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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the business dw news line from ballad does outrage as the un pick saudi arabia to the headed important women's rights body. the kingdom has been appointed as the next chair, with the commission on the status of women. despite what rights groups describe as an abysmal right quote on gender equality, ukraine's foreign minister to mutual collab, i is on a 2 day visit to india to boost by natural ties and promote keeps peace formula to enter with russia. and dive as have recovered the bodies of 2 was missing off to
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the baltimore bridge collapse and the us and other full men remain on the i'm gonna hold off is welcome to the program. saudi arabia will now be responsible for promoting gender equality worldwide. the kingdom has been chosen as the next chair of the un, top for them, for women's rights, despite it's questionable record at home, the kingdoms and pass it up to the you when up the last is all it was the a will lead the commission on the status of women. saudi arabia's unopposed bid as been, haven't equally decided by human rights groups. the so the government has repeatedly jailed women's rights activists. a layer i spoke to luis ivan, all these, the united nations direct us as human rights watch at the house of how much power
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saudi arabia will actually have as a chair of this commission. so it is the main body for promoting women's empowerment. it's a terrible look if you were to drop a list of the 1020 worst countries in the world, those least qualified to be the face of the united nations, fight for gender equality and empowering women. saudi arabia would definitely be among them and might even make the absolute, you know, small as the top group. so the, the message that it sends is quite a bleak one because the next year will be the 30th anniversary of the 1995 page in declaration on women's rights, which was really a watershed moment for women's rights. since that time, over the last 3 decades,
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we've seen many attempts to push back on women's rights. yeah, the country is promoting. yeah. traditional family values. we see this in russia, but not just russia. we've seen it from other governments, not just in the muslim world, but also in europe. we see it in the united states with the push back on abortion rights. so now for the 30th anniversary of that important moment, the face of the un work on women's rights is going to be saudi arabia, a country, the jails, women for pushing for their rights. a country that still has enshrined in law male guardianship. that is not the country that should be holding the gavel and being that public face of the fight for women's rights. literally uh, saudi arabia's bid was unopposed. was there any effort to find
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a different country to lead that commission or what kind of holes trading led to this outcome to yeah, that's a good question. it's really disappointing that so many countries, the 45 countries that are members of the commission on the status of women. i don't see any evidence that there was an attempt to get a candidate that would be better at promoting women's rights or would be a better face for this important body. and that, that is a huge disappointment. and it's not just a $45.00 countries that are on the commission. we could have seen important member states like the united states and germany, others who, who are voting members there right now, but certainly carry a lot of influence. we haven't seen any evidence that they tried to do anything. there was a lot of complaining, privately diplomats were telling me, oh,
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this is terrible, but it's too late. and if they were to call a vote or to push against saudi arabia, then there would be some sort of retaliation that would undermine the work of the commission. so they figured that it was better to just suffer with this for another year. but i should add that in december of 2022. there was an important moment when for the 1st time a country was removed from the commission on the status of women. because of agree just a behavior of the authorities towards women and girls. and that was iran, and that created a precedent that there has to be a minimum standard for upholding women's rights members of the commission. and this case, we're not just talking about a member of the commission. we're talking about the chair, the one sitting there upfront. so they did that for a ron. why is saudi arabia different? why did all of those member states that, that you do
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a lot at home for their own populations for their own women? sit back and do nothing. it's a slap in the face to women's rights activists around the world. really struggling on the united nations direct as human rights watch. thank you very much. i thanks for having me. do crane's foreign minister to mutual collab is visiting india in an attempt to strengthen ties between the 2 countries. a short time ago he laid a wreath at the memorial full mahatma guntee is due to meet with his indian count of pots so. so romani, um yeah, sean come on friday. is expected to promote, keeps peaceful. i mean, not to end the war with russia, as well as seeking human to terry and assistance, an investment aid from debbie. but india has traditionally had strongly economic defense ties with russia, has no back sanctions against moscow over its invasion of ukraine.
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india continues to not condemned. she has envisioned a few green stands rooted in a long history of friendship. between deli in moscow, dies and nurtured by environment. if the movie whose metro she has without them as booked in nearly 20 times since 2014 and the cost that neighborhood forced us to play a balancing act between russia and the west. the biggest trade from china pushing up against india border and trying to influence its neighbors. russia is in guess the largest best and supplier, and outright support from western positions or sanctions on russia. maybe india isolated and very tim daley has repeatedly quoted for the done to diplomacy or the my 5, the we all
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the india, ortho benefits, economically from its neutrality to rush, just bought a new clean since trust she has and vision. india has gone from bridge using hardly any direction orient to becoming a major importer. it has been able to navigate to western sanctions on russia. american officers have awarded open you criticize in the us, president joe biden sees the indian prime minister as a strong ally in the in the pacific region. i live in buckner to come to china, this situation for us to, to clean, which has been seeking. oh, great support from india. something that continues to test and yes,
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tie true for now is bringing that michael experience vanity abuse. what exactly can india offer ukraine potential support for peace efforts? the very same nickel. how it is being the indian stand all along because i'm in the prime minister and remove the elaborate in a conversation with presidency lensky that look, we are there to support any efforts, a piece and dialogue. and i think that we took away by based on the 2nd reports, is potentially bringing to deli, that 10 point base plan that ukraine has formulated. but it intends to bring up in a subsequent piece initiative of the trends and, and is organizing potentially in the summer or even before that in spring. and part of that is, for example, for sharing of, of calling for the drawing of russian troops to the 1991 ukraine in boulder. so i think this is something that the ukraine will present to indian officials in delhi . it's the question of how much of it in the when accept and get on board. and i
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think those, the discussions that you will see in delhi ad we had no report that that's a bit. it's a bit of a tightrope. well, for a near, at what india is talking to ukraine is continuing to buy russian or the helping of 40 to finance is war. uh, that is a title because it of course, it is a tightrope. walk into is what it is, is looking to buy to buy. it comes to his interest and, or bob fisher with moscow that continues to deliver a new, a stronger partnerships with countries in the west. but just on the point of oil get hot this, but a is of a russian on is something that actually benefits west emissions. it benefits india as well. so in the, in which way. yeah. and the way that it is a in dice. but changing all of this rushing on, but in the is also a major export out of petroleum products. india refines a part of this russian on, and it is exporting it to countries here in the european union nearly, this is a legal, a both way to petroleum products ended in europe for instance. indeed,
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the hazard reported on this. uh, so something like that is happening and it is coming to those countries. remember, your life has bind to the border rushing on, but when it comes to petroleum products, the story changes markedly. what is also happening is that because india is, has increased its impulse from russia. it is taking less from its traditional suppliers such as it on here. ok. my thought here on, i'm sorry, iraq with nigeria. that means a lot of that or is not available to countries. the not taking russian on, i'm that has intern, capped price is manageable in inflation controllable. so the ending point of view is that you might chide us, but the same countries that are charging us are benefiting because we up, which is russian. i'm very interesting. thank you very much for expanding to that. so i'm not, i have a look at some of the other stories making headlines today. bolan's prime minister donald toll says his government is close to
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a deal with ukraine on agricultural inputs to a school. speaking of the adults with ukraine's premier dennis schmidt help in warsaw, poland farmers have been protesting for months, saying ukrainian impulse on the cutting. then. israel has carried more strikes on the city of rough in southern gaza. the homeless wrong health ministry says at least $62.00 palestinians have been killed of the last day, taking the total to more than $35000.00 since the almost terrorist attacks on october 7th. the southern you find new city of capstone has again been hit by russian. shelley, one man was injured. moscow has stepped from bob stepped up on the bottom end of your brain and reason weights targeting vital infrastructure and retaliation for strikes on russian border. and divers, searching for 6 workers missing in the baltimore bridge collapse have recovered the
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bodies of 2 men. they were part of a crew working on the bridge when it was rammed by a cargo ship safety investigators on the inspecting the vessel. investigators on boarding the cargo ship right where it sits in the water. earlier searchers found the bodies of 2 missing men who been working on the bridge. shortly before 10 am divers located the red pickup truck, submerged and approximately 25 feet of water. in the area of the middle span of the bridge. divers, recovery to v o. 2 victims of this tragedy are trapped within the vehicles. now they're trying to see what other clues they can cover. what we know so far is that the ship called dolly lost power and steering as it was leaving the baltimore port and hit the francis scott key bridge. 56 containers were damaged during the
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collision. that's $764.00 tons of hazardous materials, mostly corrosive, flammable and some miscellaneous hazardous materials, class 9 hazardous materials, which would include lift and my on batteries. some of the has mac containers were breached. searchers have found all these data report or the black box, which may tells the officials even more. it contains 6 hours of audio that includes radio traffic between the pilot and authorities on the shore. the ship's crew may also be able to explain even more. 23 people in 2 pilots were on board. donnelly, at the time of the bridge collapse. authorities are interviewing everyone involved and hope to know even more in the days to come. so that's it. from me on the new steam funnel, i will have
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a wilderness update for you at the top. in the meantime, why don't you head to our website w. com for more use to novice. i've got an office invalid for me on the team. thanks for the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days. my parents because of my family. what cute. how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the rest of the 19 there to put you on the side parking spot to sit there. rhonda, my name is some way to ship me there. i'm afraid it makes sweet shaming history out documentary stuffs. april 6th on dw, the words people have to say to the.


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