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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 29, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the slide from belinda is dw news, the international court of justice, orders israel to take quote, all necessary measures to get aiden to gauze, germany upfront. so among the nations delivering age from the sky, all corresponding flies with them and reports that stops at drugs, full well show us of what is really needed down below the delivery by line for you so much foster saying it's better than nothing. this a task report to joins ukrainians, working to 45, the country's borders with russia and fellow roofs and research and say they have
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proof of why or favorite pets might be more than just a pretty face. yes, your dogs can not on the line. a lot of words, it seems, but it can even visualize the object you wanted to the i'm gonna have those as well come to the program. the international court of justice has ordered israel to take all necessary measures to ensure humanitarian assistance gets into gaza. the goal of says, palestinians that are already suffering from it, and aid must be delivered without delay until that happens. german and french cruise are among those trying to relieve the full shortage with ad drops. but as dw, that's tanya cram are reports very efforts both difficult and disputed of
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the 6 cargo planes weighed on the tongues at this base near a mountain jordan. inside this hercules, the french german crew runs through a final briefing before take off. they have recently joined an international emission and dropping food and supplies into gaza, where people are on the brink of starvation. edison child, the key thing about the flight is that the 1st attempt to delivering the load must be successful. the scheduling is very tight between all of the participating nations next year. so we only get one go with this, so it will keep everything is delta and triple checked. this site is carrying 5 tons of 8. so what do we have here is mainly, so of course everybody involved know is this is not enough. and it's certainly not the fault. and the most efficient way of getting where the delivery by line
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so much cost of saying is better than nothing. at this age, age groups want israel to open additional lens routes until they do these ad drops, of providing a lifeline for a few come into effect the. it's knowing that we're doing something that's business . the only thing we can do with the moments of, i think that's helping even the pony a bit of cold. i don't know the political solutions can be found, but there is a ceasefire. all this to the board has already been to the age and can come in between that and long term solutions which fit as can be found off the most competitive question. here's the problem in the center. then such air drops have been criticized because they don't organize distribution of the age on the ground. in the k is the strongest health themselves 1st and many are left empty handed.
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and there is a safety issue to come for the platform. we have here the pallets with the packages in bags or sec. and on top there are power shirts on to see somebody, bosher, to know each of them has a several power shoots according to the weight of the package. as an exclusive box, they will open once they leave the airplane to slow down the impact. that's ok, and indeed the power suits phase to open for the 8 lands in the sea. people have been killed, injured, and some drowned trying to get pockets from the volta. recent drops were made along kansas coast line. it's time to take off the fly time from amman to news and gaza. it's only about 30 minutes
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saying that the stock says it's of course start because actually it's the with allies you out for you that out as for enjoy this in to god's us in october 70, some to dera, taxed by all of us. say it's actually shopping to see the structure, the then it's time to do a kind of the, in the absence of the opening of moorland crossings and deceased by a beach could bring a respite for the people of casa, this drug should help, at least some people as well now has a month story pulled back to the international court of justice about how it has implemented this order to ensure more a dentist garza eva tv is so the west bank and gaza country directive for care
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international humanitarian organization. and she told us what she expects to change . and we hope that this is going to allow us to as facilitate an 8 and t in a more consistent and with good quantities to the south and to the north and in the coming weeks. unfortunately, although this, the school is not to most of it to be enforced on the ground. but we also hope to mistake that this time it might be different. where we have seen from the street, he government announcements that they will do their best to. and now for that, it's 6 months already. and once we have seen, as of that situation became worse and worse than now, we don't even have words to describe what is happening and then, or as your correspondence explained when she has seen the images from this guy, you buy to be there from town to national, do you find out last year?
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presidents have a lot of them. is it landscape analysis? his country will be for the following? is borders with russia and bill of rooms. one of the defensive lines that is being heavily reinforced, as in the northern region of china, if it's from that w's abraham reports on efforts to ensure history does not repeat itself in a high tech 21st century war were drones rule, the skies, there's still room for this, a basic physical barrier. when russian troops invaded ukraine in 2022, the cost this area boarding feller risk to get to the capitol. these newly built for it, if occasions are meant to make sure that does not happen again. fiscal advisor, but the but it bugs on it consists of tetra hydra. and that's pretty the so called dragon's teeth, or they are fixed with the metal cable for it so that they cannot be pushed punched
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by the vehicles trying to get through bulk of the old. this is held together with bumped while and special n t personnel. while you're hung up at the colors or in addition, the area around these structures is also mine. so the vehicle's kind of drive up and possibly is buried. it was only the from the end of the tank ditch is being dug behind them. and then there are the strongholds about defense. whatever other words is on the barriers themselves, delay the approaching vehicles enough for the military at the strongholds. i destroyed them who doesn't exist anymore. the picnic of mature for it, if occasions like these are also being billed elsewhere, closer to the front lines for security reasons were not given the exact details as to the location and progress of that ma'am of the project. but this when we visited, took about 6 months to build and it was not without challenges. bully squad,
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let's see. during construction, we had difficulties working with the local terrain and the work that was present onto the ground with the whole that we started work before winter. but at the end, as you know, these temperatures reach sub 0 or for the equipment. although it is i, nbc can simply stop and nothing starts at a strong sub 0 temperatures. those are really good. people also get cold and sometimes they cannot work. and so we set up special heating points so that employees can warm up and work with the results of the rain. and we shouldn't forget about the terrain itself important. there is ground water in this area. it was some way you dig to me. it has and it will be dry. and some way you just start digging with a shovel and you can already see the water. for example, i need a trench depth of a 150 centimeters. in such cases, we need to communicate with the military. both was and say, you decide what to do in such a place where it is physically impossible to get that data loopholes to new members
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. we will throw this as a board if it's as, as ukraine shifts towards the more defensive strategy. soldiers here are deploying basics, like would iron concrete and barbed wire. earlier i spoke to the military analysts frank language from the university of portsmouth. an awesome if these fortifications are assigned that ukraine is going on the defensive . absolutely, it's very evident now that on all fronts, ukraine is, is, is on the serious pressure kicks in the south now, on the southeast, where russian forces, i'll make a incremental but significant over periods of time gains. so consequently, the decision this has been going on now for a couple of months, particularly since the fall of the great of the fortress time for that's what it was of deep. so you probably made the decision rather late, actually in a male terms in november to the 4th of the case is that you still don't eyes report
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on the organization of this has been criticized to 30 great degree, i think in ukraine, but it is proceeding now it's better late than never, no doubt about it, but that we have it. yes you credit is on the, on the defensive. i think it has been since around november, reality is setting in literally and on conceptually the military. unless frank leverage the now let's take a look at some of the other stories make headlines. the syrian upset of a tree for human rights is at least $42.00 syrian government troops up entails, and these really strikes and the level dozens are set to be injured. the groups that weapons depos belonging to hezbollah, militants, were targeted. israel's army has declined to comment or form us president, brock, obama and bill clinton have showed the support for the incumbent. joe biden, at a fundraising event in new york. the money raised goes towards his re election bid
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outside the venue pro palestinian protestors faced off with pro israel. demonstrations of biden's stands on garza and israel. a 8 year old was the only survivor of the bus crunch and northern south africa that killed $45.00 others. the motor coach plunged off of bridge and bus at the flames as it was transported to from neighboring botswana to an east, a festival. in brazil, a fire has engulfed a high rise building in the north east and the city on for c, for the building was we fortunately, under construction starting some backwards adjacent buildings and shutoff electricity in the whole area. it's unclear if there are any casualties that turns out that's dogs. uh quite a bit small. so then we thoughts researchers in hungry,
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put some young pups to the test to see how their brains reacted to familiar words. study, find out of very friends, kind of identify a lot more woods than most owners. i realized and suggest we should. you should be giving them a little more credit. many dog owners have the sense that they have pets come speak their language. if you say to adopt, bring me your bowl that probably started. but do they have a picture in mind before retrieving it? of techs are ex, turn out to the docs and books that has to learn. those words referred, they stand for something that is external to them, and it seems that this is a difficulty and it has been a very long debate in language evolution, comparative science, whether non humans can do this. this study involved 18 border collies, researches place census on the dogs heads to measure their brain activity. then the
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ducks know would name and toy the duck new. but sometimes, and this is where it gets interesting. they wouldn't show the actual tale. we expected that they've dogs where they understand the meaning of the word of the object, words if we expect to see that object. and if the owner shows a different one, there will be a sub, a so called surprise reaction in the brand. and this is exactly what they found. so the se suggests that dogs have a mental image of the object when they hear the word. so well, i think that these results, the results of the, the study might a line to what's most of the owners think of all the adults. so i think it's very nice is very super interesting. and i think that he has that he's my yes, like make our support the shows maybe stronger. so docs can connect words with real world objects. why then do some ducks refuse to do what we want?
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maybe they do understand, but simply choose not to act. and that's it for me and then is team for now that will be an update at the top of the hour. i'm god office in berlin for me in the news group. thanks for watching the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days. my parents because of my family. what cute. how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the russo to 19 or to put you on the site, but they expect to see through under my name is some way to ship me there. i'm assuming makes shaving history out documentary stuffs. april 6th on dw, the.


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