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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the visiting views lied from berlin to nice be convicted crypto currency king sentenced to 25 years in prison. 10 bakeman fried swindled customers out of billions of dollars. the judge says it's clear, he only regrets that he got caught. also coming up in the outbreak jazz, the united nations fix, saudi arabia had a women's rights commission. critics pointing to the countries of visible record on gender equality and france backs a band on discrimination based on people's air stars. the main victims of this prejudice, apparently black women to get a job and he say they're forced to treat their hair with chemical.
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the brit golf is good to have you with this on this thursday. former billionaire crypto boss, sand, bakeman fried, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for multi $1000000000.00 for all they've been freed. sentence was handed down at a manhattan court house earlier today. last november, a jury found him guilty on 7 criminal counts for stealing billions of dollars from his crypto exchange platform. f t. x prosecutor say that he defrauded tens of thousands of customers of all around the world, spending more than $8000000000.00 of their savings on his luxury homes and risky investments. a i s financial correspond against chord in new york. what he makes of the links of this sentence 25 year. yeah, well i mean that was definitely
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a spectacular case. and to the defense a was saying that most of the money that was the loss of, for a client's office and bagman suite, actually recovered a lot of their money. maybe even all of it. that's why they were asking only for 5 to 6 years. but then the judge came to the conclusion that send payment for you what he was doing that it was a huge fraud case. and then he was also found to guilty on a perjury. so that also was one of the reasons why the sentence came to 25 years persecution at some point, even had us to 40 to 50 years. but to adjust that said that it's pretty unlike if it's the same back meant freed would do a fraud, a scenario like that again. so therefore a $25.00 is enough at ease when it comes to the judge. here's, let me just ask you as, as the markets reported to the people who lost this money, we're talking about 7 or 8000000000 dollars. have they gotten any of that money
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back? well, i'm not sure if, if it, how much money they've gotten back to. but them actually a people who are running the company for us and bank been free, they did recover quite a bit of the money. they found some money, they found some assets, and then on top of it also there's a clicked on market. actually has been on fire in the past couple of months. so meaning that the price is to increase tremendously it to you highest. and that also helps um, so that the most of the money as it seems um actually i could get a recovered at what point investors will get their money back. i don't know. and the judge today said the bank been freed. the only thing that he regretted was making a bad batch and been getting call. how did he manage to do this in the 1st place as well, i mean, like, always send with other punk schemes. for example,
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if it comes down to trust and people trust the, tim, i'm actually even politicians and regulators in watson, washington to head to frequent meetings with sen, bank mon, free attempt. he actually gave the impression that he wants to be the good guys that he is trying to get better regulation of for the eclipse. so industry, about one of the problems was that in other business of san bank, meant freed a hedge fund. i made a, a research that lost quite a bit of money and to use the client's money to cover those losses. but people did trust them and gave for the money until it became obvious that he didn't have the money. right. financial corresponding, it's quarter. but the latest to new york in thank you for calling the unlikeliest of choices today, the united nations announced that saudi arabia will take over the un women's rights for him in that, despite having what campaigners call, in a dismal record on gender equality,
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reward will lead the un commission responsible for promoting equal rights around the world. but at home. so all the authorities repeatedly throw the book at women's rights workers to this on fucking from amnesty international in beverage. she gave us her take on this appoint. i mean, honestly, i don't know whether to laugh or to cry. after you're introduced us on your radio was pointed to the commission on the status of women. everyday, amnesty international were working on the cases of women were currently in prison because they have tried to defend the women's rights. and the job of this commission on the status of the women is to promote gender equality and to promote women's empowerment. i can tell you that right now we're working on the case of a young woman, 29 years old, fitness instructor and women's women human rights defenders was forcibly
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disappeared. so her finally doesn't know where she is. and the reason that she was locked up was because she tweeted on her in the hash tag and email guardianship. and because she coasted a photo of herself in the mall without wearing a traditional buyer. so for me, this is absolutely for us to call that the commission on the status of women which have sonya re beyond its chair and i must express my disappointment with the 45 member states were on the commission and no one stood up to challenge some of your reviews appointment to, to the commission. i think that there is silence is a betrayal of bruce, how many women were working so hard to read, quality, entertain huge, huge consequences that was beside the funky with amnesty. international in beirut, united nations has described these spirally gang violence in haiti as cataclysmic. it estimates at least $1500.00 people have been killed already this year,
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and they blamed corruption in poor governance for allowing gains to seize the streets of this we team bus. jenny became a night match when the vehicle was cold. in the crossfire of the gangs. there's an international arms in bravo, but weapons a smuggle, then from florida to texas in georgia, investigating the insurgency. you'll put all of the guns here from the us. if the us wants to stop this, they can do it. and one month to us in the capital pulled up, print groups have been targeting medical facilities, newton and setting fire to pharmacies, clinics and homes. now one of haiti's biggest hospitals, stuff abandoned this hospital a weeks ago, leaving the remaining patients to fend for themselves. president, i didn't stay here of my own free will. i
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have no one to come to my rescue. if i could find another hospital to take care of it, what's happened recently is attack specifically on hospitals. uh, over 18, had been documented. 3rd, oh, i think barely half the hospitals and puerto print style function. and if the ones that are functioning barely the u. n. report said gang was continue to use sexual violence to brutalize and punish women. and to co asked the families of hostages into paying rent. some of the actually stop trying to count the cases of sexual violence that abuse because they know whatever number they had would be so drastically below the reality that would be very misleading to even give any number . the reports also highlighted the so called self defense brigades setup to count to the intensifying gang violence, the suspect sort of associating with games
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a mains oma did. the police are powerless against the gangs. the un high commissioner for human rights is called for the international community to step in i reiterate the need for an urgent deployment of a month to national security support commission to help the national police to stop violence. i also want to stress that enhancing security alone will not be conducive to long dusting solutions. and i cool for concurrent policy is aiming at the restoration of the floor. the slightest wave of violence has been raging for a month since groups united to ask the prime minister. he agreed to be replaced by an interim council, but not yet to be installed. the council, in making his now released its 1st statement, vowing to restore public order and put haiti back on the road to democracy as soon as possible. what can your hairstyle get?
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you fired will apparently not anymore in france. the lower house of parliament there today passed a bill banning workplace discrimination based on how people wear their hair. estella works as a consultant. she's had to navigate the tangling politics of hair as a black woman in france since she was a child, a different color design. when i was younger, i remember lamenting the lack of salons and even hair products. there was a time when, unfortunately, we had to use products designed for european hair, not adapted to our hair budget where the 10 to the friends sell on owner or jump o encourages women to take pride in their natural and hair. especially if they've been told it's unprofessional, since i'm the focus and they say thank you because think of you like to, sorry, i really understand my here and i can, i can well then natural,
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the way i am not strong here means it's not been straightened wood heat or chemicals, some black french women saying their employers have tutton, fired them for it, and be all of this stuff. i drafted this bill to bend discrimination based on head, texture glint, color and style. specifically, i took the of so at this time i'm thinking of all the people who in the work environment made the effort of straightening the hands. it gives a job really. and also they'll be able to say, be careful, mr. employer. this is discrimination and you'll face sanctions such as prison or a fine? that's why i think it's fundamental that we expand to this legislation. it back at the cell on the consultant says francis draft law, protect anyone who wants to feel comfortable being themselves. there's no reason to be ashamed of who you are, whether it's your hair or even the fact that you don't have any. it can be an issue for bald man, for instance, to feel less valued because they're both of us said,
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lot of this, i'm just this law the way i see it is that today we're going even further towards taking down these barriers of discrimination. so let's, let's fresh lawmakers approve the bill on thursday, which audio faced opposition from the far right? who believe friends already has enough laws to protect against discrimination, artificial intelligence, or humans, which or who brews a better beer? researches in belgium decided to investigate the preference of our pallets and the results could leave some of us with a hang over. there is a complex string containing thousands of chemical compounds. exactly which chemicals give be? a sac new room is happened, a mystery designs until now. so the chemistry is something that we can measure scientifically. the aroma is what humans perceive. so it's what you think of
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a spaced when you drink and smell the beer. and that's something we can not measure scientifically, it's, it's normally done by having people face the beer and then noting down what they think of the machine learning reading aloud just for the 1st time to connect adults and to go from the chemistry and predict how all those molecules together would be perceived by humans. hundreds of chemical traits from belgian beers were identified by scientists. those traits within linked to sensory profiling data from 16 professional, bad taste as and more than a $180000.00 online reviews from the rate the website. using this sensory data and bids kind of cool profile. so i just train day i to predict which ingredients taste is written during the most bare with an adapted according to a recipe from the new networks. taste is rated how much they liked it compared to normally i adjusted their machine learning models could predict from
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a bit of chemistry, how it would taste and be appreciated by people in this study with an accuracy of a 2 percent. to compare that to conventional models, which could predict the best tastes of success. an accuracy of between 50 and 60 percent. despite i success, scientists claim bruce couldn't relax for now. anyway. r a i models are not replacing brewers. uh, they only predict how the chemistry of a beer would need to change to maybe make it better, or to change specific features of the beer. but it's still up to the brewers to make that happen from a recipe, right? the brewers use small them hops and water and used, and it's up to them to use their draft to try and get through the result that the a i want. so you still need to the groups. what the mixture is for me i can be scaled up, depends on how winning burrows would be to use it. or just
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a reminder of our top story think evicted, a cryptic, or as a king. sam banks in freed has been said, it's 25 years of prison for fraud, the swindled hundreds of thousands of customers of billions of dollars. that's all for now. we'll see you here tomorrow. the my name is the calls back. say thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud as you guys would have being nosy bay, like good everyone to kings for healthy award winning called called the called back the .


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