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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  March 28, 2024 7:15am-7:31am CET

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paying rupees that are not convertible, which russia basically has very little to do with any struggling for it to find ways of moving those repeats in to you on another card says that it actually means we're leave it there with the time being dw can correspond to make connelly in keith. thanks so much. that's it for now, coming up next up in the break plan of a, i'm going to spend a june billing. thanks so much for watching. the if we speak to somebody on which service from control some country, how did we become different? ours discrete logic. one of the people in just a 100 days. my parents because of my family, what killed the i'm on
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a journey to find out about the russo the 19 are to put you on the site again to see my name is some way to ship. i'm assuming re shaving history. our documentary stops april 6th on dw, the if you live in a city, there's a pretty good chance are living through a housing crisis. rent in the major cities are skyrocketing, and this is happening all around the world. at the same time, housing has grown scarce. some building stand empty, downtown signed for it looks like just about any other big city central business. public leaving high rises to hide in alarming fact. nearly 10 percent of the city is offices are facing. other major cities around the globe have vacancy rates that
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high or even higher. so why don't we just convert empty offices into housing for people worldwide? well, many of us are back in the office. working from home is here to stay. for instance, 35 percent of us workers who can work from home still do, and plenty only come into the office on occasion. but if they can, workspaces are entering new problem. long before the pandemic eating officers were already becoming less desirable. it hasn't been for about the last 10 years and trend the cold flight to quality stephen painter in architect that one of the world's biggest firms focuses on adaptive reuse. people when, when you're in a lease is an older buildings are going to the new laws that will be built because they offer that kind of amenities, the kind of locations people, and all these empty officers are in just a waste of space. they mean less rent for owners,
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lower tax revenue for cities and the decline of entire neighborhoods. we have beautiful buildings. we have a wonderful plaza as we have sort of all of the physical assets. we just have vacant buildings. and so you don't see that vibrancy used to, you know, kind of look down these key car doors, and you would see just streams of people, you know, coming down the street. and you don't see that as much anymore. literally along the leaves of planner in san francisco, another studio dressing high vacancies almost 95 percent of our tax revenue comes from business tax from downtown, about 80 percent of our g. d. p. came from from downtown companies in 2021. it is our economic engine, and so it needs to strive so the city can thrive. roughly one 3rd of offices are vacant in san francisco. the 3rd most expensive housing market in the us. at the same time, the ongoing construction of new housing is causing a whole different host of problems. construction accounts for 13 percent of global
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energy related carbon emissions, more than 5 times out of the ocean industry in order to meet climate targets, but also other sustainability targets. we will need to actually stick with what's already built the hard bad researches urban sustainability at stock homes, royal institute of technology. even if this new production of housing and buildings is done with very energy efficient and an optimized technologies, this won't be enough. we will also need to reduce the total amount of new production. and this is what brings us to frankfurt. i checked out an ongoing conversion project. an office tower built in the 90s will soon be reborn, us around 150 furnished apartments venue mean all brush the developers regional european head is excited about adaptive reuse. the affordable care act on
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each side of town to see a i'm getting a little closet here. so i'm staying with my whole about if it was in the system to put send it, see what's right in this to anybody who's i'm going to involve files that someone has all these goals in on time, but it doesn't only save on emissions, revamping and office building can be up to 30 percent cheaper and construction can be done in half the time though that depends on the project. this one wasn't much cheaper than a new build, but speed played a big part. and so fed upside factors for me speaking stiffly, i can do this, we are looking for in a minimum of picked out a new dynamic, you know him couldn't re purposing an old building to serve a new function. it's called adaptive reuse and can extend to structures life. think of turning old factories into artist slots or warehouses into ubiquitous street food halls. there are plenty of empty offices, tons of people need housing. seems like a pretty simple solution, plus it's environmentally friendly. so why isn't this constantly happening?
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retrofitting an existing structure is a lot more complicated than planning everything from scratch. as developers have found out, apartments and officers aren't always a $1.00 to $1.00 fit. it depends on when in where they were built. modern open plan, office it where it's built for living. in 1st you must divide up large areas while ensuring rooms get enough sunlight and you can't just have one big bathroom for a whole floor. each room needs the ventilation seating and power to and for all you know, the old building is full of assessments. not every challenge is clear before renovation . start and then so another thing about the actual demonstrations, gibson moving up like 20 bucks isn't going visual and an engine because we don't know how long time is. and so can you by do some quick, tough guy. he's kind of, if you look stephen painter, the adaptive reuse specialist as you've been developed an algorithm to measure whether offices or good candidates to be reincarnated as housing kind of sour ronda
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different aspects. and so on a key one of the things like the distance between the elevators and the windows, the one your one bedroom apartments have a nice bedroom or a window or a nice living space with a window and have it, maybe the kitchen and the bathrooms back that's great, a lot of office buildings actually have way too much space between the elevators and the glazing. to make that happen. this means to end up with shiny new apartments. many conversions essentially rebuild everything except the existing foundations in facades. turns out it's just slightly more complicated than just clearing out some cubicles and throwing up a bit of sheet rock, especially if you like a luxury and that it is like bathrooms and every apartment. and window is an every bedroom. these constraints make many offices just too much work to convert according to the painters research. roughly 30 percent of offices are ideal candidates and well not every office building is right per conversion, adding up all of those that wouldn't be a good fit, would still make
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a massive difference. if you look at the us market where we're doing a lot of this work is about a 100000000 square feet of office space. and if you come by just the vacancy on about 70 percent of that you can create between 6 and 7000000 new homes. but just turning offices into apartments isn't going to be enough. neighborhoods that are just office blocks can be a bit inhospitable calling with finance barrows by day or thing. it goes pounds outside of business hours to turn people live, not just work there could change that as we saw for ourselves. this neighborhood of frankfurt, meta god, was developed as a sprawling set of offices in the sixties and seventies. given the wild be creative nickname of the people stopped for office city, but by the mid to thousands, nearly one and 3 of the officers were sitting in faded into the subdivision of mc foot thing and was on a 2nd. let me talk to him. you're going to be on the venture outlining the push to
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pull it like go for this is as a dish to us and find somebody before you had what steam you bought were left in 2006. the city began converting the empty office towers into housing, creating true, mixed use development. now it's filled with places to live shop and go to some will instead of just places to work. frankfurt result in the area and turned parking lots in the green spaces in kindergarten. and it brought in developers to build apartments and shots when they're done, they'll be 6000 apartments here. there's other stuff, the leaving is but mega shifted the orange done, and st. monday and i'm next puzzle. and coughing, come cindy, but was hoping to talk to you from the 1st. if a meetings especially, we took a tour of one of the converted office buildings. a 20 story tower turned into 150 apartments in 2020. its former lights made for some corks. every room has sprinklers and architects built around loads bearing beams, but they both high ceilings and greetings to. as you can see,
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many of these conversions end up as relatively upscale housing that might take a bit of pressure off the housing market, but it's not going to bring relief to the massive. if we want this to be more than just some kind of luxury news, we don't need anything crazy. just a bit of political wealth. the canadian city of calgary, which started working with painter to revitalize its downtown in 2021 is a case in point. calgary had about 38 percent, but you can see in their office market and i was assigned one of the worst in the well and a very quickly actually for our program together, which gives you 75000 square foot to combine the building and move forward with the red tape out of the way to make these projects move more quickly. the 1st 5 projects and now under construction, represents about $750.00 new homes. and they have 10 more approved patriots. as much of this housing will be affordable and built with families in mind, thanks to the financial incentives provided by the city. a doctor for use often has even more red tape in new builds that will have to change if we're going to use
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this potential to curve emissions. so if you take turns around as an example, there's a role in the downtown, you cannot renting office space, it's project is appointed a month that was created in the seventy's and they just never got things is because that was not going to change it on. now there's a desperate need to change and that's, that's kind of holding up, which part is happening? such arbitrary regulations are quite common. and approval for conversions often takes as long as it would for a new build, even though the structure is already in place. ideally it'd be the other way around this both legislative and sort of from a governance perspective. busy we need to think of how, how to actually make it difficult to, for example, tear down a building and build a new building through. so knowing and through harder legislation. but also through from soft legislation can taxation and financial incentives.
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frankly, it's leading the way in germany converting offices for nearly $10000.00 houses in the last decade and according to recent studies, there's room for plenty more in cities all over the map. frankfurt did it with careful city planning, like in need of that plus the more we learned implementing such projects, the greater the savings since that are 1st office conversion projects i've done well, then you mean all breast thinks this firm will focus more on adaptive 3 years many developers have shown interest in these projects in cities like san francisco are supporting office conversions. i don't think that we're now even any way of thinking that we're gonna build, you know, hundreds of thousands of units downtown. but i think it's, you know, part of the solution and is an amazing opportunity to take advantage of these existing assets be kind of support offered, may determine the type of housing we get, flipping offices into housing is clearly no quick fix and it's not going to solve
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the global housing crisis overnight footprint per in calgary, do show it can make cities vastly more livable and it can drastically reduce the environmental impacts of relying solely on new belt. let us know in the comments if your city has started converting officers to housing, don't forget to subscribe. we've got new videos for you. every friday, the climate change is threatening our food supply. $1089.00 and algorithms safeguard harvest is land grown. the fruit for the climate? pardon me? tomorrow's coffee chase lane. and ken drones help me save for searching for a new approach. it's to agriculture and i check help out the made in gemini
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next on d w. v. 's from is involved as a skid of pollution that in gina ask you all to own fields and pro russian trends. mystery, the separatist authorities that won't allow them to work. that own feels the impact has been catastrophic, focused on europe. in 60 minutes on d, w, the systems can be used a couple different geographies. the real china itself needs to be an incredibly scarce way.
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transforming business is onto real media and lots, just green washing. what's now or the industrial nations have always had an abundance of food and of waste, with thousands of tons thrown away every day. hardly a sustainable system. climate change threatens harvests worldwide, but especially in countries already separate acute shortages and with solutions desperately needed. can high tech help out the focus of this edition of me double use business magazine. the also coming up in the show parts for the 1st mushrooms the future.


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