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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 29, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, this is the don't use live from berlin, convicted crypto currency king sentence to 25 years in prison. so i'm franklin fried, swindled customers out of millions. the judge saying it is clear, he only regrets getting court also coming up support for the war on hamas remain strong in israel, but pressure is growing on the government of benyamin that's in yahoo. and flooding in madagascar claims at least 12 lives the so after a cycle, tears the past of devastation across the island nation.
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the on pablo solely as welcome to the program. former billionaire crypto boss, i'm buying command freed, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. for fraud, he was convicted after leaving hundreds of thousands of customers lenders and investors, $11000000000.00 out of pocket after the collapse of his s t x platform. in 2022. after years of being rewarded for risky behavior, sam, bank and fried, finally ran out of road, convicted for fraud, and conspiracy to 32 year old was sentenced to more than 2 decades in prison. prosecutors wanted to put him away for decades more as the 25 so clearly is have many years that the same bank meant freedom has a to face with the
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a judge also found to guilty on the account of perjury so that it didn't really help us and bank been a freight on the other side. the judge also sees that spreads pretty unlikely that he will repeat such a fraud in the future and therefore the jets as a thought, it's necessary to go even a higher. um, i mean, the prosecution at some point was looking at 40 to 50 years. well, franklin freed, shown here during his trial last year, was running the biggest exchange platform in the world. a hedge fund he ran on the side called alamita research was failing. his solution, the young entrepreneur stole from f dx to cover alamedos losses. but that's not all . the prosecutor se, banks and fried also use the funds to provide chinese officials make millions and political donations and to support his lavish lifestyle of private jets and caribbean properties. bank and fried,
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testified that he had intended to revolutionize the emerging crypto currency market with his innovative and altruistic ideas, not steal. but that did not convince the court to pick a whole please, please make a home. during the trial, prosecutors repeatedly referenced, bernie made off the former a ponzi scheme, fraudster from 15 years ago as a compare comparison to sam bates and for you. while his attorney has tried to betray him as an a innocent executive where things went wrong. that story was not bought by the judge, the judge did by the comparison to burn, he made off in other ponzi scheme, fraudsters over the years once the wonder can of the crypto currency world. sam franklin frees fall from grace seems complete. the judges that the international court of justice have ordered israel to take all necessary measures to ensure humanitarian assistance reaches palestinian people in gaza. the court worn there is
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already a fireman and ordered these ready government to act with delay. it also calls for the immediate release of all hostages, held by homeless. israel is finding itself increasingly isolated as the civilian death toll in gaza continues to rise in his rail support for the war remains high, but the leadership of prime minister benjamin netanyahu is coming under heavy scrutiny due to views. rebecca rivers has more from his route. when he is rel, loans states will on gauze in response to a mouse has deadly terror. attack is reilly's overwhelmingly supported the operation. 6 months on that support remains steadfast. i think it was definitely the right decision because it was needed to happen that they needed to get rid of come off because they've been terrorizing this country. it was reprehensible what they did and we had to react a bit of a very sure. absolutely. i support the work, it's our future. january poll shows nearly 95 percent of jewish has riley's think
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the military has used appropriate or too little false in gaza and nearly 90 percent think the number of palestinians killed or wounded is justified. but support for the government's will, strategy does not translate to support to the government, especially it's lead a prime minister benjamin netanyahu many hold him responsible for october 7 and to the inability to get back the hostages. protests against him have become commonplace. is the beginning of the know, the small or the needs to advise me is a prime minister or the survival the as a free citizen. both both addresses all these trial visit then do release the did you the days of the war upholstered the staggering 3 clauses of his rabies wanted to see. netanyahu resign either immediately or off to his handling of relations with these round p ally,
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the united states has put him on the even more scrutiny when the us abstained from rather than veto the un security council vote this week. many, especially in the media pointed the finger at that in yahoo! accusing him of putting the country's future at risk. but it seems that in yahoo is intent on staying his cause, doubling down and aggressive rhetoric against the us, and promising to ignore international cold not to launch a ground, defend safe on gauze of southern city, rough up, the valves to go in with or without us support doing so could say strong, the moves against israel by the us and all the key allies like germany is right. we start to say they don't care. that's we don't have to ask permission from another country to every country needs to take care of itself. no one should be involved in our issues. we have the right to protect ourselves like united, sabrina, if we don't say well, so is there anyone else there that will save us?
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no, we have no choice. it's very difficult to have a sign over there also in the army. so it's, but do we need to do it? so we need to distract from us and be with president barden is coming under, increased pressure to start with them, supplies to as well. if that were to happen, other countries may soon follow suit, leaving his route even more isolated on the guard the stage. it seems almost certain that even benjamin netanyahu wouldn't be able to survive, that the united nations, as united states savvy arabia will take over the un women's rights form, despite having walk campaigners call an abysmal record on gender equality. re add, we'll leave the un commission responsible for promoting equal rights worldwide at home savvy authorities repeatedly throw the book at women's rights workers to this on the socket from. and i'm gonna see international and by roots gave us her take on the appointment. they me honestly,
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i don't know whether to last or to cry. after you're introduced us on your radio was pointed to the commission on the status of women. every day amnesty international, we're working on the cases of women. we're currently in prison because they have tried to defend the women's rights. and the job of this commission on the status of the women is to promote gender equality and to promote women's empowerment. i can tell you that right now we're working on the case of a young woman, 29 years old, fitness instructor and women's women, human rights defenders was forcibly disappeared. so her family doesn't know where she is. and the reason that she was locked up was because she tweeted on her and a half time and a male guardianship. and because she posted a photo of herself in the mall without wearing a traditional buyer. so for me, this is absolutely for us to call that the commission on the status of women which have sonya ravia and its chair. and i must express my disappointment with the 45
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member states were on the commission and no one that stood out to challenge saudi arabia's appointment. to take a look commission. i think that there is silence is a betrayal of bruce, how many women were working. so hard, perhaps under a quality entertain huge, huge consequences. let's take a look at that with some of their stories making news around the world. 45 people have been killed inside of africa's north, after a bus plunged off the bridge and into a ravine official saying, 8 year old child has been taken to hospital with severe injuries and is the only survivor. the boss was traveling from neighboring botswana when the driver appears to have lost control. as a large crane has begun, removing the debris of a collapsed bridge blocking the port of baltimore, the operation to care the wreckage is being aided with the $60000000.00 of emergency aid released by the federal government for missing workers are presumed
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dead after an out of control cargo shift knocked down the francis scott key bridge . on tuesday the u. n. will no longer monitor the enforcement of sanctions against north korea after a russian veto at the security council. the video effectively abolishes the panel which oversold the longstanding sanctions over north korea's nuclear program. western nations have accused russia of trading weapons with p on young to fuel the war in ukraine. at least 12 people have been killed after a cycle and struck madagascar thousands more are affected with houses, roads and bridges flooded or destroyed. the full extent of the destruction is not yet known. as many villages have been cut off from the rest of the country to a group of bands together to pull a woman to safety. thousands in
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madagascar have been left wading through chest high tyrants of war. so after a cycling unexpectedly hit the island, it was predicted to bypass madagascar. instead, it made land full in the north region, winds of up to 210 kilometers an hour and a non days in entire villages to hundreds of homes have been destroyed or washed away in the one still standing residents do their best to protect the food supplies from being carried away by the war, so that not everyone has succeeded. now on the because of the fleming and we have nothing to eat of it. what small. i children a sick because of the day she was a lot of people. we have no drinking water, a code to prepare food. these we are asking for help. let's see some that's the
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frequency and that's a yes. but it may be a while before health comes and that a gas costs disaster control of sorry to use as many roads and bridges have been inundated or destroyed, making it difficult for rescue teams to reach people into then residents here having to rely on each other now con your hairstyle, got you fired? not anymore in front, the lower house of parliament passed a bill binding workplace discrimination based on how people wear their hair. instead of a law works as a consultant, she's had to navigate the timely politics of hair as a black woman in france, since she was a child of the people they're designing when i was younger, i remember lamenting the lack of salons and even hair products. there was
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a time when unfortunately, we had to use products designed for european hair and not adapted to our hair budget where the 10 to the friends sell on owner are junko, encourages women to take pride in their natural hair. especially if they've been told it's unprofessional. sometimes they focus and they say things too, because think of you play too. sorry, i really understand my here and i can, i can well then natural, the way i am not strong here means it's not been straightened. wood heat or chemicals, some black french women said their employers have tutton, fired them for it, and be all of this stuff. i drafted this bill to band discrimination based on head texture glint color and style, which i took to be of. so at this time, i'm thinking of all the people who in the work environment made the effort of straightening the hands, he gives a job really. and also they'll be able to say,
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be careful, mr. employer in the business discrimination. and you'll face sanctions such as prison or a fine? that's why i think, fundamentally that we expand to this legislation. it back at the federal and the consultant says francis draft law protect anyone who wants to feel comfortable being themselves. there's no reason to be ashamed of who you are, whether it's your hair or even the fact that you don't have any. it can be an issue for bald men, for instance, to feel less valued because they're bald. said lot of this, i'm just this law the way i see it is that today we're going even further towards taking down these barriers of discrimination that it's from the french lawmakers approve the bill on thursday, which audio faced opposition from the far right. who believe friends already has enough laws to protect against discrimination? and finally, a double dose of spectacular natural phenomena,
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these images of interrupting volcano? i'm the northern lights are from iceland, the time lapse video with shot near the time of green, the vague, which i've seen a number of volcanic eruptions. reason are right. you're up to date. doc film is coming up after a short break for me and the team. thanks for watching the why do, how many does not get drunk? why do grab a tasteful waves, squeeze all bodies. how much do we need to put a pond print to help find beyond says get smaller on dw science outtake talk channel.
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see yeah. could is.


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