by said the 2 years back. i called every bottle of russian blood bought by him. has your opinion blood in it on gold? what has changed for keith since then? of the i think the position on oil has changed a lot. i think it's an interesting one. i think. where is the full there was a hope to try and look for russian oil exports. i think under pressure also from the us that is worried about the price increasing. they move to a position of trying to get rusted and as little as possible from each barrel. and actually, for me to create perspective, india buying well, this rational is this really bad thing. we've seen all the kind of added value shift to india from russia versus ascending rule and processed oil to india. india and refund is making the money. and also india paying in rupees that are not convertible, which russia basically has very little to do with the new struggling for to find
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ways of moving those repeats in to you on another card says that it actually means we're leave it there with the time being dw can correspond to make connelly in keith, thanks so much. that's it for now, coming up next up of the break plan of a, i'm going to spend a june billing. thanks so much for watching. the if we speak to somebody on which service from control some country, how do we become different? ours discrete logic. one of the people in just a 100 days. my power is because of my family. what killed the i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the site again.


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