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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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the, the business dw news live from bell and the dive is have recovered. the bodies of to work is missing off to the baltimore bridge collapse in the us. officials say the remains were recovered from a car on the river beds and other full men remain missing. we also take a look at the economic fallout from the exit of crime in for administered to mutual collab is on a 2 day visit to india to boost by natural ties and promote keeps peace formula to end the war with rush plus research, as in belgium, of something new brewing they examine whether onto official intelligence can
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produce besset bib, bench, human bruce with some bravo. sobering results. the ahead of us welcome to the program. dive is searching for the remains of 6 workers from the baltimore bridge collapse actually carpet the bodies of 2 men. they were part of a road was true working on that bridge when it was rammed by a cargo ship in the early hours of tuesday, safety investigate as of now inspecting the ship. and it states a record of clues about what caused the accident. investigators on boarding the cargo ship right where it sits in the water. the earlier searchers found the bodies of 2 missing men who been working on the bridge. shortly before
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10 am divers locate the red pickup truck, submersion approximately 25 feet of water. in the area of the middle span of the bridge, divers, recovery to v o. 2 victims of this tragedy trap within the vehicle. now they're trying to see what other clues they can cover. what we know so far is that the ship called dolly lost power and steering as it was leaving the baltimore port and hit the francis scott key bridge. 56 containers were damaged during the collision. that's $764.00 tons of hazardous materials, mostly corrosive, flammable and some miscellaneous hazardous materials, class 9 hazardous materials, which would include lift, am i on batteries?
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some of the house, mac containers were breached. searchers have found all these data report or the black box, which may tell seat visuals even more. it contains 6 hours of audio that includes radio traffic between the pilot and authorities on the shore. the ship's crew may also be able to explain even more. 23 people in 2 pilots for on board donnelly, at the time of the bridge collapse, authorities are interviewing everyone involved and hope to know even more. in the days to come. to w correspondents now them aloud in baltimore explained the latest on the recovery mission. the searching divers face terrible conditions in the water conditions about are further compounded by disagreeable weather here in baltimore. but as the community tries to process what happened, investigators are moving into how and why it did. the national transport safety board is analyzing the contents of the data recorder pulled from the jolly it's
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looking into the structural integrity of the bridge. it's trying to determine whether contaminated fuel might have played a role in this incident. now it's a long road still ahead in terms of finding the answers that would satisfy those that were affected by this personally and economically. but it's a necessary road to travel to prevent further tragedies like these from happening again. oh correspondence janelle, doing it on that report and from baltimore as a president, joe biden has pledged federal funds to rebuild the bridge insurance. also phase losses of up to $4000000000.00 to cover the damage. the us transportation secretary, people to judge says 8000 jobs on now directly addressed. baltimore is one of the biggest seaports in the united states. and it's not yet clear, and how long it will remain closed. the fact on maritime trade is likely to be
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found. reaching fully loaded, the valley is still stuck. nobody knows how long it will take to free the best off from the tons of steel that collapsed on it when the ship veered into one of the harbor bridges main pillars. for now, the accident is causing major problems in and around the port. with a key bridge gone, a major artery along the us, the eastern seaboard has been cut. traffic will have to be rerouted for years to come, leading to clocked up streets in the greater washington dc area. but even worse, ship traffic in and out of port has also been stopped. the port of baltimore is one of the busiest into united states handling more than $52000000.00 tons of for and cargo last year, contributing some $80000000000.00 to the countries for trade. with access to the port blocked incoming best. those will have to rewrite what's to nearby ports, including those in new york in new jersey for the north and virginia level for the
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south. among the goods handled in baltimore steel and cars, the port has major role on role of facilities. and it's the entry point for hundreds of thousands of cars per year. german automakers even have their own facilities inside the sprawling area. well, bmw volkswagen, located at sparrows point just outside the main port. mercedes operates out of fairfield and won't be able to accept incoming vessels until further notice. so, us presents and fight and much to oversee a quick and strong response to the incident. and to ask the federal government for the funds needed to rebuild the bridge and port about the terrible on to for, to baltimore's, one of the nation's largest shipping house. it handles a record amount of cargo and last year it's also top port in america, both imports and exports of automobiles and light trucks. around 850000 vehicles. go through that port every single year. and we're going to get it up and running
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again as soon as possible. and local jobs are a concern in baltimore to we're looking at not having ships coming in for. no one knows how long at this point, you know, that's gonna affect the lives of, of longshoremen and stevedores. and the tug boat cruise um that you know, potentially they are lose. they're going to lose income because there's no, there's no vessel traffic coming in or out of the port. bringing baltimore back. we'll take time for now. the focus is on investigating what exactly happened on the valley in the 1st place, and how to make bridges more safe, to avoid similar accidents in the future. time outside of look at some of the other stories making headlines. saudi arabia is about to head the you and stop for them for women's rights and gender equality despite it's questionable record on
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both the kingdoms you in a box that was elected on a posts delete the un commission on the status of women. the saudi government has repeatedly jailed women's rights activists as well as continuing its military operations in the gaza strip. with more strikes on the southern city of rough overnights gonzales, the health ministry which is run by how mos says at least $62.00 palestinians have died at the last day with more than $35000.00 killed in the 5 months of fighting since the almost terrorist attacks on october 7th, as the cellphones ukrainian city of crab san has again been hit by russians. shelley local officials say one man was injured in the early morning attacks. moscow has rammed up as a result on ukraine in recent weeks targeting vital infrastructure in retaliation. so key of strikes on russia's border regions, ukraine's from minnesota mutual,
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collab i'm is visiting. india is expected to offer the government to help invest in rebuilding of the country and also to expend more humanitarian assistance. india has been navigating its relationship with russia and west and allies back in ukraine. india continues to not condemned, or she has envisioned a few green stands rooted in a long history of friendship between daily and moscow. dies and nurtured by environment have done that in the movie whose metro she has without damage, booked in nearly 20 times since 2014, in the as hostile neighborhoods forces it to play a balancing act between russia and the west. the biggest threat from china pushing up against india border and trying to influence its neighbors. russia, india, the largest best and supplier, and outright support for western positions or sanctions on russia. maybe india isolated and very tim daley has repeatedly quoted for the done to diplomacy. we
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are very my we are you know, i mean the india also benefits economically from its neutrality to russia. squad, a new clean finish structure has and vision. india has gone from producing hardly any direction, orient to becoming a major importer. it has been able to navigate western sanctions on russia. american officers have awarded open. you criticize an india us president joe biden sees the indian prime minister as a strong ally in the,
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in the pacific region. i live in buckner to come to china. this situation for us troops, ukraine, which has been seeking, oh, great support from india. something that continues to test and yes, try to copy hold ahead. i did always make comedies in chief and he has more on what the ukrainian for ministers hoping to achieve with his visits to daily and what his expectations are. why think mutual collab? i is not arriving in deli today with a long wish list as you would have if you are in brussels for washington. i think the brings understand that they're not going to get indian sanctions on russia or some kind of, you know, maybe worked in supplies. i've seen yet is a major the biggest by all russian and previously soviet working. so there's lots stuff that that you can want that's not on the table. i think it's about bringing the ukraine and now it's been draining and message to the indian public saying that this will is not just some kind of proxy conflict in the us. the rest of that this
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is about the democracy frame and that should appeal to the world's most populous democracy. that the pregnant view on this and tools that remind people that russert is the former colonial power. and this part of the world trying to reassert its control. and i think people who are acutely aware of the rush has been a lot more successful in bringing its messages across in the so called global south, away from europe and north america. that ukraine has a long time neglected to try to bring these messages across a nicole in keys, the ukrainian perspective and all as bringing that michael experience vanity abuse . what exactly can india offer you cried potential support for peace efforts, the very same nickel. and this being the indian stand all along because i'm in the prime minister and remove the elaborate in a conversation with presidency lensky that look, we are there to support any efforts, a piece and dialogue. and i think that we typically buy based on the 2nd reports, is potentially bringing to deli, that 10 point base plan that ukraine has formulated. but it intends to bring up in
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a subsequent piece initiative the to the end is organizing potentially in the summer or even before that in spring. and part of that is, for example, for sharing of, of calling for the drawing of russian troops to the 1991 ukraine in boulder. so i think this is something that the ukraine would present to indian officials in delhi . it's a question of how much of it in the when accept and get on board. and i think those, the discussions that you will see in deli at heart and a report that that's a bit, it's a bit of a tightrope walk for in the, at what india is talking to ukraine is continuing to buy russian or the helping of 40 to finance is war. uh that is a title because it of course it is a tightrope walking does what it is, is walking by to when it comes to his interest and or partnership with moscow that continues to deliver a new, a stronger partnerships with countries in the west. but just on the point of oil get hot this, but a is of
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a russian on is something that actually benefits west emissions. it benefits in the as well. so in the, in which way. yeah. and the way that it is a in dice. but changing all of this rushing on, but in the is also a major export out of petroleum products. india refines a part of this russian on, and it is exporting it to countries here in the european union, nearly this is a legal, a both way to petroleum products entity the photos does. indeed i'm new has reported on this. so it's not something like that is happening and it is coming to those countries. remember, your life has bind to the input of russian on, but when it comes to petroleum products, the story changes markedly. what is also happening is the because india is, has increased, its being false from russia. it is taking less from its traditional suppliers such as it on iraq, multi run, i'm sorry, iraq with nigeria. that means a lot of that or is not available to countries. the not taking russian or i'm, i'm that has intern,
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capped price is manageable in inflation controllable. so the ending point of view is that you might chide us, but the same countries that are charging us are benefiting because we up, which is russian. i'm very interesting. thank you very much for expanding to that. the stays around our prime minister benjamin netanyahu has decided to reschedule the high level delegation to washington. the plan was to discuss it as well as plans for a ground, a sold on the southern gauze. and since your profile with us officials spot and y'all withdrew from the talks after the us chose not to veto a united nations security costs resolution that cold for a cease 5 in gaza. now more than $1000000.00 guys and so currently sheltering and reform, which is the last remaining of incentive that has not been attacked by is ready to ground forces as well as pursuing it's offensive and gaza against almost militants responsible for the october. 7th turbo tax is right, it strikes on the city overnight. appraised is that a ground is sold,
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could begin soon. the aftermath of an air strike and rough uh, a now all too familiar theme. rescuers digging bodies out of rubble. of the things with normal that is be no trouble here. the strikes just come at random. the are the them about 1500000 people live here after fleeing is really operations in the north from kansas city to hon. eunice. and finally, to rafa the end of the line where food and medicine shortages threatened then, imminent famine, as well as disease outbreaks. but it's unclear how long people can stay or how safe they'll be marked areas on this map show where israel has been conducting ground operations and gaza, with troops coming close to rafa. but so far, israel has only conducted airstrikes here without sending, getting ground troops elsewhere. fierce ground fighting continues with assaults on
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targets around kansas city. and han eunice on going israel's allies. patients is growing sent and both the us and germany have said that a ground incursion, inter rafa would be crossing a red line. us secretary of state antony, blinking vit. the did the region last week to deliver that message. it risk killing more civilians. it was a reason greater having the version of the manager and assistance at risk, further isolating israel around the world and jeopardize is long term security. and standing that israel has been ignoring these calls from its closest allies. it says it will fulfill its goal of destroying him, us. and that means an invasion of rafa is necessary, even at the risk of a deeper rift between israel and the us and will be gone to defeat him. i asked him about going into rafa. i told his secretary blink, and i hope to do that with the support of united states. but if we need to,
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we will do it to load. the israel says it will move civilians from rough, i into humanitarian islands, elsewhere and gaza on his released no concrete plans that's bringing the travelers the wrong from king's college, a london marina. in view of the latest political and military developments, to expect israel to launch its offensive and rough off i live. so when good day. well it is very possible is that israel will actually launch its ground operations in rafa. however, we don't know when it will happen because on the one hand, what has the, your own security council resolution, which according to article $25.00 of the you are in charge or is binding. now the us abstain from the work. however, the united states that, that some, one of the points of this new resolution it is in agreement with the issue here
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is that there are a lot of civilians, one and a half 1000000 civilians are humanitarian crisis and rougher meanings that um is rarely um you should be insuring civilian safety before starting its ground defense . and the us would then assess this plan in order to protect civilians 1st, before the israel ali um, forces can commence our ground ration. now, how is they will agree on this plan? where is this ability and so will be moved? can they be moved where, where is space in gaza? we know that it's very difficult right now in terms of safety in terms of a humanitarian aid to civilians. so there is, there is a likelihood that israel will start the ground offensive in golf in rough or however we don't know when it will do so, given this plan and of course it doesn't want to risk losing us support
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now is it all says it cannot defeat thomas without going into a rough off. if it does kind of defeat how most now is this just a pipe dream as well, we have to understand that israel has the capability with external help in terms of it's miller treat to defeat. hum us militarily. the question here is, how long will it take and at what cost? not just in human lives, but also political cost domestically and political cost internationally. therefore, yes, everything is possible. how probable it is and also question and what kind of fallout will be there for nothing yahoo to pick up in terms of explaining things to the international community, explaining things to has constituent populations who want the hostages release. so there is a divide in the population. one part one is the hostages release narratives as
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instructional from us. and so all these questions need to be answered. and of course, what happens in gaza after from us is defeated is a livable course go into were constructed. now what are the military challenges in a ground operations specifically and rough off right now? well, given the fact that it's so packed with civilians, as i said, one and a half 1000000 and it's already suffering from a humanitarian crisis, illogically, a lot of homeless fighter is, wouldn't be hiding them, is how high will this collateral damage be? so conducting, so that operation while there's so many civilians, is of course difficult. but how do you filter all the civilians and just leave home austin rough or so? is it even possible? so that's not, there is a why mazda at the israel and the luxury will be facing if they are ready to conduct a ground operation before ensuring safety, or for at least
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a portion of civilians. uh for now in rough or the minutes or atlas number on the back screen spell this london. thank you very much. marina. thank you for having me and have some more news. in brief for you, french president, the call has called the plan e u, south america, trade deal quote, really bad for both sides speaking on a visit to brazil, my concept, the free trade agreement didn't take climate change into account. the u has been in tulsa with the south american trading block america. so about an agreement for over 20 years. i nuclear power plant in the us state of michigan is about to reopen of to being shut down 2 years ago. the federal government has offered a $1500000000.00 loan to restock the pilot site's plant. by next year. the us recently applies to use nuclear paul to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.
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a japanese drug mike um has reported to mod that's potentially linked to its over the counter dietary supplements. cool, but you actually pharmaceutical coal 3 or if it's collect, throw lowering brands this week. customers have complained of kidney problems, the other tests, and more than a 100 hospitalizations, are already on the investigation by health authorities. no ken, i'll take official intelligence crates, bets a beer, then schuman brewers. that's what a group of researches in belgium set off to investigate this study, study categorized chemical properties from 250 bids and link them to tasting data. one be a drink. this is also could leave the wealth mazda be approve. this was something behind all that there was a complex string containing thousands of chemical compounds,
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exactly which chemicals gift via sac new room is happened. a mystery to science until now. sort of chemistry is something that we can measure scientifically. the aroma is what humans perceive. so it's what you think of a space when you drink and smell the beer, and that's something we can not measure scientifically. it's, it's normally done by having people face the beer and then nothing down what they think of it. and machine learning, reading aloud is for the 1st time to connect adults and to go from the chemistry and predict how all those molecules together would be perceived by humans. hundreds of chemical traits from 1000 base. why identified by scientists? those traits within linked to sensory profiling data from 16 professional, bad taste as and more than a 180000 online reviews from the rate the website using the sensory data and bids
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kind of cool profile. so i just train day i to predict which ingredients taste to split enjoy the most. there was an adapted according to a recipe from the new networks. taste is rated how much they liked it compared to know my. i adjusted their machine learning models could predict from a bit of chemistry, how it would taste and be appreciated by people in this study with an accuracy of a 2 percent compared to conventional models which could predict to best taste and success. an accuracy of between 50 and 60 percent despite i success. so i just came, bruce couldn't relax for now. anyway. r a i models are not replacing brewers. they only predict how the chemistry of a beer would need to change to maybe make it better, or to change specific features of the beer. but it's still up to the brewers to make that happen from a recipe, right? the brewers use small them hops and water in used,
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and it's up to them to use their draft to try and get through the result that the a i want. so you still need to the groups. what's at the mixtures? for me, i can be scaled up, depends on how winning burrows would be to use it. and that's it for me and the notice deeds and i'll fix up focus on the rest of the
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lease from is involved as a skid of pollution. then in gina ask you all to own fields and pro russian trends. mystery, the separate test authorities that won't allow them to work. that own feels the impact has been catastrophic. focused on your next on d, w. sarah,
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line and tradition. we need to move the cultural identity with just out the winds, protested, take us in 45 minutes on d, w, the c w. this is everything off. it is available to them and it has never been since the gym. and what i mean, obviously i know i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport
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past, thanks trace amount, but there's no activity about move. joining us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the wells. no need to talk to you back. just a subscriber id, listen to paul. gosh, then we'll take you along for the ride. the hello and welcome to focus on europe with me live, show the attack on moscow's croak. a city hall on march 22nd rocked all of russian president vladimir putin holds islam is extreme is responsible for the attack, that'd be part of the left more than a $130.00 people dead. however, russia also alluded to possible links of the attackers to ukraine but has not
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presented any proof yet. moscow has increased strikes and.


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