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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 28, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the dw news line from berlin tonight, the convicted crypto currency king sentenced a 25 years in prison, san bakeman frames window, customers out of millions of dollars blowing money on a luxury lifestyle and risky investments. also coming up outrage as the united nations picks and saudi arabia to lead a women's rights commission. critics describing this as an abysmal record on gender equality in the country. and france backing a ban on discrimination based on people's fear style mean victims of prejudice.
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black women to get a job many are forced to treat their hair with chemical. the break off is good to have you with this former bill you there crypto boss, sam, bakeman, fries has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for fraud, worth billions of dollars. a jury found bakeman fried guilty on 7 criminal counts last november for stealing billions of dollars from his crypto exchange platform. f t x prosecutor say that he defrauded tens of thousands of customers all around the world spending over $80000000000.00 of their savings on his luxury homes and risky investments. i asked financial correspond against court in new york. what does he make of the 25 year says since itself?
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so, well, i mean, it was definitely a spectacular case. and to the defense was saying that most of the money that was the last, a for a client's office embankment suite, actually recovered a lot of their money. maybe even all of it. that's why they were asking only for 5 to 6 years. but then the judge came to the conclusion that same payment for you, what he was doing that it was a huge fraud case. and then he was also found to guilty on their perjury. so that also was one of the reasons why the sentence came to 25 years prosecution at some point even had as to 40 to 50 years. but to adjust that said that it's pretty unlike if that's a st. beckman fried would do a fraud, a scenario like that again, so therefore a $25.00 is enough at ease and it comes to the judge and it is, let me just ask you as, as the markets reported, that the people who lost this money were talking about $7.00 or $8000000000.00. have they gotten any of that money back?
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well, i'm not sure if, if it how much money they've gotten back to, but them actually a people who are running the company for us and bank vent free. they did recover quite a bit of the money. they found some money, they found some assets, and then on top of it also there's a clicked on market. actually has been on fire in the past couple of months. so meaning that the price is to increase tremendously it to you a highest and that also helps um, so that the most of the money as it seems um actually i could get a recovered at what point investors will get their money back. i don't know. and the judge today said the bank been freed. the only thing that he regretted was making a bad bet and then getting calls. how does he managed to do this in the 1st place as well? i mean, like, always send with other pundit schemes for example,
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it comes down to trust and people trust the tim, actually even politicians and regulators and watson combusting. and that's a frequent meetings with them bank mon free attempts, he actually gave the impression that he wants to be the good guys that he is trying to get better regulation of for the eclipse. so an industry about one of the problems was that and in other business of san bank meant freed a hedge fund. i made a, a research that lost quite a bit of money into use, declines money to cover those losses. but people did trust them and gave for the money until it became obvious that he didn't have the money. right. financial corresponding, it's quarter with the ladies to new york ins. thank you. saudi arabia will take over the united nations women's rights for him, despite having what campaigners call an abysmal record on gender equality reward will lead the human condition responsible for promoting equal rights around the
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world. active as of heavily criticize the kingdoms uncontested appointment today. so to get the word, he's repeatedly in prison, women's rights workers based on facts, he is from amnesty international and be rooted. she said that she was shocked at saudi arabia being given the chair of this committee. i honestly, i don't know whether to laugh or to cry. i'm after you're in the news. thoughts on your radio was pointed to the commission on the status of women. every day amnesty international. we're working on the cases of women. we're currently in prison because they have tried to defend the women's rights. and the job of this commission on the status of the women is to promote gender equality and to promote women's empowerment. i can tell you that right now we're working on the case of a young woman, 29 years old, fitness instructor and women's women, human rights defenders was forcibly disappeared. so her family doesn't know where
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she is. and the reason that she was locked up was because she tweeted on her in the hash tag and email guardianship. and because she coasted a photo of herself in the mall without wearing a traditional buyer. so for me, this is absolutely for us to call that the commission on the status of women which have sonya re beyond its chair and i must express my disappointment with the 45 member states were on the commission and no one stood up to challenge saudi arabia's appointment to, to the commission. i think that their silence is a betrayal of bruce, how many women were working so hard, perhaps under equality under pain. huge, huge consequences. all right, let's take a look deal with some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. the united nations will no longer monitor the enforcement of sanctions against north korea after a russian veto with the security council. effectively abolishes the panel which
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oversaw the longstanding sanctions over north korea's nuclear program. western countries have accused russia of trading weapons with gun yang to fuel the war in ukraine. to do you is human rights, cheapest. describe the situation in haiti as cataclysmic, gain violence have spiraled out of control. the un estimate estimates of least 1500 people have been killed this year alone. it blames corruption and for governance, for allowing gaines to control the streets. at least 11 people were killed when a psych loan struck made a gas car. it's like home was expected to skim the coast but suddenly change direction. flash flooding is left. several towns, villages cut off from emergency assistance. the southern ukrainian city of have sonya has again been hit by russian showing when main was injured. let's go have stepped up on board with them ukraine in recent weeks targeting vital infrastructure in retaliation for strikes on russian border regions. china has
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lifted tariffs on australian wine and a sign of improving relations. beijing slap and duties of more than 200 percent on wine imports back in 2020 following diplomatic disputes. china was previously the top export destination for australia's wine makers. back here in europe, poland prime minister donald tusk says that his government is close to a deal with ukraine on agricultural in ports. tusk today spoke after talks with ukraine's prime minister in warsaw, poland, and seeking caps on cheap imports. crane says that it has agreed to some limitations. all these farmers have been protesting for months. now they say that ukrainian farm imports are under cutting their own produce and threatening livelihood. i spoke earlier with marta probably as old
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scott in the polish it for and policy division that the german marshall funded i asked or what kind of what a compromise in this situation could possibly look like. and i think if it were easy to come to a compromise, they would have definitely come to a compromise by now. so um, after 100 of hours, this is a topic that is a very important one between pulling and ukraine. but apparently it's very hard to come to a concrete, a solution. the good thing is that they are meeting regularly and holding conversations and trying to find a compromise. but negotiations have been very hard at the same time. they have a not impacted polish supports for the war, and ukraine have not impacted the middle. terry deliveries to a significant extent and pulling in ukraine, continue to stand against our common enemy while trying to solve this of bi lateral
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issue. yet farmers have been protesting. now in poland for a year, initially spurred on by the former right wing government. now how big of a challenge are the farmers pro charge is going to be for the new government led by donald tusk. so they're definitely a challenge. this is perhaps not the, the biggest issue that it's uh, the government has to deal with, but definitely top of the agenda, especially in view the fact that poland will be holding its local elections very soon next week actually. so this is an issue that has a wide supports in the population in the sense that, of farmers and what the protests that they are voicing are supported by wide segments of the population, including hunters and other groups of supporters. and therefore, this is definitely a very high on um, the government's agenda, of course, of the war being the top priority because it's
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a security issue is ever since imposing that ukraine's leaders recognize and empathize with the flight that, that farmers are in now and have been in for the past 2 years, i do think that there is a acknowledgment of the difficulties on both sides of from on the one hand, poland being aware of the fact that ukrainians and are at war and they're in a dramatic situation. and poland is entirely supportive of ukrainians fight against the common enemy at the same time ukrainians wanting to come forward with different forms of compromises. and acknowledging that the issue of agriculture is one that is highly strenuous in these relations. and i think what's important to remember in these bilateral relations is that whatever happens now in whatever way
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these, this issue is treated as important going towards the future, because ukraine will eventually become an e u member. yeah. more into voltage is also with the german martial funded more so we appreciate your time tonight in your analysis. thank you. thank you. what's in your hair style will get you fired. apparently not any more in france, almost the lower house of parliament today passed a bill banning workplace discrimination based on how people wear their hair etc. vala works as a consultant. she's had to navigate the tangling politics of hair as a black woman in france. since she was a child, when i was younger, i remember lamenting the lack of salons and even hair products. there was a time when, unfortunately, we had to use products designed for european hair and not adapted to our hair.
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wedged with the attendance of a friend salon owner or junko, encourages women to take pride in their natural hair, especially if they've been told it's unprofessional, since i'm the focus and they say, thank you because thank of you. thank to, sorry, i really understand my here and i can, i can well then natural, the way i am natural here means it's not been straightened. wood heat or chemicals, some black french women saying their employers have tutton, fired them for it. and be all of this stuff i drafted this bill to bend discrimination based on head, texture glint color and style, which is the i took the of so at this time i'm thinking of all the people who in the work environment made the effort of straightening the hands, it gives a job really and they'll be able to say, be careful, mr. employer. business discrimination and you'll face sanctions such as prison or a fine. that's why i think fundamentally that we expand to this legislation. it
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back of the cell on the consultants is francis draft block with protect anyone who wants to feel comfortable being themselves. there's no reason to be ashamed of who you are, whether it's your hair or even the fact that you don't have any. it can be an issue for bald man, for instance, to feel less valued because they're both of this and this law. the way i see it is that today we're going even further towards taking down these barriers of discrimination that it's from the french lawmakers approve the bill on thursday, which audio faced opposition from the far right? who believe friends already has enough laws to protect against discrimination? whereas reminder to all of our top story, the convicted crypto currency, king sam bank been freed, has been sentenced for 25 years in prison for, for on this window of customers out of billions blowing money on a luxury,
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lifestyle and risky invest. you're watching the w two's. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news. i hope to see you then the learn shannon with the board winning offer is available language learning. jasmine has never been sent to the.


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